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Hitting 50 makes me want to quit


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What are you people smoking?


TONS of people do pvp according BWs own metrics. LIke way more people do pvp on a daily basis that run raids or FPs. Don't believe me go back and watch the guild summit footage. So this idea that "ya 15 people replied to my post so therefore most people agree with me" is ludicrous.


Secondly what the **** do you think is going to happen if they do away with expertise and you roll into a WZ with Columi gear on your 18k health toon and run into a 27k Campaign geared Shadow tank? You are going to get roflstomped. Forget the body bag and grab a mop.


You know what the practical application of removing Expertise gear would be? Instead of doing pvp to get better gear you gotta now find a guild running high end OPs and run weeks and weeks to get your Campaign gear to now be able to compete in battlegrounds. Thats right instead of running PVP to get better in PVP you now have to run PVE to get better in PVP. This does not stand to even to broadest definitions of reason.


Now I know some of the I smoke my breakfast folks are going to say..."so give out blah blah tokens to get get blah blah gear and make it all fair". Ok so now grp A runs headlong into a OP over and over getting stomped to finally beat the best of the bosses to get the best of the gear so they can have the same gear as grp B who simply did pvp over and over that rewards you win or lose. Fair?


Expertise is there for a reason like it or not.


Which is the problem with the entire gear progression, be it PvP or PvE. This game is way to gear centric in general after lvl 50. If I compare my stats prior to runing HMs ond Ops to my stats now it's just ridiculous. That's easily 60-70% increase right there and content that was tough and almost impossible to complete I can now sleep walk through.


So in my opinion the complaint of the OP is valid not only for PvP, but also PvE since the gear focus makes the game semi boring in a lot of cases.

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If you don't like the gear grind that's one thing. But complaining about a guy who can kill you because he has better equipment than you is pointless. That guy who is wiping the floor with your face was wearing recruit gear at one point in time and he was getting his face smashed in too.


Here's the thing, an MMO from 2012 should not be putting people with the best gear available into Warzones against inexperienced and poorly geared fresh 50's. His complaints are completely valid since this game is competing with other games that actually make an effort to ensure that the playing field is as fair and competitive as possible.


It makes me laugh actually, I remember reading an article years ago where BioWare said they understand peoples concerns with premades and are going to sort it out. Lo and behold the game releases with no mechanism to seperate the pugs and premades and now PvP players are leaving by the dozen.


It's like they learned absolutely nothing from WAR.

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So you're frustrated with pvp because you can't beat all the people who've been lvl 50 longer than you. You don't like the disparity between yourself and a player who is wearing better gear than you? I would ask you, when you were pvping from lvls 1-49, and you were that lvl 40-49 guy who was just obliterating those lvl 10-20 guys because you had better gear and access to more skills than them, were you upset with the disparity then?


If you don't like the gear grind that's one thing. But complaining about a guy who can kill you because he has better equipment than you is pointless. That guy who is wiping the floor with your face was wearing recruit gear at one point in time and he was getting his face smashed in too.


Either keep plugging away, perhaps get some people to help you pound those war heroes down, or go play a different game that has pvp you like.

it is a wow clone, eq clone game,

after 50, all about grinding,

yet lots of nerds said it is too easy,

only pre50 is a real pvp,

once u hit 50, then also pve is lack of content too,

bw only wish u to reroll,

that is swtor they design to do, but they didnt tell u at the beginning,

u have to reroll, or quit, or being a no life nerd to grind over and over again.

if u hate grind, then quit,

otaku like to grind, they want swtor to be harder, grinder game.

Edited by oakamp
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I I have decided that what I am gonna need to do is eventually transfer some of my characters over to a pvp server for some real open world pvp action. People say there is no open world pvp but that is BS and I also hear there is lots in back hole area and other higher level areas.


you should listen to what people say. open world pvp is nothing more than a few random skirmishes if you are lucky enough to be around with a large group of people when another large group from the opposing faction are around, otherwise, it is one side or the other bulldozing one or two people on their way to a world boss or what have you.


honestly, you are not missing much. that said, y'all shoulda rolled on pvp servers to begin with regardless, because having the option to kill someone is what it is all about. especially when you can kill filthy do-gooder republicans.

