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New race available!! Yay!!


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Heres some things you should know.


The movies are not the complete Star Wars universe - Cathar appear in comics and numerous novels as well as the game - Even if they were to appear in just the game they would still be C-Canon. Cry more because they didn't add the race That was on these boards and generated 150+ pages in the suggestion box and general chat of people asking for Wookie, Ewok or Trandoshan.


- End lesson.


Just had to fix your post, sorry..!!


Simply go to Search, type in playable race and see how many people really have been asking for Cathar.!!


Barely 10% Imho.

Edited by Nippon
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Stupid me. I forgot that this game is SW:KOTOR and not SW:TOR.

As one of the many, many people who HAVE seen Star Wars but have NOT played KOTOR, I call this a FAIL.




Of course it is SW:TOR. And because of that, Cathar exist and are common... Why wouldn't they be playable? It just makes sense.


It also makes sense that a species of refugees would be more likely to pick sides and join in "the fun", while the Mon Calamari are art-obsessed and just joined the Republic a few hundred years prior to this game. To make Mon Calamari playable, they'd likely have to only be Republic, and then they'd have to add an Empire race.

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When i seen the name I, really thought it would have something todo with Pod racing. Oh well, cant always get what we ask for.


Oh, did we ask for Cather's or Mekob or whatever it is. no, we didnt, they asked what we wanted and I, never seen any of those listed. So, why ask us if you never had plans on using what we the paying customers wanted??

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When i seen the name I, really thought it would have something todo with Pod racing. Oh well, cant always get what we ask for.


Oh, did we ask for Cather's or Mekob or whatever it is. no, we didnt, they asked what we wanted and I, never seen any of those listed. So, why ask us if you never had plans on using what we the paying customers wanted??


Cathar come from a forum poll as the most desired race(runner up being Togruta). So the population got what they asked for although you might not have. :rolleyes:

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I know I'm a big fan of the movies, and I haven't seen much (or really, any) of the EU stuff.


Er... You apparently recognize that the game isn't set during the movies:


But I would think that with even a 3000 year difference in settings,


...yet you complain about the game using stuff set in the EU.... when you just admitted it was set in the EU.


If you consider all the possible species in the movies that certainly would have been around 3000 years earlier, I don't see why they couldn't have picked one of those.


When you consider all of the races that are common in the EU at the time period this story is set, why would you restrict yourself to just a couple races that appeared in the movies? To accommodate people who want nothing to do with the EU... while playing a game set in the EU?


Sorry, but when you really look at what you're saying it really doesn't make a lot of sense. The argument really boils down to: "I like the movies. They should make some races from the movies"... and no further logical support.


Okay, I really do see why. I agree with the previous posters- clipping issues and animation challenges certainly played more of a part in this decision than anything else.


You think? Take a look at the options you suggested:


Ewoks: Difficult armor support, difficult animations (chest stab becomes... kneecap attack?), size exploits

Jawas: Size exploits, No armor visibility (Jawas' faces can't be shown), many animation issues

Protocol Droids: Gear difficulties (would need totally different quest rewards), voiceover mismatch, lore issues

Hutts: (Seriously? Where to start). Animation impossibilities. Gear impossibilities. Voiceover impossibilities. Clipping. Door sizes. Movement. Cutscenes. Jumping. Lore. Factions. Quest stories. (Dear lord, did you even spend a moment thinking about this from a game design perspective?)


The only one that is possible is:


Mon Calamari: Hat issues, but no worse than Twileks.


Take a look at the game. Short of a large re-working of several game systems, the likelyhood of a race being added is going to require as many of these things as possible:


  • Speaks Basic with existing accents
  • Has a humanoid body shape
  • Has a head with a roughly humanoid configuration (two eyes, nose, mouth, etc).
  • Is the same or nearly the same height as humans
  • Has a face that can express emotion


Now, you might be able to fudge on one or two of these, but you've suggested races that fail nearly every one (except for MonCals).


And then you whine that an EU game uses EU races? Sorry, OP, but you're horribly misguided.

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Jeez, we already have Jawas, Calamari and Wookies as Companions in this game. What's the matter with adding them to the playable races?




Actually I really want to play a Jawa, so ppl will have a hard time to click select while I jump around in WZs....


Ewoks, Jawas, and even Bothans will be favored by jerks who want to use their small size to give them an advantage in PvP.

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Cathar? How is BW going to afford all the cats for purring voiceovers?

Jorgen doesn't purr.


Now there is no excuse for them not to add wookies, jawas, trandoshins etc..

There is a problem: Voices are tied to class, and Wookies absolute cannot speak basic at all, most Trandoshans are in the same boat, and Jawas don't usually speak basic. It would wreck the voice over ideals of the game.


In addition, Wookies and Jawas would present a problem because of their height. Already, if you have body type 3 or 4 (for males), the top of your head is cut off in some scenes that type 1 and 2 fit in. If you had a Wookie, you would end up with chest-height scenes. You'd have to re-do the entirety of cut scenes for the game for it to work. The same would apply to Jawas, except they wouldn't be on screen in many scenes.

Edited by pocketthesaurus
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My girlfriend hates gnomes for that reason. I imagine people will hate Jawas just as much in this game if they were ever playable.


I'd be fine with them adding Jawas...


...so long as they took a 60% reduction to strength and endurance, and a 40% reduction to aim and cunning, to account for their small size and the difficulty in dealing with opponents who are much larger and more mobile. Oh, and prohibit them from using blaster rifles, assault cannons, techstaffs, and lightsabers. Force-using Jawas would have to use mini-lightsabers which do reduced damage. And they would take extra kinetic damage. But, on the up side, they should only take half the normal damage from falling.


