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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If there was one thing you could remove from SWTOR....


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Bah! Expertise is a good answer too. The OP tricked us by asking for one. ;)


You want to be rolled repeatedly by people wearing augmented campaign gear?


Expertise itself isn't the problem, it's the massive gear gap between recruit and augmented war hero. Removing expertise would just swap one problem for another one (only worse, because no amount of PvPing will allow you to get the top PvE gear).

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The fleet needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. We don't need 4 exits to spaceports, we don't need loading areas before we go to planets. We don't need orbital stations. The fleet needs to be rebuilt to where it is not round. I know people that play this game since launch and still can't find there way around the fleet including myself. And why is the sith fleet set up 100% backwards from pub fleet? just to screw with us?
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The insane mod removal costs.


"Hey, I just got my dailies done! Now let's go buy that piece of Black Hole gear...boy this armor is ugly as sin. What were the design teams thinking? Looks like a scuba suit...Let's put these mods in my sexy armor. Done.......what the hell, where did all my credits g--....BIOWAAAAAAARE! *Shakes fist* "


It should not cost a day's worth of dailies to move our mods between armor just because is so damn ugly. I know I'm not the only bounty hunter who's feeling that sting.

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Mod removal costs are pretty horrendous, it's true. That said I would definitely remove the fleets first. Why the fleets even exist is beyond me. There is no reason why the capital worlds (Coruscant and Dromund Kaas) could not have been designed to function as endgame hubs. Without this status, though, these two planets - especially Coruscant, where the entire planet is supposed to be a city - feel lifeless. And because the fleets are so small, they're crammed full of people standing in blobs around important points, making them laggy, frustrating, and static. This problem gets progressively worse the larger the server is.


In my opinion, the fleets should be scrapped in their entirety and all features therein transferred to the capital worlds (assuming they aren't there already). This might seem extreme, but honestly, I don't think many people will miss the fleets. I only tolerate them because they're the only place I can access certain vendors and mission givers.


This would fix a couple of problems: overcrowding on the fleet (since there's more space on the capital worlds, and more room could conceivably be added to them), and the lack of immersion people feel (or maybe it's just me) when they arrive on the capital worlds and find them desolate.


And in my mind, this change might also make it easier to mold Nar Shaddaa into (I apologize for the comparison) a "Dalaran"-esque neutral world, with all the same features as the capital worlds except with both factions present. But that's a different topic.

Edited by ItsThatGuyAgain
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Orbital Stations.


These things puzzle the hell out of me. No idea why they're there, no idea why that design decision was made, no idea why someone thought it would be a good idea to add a step to such a simple thing as landing on a planet.


I've yet to receive a good answer for this so I can only assume there isn't one.

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1. Expertise

2. Make black core crystals only usable on Guns, Melee weapons, Not Light-sabers.

3. Removal Costs

4. Big Speeders on Fleet..

5. Fleet

I wont put what i think should be added, that would require a whole thread.

Edited by Nippon
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