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10-49 pvp is a joke of mainly no premades at lvl 40 you are far better than a lvl 10-20 , BM gear is like what 2 days grind? also you can make a loser grp for ranked matches is always more comms than normal , and about the boredom of grind well welcome to MMOs is all about grind without it MMO wouldnt exist.
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Here's the thing, an MMO from 2012 should not be putting people with the best gear available into Warzones against inexperienced and poorly geared fresh 50's. His complaints are completely valid since this game is competing with other games that actually make an effort to ensure that the playing field is as fair and competitive as possible.


It makes me laugh actually, I remember reading an article years ago where BioWare said they understand peoples concerns with premades and are going to sort it out. Lo and behold the game releases with no mechanism to seperate the pugs and premades and now PvP players are leaving by the dozen.


It's like they learned absolutely nothing from WAR.

Except for the fact that most of what you said is wrong, your right.


Its about numbers. BW has said they do in fact have things in place that try and place premades against premades when possible, but guess what? Most of the time that's not possible. Most of the time there are not 2 premades from opposite factions queuing up at roughly the same time. So it makes the premade wait a few and lo and behold they get put in against a non-premade. Whats the alternative? Make them wait until another premade comes along (IF another premade comes along) so that people get sick of waiting in a grp and just go back to solo, thus making premades virtually non-existant?


Best way to beat premades? Make one yourself.

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yeah 10-49 pvp is a blast and unlike some people I don't completely suck at pvp so the disparity is minimal. The only real time i saw a player wipe the floor with lower level players (10-20) was a match with a 49 marauder.
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Its common knowledge that Battle-master is better than Tionese or any Daily rewards. And it is not hard to get. So yes PVPers can get there gear and come do PVE stuff...


But that is not the case with PVE to PVP....Recruit gear is like being given Level 45 green gear and being told to Tank EV HM.....It aint gonna happen. Its also common knowledge that PVP relics are BIS for dps and healers in PVE, I got mine in 6 Warzones, to get the best PVE one i have to grind 200 daily comms...


Now tell me PVP does not interfere with PVE.


It was allready stated by BW 2-3 weeks ago that would change, they are going to nerf PvP relics in terms of PvE stats so they wnt be PvE BIS anylonger. So prepare for the pain for pvpers trying to make PvE in pvp gear.

Bout time as well. Hate to see players wearing PvP gear on ops and hate PvE players using pve gear on WZ's.

Edited by Kophar
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Except for the fact that most of what you said is wrong, your right.


Its about numbers. BW has said they do in fact have things in place that try and place premades against premades when possible, but guess what? Most of the time that's not possible. Most of the time there are not 2 premades from opposite factions queuing up at roughly the same time. So it makes the premade wait a few and lo and behold they get put in against a non-premade. Whats the alternative? Make them wait until another premade comes along (IF another premade comes along) so that people get sick of waiting in a grp and just go back to solo, thus making premades virtually non-existant?


Best way to beat premades? Make one yourself.


This is where Cross server Queues would solve the problem. /BWhint

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I think if they buffed the Recruit Gear so it was within 10 mainstat/Endurance of BM gear, perhaps less in the 5 range for some cases, it would help these balancing issues. Also perhaps boost expertise so it's within 10 of the BM gear, so say the BM gear has 100 expertise on a piece, the Recruit will have 90 and so on. One of the real problems with recruit is that yes it add expertise, but the mainstat/endurance is lacking. Overall what they're doing currently is in most cases giving fresh 50's gear that isn't as good a lot of the times endurance/mainstat wise as that they were leveling in, yes the expertise is nice, but doesn't change the fact that the lack of endurance/mainstat makes it hard for most to compete in warzones. All this would fix this, but below is the real solution to the problem.


Bioware either needs to matchmake warzones based on valor rank, or come up with a system to do it based on Item Level. Another idea would be to add solo ranking one gains from just doing normal warzones that shows the success rate of the player. Overall though cross server q's to match like geared or valor ranked/ solo ranked players would fix this problem completely as recruit geared would play recruit or partial BM, while BM/Warhero would play each other. Those are all big changes to their PvP system, and seeing their development times on much smaller things, I wouldn't expect such things this year as it took them 6 months just to do Ranked warzones.

