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Pre made WZ teams


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I'm sorry I honestly try to carry 4 baddy pugs with a group of 3 friends, but baddy pugs are sometimes so bad that we are simply unable to save them, example, me jugg carrying the ball. 2 friends helping 1 controlling mid, I get killed by 7 of the enemy team while my 4 baddy pugs deatchmatch 1 rep in our pit. This is in fact so frustrating that I would love to farm said baddy pugs in 8 man non ranked warzones.


And if you "shine" in a warzone you will quite often get invited to premades, happens to me all the time, healers notice me peeling, taunting, ccing, or people notice that i do a interced-leap-push-leap combo+score and they want me to que with them, simple as that. Play well, get noticed by other competent players, get a premade = profit.

Edited by SajPl
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when Cross Server comes out it should be better. Look, its not that premades arent available to us. I can create or join a premade anytime i like. There are 2 problems with this though. 1)premades are boring because its too easy in regular wz. I mean its like 85% win with just a premade of 4. With 8 it should be 99%. Why would i enter a WZ if I already know what the result will be. 2)being in voice chat is a hassle and waiting on the others is a hassle which is not worth it unless your doing ranked. Currently ranked isnt worth it because it takes too long. Solution, cross-que the premades and let the pugs have fun. Of course that won't stop the bad premades from getting wacked and going back to fighting pugs where they win 99% of the time. I can say this though, its not really much fun stomping on people after the 15th win in a row. But a hard fought win in pug vs pug can feel awesome. We all want a challenge in pvp no?
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We all want a challenge in pvp no?


Sadly, no. There are many out there who lack the testicular fortitude to make it in ranked PvP, so they run their premades against PUGs to feel better about themselves. These are also the scrubs who have twink alts, forever capped @ 49 so they can troll the lowbie bracket as well.

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I agree. I'm actually losing my interest in SWTOR. I'm tired of the never ending grind for gear so that I can do more quests to grind out more gear. PVP was my haven. At least there I could win some and lose some, but lately it's just lose lose lose. The worst part is when the Premades say they're farming pugs because they don't like to lose. Losing is part of the game. I don't mind losing at all, but really, what's the point when you lose every match to a premade team that should be in their own set of WZ specifically for premades.
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Sadly, no. There are many out there who lack the testicular fortitude to make it in ranked PvP, so they run their premades against PUGs to feel better about themselves. These are also the scrubs who have twink alts, forever capped @ 49 so they can troll the lowbie bracket as well.


Thats one theory, another thesis would be that ppl are tired of playing with awefull ppl, and by awefull I am talking about those select few who got trouble tying their shoes. So we choose to bring ppl we know are not completely incompetent.


If thats a problem for you, get 3 friends to queue with you.


And if you can't find 3 ppl, who are willing to queue with you, then maybe your in the groupe of select few I was refering to.


And ye I wish I had the fortitude to make it in rwz

Edited by upzie
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I'm sorry I honestly try to carry 4 baddy pugs with a group of 3 friends, but baddy pugs are sometimes so bad that we are simply unable to save them, example, me jugg carrying the ball. 2 friends helping 1 controlling mid, I get killed by 7 of the enemy team while my 4 baddy pugs deatchmatch 1 rep in our pit. This is in fact so frustrating that I would love to farm said baddy pugs in 8 man non ranked warzones.


And if you "shine" in a warzone you will quite often get invited to premades, happens to me all the time, healers notice me peeling, taunting, ccing, or people notice that i do a interced-leap-push-leap combo+score and they want me to que with them, simple as that. Play well, get noticed by other competent players, get a premade = profit.


What he said, you can also talk to other pvp players and initiate this yourself. Get a VOIP server and your golden.

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Sadly, no. There are many out there who lack the testicular fortitude to make it in ranked PvP, so they run their premades against PUGs to feel better about themselves.


Sounds like some Pub guilds on my server. lol


The funny thing is, even some of their premades fall to the PuGs I get into. That's called "Getting Served". :D

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Thats one theory, another thesis would be that ppl are tired of playing with awefull ppl, and by awefull I am talking about those select few who got trouble tying their shoes. So we choose to bring ppl we know are not completely incompetent.


This is kinda trollish. If you reread my post I address this and say its not worth doing for me unless its ranked. I dont want to have to stop and recruit people or wait on people to get in a wz and beat some heads in. For ranked sure I'll wait a bit longer but not for reg wz, if i get an invite I will join but thats about it. I have done the math and the win % queing as a solo was 37% about. The guy who says he wins 50% is embellishing the stats or he is teaming up with people and not pugging. Sometimes you get 4-5 game losing streaks which is why cracking 50% is really hard.

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People queue together because they want to play together, because they can play more organized. I queue with others because I know I can trust them. Often enough we will have awful team compositions - like 2 scoundrels, one commando and one whatever, which in my opinion is not a "winning combination", except for the fact that I know that they will call their incs, play smart etc.
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