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What did I get for helping and being nice?


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Silence and being ignored. That is what I got when I decided to get with someone in order to try and get the Datacron Matrix Shard in the Abandoned Power Plant. I explained to this person how we need to get it and I let them go first. After I helped this person, they said thanks and ran off. This person would not reply to me after that. I guess that is what I get for being nice and helpful. You know when you try to help others and join up in order to do things you would expect the other person to offer the same in return. Guess not. Live and learn.


Now as for these Datacrons I can see having some Datacrons being either Republic or Imperial, but I am now in the opinion for them to not require more than one person to get them. I know this is an MMO, but many solo and when you have things like this happen it makes me think that tasks and items like this should be available to all without having to rely on others. Don't get me wrong. I think its a cool idea to join up with others to do things. Maybe I am just a little upset with the person but it really got under my skin. At the very least I think they could maybe make it so you can have your companion help by pressing a button for you.


Oh well I guess I ranted enough. I'll have to try for it when I find a more respectful player. Either that or not be able to get it at all. Its a shame really. I like trying for these Datacrons. It just sucks that I will not be able to get some if I do not have a respectful player to help me at the time I try for them. :rolleyes:

Edited by WarbNull
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That sucks mate but not everyone is like that. I had a guy who wanted to do it too and he got it on the wnd or 3rd attempt, me I always used to jump off the pipe to the platform on the right and then jump over to the left platform where the datacron was, yet for some reason everytime I tried my toon wouldn't jump and would just run off the edge of the right platform.


That combined with getting launched into the air and not landing on the pipe, it took about 5 or 6 attempts before I finally got it, now by that point the guy I was with could have easily given up and left, and to be fair I wouldn't have blamed him :p But he stuck around until I finally didn't suck at jumping so bad :p


And we both thanked each other for helping out but sadly there are some morons out there who apparently don't have manners or a sense of decency *shrug*

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I been there, man. That datacron was a pain when nobody wanted to help. I even had a guy who was in the building and refused to ride the elevator down to get it because he said he already had it. Well, help a brother out and take 2 minutes to activate the other switch for me. But no dice.


So I camped in front of the building outside and asked whoever came within my line of sight. Finally got someone and they didn't even know there was a datacron in there. I showed them and it worked out for the both of us. They thanked me and I thanked them and we battled our way back outside and went our seperate ways. Moral of the story.... be patient.


Also, I will always help someone out if they are in the general area I'm in. But if they are all the way across the map and I'm not near a travel point, sorry but can't help you out. That's because I'm still hoofing it since I don't have a speeder yet.

Edited by Takin_A_Sith
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I've had a couple of similar things happen in the months I've played SWTOR. Such as people stealing chests when Im fighting for it, and like someone else mentioned: dropping out of FP. I very recently had a grp of 3 call me a noob for being a poor tank. When I replied 'yeah I am still a noob' I got kick-voted out of the group. My tank was lvl 18 and it was still new for me. Different than my Jedi Sentinel who is lvl 41.



Fortunately, I've had lots and lots of great encounters with friendly people in TOR. In fact, the people are the reason I love TOR so much. So many great and helpful people out there. Well, on my server anyhow.

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I know that I have seen times when people were all just running around and new people would come in and no one was worried about 'I help you, you help me' so much as it was just a matter of trying to get as many people help with the datacrons as wanted that help, and one person would man the controls and send many different people up, or where I might just hang out in the uppoer level of that factory on Balmorra and just click one of the panels for everyone that wanted to come up and click the other to get the datacron there.


It should (sadly) come as no surprise that there are selfish jerks playing this game.


Report them if they do something reportable, add them to your ignore list, and carry on.

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I'll always help man. Yesterday on the Imperial side of Canderous Ordo I organized the mirror room puzzle by getting everyone in an ops group and slowly getting them to do the puzzle. It took me two hours but I finally got everyone their piece. What did I ask in return? Nothing! But some nice people went and said they would email Bioware. I will laugh if Bioware actually does something. People should do stuff for people not for something in return, but because it's the right thing to do!. OP, you are the kind of player that I enjoy playing with.
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Silence and being ignored. That is what I got when I decided to get with someone in order to try and get the Datacron Matrix Shard in the Abandoned Power Plant. I explained to this person how we need to get it and I let them go first. After I helped this person, they said thanks and ran off. This person would not reply to me after that. I guess that is what I get for being nice and helpful. You know when you try to help others and join up in order to do things you would expect the other person to offer the same in return. Guess not. Live and learn.


