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Clearing up the Force.


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A. The Light side and the Dark side exist.

B. The Force exists.

C. All life in the galaxy is contingent on the Force's existence.

D. The Force cannot exist without the Light side and the Dark side.


A. Yes, they do.

B. Yes, it does exist (that much is clear).

C. The force exists in all creatures, yes.

D. The force was discovered before the dark side of the force.


The force can exist without the Dark Side, and only then is it stable. Like when Luke defeated the Emperor.

Edited by EnsignSorrow
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So, it seems that balance can only be maintained as long as there are no servants of the Dark Side.


But what about Dark Side cults? Do you just leave them alone, or should they be removed as well?


Dark Side cults are largely left alone by Jedi, they know about them, and usually they don't have a problem unless they start hurting people. Once they start hurting people... Well... Yes... Jedi step in. Though usually the Jedi are content to let them go about their business.


Using the Dark Side isn't alone enough to knock the balance off... It takes a bit more than that.


Basically put...


In the 6 movies the Force was much weaker than it should have been. Jedi are way more powerful when the Force is in balance.

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Basically put...


In the 6 movies the Force was much weaker than it should have been. Jedi are way more powerful when the Force is in balance.


Hence Luke Skywalker being the immensely powerful Jedi Master he is. Though this is also contributed to by his Skywalker lineage.


I wonder how the PT Order would have handled the Aing Tii monks. I'm midway through Omen and these monks seem to be fairly powerful.

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Hence Luke Skywalker being the immensely powerful Jedi Master he is. Though this is also contributed to by his Skywalker lineage.


I wonder how the PT Order would have handled the Aing Tii monks. I'm midway through Omen and these monks seem to be fairly powerful.


The monks were also diminished during the period of time. The Force itself was damaged, not the Jedi's ability to use it.

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The monks were also diminished during the period of time. The Force itself was damaged, not the Jedi's ability to use it.


What confuses me is how the Jedi couldn't sense that Palpatine was Sidious. This could be attributed to his ability to cloud the Jedi Orders vision, but even Yoda couldn't sense. At least not until the very end of the war. The order had it's suspicions about Palpatine, but they never thought him a Sith Lord. I think his ability to blind the Jedi pretty much showed how greatly the balance of power had fallen into his favor as well as his power. He was so powerful that he weakened the Force itself just by existing? That is really evil, but also shows just how powerful the Dark Side had become.


That reminds me, why is it called the Dark Side? That question has lingered in my mind for a long time.


Edit: And what is the throne of balance for exactly?

Edited by Aurbere
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The force can exist without the Dark Side, and only then is it stable. Like when Luke defeated the Emperor.


Dark side still existed even when Palpatine died.


This doesn't quite seem right. Nowhere have I seen natural death associated with the Dark Side.


Well, the first part is because you're being too literal. The second part is because you're not doing research. The Dark side isn't suddenly there at death like the grim reaper. You don't feel it the same way you do when someone is hurling lightning your way. Explicitly because it is fulfilling it's natural; purpose (a purpose which I've sourced and provided quotes for). It's a distant force that governs certain aspect of the cosmos, because it is a part of the Force (ie. the thing that literally binds the cosmos together). It's only this big corrupting thing when people are unnaturally seizing power from it.


What confuses me is how the Jedi couldn't sense that Palpatine was Sidious. This could be attributed to his ability to cloud the Jedi Orders vision, but even Yoda couldn't sense.


Because the Force is literally that out of balance. The Jedi's ability to use it properly has diminished because of the shift towards darkness. It clouds their senses.


That reminds me, why is it called the Dark Side?


Because of the things it governs and represents.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I have seen post after post that suggests multiple ideas, that are flatly false.


That one can use both sides of the force at the same time, no, just no, this is literally impossible, you would have to simultaneously be angry, hateful and wielding your emotions whilst being peaceful, filled with Zen and controlling your emotions, that right there says everything.


The Force can only be 'used' and the term 'used' is kind of misleading, because 'Light Side' force users do not wield or control the Force, they let it flow through them, guide their actions, their every movement is through the force's will, they embrace the Force and become an extension of it.

