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Community Q&A Thread Blog Discussion: Free-to-Play Edition


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So basically you've answered half of the questions with 'we'll give you more information soon'. Please give the specifics to us ASAP because some of us really do care about the direction this game is going in.


Also, why are you discontinuing the Q & A and what will happen to the questions we asked last week that you said you would answer in a subsequent Q & A

Edited by jamiedwi
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Seems to me half the questions answered had already been answered if people had actually bothered to read the FAQ. Although I kinda wanted to know if there would be "in game" ways to earn cartel coins without purchasing them. I'm kinda glad the answer is NO right now.
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Holy crap you answered one of my questions.


Some of the answers were as expected: generic, hand-waving, but for the most part you gave us information. Just a pity it was so short.


I was actually expecting to be sat here for half an hour, reading and re-reading to give cliff note's to the guild, but no. Shame :/

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VulcanLogic: I have all 8 character slots used up. If I choose the Free-to-Play option, do I get to decide which character slots will be active?


Damion Schubert: Once we institute these limitations, players will absolutely be able to choose which characters are their active characters.


This means that if we go the F2P route after subscribing, 6 of our 8 characters become unavailable to us?

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It is actually painful to read the answers. They are either so mind numbingly obvious (asked by people who obviously have never played a F2P game ever) or so pointless the answer is worthless. Why was not one question answered which the general populace could guess or menr anythings anwered.


I am having to re-write every sentence so I dont bretch the new comunity rules but after a week of questions about free to play nothing has been decided. I know it like beating a dead horse and bioware have given up on this game but the fact so many questions have been asked and all we have got is generic answers is really concerning.

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This means that if we go the F2P route after subscribing, 6 of our 8 characters become unavailable to us?


Apparently the characters will be unavailable, but not deleted. Its your choice which ones... and they would be available again if you switched back to subscription it seems.

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Sounds like it is going to be cheaper to unsub and just buy the features that we want instead of paying $15 each month(assuming they are puchasable and permanent) like quick travel, character slots, and inventory slots.
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It is actually painful to read the answers. They are either so mind numbingly obvious (asked by people who obviously have never played a F2P game ever) or so pointless the answer is worthless. Why was not one question answered which the general populace could guess or menr anythings anwered.


I am having to re-write every sentence so I dont bretch the new comunity rules but after a week of questions about free to play nothing has been decided. I know it like beating a dead horse and bioware have given up on this game but the fact so many questions have been asked and all we have got is generic answers is really concerning.


Like what? Seriously, until the switch everything right now is just basic information, I can't see many if any serious questions that would open players eyes up and make them say "oh wow". Most repeat mmo players have played a f2p game at some point, so the basic info is just that... basic. Until there are SPECIFICS there arent any more details to be given.

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It is actually painful to read the answers. They are either so mind numbingly obvious (asked by people who obviously have never played a F2P game ever) or so pointless the answer is worthless. Why was not one question answered which the general populace could guess or menr anythings anwered.


I am having to re-write every sentence so I dont bretch the new comunity rules but after a week of questions about free to play nothing has been decided. I know it like beating a dead horse and bioware have given up on this game but the fact so many questions have been asked and all we have got is generic answers is really concerning.


^ This.


Like what? Seriously, until the switch everything right now is just basic information, I can't see many if any serious questions that would open players eyes up and make them say "oh wow". Most repeat mmo players have played a f2p game at some point, so the basic info is just that... basic. Until there are SPECIFICS there arent any more details to be given.


How about:


Would any EA VP please stand up and say they would never, ever allow "pay to win" features into the game?


Oh, wait, can we infer the answer to that one since it was asked and not answered? :rolleyes:

Edited by DarthTHC
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Sounds like it is going to be cheaper to unsub and just buy the features that we want instead of paying $15 each month(assuming they are puchasable and permanent) like quick travel, character slots, and inventory slots.


That is one of the things I wanted to know, while they didnt specify how much will be pruchasable and how much will it cost, I'd rather buy the part of the games Im interested in and not have to worry about a subscription so it kinda will be buy2play but, again, we don't know the details.


While I'm glad they managed to get the Q&A this week, be barely got any new info and I guess we're gonna have to wait until we find out more about what exaclty we'll be able to buy and the cost

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^ This.




How about:




Oh, wait, can we infer the answer to that one since it was asked and not answered? :rolleyes:


Well considering how they said that this game wasn't going to be Free 2 Play before they launched the game and then after launch they said they weren't looking at the Free 2 Play model...

