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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(keep it civil) What let you down most about TOR?


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My take of the TOR dissappointment is the complete lack of 'finished product', I like pve, so the wz's are fine, but the balance of the factions (capablilities between them) is not. The glitches, bugs etc. are incredible from ops, to wz, to fp's, to just general questing. Lets log into Corelia...see you after your lunch break....


I have had to run 3 HM FP's to get the daily blackhole comm's, really? For two week's, myself or other members of guild could not get mats for raid stems, etc, REALLY????, last week, I avg. 1 per 18 missisions...per- expensive stuff, now 'all of sudden' I can get them again, not looking for for free, or easy, but just accessible...very sad-really, guildlie's have had same issue with other professions...I am guild's raid group bio maker, and nobdy could get any and my stockpile of mats got emptied during this 'famine' of radioactive waste..


Denova Boss bug/glitch, have to give up, as well as others on HM and SM,

I have a very able computer, but I get d/c'd from server and findout no blackhole comms until I contact business prevention office..er.. mean customer service maybe in a week. Even some daily's dont work on regular basis...


Don't send your companion to sell your your grey's you will need to re-log to gain access to them.

Why does my armourmech only have orange schematic's for lower lvl's for only sith, and I do not have a one?


I dont bother putting a ticket in, because the blanket response: "Our highly trained techincal staff is sorry for issues', are either aware or unware of the problem, but we will investigate it' they would be better off just saying sucks you to be you.....that would add a little honesty to it, at least to reduce your expectations on ever getting an answer, a guildlie did on not get his rakata roll win, it only took 2 weeks to response and several guildies sending tickets to support and only one response....fail


But I am looking forward to getting all of this for free....lets get more people here and make problem worse and not address them for even more people...


On a good note: I was really thinking this game platform had a alot of potential (my hopes are dim, but still alive) but beginning to believe that there are too many idiots in wrong key positions to make things right, not be terse...but so many things are not addressed that is what alot of friends are saying as well.....and the dispair is growing...but I know that a highly trained techincal staff is aware of the issue and it will be investigated.......for free....Yea Me. My sub runs out soon...re-evaluation is underway

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This isn't a "LOL I HATE TOR" Thread, just a general area for people to say what annoyed them or what was disapointing in TOR to them, not a hate thread.


I'm disapointed the game has a feature set that looks like it was the features they dreamed up 5 years ago - and then they never once poked their head out of the cave to see how the MMO market has moved on since the day 0 whiteboarding for this project.


I'm disappointed that you can see the cost cutting/release day rush in the unevenness of execultion - for example every class has one companion that's fully developed with quests that take you places, while all other comaptions just tell you how cool their adventures were without you.


I am disapointed that the interface is so unpolished, from the crafting menu always comming up in sort by difficulty (really? Really!!?!?) to the GTN being unable to perform basic sorting like show me ONLY recipies I need, not every single zeyd-cloth gloves schematic in a 600-parsec radius...


I hate that the Devs have caved at every turn on making choices and decisions meaningless. Lightside/darkside means essentially NOTHING.


I *(&$@@)$@^%! despise the "testing process" that puts broken patches up willy nilly. You're coders are NOT good enough to be jumping blind into the abyss. TEST. YOUR. PATCHES.


There are lots of things I like, but the "top shelf product" that your talking heads assured us would be able to command a $15 monthly subscription has simply not manifested. I've got the money and want to give it to you Bioware, but you have got to bring the quality.

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in no particular order, and i had to stop my self.. cant spend all day writing this.

- yes I still do try to enjoy the game, but only becasue it is Star Wars and because of the rp crowd on my server.


- The Rail Shooter and the lack of a proper Star Wars space game.

- no rp tools

- no sitting in chairs

- no chat bubbles

- no weather and day / night cycles

- no customization of ship, interior, exterior, window hue, engine and blaster color

- no naming of personal ship

- one ship/style per class

- The worst armor/cloth design ever witnessed within the Star Wars franchise to date!

- commendation-fest-galore and the "super-immersive" commendation named daily!

- Static, choked, boring, linear Class design (ability-fest-galore!)

- Static, choked, boring, linear Worlds / Planets / Questing

- Static, choked, boring, linear Crafting

- no 4'th class role such as controller, support etc

- weapon prof locked to classes

- Tropper / Bounty Hunter and Smuggler / Agent locked to faction

- No Star Warsy mini-games.

- The Rakata, undermining the the whole franchise

- The Voss and the Esh-Kha

- The Jedi Consular Story

- The Jedi Conular companions

- Expertise

- PvP

- Cyborg species.. why no cybernetics for whatever species?

- no real choices in the class stories, pre-designed.. follow the path, turn to page six..

- only 3 options in the convo wheel which often dont represent what you want to say

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For me? Oh boy here we go. In no particular order.