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Same here. PvP balance @ 50 is a joke, purely gear-grind driven for the most part. No x server queuing, fighting against premade WH teams on voice comms in a pug wearing recruit, no matchmaking system in operation.


Pure fail tbh and there's no excuses for it. They've had the benchmark MMO to emulate in this respect and took nothing from what makes it work (most of the time) in balancing groups against each other and keeping queue times down.

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I agree with this guy. Give gear better stats but remove expertise.


They cant do this, the reason expertise exists is so that pvpers dont have to raid to get BiS for pvp and the pve'ers cant run straight into hardcore pvp and faceroll full time pvpers. love it or hate it the expertise is working as intended.

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This is not a suggestion post, so don't place it there. It's a *** is going on with the future of this game post. I've been a fanboy of this game but just recently started aqcuiring 50s. And what I've found out is the game suddenly stops. I mostly PVP so I know I am missing a whole lot, but it's what I enjoy. The 10-49 bracket was an absolute blast and I had fun every single match. But at 50... BLAH. The second you enter your first 50 match, ROFLSTOMPED. Even with crappy Recruit gear on. So you start your painful grind for a few measley WZ commendations per match, but you encounter endless ranked war heroes and conquerors in gear a billion time better than your own.


I have literally sat behind a scoundrel who didn't run and just went to town dpsing him and I couldn't make his HP budge. And in the 10-49 bracket I was always top dps. There was no one else healing him either. He would just throw on a heal or two and be back at full health. It's just ridiculous when it comes to the massive gap between new 50's and geared 50's. I'm sorry, but PVPing should be fun but when you hit 50 it's just not. Not to mention all the jerks who talk crap to you and laugh/spit when you can't take them down but you keep trying.


It's just demeaning and demoralizing. I know people say HANG IN THERE but really why should a player suffer this much? It seems like so many other games do PVP better, so why am I even wasting my time? There is no other way to get WZ commendations either. At least give us some other means to grind out some WZ comms when the queues aren't popping late at night or we just get tired of dealing with jerks, organized teams, and players who can 2-shot you.


Tell me again, why can't we have PVP SPACE BATTLES? I was really hoping for something reminiscent of Battlefront II when I got this game, but instead I got StarFox space battles on rails. Once you finish the objectives you can literally walk away and not touch the controls and still win the mission. Come on Bioware, I've got two accounts with you, pre-ordered the game in July 2011, and been on your side every step of the way, but I am just worn out and not having fun anymore.


Tell me Bioware, why should I keep paying and playing? Give me something to really get excited for! Whatcha got?! By the way, yes I am QQing. If you don't have QQs over some aspect of this game, then you are probably spending all your time trolling the forums instead of playing it. :rolleyes:


Well, once you get some gear you'll be the one ROLFSTOMPING others, so, yeah. Get gear, kid. Its much funner after that.

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I cant take anyone coplaining about gear grind in TOR seriously tbh.


WH and BM gear difference is negligible, like 130 epxertise total. And it's ridicolously easy to get battlemaster nowadays. Do weeklies for 2 weeks and you're decked. If you loose 2 matches instead of winning 1 you actually end up with more comms allong the way so the more you get pwned the faster you'll gear up.


Loot bags, that was a grind. Warhero before rated, that was a grind. Getting recruit for free and battlemaster for peanuts is not something I would consider a soulcrushing gear grind, not by a long shot.



Imo the problem in transition from 1-49 to 50s brackets doesnt come from gear but from skill and perception of skill. 1-49 is an excercise in noobery. The vast majority of the time doing well there is like doing well in the special olympics. 50s bracket however has players that know what to do in a wz and how to go about doing it. Most people who predominantly pvp all the time, period. Who have been pvping and honing their stuff for months. It's unrealistic to expect a smooth transition between the two brackets nomatter the gear.


The main problem the recruit gear causes is not it's vast statistical inferiority but the fact it's like wearing a giant bullseye on top of your head broadcasting to everyone that they ought hit you. At which point 3 guys go for the "easy recruit kill" and drop a newbie like a sack. But the thing is, focus anyone of them like that and they drop just the same.

