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Horrible Event


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The event is fine stop crying. If you're main is jedi/sith then buy the blaster and send it to your alt. they are bind on legacy.

If you hate it so much don't kriffing do it, no one is making you.


^ Very much this. My main is a marauder and it's not affecting my desire to do it on my main, my sage, and probably another alt or two. If there are no rewards for my main, then I'm sure there will be next time; perhaps there will be more rewards added later this week. Regardless, it's all about choice - either do it or don't (and stop crying like a little boy if you don't like it).

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I'm sorry those guys are saying is not that bad you your right it's definitely not that bad is like a scooter, it's all fun ride until your friends see you. Doesn't even come into the same category of the last event. This was supposed to be the proactive movement to keep subaccounts from going to the new release next week. Can you honestly say that this of that will prevent or even bring back subaccounts.
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I'm sorry those guys are saying is not that bad you your right it's definitely not that bad is like a scooter, it's all fun ride until your friends see you. Doesn't even come into the same category of the last event. This was supposed to be the proactive movement to keep subaccounts from going to the new release next week. Can you honestly say that this of that will prevent or even bring back subaccounts.


I prefer this event to the last one. I didnt like the last one at all.

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I agree. It's not my ideal event, but is a good treasure hunt if you just stick with it. As for rewards I'm just going for the X-bow to send to my alt with a 26 barrel. Expensive, sure but way cheaper than buying a 26 barrel on the GTN.


Which rewards were so great on the Rakghould event besides the Rakling which I love?

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The event is fine stop crying. If you're main is jedi/sith then buy the blaster and send it to your alt. they are bind on legacy.

If you hate it so much don't kriffing do it, no one is making you.


We were PROMISED content this month. Flat. Out. Promised. Now all big content is being pushed back: the raid is "next month" and the rest of it doesn't even have a time frame just "sometime after that."


And the one piece of content they are giving us this month doesn't even have rewards for 75% of the playerbase. It's got a recolored pet that I already have, another pet that I already have, an armor set I already have and oh look weapons none of my FOUR level fifties can use.


The speeder is OK, kind of a cool concept, BUT it's useless to like 80% of the players as well because they only have ONE speed of it instead of all three...


Basically the rewards suck. The quests are ok but if this is ALL we're getting this month... frankly I only stayed subbed this month because they promised us content and if this is it I have been thoroughly misled.

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I prefer this event to the last one. I didnt like the last one at all.


it's unfortunate you didn't like the last event, it is great that you like this one. But that's not necessarily the question here, or the statement. With the statement now is, will this prevent loss on a large scale to the release. And even that is your server overwhelmed with the new event ( as in happy). My statement is no will not prevent loss or major scale, and know my server is definitely not released on the IMP side. I play my Republic toon very limited lee this morning and the overall census I got from it was not a good either.


It's been how many months as last event, we are ready know that the development team does not play the game. We are you know that they've lost their top two writers. Being Drew Karpyshyn and Shane Williams i belive, and for my understanding it wasn't because everybody there at the design team was all happy-go-lucky with them and their already set in stone vision for the game based on the books, i.e. deception, reven, the bain series, the upcoming release annihilation.

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We were PROMISED content this month. Flat. Out. Promised. Now all big content is being pushed back: the raid is "next month" and the rest of it doesn't even have a time frame just "sometime after that."


And the one piece of content they are giving us this month doesn't even have rewards for 75% of the playerbase. It's got a recolored pet that I already have, another pet that I already have, an armor set I already have and oh look weapons none of my FOUR level fifties can use.


The speeder is OK, kind of a cool concept, BUT it's useless to like 80% of the players as well because they only have ONE speed of it instead of all three...


Basically the rewards suck. The quests are ok but if this is ALL we're getting this month... frankly I only stayed subbed this month because they promised us content and if this is it I have been thoroughly misled.




Edited by Eternaslsleep
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The event is not compulsory.


Maybe a multi-world scavenger hunt isn't your thing. Maybe other types of world events will be? But it doesn't follow to say that it is a poorly done event because it lacks certain mechanics that you've fabricated an expectation for.


And, it's 1-day old.

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The event is fine stop crying. If you're main is jedi/sith then buy the blaster and send it to your alt. they are bind on legacy.

If you hate it so much don't kriffing do it, no one is making you.


sorry I miss quoted the wrong user, you can't send the hilt through the blaster so how is that going to be any better by buying the blaster, it is in the mods enhancements armaments in Crystal through legacy system but you can send a hilt, and I'll have a space for a alt all my slots are level 40+ the exception of my quizzes or which will more than likely had 40 later on this afternoon if I decide the player today. I'm not stating this to boast or brag. But there's only so much content in depending on what guild you're in and what server you're on it's a very good chance that you have your slots filled for most of the major players. I personally myself to not consider myself a major player, but due to the fact that I'm disabled vet do not work anymore. I have a little bit of free time on my hands to acquire the leveling that I have.


not to mention that you can make max level without a lot of serious effort about two to 2 1/2 weeks. I was there for beta launch for pre-orders, and I have my first 50 one week one day after opening launch.

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The event is not compulsory.


Maybe a multi-world scavenger hunt isn't your thing. Maybe other types of world events will be? But it doesn't follow to say that it is a poorly done event because it lacks certain mechanics that you've fabricated an expectation for.


And, it's 1-day old.


is by no means anything close or remotely near what was promised. What we were anticipating because of the information that was told to us. You're right it is one day old, and like I said in the original post of this form line. I hope somewhere somebody's working overtime writing code as fast as they possibly Can. The reason I say that is because most of the people on my particular server are you doing the event because how disappointed they are in it.