Edited by Tuscad
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It is actually painful to read the answers. They are either so mind numbingly obvious (asked by people who obviously have never played a F2P game ever) or so pointless the answer is worthless. Why was not one question answered which the general populace could guess or menr anythings anwered.


That's mostly true. They did confirm, however, we will have less than 8 character slots with F2P (when 8 has not been enough for subscribers from the beginning) and they also confirmed they will not allow us to earn CC in-game (the single biggest reason I believe Turbine, Inc. has had so much success with F2P is because you can earn Turbine Points in-game).


Other than that, yeah... a lot of wait for a lot of nothing new.


Oh well.


"But we have to pass the F2P bill so you can find out what's in it."

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Oh, wait, can we infer the answer to that one since it was asked and not answered? :rolleyes:


This wasn't in the Q&A, but it HAS been answered in interviews regarding F2P where it was stated outright that this will never happen.


Was it in the Q&A. No.

Should it have been? Maybe.

Was the question answered? Yes.

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I genuinely wasn't expecting them to answer my question, hence why I asked it. Sorry if that offended you.


Tatile: It's said that content will continue to come, but will it be like the content we've already seen (Operations and Flashpoints in patches with class balancing and new gear) or will the content only be fluffy happy stuff, like speeders and mini-pets?


Damion Schubert: We definitely have plans in the works for more Flashpoints, Operations, Space Missions, and Warzones. Generally, we will have more frequent updates for the game.


Really. I must say I would have expected this answer. I dont mean to say the question was bad, I just mean that an answer say we plan to have more updates was kinda lame. They said this before launch that an MMO only lives if the release high quality updates. However as they said we would get them monthly and we have had 2! 2 updates and one was group finder clearly what we are promised and what we get may not be the same.


I have read inbetween the lines on this Q&A and they are all vague answers that could mean anything. And as I suspecy he recent chnage to subscription may mean everythig we have been told before this might be wrong.


I would like to add I do like this game. I played a few flashpoints recently and thought wow. However the info we are given on the boards seems to be naff a t best and instulting at worst.

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I am glad they got this posted today. Go community reps! :)


Though, I am disappointed that none of the things that I really wanted to know were revealed/explained here. :( Not that these were bad questions, I mean, the one about coins being obtainable through in-game methods was something I'm sure a lot of people wanted to know. I guess I was just hoping for something, well . . . less nebulous.


Heck, I'd have been happy for a "we'll post the details about F2P restrictions sometime next week, so stay tuned!" sort of answer. I guess I am just being impatient though, I am so curious how the F2P is going to work as I feel it is important to my future MMO endeavors.

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Like what? Seriously, until the switch everything right now is just basic information, I can't see many if any serious questions that would open players eyes up and make them say "oh wow". Most repeat mmo players have played a f2p game at some point, so the basic info is just that... basic. Until there are SPECIFICS there arent any more details to be given.


I am not sure if you agree with me that nothing important/specific is answered or if you are saying the Q&A answered all our questions or if you are saying you expected the Q&A to suck and it did but thats fine because most Q&As sucked and we should expect this,

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I am not sure if you agree with me that nothing important/specific is answered or if you are saying the Q&A answered all our questions or if you are saying you expected the Q&A to suck and it did but thats fine because most Q&As sucked and we should expect this,


Kinda all of the above:


I agree nothing important/specific was answered, but do not blame it on the people answering the questions. They cant answer questions about specifics until specifics are released. They haven't been, so right now they can only answer the basics.


I also think that every Q&A in the past as sucked, they answer the same easy questions over and over (I'm pretty sure they answered the threat questions 3x, with 3 different answers each time), so why would we be surprised when this weeks is the same?

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Hoped for more answers... disappointing Q&A, like always.




Seems like there wont be any more, atleast not frequently:


We’ve been listening to your feedback, and as of today, we’ll be discontinuing the Community Q&A blog as a weekly feature. However, this means that going forward, we will be focusing on bringing you more frequent and consistent developer responses in the forums to your questions and concerns. Make sure to watch the dev tracker to make sure you don’t miss anything!


Let's hope this means legitimate, non-safe questions that they seem to pick for their Q&A's will start being addressed and answered properly directly. But I guess this just means the dev tracker will be filled with 'no info atm lol soz' even more than usual.

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ButeoRegalis: Are subscriptions the only way to gain Cartel Coins (CCs) in the future, meaning, aside from the bonus coins we're getting until the Free-to-Play option goes live? Can you purchase them without a subscription?


Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): All players will be able to purchase Cartel Coins by purchasing them on our website and eventually in-game. These coins are used to buy various virtual items from the Cartel Market. Free-to-Play members can also use Cartel Coins to unlock certain game restrictions.