And when faced with a realistic portrayal of a Jawa hero, the hardore/elite/griefers/exploiters would move on.

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I'd be fine with them adding Jawas...


...so long as they took a 60% reduction to strength and endurance, and a 40% reduction to aim and cunning, to account for their small size and the difficulty in dealing with opponents who are much larger and more mobile. Oh, and prohibit them from using blaster rifles, assault cannons, techstaffs, and lightsabers. Force-using Jawas would have to use mini-lightsabers which do reduced damage. And they would take extra kinetic damage. But, on the up side, they should only take half the normal damage from falling.


And when faced with a realistic portrayal of a Jawa hero, the hardore/elite/griefers/exploiters would move on.

Yeah, the D20 method works for me. Jawas take quite a few hits to stats in the SWD20 game, so why not?


Though, to be fair, Yoda didn't suffer from less strength than his opponents... But then again, his opponents were two old men, one of whom had force-lightning'd himself to near death merely hours before.

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Though, to be fair, Yoda didn't suffer from less strength than his opponents... But then again, his opponents were two old men, one of whom had force-lightning'd himself to near death merely hours before.


Yeah, and Yoda was the equivalent of a Lvl60 fighting a Lvl50. He can hold his own, but short of breaking out the Hand Of God (Brain of Lucas?), there are limitations to his abilities based on simple physics. The Force is great at manipulating energy, but I haven't seen it doing much for modifying the momentum of moving objects or the energy imparted by levers. For any fight with a human, he would need to be using the Force constantly, even when parrying an attack.


...but that's me being realistic again, and the majority of people who want Jawas want them because they think it would be funny. That's just the sort of Lore-corrosive behavior that I didn't want in my Star Wars game.

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Just deal with it op. Heck I like Cat races like the Vah Shir from Everquest 1 and the Kerra from EQ2. So ya I will be making a Cathar Scoundrel dps spec. :D


We're not the ones "dealing" with it. The Bioware employees are the ones that keep getting fired because the game is not making EA enough money. And it's almost as if they don't want to make money with this game. Most desired species by the Community? Togruta. Bioware's Choice? Derp, Cathar...


They bring this on themselves.

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We're not the ones "dealing" with it. The Bioware employees are the ones that keep getting fired because the game is not making EA enough money. And it's almost as if they don't want to make money with this game. Most desired species by the Community? Togruta. Bioware's Choice? Derp, Cathar...


They bring this on themselves.


People really need to stop using this thread as a reference. It was created after the Cathar announcement and thus people would not ask for a race they know they are getting. Back before the game came out and a bit afterwards Cathar was one of the three most asked for species (that are feasible.) Just because YOU do not want Cathar does not many that many do not want it and did not ask for it.

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And it's almost as if they don't want to make money with this game. Most desired species by the Community? Togruta. Bioware's Choice? Derp, Cathar...


That thread was created after the Cathar was announced. It was a poll about which species should be added after the Cathar. And you posted this comment after that was pointed out to you in the very thread you linked. And you replied to the post which pointed it out to you.


And then you repeated the same statement here.


And you give Bioware a Derp?

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While I don't mind Cathar as a race, other games have cat-like races already. This was a chance for Bioware to do something unique and they failed. Again.


Like what? Add Jawas as a playable race? Do we need to rehash all the reasons why that is a stupid idea for the tenth time?


Yeah, the Togruta and Nautolans would be nice additions... and people here agree. Also, people who use their brains recognize that it's way easier to add Cathar than Nautolans. Better to add the one that's easy now, and continue to work on the harder ones for later.

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Oooh, we get to play a new race!! Yay!

Is it wookies?

No? Darn.









Mon Calamari? No, I knew it wouldn't be them.


Protocol droid?





I'm running out of guesses.






It's not a Sarlacc, is it?


Okay, I give up....


It's Cathars?


What the *** is a Cathar?

Were those the cat nurses from Doctor Who?

No, those were Catkind.


Oh, it's not really from the Star Wars canon, it's from KOTOR?


Stupid me. I forgot that this game is SW:KOTOR and not SW:TOR.



As one of the many, many people who HAVE seen Star Wars but have NOT played KOTOR, I call this a FAIL.


Waitaminit, why are you playing this game at all if you only want to experience things from the movies? This ENTIRE time period is only referenced in 1 line from A New Hope. If you are a movies only type of fan, you shouldn't be playing this game at all.

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Oooh, we get to play a new race!! Yay!

Is it wookies?

No? Darn.









Mon Calamari? No, I knew it wouldn't be them.


Protocol droid?





I'm running out of guesses.






It's not a Sarlacc, is it?


Okay, I give up....


It's Cathars?


What the *** is a Cathar?

Were those the cat nurses from Doctor Who?

No, those were Catkind.


Oh, it's not really from the Star Wars canon, it's from KOTOR?


Stupid me. I forgot that this game is SW:KOTOR and not SW:TOR.



As one of the many, many people who HAVE seen Star Wars but have NOT played KOTOR, I call this a FAIL.




Cathar are not just from Kotor. They are part of the history of Star Wars.




Force-sensitive Cathar often became Jedi, even though the Jedi way tended to be in opposition to their natural tendencies. Sylvar and her mate Crado were famous Jedi who fought in the Great Sith War. The story of Crado's fall to the dark side of the Force under the influence by Exar Kun was well-known to all Cathar, just as the story of Sylvar, who was able to turn away from the dark path and regain the Jedi way. Another Cathar Jedi of that era was Juhani, who traveled with Revan and assisted him in the destruction of the Star Forge. Famous Cathar Jedi during the Second Imperial Civil War were brothers Rasi Tuum, Ahn and Zho.

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