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Why No One Wants to Tank for You


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5) Attacking things I am not attacking. This is to a lesser extent as I generally can handle this just fine, it is just dumb.


This is the only one I don't agree with. As a DPS I will wait a few seconds for the tank to get aggro and then start with the weak enemies and work my way up to the Champs. This helps keep aggro off the Healer and a tank can easily keep aggro on the weaker guys with their AoE taunt while the DPS burns them down.

Edited by Galphar
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CC breakers...


It's like some popular mmo released an expansion where you didn't have to use CC so nobody did. And now there are tons of mmo players who do not understand what CC is. This also goes for people pulling or attacking mobs with no consideration for the tank.


There, I said it.

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3) If you aren't the tank DONT PULL. I am more than happy to slow down or speed up as the healer decides the pace.



Ive got and Gunslinger and a Jedi Sage healer. And while I generally agree with you I often pull with my GS, because of slow tanks.

I mean, I can see that the whole team has both full energy and health, and the tank still wait..

Then I will pull, pop DF cd and tank the mobs(keeping them off healer) while DPS them down.. I as healer aswell would rather see the DPS pull, if they can handle it, rather that just staying there.

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I completely appreciate the tank as a healer, I always heal them first, me 2nd (usually not needed) and then the DPS. Most tanks that I have come across are usually competent enough to hold aggro, occasionally I will get hit during a long fight but that is usually no problem for me.


The difficult fights (or PUGs) I find is when there are 2 MDPS with the tank and the MDPS as soon as they get hit start running like headless chickens. Stay still (and definitely stay in my LOS) I will heal you through it, if we wipe you can blame me and the tank.


In my last dozen or so PUGs I have been fortunate to run with some very good tanks and will let them know that. My definition of a very good tank is when the fight seems easy and allows me not too burn through my force healing myself or the DPS.


What does annoy me is when I call a CC (like state b4 the fight that the Blue Shield is my CC do not attack) and then someone does an AOE an immediately un-CCs them.

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:csw_fett:OP, I agree 100% with your list,


i've been tanking for bout 6 years and i live by this :D. then i'd politely ask them if they wanna try and tank be my guest


amen, I have been a tank forever and i too live by the tank mantra... "you pull it you tank it" got my powertech to 48 and getting real comfortable with the tank abilites and how they work in this game as compared to wow. In wow I have 85 bear, 85 blood dk, 85 prot pally, 85 prot warrior (and have even rogue tanked back in the old days)


I just wish I could do here what i do to folks who arent tanks but want to pull for me in wow. I have a code with my pocket hunter when i say "pop the zit" he misdirects the boss to offending party, mr squishy warlock wanna tank? "ok buddy, heres a raid boss show me what ya got"

Edited by Greymayne
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As a long time tank i agree with everything on the OPs list(except #5 kind of), but by far my two biggest pet peaves are:


#1 by a long shot: DPS that always attack the elite mob first and leave me to try to gather up all of the spread out normal mobs that are shootting the healer.


Dear dps, KILL THE NORMAL MOBS FIRST, then the hards, then the elites. i can keep aggro on 2 or 3 elites at once even with retard dps that are all attacking a different mob, i cant keep threat on 2 or 3 elites and hards and 5 normal mobs spread out all over the room, so kill them so they stop shooting your healer.


#2: one the op mentioned that doesnt need much explaining, quit jumping in before the tank.


Oh and id also like to add i hate sentinels, you arent all bad but most of you seem like 13 year olds with debilitating a.d.d. and for that, i hate you all :D

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Ive got and Gunslinger and a Jedi Sage healer. And while I generally agree with you I often pull with my GS, because of slow tanks.

I mean, I can see that the whole team has both full energy and health, and the tank still wait..

Then I will pull, pop DF cd and tank the mobs(keeping them off healer) while DPS them down.. I as healer aswell would rather see the DPS pull, if they can handle it, rather that just staying there.


And as the tank I would stand and watch you die most likely. There's usually a reason the tank doesn't jump right into the next bunch, be it waiting on a CD or whatever. if you aren't the tank or been told specifically go ahead and pull don't, it isn't your job to rush the tank.

Edited by Sykopathic
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I will admit I am not the best tank in the game. I do however have experience tanking in five different MMO's and have leveled two tanks in this game to 50. With that said:


4) Yelling about spacebar. Most of the time everyone is spacebarring but if someone isn't you don't get to berate them until they do.


5) Attacking things I am not attacking. This is to a lesser extent as I generally can handle this just fine, it is just dumb.


Had a horrible pug group today and I just had to do this.


The last part is a question for everyone. Do you think because so many people have done the content over and over again that it leads to angry behavior in pick up groups? I think it might.


4) I will yell about spacebar in a Hard Mode every single time. If you want to see the cutscenes go do story mode. Hard Modes are long enough without waiting for someone to watch the scenes.


5) I on my DPS toon will attack targets YOU are not attacking or taunting as the tank to peel them off the healer. You are leaving your healer vulnerable if you don't do this taking heals off everyone INCLUDING the tank. Sometimes adds are too spread out and your area taunt won't get them all.

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i completely agree with you. however i have to say, one time i was in a pug group and this tank was new, however she was taking FORVEVER. like literally 2 minutes between each pull. we had a sniper, and he was pretty much pulling for her. i know you think this sounds just like an impatient group, but i swear she was extremely slow. we were in mandalorian raiders and ten minutes in we hadn't even cleared the 2nd room she was so slow....
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And as the tank I would stand and watch you die most likely. There's usually a reason the tank doesn't jump right into the next bunch, be it waiting on a CD or whatever. if you aren't the tank or been told specifically go ahead and pull don't, it isn't your job to rush the tank.