Has to be one of the worse questions there is and its first. To reword the question to show how stupid it is. Will freemiums be allowed to buy coins to use in the cash shops or will only subs be able to buy things from the cash shops.



Samohnat: Will Cartel Coins be available via in-game mechanics?


Damion Schubert: Not initially. We may expand this in the future, but it’s not a goal for launch of the system.


Now this is a good question. They also answered it but then they reworded it to sound like there could be a chance to get them somewhere at a later time. You cant expand NO. NO gives you nothing and you cant expand nothing. The last part is funny, its not a goal for launch of the system, no kidding F2P is so you can con players out of money, giving them access to coins without paying for them in some way would allow people to play the game for free.


Several players asked: Can you give us more detail about the restrictions on Free-to-Play members? If not, when can we expect more details?


Damion Schubert: Giving more information about these limitations is a core part of our communication efforts over the next few weeks. Our goal is to allow Free-to-Play members to play the game from levels 1 to 50 and encounter most of the class and world content along the way. However, it is equally important to us that the subscription members will have access to a significant number of convenience features that make the game easier to play - leveling speed, bank access, inventory size are all good examples. Once these details are published, I think that most players familiar with the game as it is now will agree that while Free-to-Play members will be getting a good experience andthe subscription members will be getting a substantially improved gameplay experience.


Why not give this communication now instead since its a core part?

" and encounter most of the class and world content " so they are not letting people play all the class content. Unlike what they have said before.



Alahnah: I am interested in more detailed comments about future content releases and how the Free-to-Play option will impact on current bug fixing efforts and the level 50 Operations / 50+ content expansion time frames.


Damion Schubert: We still have a significant portion of the development team focused on creating new content (Operations, Flashpoints, Warzones) - and we have plans to increase the cadence that we deliver new content. One of the nice things about this approach is that it should also speed up the cadence that bug fixes get out to you as well.

"and we have plans to increase the cadence that we deliver new content. One of the nice things about this approach is that it should also speed up the cadence that bug fixes get out to you as well." So now you have plans to increase the cadence of new content instead of getting new content about every 6 weeks. With what we have got since launch that could be new content every 2-3 months :rolleyes:



Tatile: It's said that content will continue to come, but will it be like the content we've already seen (Operations and Flashpoints in patches with class balancing and new gear) or will the content only be fluffy happy stuff, like speeders and mini-pets?


Damion Schubert: We definitely have plans in the works for more Flashpoints, Operations, Space Missions, and Warzones. Generally, we will have more frequent updates for the game.


So you have plans for more operations and flashpoints and warzones but then you switch to generally we will have more frequent updates for the game. Generally? So we can also expect to not get frequent updates sometimes?


Thorvath: So if I cancel/switch to the Free-to-Play option are you going to automatically delete all my Rakata/War Hero gear?


Damion Schubert: You will retain your gear.


You have to read the answers to the next questions to understand my question that is

We will retain the gear but can we use it?



LOWTHOR: What happens if all the characters I have already created while subscribed (before Free-to-Play announcement) are now restricted species?


Damion Schubert: Your characters will not be deleted and you CAN still use those characters in the active slots you have as a Free-to-Play member.


this and the next question are in the same area but you had to make it two questions? So how many slots will freemiums that they can use without paying anything?


VulcanLogic: I have all 8 character slots used up. If I choose the Free-to-Play option, do I get to decide which character slots will be active?


Damion Schubert: Once we institute these limitations, players will absolutely be able to choose which characters are their active characters.

How much money are we talking to change one to an active list?


ChazDoit: I’m not much interested in Flashpoints and Operations but will I be able to purchase other features like full access to Warzones, purchase extra character slots, bank slots, and travel features?


Damion Schubert: Yes! When the Free-to-Play option goes live, players will be able to purchase key upgrades to their game experience allowing them to bypass some restrictions, and this list will expand as time goes on. We will have more information about some of these in coming weeks.


2 weeks and 9 questsions (well really 8) and a whole lot of more details SOON

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Seems like there wont be any more, atleast not frequently:




Let's hope this means legitimate, non-safe questions that they seem to pick for their Q&A's will start being addressed and answered properly directly. But I guess this just means the dev tracker will be filled with 'no info atm lol soz' even more than usual.


It means we'll see the basic "This is definitely something we have been looking into, we'll let you know when we have more information to provide" or the also common "We are aware of this issue. Our development team is currently looking into this situation and we will have a resolution for you in an upcoming patch." even more often than we already do.

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