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Gonna roll my first pub toon, what class has the best story?


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I'm a big empire player yet ever since I heard that you need a 50 on one faction and at least a mid level character on the other for hk-51, I'm gonna roll a pub character. My question is Which class has the best story? Edited by TwistedTony
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Well, that depends on what kind of story you are after. Personally I have played Jedi Knight and Smuggler to lvl 50 and enjoyed them very much. My husband played a Jedi Consular and loved it. Our friend played a Trooper and liked that class story. The best class story is simply the one that is most enjoyable to you as a person. Different people like different things as always.


You can however say that there is a general theme to the different stories. Jedi Knight, the hero of the republic perhaps, one with the force. Smuggler, a story with comedy and heart. Jedi Consular for the unraveling in the mysteries of the force. I know less about the Troopers story so can't help you there.


What would you feel like playing, or is there a special type of role you would like to have. DPS, tank, healer?

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TBH i felt like the JK / SW stories could have been KOTOR3, they really seem to be the main stories while the rest are just events happening in the background. On a side not i litterally fell asleep from boredom 3 nights in a row after playing through 21 lvls as a JC.
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I liked the knight story the most but trooper is pretty good too. The consular story is slow through chapter 1 but I heard it gets better after that. If you are familier with the original KOTOR games and the lore around them you'll appeciate the story, moreso if you've read the Old Republic books (Revan, Deception, etc.)


Also you can't go wrong with the Sentinel or Guardian advanced classes.

Edited by PolishRifle
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That really has no baring on the story.


story is story, depends on player - some loved warrior story, I found agent and BH my favs. even if story is great, you may get bored with same ol class you already roll denova HM or class you don't enjoy playing.

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Make a mirror of what u dont have, I have jugger - made sentinel, operative - made gunslinger, have assasin - made sage, only mirror I did was pt-vanguard, I just don't like mercs...


I think bountyhunter story has been second best of the ones Ive seen so far, after sith warrior one. I personally like it very much.


hmm possible spoilers about BH story following, putting in tags just in case:



You go from zero to hero, a celebrated mandalorian hunter with all the goods, then at some point you kill a certain jedi, and things start spiraling slowly out of control; you end up hated and hunted by the republic. They keep sending people after you and all the time you escaping makes them try more. Eventually its easy to become jaded and cold bounty hunter. No other story has given me the feeling of "Its the crew of this ship against the whole galaxy" feel as much as the bounty hunter story. It even gives a pretty good opportunity to be lightside imperial if you want, since youre shoehorned into being the villain of the story. I think BH story is extremely well written, and has some awesome companions (Gault lol, his recruitment story is awesome in its own right)

From zero to hero to down to the gutter again. Its pretty great.



Edited by Karkais
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I would recommend JK or a Smuggler. JK for story, I agree with whoever said the JK and SW feel like KOTOR 3 the most. Smuggler just cause he/she is the funniest character I have encountered yet, had me laughing out loud, also Guss. Story has mixed reviews, but the character alone is awesome and worth playing imo.
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I have only finished the JK story but am almost done with the smuggler. Love them both for different reasons:


As someone else already said, the JK story is probably the most "Star Wars" of the bunch - hero facing off against an "ultimate evil".


The Smuggler story has great role-playing potential: Play the greedy bastard "do anything for credits," play the happy go lucky rogue (like the infamous Oconna character from Season 1 ST:TNG), play the incorrigible flirt (plenty of opportunity or the hopeless romantic. This goes on and on and on and on and on :D.

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From a pure storyline view the Jedi Knight is probably the best of them, it feels like the KOTOR 3 storyline.


But for outright hilarity and plenty of open roleplay opportunities the smuggler is the best, you can truly play the smuggler as anything you want, whether its a loveable rogue, a greedy do anything for money cutthroat, a patriot who just likes to operate outside the laws of the republic, the list goes on and on.


Personally I loved the smuggler the best simply because the character is just so funny, the snarky lines and excellent voice acting really helps in the delivery of them too.


Haven't finished the consular or trooper stories but I've heard they're so-so.

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