-Story, outside class quests it's 98% boring and just fetch quests.

-Story, even many class quests are boring and just fetch quests. The writing was just terrible for some of them and too much shoe horned in to fit why your on a planet you have no reason to be on, or make you go to an area you have no reason to be at.

-No communication from devs.

-Lying from devs.

-Devs attempt to tell us there will be "loads of new content" after 2 waves of lay offs and numerous senior devs leaving.

-PVP, ok it was better than I expected as I'm not usually into PVP, but the 50 PVP being gear based ruins it completely from the vastly superior and more fun 10-49 bracket.

-The end game gear is poorly optimized. Why bother gearing up when most of it sucks anyways?

-Being told to basically "**** off and remod it yourself" as a solution to poorly optimized gear.

-Bugs, the fact that some bugs remain from beta, and the apparent lack of any QA on their part.

-Enrage timers and lazy boss mechanics tossed on EVERYTHING.

-Newer content being about everyone having no lag, perfect gear, and perfect precision otherwise it's wipe repeatedly, all while the game tosses far too many mechanics at you.

-Unfair descrepency between melee and ranged classes.

-Homogenized classes all pretty much playing and being the same.

-Far too gear based instead of character centric.

-Classes being destroyed by PVP nerfs, then being lied to about the nerfs being PVP based.

-Complete lack of immersion in worlds.

-Lack of music for about 90% of the game.


And this is just to name a few off the top of my head.

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- Devs overhyping. I believe this game would be a lot more successful if the devs were honest. At this point the devs can say anything most players I know won't believe a word of it unless it's bad news.


- PVP was kinda terrible. Rateds were too little too late. Ilum was an absolute disaster. I mean, you copy wow in every way, including WOWs failures? Why? When there was the very excellent example of world PVP from the burning crusade in the form of the isle of qael danas. That would have kept a lot of people, instead they copied wintergrasp/tol barad. And finally, resolve. Terrible idea.


- Speaking of copying wow... this game just felt like WOW but dropped on it's head as a child. Sure, it looked different. But it really wasn't that different and it wasn't as good either. The WOW design is an excellent design for people newish to MMOs. But you will burn out on the wow design eventually and once you do reskinning everything so it's lighsabers instead of swords doesn't fix it.

Edited by Dystopic
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Everything in this thread is pretty much whats wrong with the game and is what let my entire guild down. Even the last to go finally could not take it anymore...I would type it all out but whats the point everyone has already stated what we all feel.


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1. button mashing for every single mob,combat is so intensive that i dont get to enjoy the game world

and makes battles feel grindy

2.space combat is really only a small shooter mini game

3.lack of content, even at low level, missions soon feel like the same as in wow, just with another skin

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basically everything most of you have said is what most of us are upset about so i wont repeat what most have already said, other than the main thing that anoyed me in this game and that is/was....NO INTERACTION with hardly anything Sitting (some have already said) cantinas are the most waste of space areas in this game as all you do is stand or walk through npc's (ghosts) kinda same with planets nothing but Ghosts everywhere other than quest givers.

and another thing no timeline difference after completing a story planet quest Ie like Taris or Alderan (next time u visit its ike you havent even been there and affected the planets overall balance.


one thing that did bother me completly is Stealth, what was the point seen as you get seen almost everytime you used it, even a low level mob would see you i thought that was pretty silly. ah well!


at least in wow and other MMO's you click on a person and get some sort of Dialogue and they at least move.


as many have said (guess i am repeating :) ) but everything needed a sort of purpose to make this feel more open..sadly it hasent.


i love star wars and been playing this since the last 2 beta's but i'm realy anoyed with promises not given and how board you get at top level with nothing to do other than grind dailys......i loved to go off and farm material (mats) to sell or for professions in wow, u cant do that here...such a shame as this coulda been such an Awsome game.


most of you arnt gonna like this but i've actually gone back to WOW lol..at least until another comes out.

wanted to stay here but as its going F2P will just be a credit card sink whether subbed or not.



was good wile it lasted....RIP SWTOR



PS. heard Lukasarts is or maby making another by themselves, unsure how true this is but wait and see.

Edited by Morvoldo
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1) Lack of decent Species. Its ment to be an RPG and despite lots of choices they are all various shades of human.


2) The lack of consequences to the story or choices. After 5 years being told about story to find that story ment giving me an excuse to kill 10 troopers but once they were killed to be completely ignored.


3) The lack of much to do at end game. No open world PvP, with bioware opening up ranked warzones I don't know how people will manage to get into open world without havin ground out ranked warzone gear. No open world PvE options everything is opps and HM flash points, rift showed what can be done in open world PvE. Nothing for guilds to do, no guild bases or ships, they say they would love to open up guild capital ships with 200m investment would have thought you could have.


4) Lack of social, exploration or crafting to any meaningfully MMO level.

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