At the same time the Sith or Dark Siders in general, try to control and dominate the force, wield it and direct it with their emotions, which is evidently detrimental to their health, some are even reliant on the Dark Side's power to stay alive after long use of it, the fact it clouds their minds and dominates any self-control states more than I can express, a great example is Darth Vader, the very reason he turned to the Dark Side in the first place was to save his woman's life, he ends up being the one whom kills her in the first place.


So no one can use both sides of the Force simultaneously, you could use the Force and then use it negatively through the Dark Side, but that puts you on the inevitable path of self-destruction, doing the opposite is an extremely rare occurrence, you also cannot 'master both sides of the Force', many confuse this with achieving Oneness with the Force, where the Force guides you completely, you become the Force in a way, this is both rare and unreliable, as it can leave you as soon as it enters you.


Also, the 'grey' side, this does not exist, simply put, their is no 'grey' side of the force, you are either using the Force(which is commonly misinterpreted as the Light Side) or you are using the Dark Side, there are only two paths, no others.


Some people believe the canon states otherwise, in the form of Jolee Bindo, Kreia, Revan and others like Vergere. but this is merely a misunderstanding, they are not 'grey', those like Jolee Bindo and even Qui-Gon Jiin, did not use the 'grey' side or a balanced side, or anything like that, they merely followed the Will of the Force, true, they disagreed with the Jedi Order to varying degrees, but that made them 'Grey Jedi' not Grey Force users, the difference is enormous.


Then we have those like Kreia, do not be fooled, she was the Lord of Betrayals the entire time, she lied and manipulated everyone around her, she was clearly still using the Dark Side of the Force, but with a Force Mask just like Palpatine's, she was vindictive, she allowed the Jedi Order to almost die out, just so she could prove her theories and teachings right, she manipulated the Exile herself, let loose multiple Sith Lords on the galaxy, she was always the Lord of Betrayals, never did she stop being so, she became so vengeful she blamed the Force itself, not her own failures and attempted to wipe out the Force, she just could not bring herself to admit that she wrong until she was on death's doorstep, "Perhaps all I am is an old woman, who has come to despise that which she relies upon."


There is no grey side of the Force, there are only the misinterpretations of canon sources.


Finally good to see the Lore Masters of the fan-Jedi Order come out swinging. I make this point all the time, yet either it's "no there's a gray side, you can be both." or "MIDI-CHLORIANS DO NOT EXIST!!!!!!" both are very annoying and both are grossly mis-informed. So thank you for finally putting it in writing.

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Finally good to see the Lore Masters of the fan-Jedi Order come out swinging. I make this point all the time, yet either it's "no there's a gray side, you can be both." or "MIDI-CHLORIANS DO NOT EXIST!!!!!!" both are very annoying and both are grossly mis-informed. So thank you for finally putting it in writing.


The newest one is the "No! Jeed'ai are right! You have to use the Dark and Light sides equally to really maintain balance!" camp. They are the reason I actually stopped RP'ing much on my server.

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They are the reason I actually stopped RP'ing much on my server.



My sympathies.


My personal worst thing about these new comics with the beginnings of the Jedi/Jed'aii/Jee'dai/<insert "cool looking" spin on the word Jedi here> is really the Sith species on Tython, and being part of the early Jedi Order.

Read about that and quoted Spotswood from Team America - "Jesus, ****y-f***ing Christ!" - rather louder than is appropriate when in a room full or people.

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Right, so.. First: Thank you for an immensly interesting thread and a read that has been very illuminating.


Second; a question:


If we operate on the assumption that AlyxDinas description of the Dark Side is correct - Tthat is, the Dark Side is a natural side to the Force, but the conduit, Sith, is flawed and corrupt it - and that the Jedi avoid corrupting the force by letting it flow through them (this all is if I've understood correctly - it's late and I've put my glasses... somewhere):


Is it possible to allow the Dark Side to flow through you in a similar fashion as the Light Side? Or would that automatically become Light Side?

That is, have a more 'natural' relationship with the Dark Side like the Jedi have with the Light Side.


Again, this is of course only relevant if we consider the Dark Side to be an inherent part of the Force - and a natural one at that. If that interpretation is correct or not, I'll leave for you scholars to decide.

