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Do you active players believe swtor has no end game.


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it has end game

they are easy to difficult (ive never seen nightmare mode but doubt many can handle it after seeing hard mode ops)


The problem with TOR is it has NO SOCIAL CONTENT (cantina games like Pazzaak and swoop racing) and its PVP is mostly uninspired and child like!


TOR desperately need DAoC RVR added in.


Warzones are PVP light

Real World PVP like DAoC would go along ways in promoteing a viable end game activity


there were atleast 3 guilds on Saber of Exar Kuun (a dead server) that were farming Nightmare EV before the end of january. Nightmare have almost 0 difference from hard mode in terms of difficulty.

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there were atleast 3 guilds on Saber of Exar Kuun (a dead server) that were farming Nightmare EV before the end of january. Nightmare have almost 0 difference from hard mode in terms of difficulty.


Guilds that can do that within that amount of time arnt your average Joe's and no game can create enough endgame for a never ending endgame with zero farming for guilds /players like that, guilds like that work for world 1st and once they have done world 1st they are auto on farm.


Most players didnt even get to heroics by the end of january and alot more havnt even done ops on hard mode never mind nightmare. Alot will say they do but saying and doing are 2 different things.


What we have at the moment is 3 ops and god knows how many heroics, is that enough yes if they sort out nightmare when it comes to endgame PVE. Its the diffuculty jumps and gear that is off the tilt at the moment nothing more.

Edited by Shingara
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It has a good amount of dungeons and raids.


But I also heard they are to easy. I have no opinion on it.


and yes making alts don't count.


It is difficult to say. I don't think it has any less end game content per se that any other MMO including WoW. The issue is, at least in my opinion, that it differentiated itself on the story experience of the game. Undeniably, levelling a char in SWTOR is way more fun than levelling a character in WoW, but one you hit lvl 50 and you have done your class quests, there is nothing...so all of a sudden, the thing that made SWTOR different is gone.


So then you are back to the normal MMO grind of dailies and FPs. It is not that it would be worse than other MMOs, its the fact that they levelled with great stories which came to a halt, making people more critical towards SWTOR than for example WoW.


Plus WoW has a huge history, if WoW started last year and was the way it is now, it wouldn't have many subs either. Its purely based on history and people being used to it.

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To me the question is not about enough FP & OP, i think SWTOR has a good amount of them for a game only 8 months old. The problem of SWTOR begins with the question - what can i do with my max-level characters in times when not playing a FP or OP? The answer of the devs was the legacy-system, they want us to farm for millions of credits but only gave us three planets with high-level dailys .. thats far too few, i would like to see high-level dailys on all planets for diversity.

Beside that the game is missing a faction-system, missing recurring "automated" events, there is no need to collect resources by yourself for crafting but the devs didn't implement gameplay-features which replace this sort of activities/grind.


SWTOR has some strong features i think, but in terms of "endgame" it has too few beside playing FP&OP. And instead of implementing new story-content i would prefer to see the devs implementing more of what i call "gameplay"-content.




Edited by Maledicus
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My ideas to beef up endgame quickly would be...


Add rare drops (mounts/gear/pets) and put them in NiM FPs. The item is not guarantied to drop, but when it does.. Oh ****!!! Im no computer surgeon, but making the current content more difficult and just adding cosmetic items as drops, that can not be too hard.


Add super rare drops to NiM Ops(1 per Op that drops on the last boss). Make it so the rarity of the item depends on how well the group clears the content. You have the rare drop on a tier system. So clearing in X amount of minutes gives you a tier 1. Then having no wipes at the half way mark bumps the rare drop to tier 2. Then clearing the 3rd boss 1min before the enrage timer bumps it to a tier 3. Then having no wipes when you finish the last boss pumps the one rare drop to tier 4. If not one person dies the entire Op (no BRs) then its a tier 5 poop your pants in excitement drop) Even then only 1 in 8 ppl will get the item. This will have the other 7 drooling to do it next week. When 1.4 drops we will have 4 Ops. If they do the above most guilds will be trying to get the rare loot from the NiM 4 days a week. I think that is plenty of endgame.


Also give a rare drop to one guild or group twice a month. Say give a GM a debuff to put in the guild bank. Before the NiM raid the group can go grab the debuff and apply it to them selves. The first guild to clear the HM with the debuff gets there choice of some random rare loot. If they did that twice a month then Bioware would only have to come up with 2 cosmetic items per month per server.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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What annoys me the most is how easy it is to aquire top tier end game gear. DO some daily's and a HM FP each day and you have an end game bit of gear after a week. It now means that someone with no idea how to play end game operations can be as well geared as someone who has slogged their guts out in a progression squad on EC HM.


