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Imperial agent, barley played but looks very bad


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No one use any spoilers, but after all the crap ive seen from the agent the storyline just looks like a complete fail... hell you dont even get a imperal soilder comp, you get a lousy tank who is against the empire, and in all srsness, other then the officer suit you look like a trench coat ra**ist. Someone please help this class.
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Its the best story line in the game are you kidding! The start of chapter 2 is like omgwtfbbq. Just play it! :p I recommend playing Agent story last though if that makes a difference, holds spoilers for the other classes kinda, if you do it last you realize a lot of things that tie from the other storys.
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The IA story got me excited, got me stressed out, got me jumping off my seat, got me nearly in tears, got me completely paranoid, got me thinking on what would have happened if...


It was so good that after I played it on my operative I had to replay it with a sniper.


Different choices, different play style, same story with different solutions.


Instead of "infiltrating and sabotaging the Balmora factory to prepare for the assault", I was part of the vanguard of snipers softening the defenses. Instead of going "cloak and stealth", I was completing my missions "one target, one bullet" style (of course all in my imagination since it would take more than one shot for silver and elite mobs, but weak and normal would drop like flies).

Even my relationship with my companions I tackled differently, interpreting the dialogues in a different light. It was a blast too.


You, the OP, seem to only care about your look as an imperial trooper so my advice is to just stop playing the game, it's not for you.

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Its the best story line in the game are you kidding! The start of chapter 2 is like omgwtfbbq. Just play it! :p I recommend playing Agent story last though if that makes a difference, holds spoilers for the other classes kinda, if you do it last you realize a lot of things that tie from the other storys.


Maybe if we weren't stuck with baldy for 20 levels it would be tolerable-as it is to me it's not worth the slog of dealing with her for that many planets.

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No one use any spoilers, but after all the crap ive seen from the agent the storyline just looks like a complete fail... hell you dont even get a imperal soilder comp, you get a lousy tank who is against the empire, and in all srsness, other then the officer suit you look like a trench coat ra**ist. Someone please help this class.


1. The story is the best in the game.


2. You only use trench coats through the late teens and early twenties.


3. If you don't look like the look, mod stuff.


4. Why would you get an Imperial Soldier companion? You're not in the army, you're a spy. You were working alone until these people met you. You also have temple, who is, in fact, an Imperial Soldier.

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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You should continue playing. I mean seriously. Think if a book started slow for a chapter would you stop reading it? It could be the next Hunger Games for all you know. But, you have to finish it. Give it a chance and you'll be fine.


Comparing it to Hunger Games is supposed to be a reason to continue??

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