Now as for these Datacrons I can see having some Datacrons being either Republic or Imperial, but I am now in the opinion for them to not require more than one person to get them. I know this is an MMO, but many solo and when you have things like this happen it makes me think that tasks and items like this should be available to all without having to rely on others. Don't get me wrong. I think its a cool idea to join up with others to do things. Maybe I am just a little upset with the person but it really got under my skin. At the very least I think they could maybe make it so you can have your companion help by pressing a button for you.


Oh well I guess I ranted enough. I'll have to try for it when I find a more respectful player. Either that or not be able to get it at all. Its a shame really. I like trying for these Datacrons. It just sucks that I will not be able to get some if I do not have a respectful player to help me at the time I try for them. :rolleyes:


Do not let these people get to you. In fact, tell us what server you are one -- I'd be happy to help you get it or any others you need.


I, for one, refuse to give into rude people. :D

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My group has regular datacron hunts. I am currently waiting for my jedi sage to get "force pull" to help out. I've been helped out by many and the only repayment they want is:

to help others.

Questosho-----49 Jedi knight

Banchum ------36 jedi sage

Jhalkota -------38 imp agent


If I'm where you are ask...

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Fortunately, I've had lots and lots of great encounters with friendly people in TOR. In fact, the people are the reason I love TOR so much. So many great and helpful people out there. Well, on my server anyhow.


Yeah, I'd have to say that there are some really great and helpful people on the game and on the boards. They outweigh the couple of dopes out there that are only here to bash, harass, and just cause general trouble for others. Just stay patient, if you can't find someone to help out right away. You'll eventually run into someone who is more than willing to help out, because they've been where you are at one point.

Edited by Takin_A_Sith
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Sadly in this game there is no reward for being "nice & helpful". I remember i used to help poeple get in gear : carrying them in lvl 50 flashpoint & when it was my turn they all disappear. I also helped to clan leader to manage his guild & brought lot good idea but than nothing moved all poeple that agreed forgot instantly! I left the guild and the guild died 2 day after!



TIL THAT DAY : ITS ME MYSELF AND I! I still help poeple but i do choose first! since i know im not a noob mad leaver :)

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I've had a couple of similar things happen in the months I've played SWTOR. Such as people stealing chests when Im fighting for it, and like someone else mentioned: dropping out of FP. I very recently had a grp of 3 call me a noob for being a poor tank. When I replied 'yeah I am still a noob' I got kick-voted out of the group. My tank was lvl 18 and it was still new for me. Different than my Jedi Sentinel who is lvl 41.



Fortunately, I've had lots and lots of great encounters with friendly people in TOR. In fact, the people are the reason I love TOR so much. So many great and helpful people out there. Well, on my server anyhow.


I had got vote kicked one time while doing Maelstrom Prison. I was on my Scoundrel as DPS. The healer that we had couldn't keep up with the tank on the final boss. So I had through a couple of off-heals to help him out. When it was over, I got chastised for helping to heal the guy, that I was a DPS and not a healer, and was summarily vote kicked from the group. I haven't been back to the group finder since.


Had another instance the other day on my Powertech. I was on Taris trying to get Last of the Tarisian Pirates done. A group was formed and allowed me to join. Well. I get to the entrance and they ask in chat where am I going. I said I was at the entrance waiting. They said they were doing another instance first, then we would do the one I wanted. I said okay and went to do the other heroic. As soon as we complete the heroic, the guy who invited me dropped group and so did everybody else. Needless to say, I ended up soloing the heroic myself.


Bottom line. I don't group or help anybody anymore unless I know you or are in the guild. Call me an ******e because of it. It's whatever. Tired of getting burned by jerks in-game.

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I haven't really had the same experiences. I usually show up on a low-level planet and ask people to msg me if they are having any difficulty. If they do, well, they've taken the step to touch bases with me so...


I help people because I was helped when I started out. I ask people that I help to pay it back to new players if when they get the hang of the game and get the opportunity to do so.


- Arcada

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