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Collector's Edition Vendor and the Cartel Shop


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I agree with the OP and I didn't even buy the CE. There are some people who bought the CE and think they are entitled to preferential treatment on every new change to the game. But this was one of those cases where the CE was clearly advertised as including access to an exclusive vendor that would be periodically updated with new items. It really shouldn't be that hard to at least re-skin some armors with an exclusive color, make some sort of exclusive color crystal, or make a few new companion skins.
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I have to say i feel a bit... left out (?)... having the collectors edition and reading about the upcoming cartel shop.


It's cool that CE players get a chunk of cartel tokens to start with but....


(Forgive me if i am mistaken and if this has been mentioned)

...i believe I have heard in the past their were plans to continually add items to the collector's edition vendor. To the best of my knowledge this has not been happening.


Now with the upcoming cartel shop, i can for see it being updated even less.


With all the changes coming with the F2P model, what plans are there to still show the CE vendor (& VIP area) some love?


You were only fooling yourself if you thought the CE Vendor would be a endless supply of new items that only the CE owners could use..... Back when people were pre-ordering the game there were tons of posts saying don't buy the CE just for the vendor because history in all other MMO's have shown that you will regret it....


No where on the box or in any forum did the Dev's say they were going to guarantee new content for the CE Vendor, the way they phrased it was they planed on updating it but saying "planed" and saying "guarantee" are two different things, plans can change....

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I agree with the OP and I didn't even buy the CE. There are some people who bought the CE and think they are entitled to preferential treatment on every new change to the game. But this was one of those cases where the CE was clearly advertised as including access to an exclusive vendor that would be periodically updated with new items. It really shouldn't be that hard to at least re-skin some armors with an exclusive color, make some sort of exclusive color crystal, or make a few new companion skins.


Before I pre-ordered I read EVERY description I could find and NOWHERE did it say it would be updated with new items... Please give me a link if i'm wrong... Why would Bioware take a ONE Time fee and give continuous free content for the life of the game?


You guys got your statue, book and exclusive set of gear in the CE Vendor, to expect anymore was just a pipe dream. Thats why I passed on the CE Version...


It's just plain stupid from a business stand point to make continuous exclusive content for a small percentage of the player base...

Edited by Monoth
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Will the collectors edition ever get updated with more items ? as it stands now the security key vendor offers more/better in some cases.


Yes. :)


Here's the link for that thread and answer : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=325920&page=2


That said, am pretty certain there were other video interviews with other devs that basically said the exact same thing, either before launch or shortly after, can't remember and can't find in which video interview or video presentation, or if it was during a convention or whatever. It was either D. Erickson, or maybe it was James Ohlen, or Dallas Dickinson, or another one, I don't remember...


I want to add that if as of today we didn't get more itemS, we at least got a single new one back in the days : Taunta...

Edited by Shoogli
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While I want to see the CE Vendor get some new items, I'd much prefer it if they changed the outfit for the Rep one first. I love the outfit I can get for my imp toons, it looks great and it's awesome equipping companions in it whilst playing a Sith ect, but on Rep side it's just no where near as cool.
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While I want to see the CE Vendor get some new items, I'd much prefer it if they changed the outfit for the Rep one first. I love the outfit I can get for my imp toons, it looks great and it's awesome equipping companions in it whilst playing a Sith ect, but on Rep side it's just no where near as cool.


I like the helmet, but I think overall you're right. I'd personally like to see something like the CorSec battle armor added (as you can already get most/all of the Republic Trooper armor types).

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Before I pre-ordered I read EVERY description I could find and NOWHERE did it say it would be updated with new items... Please give me a link if i'm wrong... Why would Bioware take a ONE Time fee and give continuous free content for the life of the game?


You guys got your statue, book and exclusive set of gear in the CE Vendor, to expect anymore was just a pipe dream. Thats why I passed on the CE Version...


It's just plain stupid from a business stand point to make continuous exclusive content for a small percentage of the player base...


Dynamic. Read the word "dynamic". It's key. :)

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I am a CE owner and I am fine with everything. I purchased the CE because I really love BioWare and the game during Beta (still love it) and wanted to go all out for it. I got it for the stuff it included like the music, statue, authenticator etc. Most CE's do that and give you 1-2 in-game lame items that don't do squat after lvl 10. ToR did a WHOLE lot more with the speeder in itself along with the other things.


The CE shop was cool and the first time I have seen t hat and well the game changed directions and now is meaningless. Oh well. If you purchased the CE strictly for the shop then that is your fault and imo kind of nuts. But it is your money.