But I wouldn't die. Im not that foolish to pull groups I cant manage to "tank" myself.

In many cases when playing FP HM, its alot of groups DPS can manage to take out himself. When hes geared up ofc. I dont bother to stand waiting for slow tanks when, its like they dont know that its theyr job to go forward.

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I have tanked for many years on MMOs. I have a tank in this but my current main is a dps.


I generally queue for fps with my pet healer and we will push the tank quite hard, we will let the tank know this and not to worry if they lose a little aggro. If they tank says stop ofc, we stop, if its and AFK and we can we keep clearing.


The reason i push tanks hard. It makes better tanks. think of the bad groups which miss pull aggro badly fail with CC as training for when it goes wrong. You probably learn far more about tanking with a bad group than a pro group.

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But I wouldn't die. Im not that foolish to pull groups I cant manage to "tank" myself.

In many cases when playing FP HM, its alot of groups DPS can manage to take out himself. When hes geared up ofc. I dont bother to stand waiting for slow tanks when, its like they dont know that its theyr job to go forward.


And t his is why we have so many MMo's "failing" today. The Devs cater to everyone wanting everything NOW. And when they get everything, they either complain that there's nothing to do or quit and go on to the next shiny MMO that comes along. If a tank is taking to long, maybe you could just ASK them why or even help them out w/ stuff if they're new to tanking.

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But all this complaining isn't really going to encourage new players to try..


Just ask the questions before hand and make sure people know the plan before heading in. If they rush in kick them and find someone else.


Plenty of times I've had new players in a group who rush in before I'm even ready, sometimes it makes the game more fun especially when I have to quickly change tactics to keep everybody alive, still it can be overly annoying if it continues to happen.



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5) Attacking things I am not attacking. This is to a lesser extent as I generally can handle this just fine, it is just dumb.


I actually prefer this as a tank unless we're talking about a boss fight. I consider it the DPSers' job to clean up the garbage while I keep the big guys off their backs. Generally, a Mortar Volley can hold the trash's aggro long enough before they die anyway.

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Agree totally and tanking is very difficult at times. One thing you should try is when the dps pulls just stop tanking and let them die. Some people have to learn everything the hard way.


Yep. I do this all the time. If you jump on a group of enemies before everyone's up the elevator, then good luck fighting them all. If you jump in a boss fight before me, then may the Force be with you. I'll be watching from over here.

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7) We are supposed to be having fun so stop getting prissy because someone doesn't want to play like you do.

YES, I know the irony of me stating this in my list.


Had a horrible pug group today and I just had to do this.


The last part is a question for everyone. Do you think because so many people have done the content over and over again that it leads to angry behavior in pick up groups? I think it might.


Yes, I definitely agree. I hate it when repeatable content is used as a crutch.


This thread was brought to you by two designs that are used too much in MMOs: trinity and content grind.

Edited by Karkais
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- One more reason for me leaving a group is poor communication.

The problem is when someone is doing something wrong and it is pointed out, that person is ignored and the offender keeps doing whatever he/she was doing that is wrong.

Whatever the reason is for this, it is a problem and I've encountered this too many times. I usually give people 3 chances to acknowledge me, after that I pretty much consider them to be douchbags and I drop the group.


I would say that this depends on how someone offers advice, There is a big difference between "Hey if you do X then this fight will be a lot easier" and "OMG!!NOOB!***!?! WHY YOU NO DO X OMG!!!". Not that this applies to yourself at all, but i think its worth pointing out that criticism is far more likely to be acknowledged if its constructive. I had a healer the other day, on the Esseles of all things, who's idea of offering advice was to berate the clearly less experienced members of the party and then was surprised when they voted to kick him.

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Think there should be a check box for casual group finder and this should be a faceroll flashpoint. There should also be a meter gauge for how often you hit spacebar during conversations which, if it becomes empty, will kick you from the group.:rak_03:
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Agree totally and tanking is very difficult at times. One thing you should try is when the dps pulls just stop tanking and let them die. Some people have to learn everything the hard way.


If I'm on healer and the DPS are behaving like idiots I just stop healing them as well. :D DPS stealing aggro, breaking CC, not waiting for tank/healer cooldowns,etc have caused more wipes than tanks and healers put together over the years in groups I have played in.

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Just a comment on this (and #5 in the OP).

But against a larger group with many normals or strongs in addition to elites I want my dps to kill the smaller stuff quickly to reduce the incoming damage and to prevent them attacking the healer. This is especially true if they are too spread out to tank effectively. There are also some bosses that call in normals as adds, again I want my dps to take care of these allowing me to concentrate on the bigger mobs.


The better dps are the ones that know the difference between these types of fight :)


In many of these cases though as a healer I would prefer the tank to go in first and be allowed to get the aggro of the group. Healing one tank is much easier than trying to keep up a tank and 2 DPSer's and if push comes to shove I keep the tank up. Like you say though it is situational and when I'm on DPS I will sometimes peel off to other mobs the skill is knowing when you can do it and when you can't.

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I play both a tank and a healer, 2 healers in fact. I get way more frustration and flak when I play my healer compared to my tank. The big one is Lost Island...they love to blame the healer and they love to vote kick healers too. I can tell a lousy group of players when they constantly complain about healers. I have beaten Lost Island with 14.5k healers it's all about technique and execution, not over-geared healers.
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