Edited by aeterno
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Luckily GW2 won't have this problem since they removed those stupid PvP stats from the game that are totally unnecessary and will just create pointless grind. Player's entering a PvP match will have their stats boosted to same lvl so now it is player skill rather than player's gear that speaks in the PvP matches.
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I cant take anyone coplaining about gear grind in TOR seriously tbh.


WH and BM gear difference is negligible, like 130 epxertise total. And it's ridicolously easy to get battlemaster nowadays. Do weeklies for 2 weeks and you're decked. If you loose 2 matches instead of winning 1 you actually end up with more comms allong the way so the more you get pwned the faster you'll gear up.


Loot bags, that was a grind. Warhero before rated, that was a grind. Getting recruit for free and battlemaster for peanuts is not something I would consider a soulcrushing gear grind, not by a long shot.



Imo the problem in transition from 1-49 to 50s brackets doesnt come from gear but from skill and perception of skill. 1-49 is an excercise in noobery. The vast majority of the time doing well there is like doing well in the special olympics. 50s bracket however has players that know what to do in a wz and how to go about doing it. Most people who predominantly pvp all the time, period. Who have been pvping and honing their stuff for months. It's unrealistic to expect a smooth transition between the two brackets nomatter the gear.


The main problem the recruit gear causes is not it's vast statistical inferiority but the fact it's like wearing a giant bullseye on top of your head broadcasting to everyone that they ought hit you. At which point 3 guys go for the "easy recruit kill" and drop a newbie like a sack. But the thing is, focus anyone of them like that and they drop just the same.


Sure it is easy to get and blah blah but it is still unnecessary and serves no purpose. Why not just give optional cosmetic gear instead? Remove the damn PvP stats too.. GW2 did this.

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Luckily GW2 won't have this problem since they removed those stupid PvP stats from the game that are totally unnecessary and will just create pointless grind. Player's entering a PvP match will have their stats boosted to same lvl so now it is player skill rather than player's gear that speaks in the PvP matches.


Oh? Sounds boooooring.

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Luckily GW2 won't have this problem since they removed those stupid PvP stats from the game that are totally unnecessary and will just create pointless grind. Player's entering a PvP match will have their stats boosted to same lvl so now it is player skill rather than player's gear that speaks in the PvP matches.


Sort of like nascar where all the cars are tuned to run the same. Just a bunch of lefthand turns booooring.

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Sort of like nascar where all the cars are tuned to run the same. Just a bunch of lefthand turns booooring.


I don't understand how it makes it boring? Every player is different and plays differently. Giving PvP stats to boost your dmg etc. makes it more exciting? Sounds even more boring to be a godmode guy that 2-shots noobs in greens.

Edited by Skorz
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Sure it is easy to get and blah blah but it is still unnecessary and serves no purpose. Why not just give optional cosmetic gear instead? Remove the damn PvP stats too.. GW2 did this.


Because TOR has engame PvE (atleasts trying to) whereas GW2 doesn't have to worry about that.


Plus it's an mmo. Progression is part of the game. It's one of the reason people stop playing as much when they get fully geared. Half my guild is doing alts most of the time now since "playing main outside of guild rated runs doesnt really make sense atm that we're decked".

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I don't understand how it makes it boring? Every player is different and plays differently. Giving PvP stats to boost your dmg etc. makes it more exciting? Sounds even more boring to be a godmode guy that 2-shots noobs in greens.


I absolutely cannot comprehend how 2 shotting noobs in greens can be boring.

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I absolutely cannot comprehend how 2 shotting noobs in greens can be boring.


You are totally trolling aren't you? Well anyways.. it is as passive and boring as watching a boring TV show.. you do nothing and your brains melt for the boredom it causes :p


Oh, and when every player has acquired a full top tier PvP set, their stats will be about the same.. so what difference will it actually make it end other than the pointless grind it will cause (yeah I know it is easy to get and blah blah).

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I agree that Expertise is bad news and should be removed. It creates a large rift between the players and makes PvP not an option for PvE players because they can be in full Rakata and get sauced since they've got no Expertise. It's a silly stat that skews the PvP arena and takes away a lot more of the fun that could be.
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