Its a really stupid misjudgment on the part of devs with regards to what we wnt from this game. I want a challenge not some dumb downed version of the game this could have been.

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I'm on a drug called maturity and I chase it with a professional background in computer science and software development.


I don't care what your made up job is. Anyone that thinks this game has a good endgame and that the updates are coming at a nice pace is delusional.

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It has an end game, its just tedious beyond all belief. First off, you have to do dailies to get mods that allow you to make an at least somewhat minimally competent PVE gear set. Then you have to grind PVP for BM sets, and that can take ages if the people you face already have BM or worse, WH.


Honestly, the grind is a nightmare, and each point takes ages to get to.


One person's "grind" is another person's "enjoyable gameplay." For example, many people in our guild like dailies. They find them meditative or do them as a group as a background to chat. I don't like dailies beyond doing them 2-3 times to see stories and new places, so I just don't do them. Well, sometimes I go around the Black Hole while waiting for the PVP queue. But I love PVP, and I can play that Huttball 1000 times and not get tired of it, so it's not a grind, it's an enjoyable game. My jugg is Rank 79 in full WH, but that is just a bonus, not the point. I liked PVP back when I had zero expertise and everybody could wipe the floor with me, too. There was a lot for me to learn back then, so it was very interesting.


It's hard to understand why people do a massive amount of what they don't like in a game. Nobody is holding a blaster to your head, and there are different paths to gear.


- Darth Djek

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I don't care what your made up job is. Anyone that thinks this game has a good endgame and that the updates are coming at a nice pace is delusional.


This is a problematic way to argue the point. "If you disagree, you are crazy."


Some people find enough content to play. Roleplayers, for example. Or people who play under 10 hours a week. Other people run out of content. It depends on the person and their in-game friends.


- Darth Djek

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"End Game" in MMOs just means they ran out of actual game, so they stuck some replayable content there to keep the obsessives happy. You know, like a hamster in a wheel. It's going nowhere but it suffices to entertain their little minds.
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I am not much of a raider... so I don't mind how that part of the game is (I am fine with seeing them, to get the codex entries and such things). A few more warzones would be nice, and I also would like to have pet battles or pod racing against other players. Oh, and I really would like to get all the codex entries, but sadly many have bugs.
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It has a good amount of dungeons and raids.


But I also heard they are to easy. I have no opinion on it.


and yes making alts don't count.


Each time I've seen a "no end game" post I've asked if they have completed all nightmare modes, all FPs, all dailies, maxed crafting, have all datacrons, all legacy etc.




Honestly, most of it is just parroting.

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"End Game" in MMOs just means they ran out of actual game, so they stuck some replayable content there to keep the obsessives happy. You know, like a hamster in a wheel. It's going nowhere but it suffices to entertain their little minds.



Yet you are here playing the game, right along with the rest of us "little minds". LOL


End game is totally different from the leveling game and presents a whole different challenge. The problem is that people such as you look at it as little more then a gear grind, not a chance to have some fun raiding, progressing, seeing new content, and enjoying the game with friends.


If its all about the gear and nothing else, then it would appear to be a boring tread-mill. However, its not their fault that you are looking at it wrong and are upset because you don't really understand the concept of a MMORPG. If done right, end game is quite fun.

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yep thats when the game crapped the carpet. That is why i said TBC had the best endgame out there. If EA was smart they would of "cloned" wow when it had over 110% growth insde of 18 months, not less then 10% growth over 24 months or a 30% loss inside of 18 months (which is what they did)


This was due to blood elfs, and neckbeards and girls joining the game because they could finally be pretty (Read: White-skinned, rather than blue-skinned) elves with long flowing blonde hair.

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Each time I've seen a "no end game" post I've asked if they have completed all nightmare modes, all FPs, all dailies, maxed crafting, have all datacrons, all legacy etc.




Honestly, most of it is just parroting.


I've completed all nighmares, have EC on a weekly grind, have done all FP's, maxed crafting on my main to the extent that I practically have abou an epic to create for any level on my alt :p, have most of the datacrons (all with stats I can use). The only thing I don't have on that list is all legacy, as I don't really see the need to spend my creds there.