BioWare didn't even need to offer the CE people more coins. They could have said oh well sorry. Some people who buy the CE's feel they always deserve more then the other people because they paid more. Yeah we paid more 1 time. We all pay the same monthly fee and we got more stuff buying the CE. To continue to have perks is a bit much. Don't get me wrong i like it if they want to do that but I don't feel we CE owners are owed any more. I got my monies worth with all the stuff in the box.

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I think the biggest slap in the face so far was lowering the CE price from $150 down to $30. :rolleyes: Nothing says "we value our premium customers'' like that. What a joke EAware is.


Goodluck getting updates on the CE vendor. Its more the obvious there will never be 'unique' items in this game. They will always be accessible to everyone. And 1,000 more CC coins for having the CE edition is also a joke. Have you seen how much that stuff costs on there? Getting an extra 1,000 CCoins doesn't compensate for paying $150

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You can file this issue along with the other countless lies Bioware keeps pushing on their customers, I bought the CE for the box, statue etc. But mostly it was for the CE store and the promise that it would be updated on a regular basis with interesting items.


1000 CC is way to small to make up for such lies, as others have mentioned, you can't even buy one of the horrible reskined armor sets.

Edited by Merwanor
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I think the biggest slap in the face so far was lowering the CE price from $150 down to $30. :rolleyes: Nothing says "we value our premium customers'' like that. What a joke EAware is.


Goodluck getting updates on the CE vendor. Its more the obvious there will never be 'unique' items in this game. They will always be accessible to everyone. And 1,000 more CC coins for having the CE edition is also a joke. Have you seen how much that stuff costs on there? Getting an extra 1,000 CCoins doesn't compensate for paying $150

Who's selling it for $30? On Amazon new ones are $68. Granted it is still cheaper but oh well. Next time just buy normal versions of games and wait for the prices to drop. So many whiners. Simply don't buy them then. No one is forcing you. If you don't like the stuff inside and don't feel it is worth the original money then simply don't buy it.

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You can file this issue along with the other countless lies Bioware keeps pushing on their customers, I bought the CE for the box, statue etc. But mostly it was for the CE store and the promise that it would be updated on a regular basis with interesting items.


1000 CC is way to small to make up for such lies, as others have mentioned, you can't even buy one of the horrible reskined armor sets.

You might want to search the forums better as this post was on the first page also but here was the question and answer from a mod.


Q: "Will the collectors edition ever get updated with more items ? as it stands now the security key vendor offers more/better in some cases. "


A: (from a mod/admin) Yes :)


So there's your answer. The CE shop will still be updated.

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Xenirath;5339088]Either that or maybe give is "Digital Collectors" access to collectors edition vendor :p


I don't care who has access to the CE vendor as long as they update as they promised. My goal isn't to be a special snowflake in a make believe galaxy far/far/away. I just want the sh*& I was promised. And before we start in on the *oh you got what you paid for theme*. The physical items were a big part of the CE deal but not the whole package.;)

Edited by Mancer
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1000 coins =/= retail price for the CE.


Best guess right now, 1000 coins is between $10-$25, depending on what the go live price turns out to be.


As for the CE only merchant in game, while it would be nice to see new content, I like what is there and use it to equip companions now that it's adaptive armor.




1000 cartel coins for the CE version is basically a slap in the face and comes nowhere near making up for what a total fail the CE version was. They should be giving those with the CE version 10,000 additional cartel coins to start but since Bioware/EA sees their customers as "marks" to be exploited of course that isn't happening.


Plus all of the crying on these forums if CE players received 10,000 coins would have drown out everything else anyway.

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(Forgive me if i am mistaken and if this has been mentioned)

...i believe I have heard in the past their were plans to continually add items to the collector's edition vendor. To the best of my knowledge this has not been happening.


From the SWTOR 'Buy' page:

Collector’s Store (Virtual Item Store)


Unique in-game vendor with a dynamic assortment of items available only to purchasers of the Collector's Edition.


The problem here is that someone at BioWare confused the word 'static' with 'dynamic', and caused all of the confusion with the CE store.

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Here's the link for that thread and answer : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=325920&page=2



That's a quote from a guy who no longer works for EA/Bioware...... Some of the people on this thread act like Bioware guaranteed it in blood....


I've played so many MMO's and I can tell you the CE edition of in game content is a joke and will always be a joke regardless of what anyone tells you.... In Age of Conan after 6 months they gave away all the exclusive stuff in the CE to new players who bought the heavily discounted regular edition....


I bet the exclusive CE gear set will eventually be available on the Cartel Shop.... Just a matter of time...

Edited by Monoth
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