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Post your Marauder looks!


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Marauder's Headgear.

Centurion Weaponmaster's Chest.

War Hero Weaponmaster's Gloves, legs and boots.


Boy am I glad I kept that Centurion chest from back in the day! :D


Starting to see people on my server using my ideas! I may not have been the first one to come up with the idea, but I haven't seen my look on another Marauder before >=(

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Marauder's Headgear.

Centurion Weaponmaster's Chest.

War Hero Weaponmaster's Gloves, legs and boots.


Boy am I glad I kept that Centurion chest from back in the day! :D


Starting to see people on my server using my ideas! I may not have been the first one to come up with the idea, but I haven't seen my look on another Marauder before >=(


i kept my cent and champ set just for down the road i can use them cause they're BA looking.

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I can't get over how good the Xenotech Weaponmaster's Vest looks. I'd never even really known about it, but because I'm a lucky sonuvagun when it comes to drops for my Marauder, I nabbed it (and the Xenotech pants as well, which I might make use of down the road) from a GF KP tonight.


Looks fan-freakin' tastic with Rakata, so long as you hide headslot, though the hood is kind of creepily massive, especially on body type 3.


I'm really regretting vendoring the shell of my BH boots after ripping out the mods, because I think Xenotech body+legs, BH feet, and then Rakata hands + hidden head (to keep 2 piece PVE set bonus) would look pretty awesome.


Not the end of the world as I'll likely be buying another pair in the next week or three anyway for mods, but even still, I am vain.


Also, if there's one weak point in my play, it's not finding an efficient way to use Frenzy to CD, which drastically reduces the utility of the 4 piece PVE set bonus.

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