Edited by Darcor
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Right, so.. First: Thank you for an immensly interesting thread and a read that has been very illuminating.


Second; a question:


If we operate on the assumption that AlyxDinas description of the Dark Side is correct - Tthat is, the Dark Side is a natural side to the Force, but the conduit, Sith, is flawed and corrupt it - and that the Jedi avoid corrupting the force by letting it flow through them (this all is if I've understood correctly - it's late and I've put my glasses... somewhere):


Is it possible to allow the Dark Side to flow through you in a similar fashion as the Light Side? Or would that automatically become Light Side?

That is, have a more 'natural' relationship with the Dark Side like the Jedi have with the Light Side.


Again, this is of course only relevant if we consider the Dark Side to be an inherent part of the Force - and a natural one at that. If that interpretation is correct or not, I'll leave for you scholars to decide.


The Dark Side is a part of things, yes, using it... In any capacity... However has the same results. While a Jedi might not throw the Force out of balance it won't stop the Jedi from suffering physical and psychological damage from the use of the Dark Side. They would eventually succumb and go insane, it is unavoidable.

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I agree.



The Dark-Side is natural. Well, it kind of begins natural and then when a user comes along. He may not affect the LS in the begining but in the end he or she or they will throw the LS off because it is natural to the user of the Dark-Side to destroy or imbalance the balance of the Force.

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The Dark Side is a part of things, yes, using it... In any capacity... However has the same results. While a Jedi might not throw the Force out of balance it won't stop the Jedi from suffering physical and psychological damage from the use of the Dark Side. They would eventually succumb and go insane, it is unavoidable.


I see it as only unavoidable if you exclusively rely on the dark side.


Jedi have used the dark side in moments of great peril without fully succumbing to it. See Luke in his final duel with his father and Obi-Wan after seeing his master, Qui-Gon fall to Darth Maul. There is no doubt their anger took control at that point and gave them immense power. I would call both of those examples temporarily drawing on the dark side for power. Yet neither of them fell to the dark side.


I agree that using the dark side is addicting and carries the risk of becoming reliant on it. I don't think it can't be avoided however. It's possible that nobody in the galaxy has fully unlocked the ability to use the dark side and light side 50/50 without fully going dark side. Even Yoda admits that the force is not truly understood. The Jedi do not know everything and that's a fact.

Edited by Xanikk
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I have seen post after post that suggests multiple ideas, that are flatly false.


That one can use both sides of the force at the same time, no, just no, this is literally impossible, you would have to simultaneously be angry, hateful and wielding your emotions whilst being peaceful, filled with Zen and controlling your emotions, that right there says everything.


The Force can only be 'used' and the term 'used' is kind of misleading, because 'Light Side' force users do not wield or control the Force, they let it flow through them, guide their actions, their every movement is through the force's will, they embrace the Force and become an extension of it.

At the same time the Sith or Dark Siders in general, try to control and dominate the force, wield it and direct it with their emotions, which is evidently detrimental to their health, some are even reliant on the Dark Side's power to stay alive after long use of it, the fact it clouds their minds and dominates any self-control states more than I can express, a great example is Darth Vader, the very reason he turned to the Dark Side in the first place was to save his woman's life, he ends up being the one whom kills her in the first place.


So no one can use both sides of the Force simultaneously, you could use the Force and then use it negatively through the Dark Side, but that puts you on the inevitable path of self-destruction, doing the opposite is an extremely rare occurrence, you also cannot 'master both sides of the Force', many confuse this with achieving Oneness with the Force, where the Force guides you completely, you become the Force in a way, this is both rare and unreliable, as it can leave you as soon as it enters you.


Also, the 'grey' side, this does not exist, simply put, their is no 'grey' side of the force, you are either using the Force(which is commonly misinterpreted as the Light Side) or you are using the Dark Side, there are only two paths, no others.


Some people believe the canon states otherwise, in the form of Jolee Bindo, Kreia, Revan and others like Vergere. but this is merely a misunderstanding, they are not 'grey', those like Jolee Bindo and even Qui-Gon Jiin, did not use the 'grey' side or a balanced side, or anything like that, they merely followed the Will of the Force, true, they disagreed with the Jedi Order to varying degrees, but that made them 'Grey Jedi' not Grey Force users, the difference is enormous.


