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New race available!! Yay!!


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I am disapointed its Cathar. I am more disapointed that its the only new species and we have to play it if we want any more. And the last disapointment was when I released that the next species will be player decided (I was originally happy) however they dont know if this will be added yet and they wont know till they see how many people play Cathar, and once they decide if they will do another species they will have to do a poll meaning that it will probably be at least a year after Cathar are made playable. Finally even though I have been asking for species since I heard about this game and will force myself to play a Cathar the vote will probably end up going to another species I dont like, votted by people who just like votting and dont really care about the species poll.


Plus I very much agree from the vidoe I thought it was an elf with cat tatoo's not a Cathar.

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People really need to stop using this thread as a reference. It was created after the Cathar announcement and thus people would not ask for a race they know they are getting. Back before the game came out and a bit afterwards Cathar was one of the three most asked for species (that are feasible.) Just because YOU do not want Cathar does not many that many do not want it and did not ask for it.


That thread was created after the Cathar was announced. It was a poll about which species should be added after the Cathar. And you posted this comment after that was pointed out to you in the very thread you linked. And you replied to the post which pointed it out to you.


And then you repeated the same statement here.


And you give Bioware a Derp?



Nowhere on that thread it asks about what species you'd like to see after the Cathar. The Language is very clear, vote for The Most Desired Species by the Community, and btw people were still voting for the Cathar on that thread but they were nowhere near as the people voting for Torguta, Neutolan or Kel Dor.


And yeah, some smartmouth tried to use the same argument and said the Cathar won the previous poll and Never provided a link, that's why I kept posting here.


As far as I'm concerned, Bioware deserves the Derp I gave them, and you do too.

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Nowhere on that thread it asks about what species you'd like to see after the Cathar. The Language is very clear, vote for The Most Desired Species by the Community, and btw people were still voting for the Cathar on that thread but they were nowhere near as the people voting for Torguta, Neutolan or Kel Dor.


And yeah, some smartmouth tried to use the same argument and said the Cathar won the previous poll and Never provided a link, that's why I kept posting here.


As far as I'm concerned, Bioware deserves the Derp I gave them, and you do too.


Here's a step by step for the slow people in the room.




Link, click on it. Open the top spoiler box . Use the search function if you know how to and type in Cathar, or scroll down to the Orange text. The paragraph there, below the orange text, dates the thread as shortly after Cathar was announced as a playable species. :rolleyes:

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My plan is to play a Cathar because I would like to see some different species in the game. (c'mooooon Mon Cals!) The devs have said they want to see how the Cathar perform and if they do well it will let them know how willing players are to roll different species. I want to be part of the process that ushers in some different species.
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Here's a step by step for the slow people in the room.




Link, click on it. Open the top spoiler box . Use the search function if you know how to and type in Cathar, or scroll down to the Orange text. The paragraph there, below the orange text, dates the thread as shortly after Cathar was announced as a playable species. :rolleyes:


You don't get it, do you? I'm well aware that Cel Cawdro's came after the new species announcement, the porpuse of the poll however was "to aid BioWare in seeing which species the community desires more" not what are the most desired after they release the Cathar, the poll is asking about the most desired species NOW, and the Cathar were barely voted and they would have been barely voted even if they were not announced beforehand, that was my point all along. Talk about slow people in the room...


Also there was a guy that kept saying that Cathar won the previous poll, please provde a link for that poll because I have not seen it.

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You don't get it, do you? I'm well aware that Cel Cawdro's came after the new species announcement, the porpuse of the poll however was "to aid BioWare in seeing which species the community desires more" not what are the most desired after they release the Cathar, the poll is asking about the most desired species NOW, and the Cathar were barely voted and they would have been barely voted even if they were not announced beforehand, that was my point all along. Talk about slow people in the room...


Also there was a guy that kept saying that Cathar won the previous poll, please provde a link for that poll because I have not seen it.


Wow you are stupid. The people who are still voting for Cathar aren't being counted because they obviously didn't pay attention to the part where Cathar are already being added. Most former Cathar supporters will not vote for an option THAT DOESN"T EXIST, seriously, scroll through the lists of contenders and those who aren't contenders(races such as Sarlacc which only have one vote) and you will see that CATHAR IS NOT AN OPTION IN THAT POLL.

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Dude, that was an open poll, meaning there were no options, as you said. Nowhere in the thread Cel Cawdro said "you cannot vote for cathar" or "cathar are not an option".


The poll was pretty simple, name your top 3 species and the winners were Togruta, Neutolan and KelDor, which are iconic species from the movies, the series, the cartoons. If you think people were saying "yeah, I'm voting for KelDor becasue my favorite species, the Cathar are already on the way" you're crazy, pal!

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Dude, that was an open poll, meaning there were no options, as you said. Nowhere in the thread Cel Cawdro "you cannot vote for cathar" or "cathar ar not an option".


The poll was pretty simple, name your top 3 species and the winners were Togruta, Neutolan and KelDor, which are iconic species from the movies, the series, the cartoons. You think people were saying "yeah, I'm voting for KelDor becasue my favorite species, the Cathar are already on the way" you're crazy, pal!


Fine, go ahead and ignore THAT HE NEVER TALLIES CATHAR VOTES. EVER. THE OP REFUSED TO TALLY CATHAR VOTES, INDICATING THEY ARE INVALID because cathar are already announced :eek:. But fine, go ahead and live in your silly dreamworld where Cathar recieved ZERO votes, putting them under SARLACC as a playable race.

