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Lifetime subscription with exclusive Rodian playable species: $200 would you pay?


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Good discussion on today's TORwars podcast got me thinking... I might actually consider this if it existed.


Curious what others think?


Lifetime subscription with exclusive access to Rodians as playable species for one time $200


Would anyone else go for this?


Would all the in game problems be fixed for players who bought this? if so, then yes I would too. if not... its not worth it.

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Good discussion on today's TORwars podcast got me thinking... I might actually consider this if it existed.


Curious what others think?


Lifetime subscription with exclusive access to Rodians as playable species for one time $200


Would anyone else go for this?


I would pay $200.00. I do not see the game closing within the next 3 years (look at lotro). I think that EA/BW would be fools to offer that option.

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Yeah I clearly understood your stance on it, but thanks for clarifying it. :rolleyes:


I didn't clarify it. I lampooned your post for stating the obvious. Big difference.


BTW, you have used the dreaded "rolleyes" emote.


You are therefore fired from the internet.

Edited by LordArtemis
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The idea of having Rodians as a playable species make me ... well, sick if anything. I'd not pay 10 dollars for the offer, the idea that I'm "able" to be a Rodian makes me annoyed in truth. Ugly creatures.

Let's for god's sake hope they never become playable. It's aweful enough to see them from time to time.

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( u get what u pay for)


Why even start a thread like this ... if a option came up for a 200$ sub I would quit the game.


so your saying that one single payment of 200$ is going to run the server for how.. manys years.. .. people would cry about the service being awful,,,,,, can imagine the post's now I payed my 200$ i want content up ..errrm No just no.


200$ from a player is too small.


look at games that have done this before.... MMO's only do this on deaths door Swtor is fine right now

Don't worry. IF there is going to be such a option, the LTA would be similar as in the other MMOS just a promontional feature only for publicity. There would be a limited offer in numbers and this offer will last only for a couple of weeks.


I am not asuming anything here. It is just the way it has been done before and this is the way it worked and the reason why LTA exist. It is similar to the speical steelbook packs with a shiny map and a way to small T-Shirt in it.




Why should EA invest in such an endeavor and loose for sure thousands of paying customers?

As a F2P which is doing still fantastic. I see absolutely no financial reeason. If EA ever had doene something similar, it would have been placed before the release date of the game. Or ibefore SWTOR went F2P to ensure a smooth financial restart. But now? No financial reason. No publicity reason. Just loss on diferent sides.



I would because I expect I will still be playing this a year from now. And I would pay a pretty penny to see Risha kiss a Rodian :eek:

Sory but you are missing the point of an LTA. It means a customer with LTA can play for its paid costs as long as the game exist. But if you buy a LTA and the game that is going to be canceled soon after your ourchase, well the loss isl on you. They kept their part of the contract.

Edited by Isnogut
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As someone who's native currency is other than U$, I would pay for a lifetime sub if for no other reason than to lock in an fx rate i.e. that would be my primary driver not a new species.


To entice me via playable species (i.e. let's pretend fx was on par) it would have to be Hutt. I simply do not like Rodians.


It really bugs me how every species has to be humanoid. Yeah, I get that it makes things easier to roll out from their perspective, but it sure would be nice to see something other than humanoids in the galaxy.

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I simply wouldn't trust the devs to keep whatever exclusive thing, be it a playable species or whatever, as exclusive. If they can make more cash off it on the CM, they will offer it at some point. But it'll be recolored or something else.


Or don't expect them to hold to any promises they make about such. Collector's Edition vendor, anyone?

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I simply wouldn't trust the devs to keep whatever exclusive thing, be it a playable species or whatever, as exclusive. If they can make more cash off it on the CM, they will offer it at some point. But it'll be recolored or something else.


Or don't expect them to hold to any promises they make about such. Collector's Edition vendor, anyone?


I personally don't let other people getting their hands on things let it detract from my own enjoyment of said thing.

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I personally don't let other people getting their hands on things let it detract from my own enjoyment of said thing.

This. And more this.

It's not a matter of detracting from enjoyment. It's that you would be paying cash, actual cash out of your pocket, for an item that ONLY those who are willing to shell out that level of cash are supposed to receive.


And I don't think these devs can be trusted to keep to that deal. The song of further cash from those who want the item but don't want to pay out a large upfront fee for the lifetime sub would win out.


Maybe you're happy to let people take your money and then walk all over you. That's you. That's not me. If I pay my money that I work hard for for something that's supposed to be exclusive, I'd expect it to remain so. And offering a different color version of the item is infringing on that exclusivity as far as I'm concerned.


It's irrelevant anyway. They aren't offering a lifetime sub and there's no promise of any exclusives with one. I'm just saying that if there was, I wouldn't trust them to keep their end of the deal.

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And the question now is, what is been bought cheaper. The goodies with your LTA for only 200 $ or montly fees + dozens of microtransasctions, which would sum up during 2 years at least at 288 $. Who bought now the cheap playing? The difference is, the LTA player had once 200 $ to spend. Why should a LTA be handled special beside at most 2 years gametime?


People want more for their money, but don't want to invest in an runnig game not any cent further. Still they want to be treatened as VIP's. Well this is not econiomical behaviour but the behavior of mobsters.


Again, I have nothig against people who are willing to pay for a MMO. if a LTA makes them feel better, fine. But don't think I can't count. Any publisher willing to give LTA's over 100 accounts wolrdwide are dumb as the night. This feature is only for publicity. it is actually a massive loss of income. Every LTA should at least bring 100 other montly subscriptions to even the costs it made.

In my opinion Cryptic were a bunch of big heartened morons. How could they throw so many LTA on the market?! It's simply ridiculous.

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