Then we have those like Kreia, do not be fooled, she was the Lord of Betrayals the entire time, she lied and manipulated everyone around her, she was clearly still using the Dark Side of the Force, but with a Force Mask just like Palpatine's, she was vindictive, she allowed the Jedi Order to almost die out, just so she could prove her theories and teachings right, she manipulated the Exile herself, let loose multiple Sith Lords on the galaxy, she was always the Lord of Betrayals, never did she stop being so, she became so vengeful she blamed the Force itself, not her own failures and attempted to wipe out the Force, she just could not bring herself to admit that she wrong until she was on death's doorstep, "Perhaps all I am is an old woman, who has come to despise that which she relies upon."


There is no grey side of the Force, there are only the misinterpretations of canon sources.


Actually , Luke learns that there is no Dark Side or Light Side , just users of the Force that use it for either evil or good , thus making them Dark or Light. He got exiled from the Republic and takes Ben on a fact finding mission that gets interupted. Long story short , he and Ben both learn how to harness some powers that were considered by others as Dark Side powers. Force shadow , Mind wipe are just 2 of them. Both require the user to alter a persons mind w/o them knowing , and it was considered in doing so you made them do things against their will , thus evil. But he and Ben learned how to use those 2 with good intentions (gray zone if you think about it , the needs of the many outweighing the needs of one or few) Ben was also able to learn Force Choke w/o anger being involved (killing with it would be Dark Side , but using it to disable is just the same as using your saber in a fight and taking off a hand) and Luke used Force Lightning (to a lesser degree than a Dark Lord , but still..) There were a few others also that used what was considered Dark powers in good ways and still were Light Side.

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The Force is not a sentient being. It is a benevolent spirit that is at work all across the SW universe. A spirit that focuses on peace does not create war. Hence the separate Dark Side. It is G-canon that the Force is all Light. The embodiment of peace and tranquility, the natural flow of the galaxy.


Its not G-Canon that the force is light only. G-Canon is for things in the movies (ep. 1-6) and that was never in the movies. It spoke of the force from a light perspective and dark perspective (jedi spoke of the light and sith of the dark)

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Its not G-Canon that the force is light only. G-Canon is for things in the movies (ep. 1-6) and that was never in the movies. It spoke of the force from a light perspective and dark perspective (jedi spoke of the light and sith of the dark)


Actually the Light Side is never mentioned in the movies at all.

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Ok, then. Here's another question. How come, if Light and Dark are required to exist for balance, when Palpatine died the Force was brought back into balance. If the Force is Light and Dark as you say, how come when the last bad guy dies, the Force is in balance? That right there kinda trumps your theory, imo.


I believe what it refers to here is this...Palps was so strong in the Force that he was able to blind the whole Jedi Order , chief among them , the most wise and strongest in the force , Yoda , right to his face.


This says a few things. Palps was so strong that he embodied ALL of the Dark Side in one place , where as all of the Jedi combined in the whole Galaxy might have embodied all of the Light Side.


When Palps put into motion order 66 , it pretty much took out all of the Light EVERYWHERE and left him as the sole embodiyment of Dark Side , who even Yoda couldn't stand up against.


This required a needed balance...not a balance as in Luke being the only force user left anywhere (we later find out there are other both Light and Dark left) , but a balancing meaning one side of the force had a user with too much of one or the other of the Force in them , unnaturally.


This also emplies that there HAS to be 2 sides of the Force , both having to be there in order to have any Force. If there wasn't 2 sides , then there would be no need for a balance anyways. Palps unnatuarlly took hold of all of the Dark Side , thus in himself creating a unbalance that shouldn't be there.

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So based on what you have said, the Sith seem to oppress the "Light Side" through their use of the Dark Side. And since Jedi don't oppress the Dark Side through their usage of the Light Side, that leads me to believe that in order for balance to be achieved one of two things need to happen.


1. The Sith go hide somewhere and never show their faces again(unlikely) and to never use their Dark Side powers

2. The Sith have to be destroyed.


That's what I think, anyway. I don't see the Sith co-exiting with the Jedi. You'd have an easier time making friends with Hannibal Lecter.