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Maybe he never tallied them because he actually missed the 2 people that voted them. Seriously, I'm still waiting to see any post, link, thread, poll, anything that indicates that the Cathar species was something that people wanted in the first place.


As I said, if you think they would have gotten any votes even if they were an option you're crazy!

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It's Cathar because they're the 'safe' option. The models will have no issues with clipping (well, aside from general clipping TOR issues we have anyway), unlike, say Togruta even though they too are already in game. Don't know why that would stop them though, seeing as they just get round the issue with Twi'leks by disabling hoods altogether and full face helmets making your lekku disappear completely.


I'm just glad they're actually adding *something*. Like everything else though, new races isn't going to be a regular occurence even if the current selection are rather underwhelming - Cathar included.

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It's Cathar because they're the 'safe' option. The models will have no issues with clipping (well, aside from general clipping TOR issues we have anyway), unlike, say Togruta even though they too are already in game. Don't know why that would stop them though, seeing as they just get round the issue with Twi'leks by disabling hoods altogether and full face helmets making your lekku disappear completely.


I'm just glad they're actually adding *something*. Like everything else though, new races isn't going to be a regular occurence even if the current selection are rather underwhelming - Cathar included.


Personally I like the Togruta more, but if Bioware decided to add something like a Rodian I would have been ok with it, it's an iconic species, there are a bunch of SWG fans that miss their Rodian character, I would have said "Ok, that's not the species I wanted, but I realize many people do want it" but Cathar? Really Bioware? My opinion, but I think they are disconnected from their playerbase and Star Wars fans in general if they can't figure out what are the favorite species in the SW universe.

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Nowhere on that thread it asks about what species you'd like to see after the Cathar.


Except in the very first post where it says that the Cathar are already being added.


It would be obvious to anyone else that such a statement would put them out of the running for races to add to the game.


And before you try to claim that this is a generic poll about what races people want, not just those that they want to add, note that Humans, Twileks, Zabraks, Sith, Miraluka, Mirialan, Chiss, and Cyborgs (eyeroll) are not included in the voting, either. Either this means that Bioware picked eight races that virtually no one in the community wanted...


...or that you totally failed at reading comprehension... and then proceeded to insult the intelligence of anyone who pointed out your mistake to you.


So, which one is it? Are you arguing that no one in that thread actually wants Twileks in the game? Or that no one wants Sith?

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...Cathar? Really Bioware? My opinion, but I think they are disconnected from their playerbase.


The Cathar were the top species in every species poll taken prior to launch. You want a link? Since the Forums were wiped at launch, you'd be hard pressed to find one. But ask anyone who was here and they will tell you Cathar was always number one. Is it my choice? No. But it's what the community wants and clearly, according to the dev posts in the poll you so often site, BW is listening to the community when it comes to new species. The only disconnect here is your own disconnect to the facts.


The caveat to that is the restrictions that BW, and I'm sure LucasArts, has in place for playable species. These restrictions were known prior to launch and have not been altered. Call the romance argument bunk all you want, but it is one of the basic tenants of selecting any new species, as is speaking basic. They have often indicated that they may relax these restrictions in the future, but for now that's what we have.


So continue to rail against the inclusion of a species you don't dig. Just be aware that you are in the minority and no amount of whining will change that.

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...or that you totally failed at reading comprehension... and then proceeded to insult the intelligence of anyone who pointed out your mistake to you.


And you give Bioware a Derp?

Here's a step by step for the slow people in the room.

Wow you are stupid.


I was not doing the insulting around here, and my reading comprehension is fine thank you very much. You people keep saying that there was another poll and it was deleted, I dont belive it but even if that was true, the people following the game before launch is not the same that are fallowing (and Paying) for the game now, if you want to do a poll do it with your paying customers, that's the way to go.


I keep making referece to Cel Cawdro's poll because it's evidence that the people wanted iconic and classic star wars species that were featured in the movies, series, etc. Bioware goes with Cathar, that to me is a sign fo disconnect, but that's my opinion.

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I keep making referece to Cel Cawdro's poll because it's evidence that the people wanted iconic and classic star wars species that were featured in the movies, series, etc. Bioware goes with Cathar, that to me is a sign fo disconnect, but that's my opinion.


One. Good thing you understand this is all your opinion, as basic facts indicate it is wrong. Yes, opinions can be wrong.


Two. Cite CelCawdro's poll all you want, but you miss the basic point that as Cathar were already added at that point it is a moot poll in relation to determining the community's desire for Cathar. Why vote for an option that is already included? You fail to grasp this simple concept.


Three. To my knowledge, it was CelCawdro that did the polls prior to launch and the Forum wipe - you know the polls that indicated Cathar as a community favorite. Send him a PM, find out for yourself.

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Three. To my knowledge, it was CelCawdro that did the polls prior to launch and the Forum wipe - you know the polls that indicated Cathar as a community favorite. Send him a PM, find out for yourself.


Ok, my point still stands that there was whole other community before launch and the forums were free, probably filled with all the people from creepy fur websites if indeed the Cathar won, as you claim.


I assume new species will be free for subscribers, but if they were to cost cartel coins for lets say, free players, I would be tempted to buy Togruta, KelDor, not so much the Neutolan, but from reading the forums I don't think many people are going to buy Cathar as much as those other more iconic species.

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I was actually expecting Togruta to be the next race, but I look forward to making a Cathar.


They've been saying "Cathar" for months now.

I don't think we will see Togruta for a while, even though I'd like to.


I think if given a good variety of designs, Cathar will be cool.


- DH

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