Although I will say this it was cool how they snuck it in.

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is by no means anything close or remotely near what was promised. What we were anticipating because of the information that was told to us. You're right it is one day old, and like I said in the original post of this form line. I hope somewhere somebody's working overtime writing code as fast as they possibly Can. The reason I say that is because most of the people on my particular server are you doing the event because how disappointed they are in it.


Although I will say this it was cool how they snuck it in.


What information was given about this event?

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What information was given about this event?


as far as when the event was going to happen there was none, and also they didn't take the servers down on Tuesday, they actually installed the code the previous Tuesday and activated it I believe midnight server time two days ago. It was pretty cool, there was mentionedof the event as far as it would be a gathering mission on Darth hater, and TORHEAD I believe, I cannot confirm the latter,

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I dont want to join the debate but i wanted to chime in my disapproval of the event as well.


Not upset about no choices and RPing ... but i am disappointed in everything else at this moment (day 2)

I do my space missions when i can and low and behold they locked one of my characters out of the event entirely cause i started it on her then decided since she was the character i wanted stuff on the least i would switch and do another character ... later on doing space missions it finished all the quests (yeah!!) but i lost out on all the coms AND didnt get the three additional quests on her either so couldnt do lead today (boo!!). on top of that the quests are not repeatable so you cant farm tokens in the hopes that one day there will be a worth while item in that store (whcich they havent done before so why people think thre will magically be better loot in it tomorrow is beyond me). Cause even if there where you cant repeat the quests to get more coms anyway.


Then to make it worse i go on today as some of the characters who had "Lead" today and the entire quest is click on this chest and get 1k credits nothing else? ....


It makes me wonder if there is a Testing team at all ... if there is a Quality assurance team at all .... and if not maybe they should think of doing something to encourage some of the more hardcore gamers to test for them cause it seems as though people find these bugs seconds after event launch but some how the testing teams and the quality assurance teams dont seem to find these totally event destroying features. And really not one of them thought maybe this even should be repeatable?



anyway ... i know QQ some more right ... who cares .... well with no content for quite a while and guildies dropping the game like flies I have little enthusiasim anymore. I have played MMOs that went free to play so i am excited about SWTOR doing it cept that i will have to wait for all the noobs to get the urge to sub and raid and get geared because alot of the Vets are leaving.

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I dont want to join the debate but i wanted to chime in my disapproval of the event as well.


Not upset about no choices and RPing ... but i am disappointed in everything else at this moment (day 2)

I do my space missions when i can and low and behold they locked one of my characters out of the event entirely cause i started it on her then decided since she was the character i wanted stuff on the least i would switch and do another character ... later on doing space missions it finished all the quests (yeah!!) but i lost out on all the coms AND didnt get the three additional quests on her either so couldnt do lead today (boo!!). on top of that the quests are not repeatable so you cant farm tokens in the hopes that one day there will be a worth while item in that store (whcich they havent done before so why people think thre will magically be better loot in it tomorrow is beyond me). Cause even if there where you cant repeat the quests to get more coms anyway.


Then to make it worse i go on today as some of the characters who had "Lead" today and the entire quest is click on this chest and get 1k credits nothing else? ....


It makes me wonder if there is a Testing team at all ... if there is a Quality assurance team at all .... and if not maybe they should think of doing something to encourage some of the more hardcore gamers to test for them cause it seems as though people find these bugs seconds after event launch but some how the testing teams and the quality assurance teams dont seem to find these totally event destroying features. And really not one of them thought maybe this even should be repeatable?



anyway ... i know QQ some more right ... who cares .... well with no content for quite a while and guildies dropping the game like flies I have little enthusiasim anymore. I have played MMOs that went free to play so i am excited about SWTOR doing it cept that i will have to wait for all the noobs to get the urge to sub and raid and get geared because alot of the Vets are leaving.


well stated

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My only playability issue with this event, as it stands now and it's not finished, are the "wait in line" quests. I think the idea behind the event is good and the story, if developed, is interesting as well.


I don't mind one event focusing the rewards on certain classes or roles, but I would then want to know that another event is coming that would have rewards for whatever my role or class is.


A lack of guidance on several of the quests irks me. Thank Jabba for Dulfy's guide or I would never have found some of the "bonus" quests. He and whomever helped with it must have the patience of saints to have found and mapped everything. Breaking even the so-called optional quests into logged "bonus" quests would have at least given some written direction on what to do. Putting the quests in game that are received through the mail even though they're not active yet was a bad choice, but hopefully one they can learn from and not repeat. When the quest is active, send the mail. Until then maybe a "I'll be contacting you in the next few days when I find one of the items" at the tail end of the first email.


Anyway, a good first attempt (I missed the Rakghoul event), and hopefully BW learns a few things and does the next one differently while expanding on the things they did right. A team that does world events right is Trion. They have their own mistakes, but as far as the world events go they are darn slick.

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I started the event, but rapidly grew bored. The previous event was a bit tedious at times, but at least had some items I wanted, It was also kind of fun spontaniously combusting from time to time. This event really has nothing to draw me in. If it grows more interesting later, perhaps I'll join in the fun.


I'm not upset by any stretch, it just doesn't appeal to me, so I won't do it. If the goal of the event was to hold peoples attention until they can get some other content out, I'm not sure this one is going to fit the bill for many people.

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There was an announcement video a few days before from Bioware that said it was coming.


Torhead had listed this event a short before patch 1.2 but just with some names. The video shows up 12 hours before the event itself and shows nothing more than a news channel.

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