But they did for hundreds of years. The Sith used the Rule Of Two for hundreds of years and were never seen or heard from , always learning , always growing untill one day , one Sith grows so strong and so wise he devises a way to destroy all the Jedi...Palps. Even in the movie , when Maul is killed and during the funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn , they talk about the Sith being gone for hundreds of years and no one seeing or hearing about a Sith for hundreds of years.


If you take this into the EU , then you have to look further. After Palps , there are still hundreds of Sith out there. The Lost Tribe of the Sith for starters and if you take it further , then you've got the Sith on Korban who later come back and take over the Galaxy again. Killing Palps brought balance to the Force , meaning no single user was so strong as to blanket out or surpress the other anymore , but that didn't mean there wasn't still Dark and Light out there.

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Actually the Light Side is never mentioned in the movies at all.


Thats kinda what i was trying to point out. Light and Dark aren't mentioned , but the users of them speak about the powers of each side in different ways.


BTW , always enjoy reading how you put everything into play concerning SW Lore. I've learned alot from reading your posts. SW is such a hard subject to wrap your mind around and if you don't open up your mind to how others view it and read their thoughts on the subject with a open mind your never gonna learn anything.


Thanks for all you do and write to help others try to understand.

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The Dark Side is a part of things, yes, using it... In any capacity... However has the same results. While a Jedi might not throw the Force out of balance it won't stop the Jedi from suffering physical and psychological damage from the use of the Dark Side. They would eventually succumb and go insane, it is unavoidable.


Yes, I imagine that even if you as a conduit don't throw the Force off balance it's close to impossible (at least at length) to avoid the corrupting influence of the Dark Side due to the negative emotions and aspects it represent, in the same way it's impossible to dip your bare hands in oil without getting sticky.


A Jedi, as per your example, would be able to use the Dark Side without throwing things off balance thoguh? Would the same, in theory, apply to the Sith?

Then again, I guess that only postpone it. As the Dark Side corrupt you, you will start corrupting the Dark Side and thus bring about imbalance.


EDIT: Oh, and a second question as well:

How does the Force tie into instinct? That is, predatory instincts for example or animalistic such. Not wanton violence etc. but more akin to a the instinct of a wild animal. Was thinking of making a kitty force user a bit more based on that. I guess it'd probably fall under 'the Dark Side' as it's not very Zen-ish?

Then again, it might be part of the view of the Force as the 'Living Force'... Not very good at Force lore though.

Edited by Darcor
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Its not G-Canon that the force is light only. G-Canon is for things in the movies (ep. 1-6) and that was never in the movies. It spoke of the force from a light perspective and dark perspective (jedi spoke of the light and sith of the dark)


Jedi never spoke of the Light Side. They always said, the Force will be with you. And Sith say the Dark Side will be with you. In EP. 4 Ben Kenobi said, "The Force will be with you, always." And G-Canon is more than movies. G-Canon is also in the realm of things GL has said, and as his view of SW changes, so too does G-Canon. Multiple G-Canon sources say that the Force is inherently Light, and as Walsh said, there is Dark, but the Jedi keep the Force in balance. Once Sith start to use the Dark Side, they bring the Force out of balance by oppressing the Light Side.

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I believe what it refers to here is this...Palps was so strong in the Force that he was able to blind the whole Jedi Order , chief among them , the most wise and strongest in the force , Yoda , right to his face.


This says a few things. Palps was so strong that he embodied ALL of the Dark Side in one place , where as all of the Jedi combined in the whole Galaxy might have embodied all of the Light Side.


When Palps put into motion order 66 , it pretty much took out all of the Light EVERYWHERE and left him as the sole embodiyment of Dark Side , who even Yoda couldn't stand up against.


This required a needed balance...not a balance as in Luke being the only force user left anywhere (we later find out there are other both Light and Dark left) , but a balancing meaning one side of the force had a user with too much of one or the other of the Force in them , unnaturally.


This also emplies that there HAS to be 2 sides of the Force , both having to be there in order to have any Force. If there wasn't 2 sides , then there would be no need for a balance anyways. Palps unnatuarlly took hold of all of the Dark Side , thus in himself creating a unbalance that shouldn't be there.