Yet, to me endgame is sufficient. I can log in to raid several nights a week. I can.pop into a warzone as I please. The only thing I'ld love to see added is reputation systems with new rewards, more variety in dailies and periodic events. Some combination of dynamic events with daily q's would also be nice.

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Kephess is a very fun fight. It's extremely dynamic. Lots of different phases and different mechanics and tactics that require a strategic choreography.


.... And here we have someone who hasn't done endgame raiding in WoW through TBC or the later hardmode iterations in WotLK and Cataclysm. The Kephess fight is extremely static and the phases individually easy. There's hardly any overlap and the segregation makes it a cakewalk.

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I honestly think it's unrealistic to expect any end-game "missions" to satisfy the breed of gamer that can burn 8+ hrs of game time 5x or more a week; any gear tier system that could be used as incentive would scream "l33t power gamer dweeb" and be unfair to those who don't have 40+ hrs a week to play video games (must be nice).


So, how about bw/ea provide a real crafting system, ability to decorate and customize (beyond swapping out armor skins at the tune of a full day's worth of dailies or more), and give the community the ability to more easily organize and advertise community based events.


Of course more content should be added such as more flashpoints, ops, ect BUT, in the end, hardcore players have to be willing to make things interesting as well. You kids these days want everything neatly laid out in front of you! Granted the proper "tools" need to be present in-game, but at some point you got to grab that bull by its nads and take the initiative.


I will say though bw/ea went in the wrong direction by being too focused in providing a single player experience. People ultimately play social games for, wait for it.... the social experience. I'm not saying require grps just to level or play the story line BUT consider that some players may enjoy a non-combat alt (or even main). But that is neither here nor there since, a this point, I highly doubt that would happen.


Bw/ea created a fantastic 200+ million dollar, cinematic, fully voice acted game with a killer single player mode.... They just came up short, by design not just content, in providing mmorpg end-game action that doesn't get repeative for the more "dedicated" of players.

Edited by sumuser
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I honestly think it's unrealistic to expect any end-game "missions" to satisfy the breed of gamer that can burn 8+ hrs of game time 5x or more a week; any gear tier system that could be used as incentive would scream "l33t power gamer dweeb" and be unfair to those who don't have 40+ hrs a week to play video games (must be nice).



Except that has never been the case. Our guild, VII on Red Eclipse, got EU #27 Kephess clear. This was after a reroll so we were only in Tioneese/Columi/few Rakata pieces. We only ever raid 2 days a week. We only did that for 2 weeks. For 4 months now we've only raided once a week. If we only do EC HM, it's 1½-2 hours of raid since we're just chit-chatting and bantering about on mumble meanwhile. If we do EV + KP, it's 3-3½ hours too.


Content is shallow. A new tier consisting of 4 bosses is ridiculous.


Other than that complements on some good points in your post; the problem is the fundamental design of SWTOR, not just lack of content.

Edited by Maltuvion
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so far end game is ECHM and Pilgrim and ranked WZ speeder

in next months i hope they add something more

anyway im still away from Pilgrim and ranked WZ speeder, since both of them are 80% guild thing

Edited by Kissakias
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Except that has never been the case. Our guild, VII on Red Eclipse, got EU #27 Kephess clear. This was after a reroll so we were only in Tioneese/Columi/few Rakata pieces. We only ever raid 2 days a week. We only did that for 2 weeks. For 4 months now we've only raided once a week. If we only do EC HM, it's 1½-2 hours of raid since we're just chit-chatting and bantering about on mumble meanwhile. If we do EV + KP, it's 3-3½ hours too.


Content is shallow. A new tier consisting of 4 bosses is ridiculous.


Other than that complements on some good points in your post; the problem is the fundamental design of SWTOR, not just lack of content.


In terms of raid length though, was any other game truly different? As it comes to raidstyle WoW comes close. And in that most raids were just a short, quick grind as well. As players raid more their experience increases, for a new company it's harder to play in on that.

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For someone like me who has played since day one of early access but also only has a few hours a week to put into the game, it has a ton of content. I just lvl'ed to 50, got my 1st peice of BM armor and did black hole for the 1st time this weekend.
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For someone like me who has played since day one of early access but also only has a few hours a week to put into the game, it has a ton of content. I just lvl'ed to 50, got my 1st peice of BM armor and did black hole for the 1st time this weekend.


so for ppl who only play 1-3hrs a week it got lots to do :rolleyes: MMO ppl dont play like that sorry

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