Palpatine was blinding the Order to his presence and brought the Force out of balance. The Sith, specifically the Banite Sith, bring the Force out of balance. Once the Banite line, Sidious and Vader, were defeated, the Force was brought into balance.

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But they did for hundreds of years. The Sith used the Rule Of Two for hundreds of years and were never seen or heard from , always learning , always growing untill one day , one Sith grows so strong and so wise he devises a way to destroy all the Jedi...Palps. Even in the movie , when Maul is killed and during the funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn , they talk about the Sith being gone for hundreds of years and no one seeing or hearing about a Sith for hundreds of years.


If you take this into the EU , then you have to look further. After Palps , there are still hundreds of Sith out there. The Lost Tribe of the Sith for starters and if you take it further , then you've got the Sith on Korban who later come back and take over the Galaxy again. Killing Palps brought balance to the Force , meaning no single user was so strong as to blanket out or surpress the other anymore , but that didn't mean there wasn't still Dark and Light out there.


Bane's rule of two brought the Force out of balance. The Banite Sith were intended to destroy the Jedi, which they did. As the Banite line increased in power, so too did the imbalance in the Force. Something that Yoda could feel. But the Jedi were not prepared to face this new breed of Sith. They had been training to fight the old Sith Empire, not the most powerful Sith Lord to ever exist. During his duel with Sidious, Yoda was fairly evenly matched until Sidious dug into the Dark Side. After seeing his full power, Yoda knew that he was no match for Sidious. He had failed, but he could survive to teach future generations (meaning Luke).


Now in the EU, the Lost Tribe, and the One Sith do not bring the Force out of balance. Not in my opinion. Only someone as powerful as Sidious can do that. And with Luke Skywalker standing against them as a paragon of Light, the Sith could not hope to succeed. Only the Banite line could bring the Force out of balance, because only the Banite line could hope to defeat the Jedi Order. The Jedi Order of the PT could easily defeat the Lost Tribe and the One Sith.

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Yes, I imagine that even if you as a conduit don't throw the Force off balance it's close to impossible (at least at length) to avoid the corrupting influence of the Dark Side due to the negative emotions and aspects it represent, in the same way it's impossible to dip your bare hands in oil without getting sticky.


A Jedi, as per your example, would be able to use the Dark Side without throwing things off balance thoguh? Would the same, in theory, apply to the Sith?

Then again, I guess that only postpone it. As the Dark Side corrupt you, you will start corrupting the Dark Side and thus bring about imbalance.


EDIT: Oh, and a second question as well:

How does the Force tie into instinct? That is, predatory instincts for example or animalistic such. Not wanton violence etc. but more akin to a the instinct of a wild animal. Was thinking of making a kitty force user a bit more based on that. I guess it'd probably fall under 'the Dark Side' as it's not very Zen-ish?

Then again, it might be part of the view of the Force as the 'Living Force'... Not very good at Force lore though.


The Jedi could not use the Dark Side without feeling it's influence. When using Force Lightning, Jedi Master Plo Koon could feel the tug of the Dark Side, but using his Jedi Training, resisted that pull. He mainly used Force Lightning as a means of incapacitation, while Sith use their emotion to enhance the Lightning to kill or torture. Plo Koon's method of Lightning was still frowned upon by the Jedi Order because they knew how easily the Dark Side can corrupt those not trained to resist it.


As with the Sith, they could use Light Side powers, but because they have been corrupted by the Dark Side, the power they are using would also be corrupted. I suppose it would be completely possible that, depending on how deep they are in the darkness, they might not even be able to use the Light powers. When Sidious used essence transfer,, because his power was so corrupting, the clone bodies couldn't handle his essence and would eventually wither and die. This forced him to seek a host that had Force sensitivity and could hold his power. He chose young Anakin Solo because the child would not have the will to resist him, and Anakin Skywalkers descendant would have much power within, power that he could use.


As for instincts. I don't think the Force affects human instincts. Those are our natural responses to events. The Force might guide us during troubled times, but nothing to force us to do something against our natural instincts.

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