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Orange Modable items and Loot Rolls


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Having said that, if you state up front that you're looking for specific gear and everyone is ok with it, roll on. I like to keep it simple and roll on gear that's an upgrade for me. How do I know it's for me? Stats.

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Cosmetic is NOT Need. Cosmetic IS Greed.


Bingo. Just fixed the caps to better represent it. If you want it for the looks, ask the group first if you can roll need for the looks of it. If no one needs it for stat upgrades, I'm sure they'll be fine with it. However, if someone loses a Stat upgrade because you wanted to dress pretty, there'd be some mad people in that group.

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I do not come from WoW so I have only read about your views on "need and greed". From what I can tell the majority feel that it is absolutly wrong to need for an item if it doesn't have your stats. With that said...


I am a BH and a super cool looking piece of orange heavy armor drops. Turns out it has great armor too but it doesn't have my stats in it. However, all I need do to make it my stats is open it up and pop in the right mod.


I am of the belief that any heavy armor that drops which is orange is a "need" for me as a BH since I can make the stats as I wish. I just am wondering what others think.




Absolutely. No one really has a right to complain, as they can just pop in their mods to upgrade it.


IMO of course. And I will be doing the same in-game regardless of what people think or react, considering all the oranges can be upgraded/changed.


Anyone who really doesn't like it, is just trying to find excuses to limit their competition for an item. Their tears feed my dark-side. Which is good, keeps me neutral :D

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Absolutely. No one really has a right to complain, as they can just pop in their mods to upgrade it.


IMO of course. And I will be doing the same in-game regardless of what people think or react, considering all the oranges can be upgraded/changed.


Anyone who really doesn't like it, is just trying to find excuses to limit their competition for an item. Their tears feed my dark-side. Which is good, keeps me neutral :D


If you are just going to take the mods out and put your own mods in why don't you just put those mods in your current armor?


The stats would be the same the only thing changing is the look.

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Having said that, if you state up front that you're looking for specific gear and everyone is ok with it, roll on. I like to keep it simple and roll on gear that's an upgrade for me. How do I know it's for me? Stats.


Again, NOBODY is debating whether you can "need" for cosmetic items... /sigh


In this example, the player is cleared for the armor type, i.e. heavy, med, light. The armor rating is an upgrade, and the defense stat is an upgrade. Its only that the loot has endurance and power instead of endurance and aim for example.


This loot in an upgrade in nearly everyway NOT COSMETIC. And in the ways that its not, its easily modded.

Edited by Matty-Wan
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If you are just going to take the mods out and put your own mods in why don't you just put those mods in your current armor?


The stats would be the same the only thing changing is the look.


Because it is obviously not about the stats. Its about the cosmetics.


It doesn't make the 'need' any less valid.


I am actually loving this aspect of SWTOR!!! Now, when I find good mod-able gear I like, I can keep it forever.

Edited by Aberration
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What a fascinating series of viewpoints (and self-justification)...


In other words, the appearance of your character (and all those untradable mods you just snapped up) is at least as important as the extra 5-20 points of my main stat that you are trying to deprive me of? Just... Wow.


On the first page of this thread there is a post about going back and getting the item later. Is there some reason that you need this look now? There's certainly a reason I need the stats now. I find this particularly fascinating in a game where people hit the level cap in 4 days and now have all the time in the world to go back and pick up drops for a specific look...


As for grabbing something for crafting, I can at least see a reason that you'd need to be able to RE and learn something while it is still pertinent....


I suppose that I should not be surprised by all this "gimme, gimme" given the general way people responded to the waves of EGA though. Kinda goes hand in hand with the Jedi I keep seeing with names like Massextinction... For all people seem to love Star Wars it seems there's a lage contingent that don't grok some basics.

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What a fascinating series of viewpoints (and self-justification)...


In other words, the appearance of your character (and all those untradable mods you just snapped up) is at least as important as the extra 5-20 points of my main stat that you are trying to deprive me of? Just... Wow.


On the first page of this thread there is a post about going back and getting the item later. Is there some reason that you need this look now? There's certainly a reason I need the stats now. I find this particularly fascinating in a game where people hit the level cap in 4 days and now have all the time in the world to go back and pick up drops for a specific look...


As for grabbing something for crafting, I can at least see a reason that you'd need to be able to RE and learn something while it is still pertinent....


I suppose that I should not be surprised by all this "gimme, gimme" given the general way people responded to the waves of EGA though. Kinda goes hand in hand with the Jedi I keep seeing with names like Massextinction... For all people seem to love Star Wars it seems there's a lage contingent that don't grok some basics.


So in a game, where the majority of good stuff is just cosmetic, as you can mod it, your are depriving me.... blah blah BOOM POW....


The justification for your tears is funny.

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So in a game, where the majority of good stuff is just cosmetic, as you can mod it, your are depriving me.... blah blah BOOM POW....


The justification for your tears is funny.


So the way your character looks impacts your ability to do things in game? Stats certainly do. Or do you really not get that the ability to mod things relies on the mods and that the item you are taking has mods in it which you cannot then give to the guy who rolled need for the stats?


Yeah, I can take any armor I want and put in spiffy mods. What you're trying to do is justify rolling need on those mods because you like the wrapping they came in.

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Major design flaw, IMO.


Either OJ stuff shouldn't drop in instances, NBG should lock in on your class (ie, BH can't roll on SW heavy), or ditch the rolling stupidity entirely and go with the goodie bag thing they had in beta til some idiots cried about missing the random rolls for some reason.




THIS! The hell happened to that? That sounded like a great idea. Did they really take it out just because some tool decided he missed the b/s drama that came with rolling on loot?


/sigh ... I hate humanity :rolleyes:

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So I have decided to use orange chest, legs, and blaster. I am not 100% satisfied with my legs or blaster, and after 15 levels I'm getting tired of my chest piece. Unfortunately there are none available on the AH.


If I am not allowed to roll on orange gear unless every single stat isn't dedicated to my class, how am I ever going to get different pieces?


Seems to me, that someone who thinks he should be able to roll on every single class specific piece, plus every single orange piece (just because it randomly has some mod in it), is the one being a little greedy.

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Again, NOBODY is debating whether you can "need" for cosmetic items... /sigh


In this example, the player is cleared for the armor type, i.e. heavy, med, light. The armor rating is an upgrade, and the defense stat is an upgrade. Its only that the loot has endurance and power instead of endurance and aim for example.


This loot in an upgrade in nearly everyway NOT COSMETIC. And in the ways that its not, its easily modded.


Aim is a main stat for somebody. Endurance and Power are not. They are secondary and tertiary.


So if you take an item with Aim and you do not use Aim, modable or not, you are a ninja

Edited by Baizak
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So I have decided to use orange chest, legs, and blaster. I am not 100% satisfied with my legs or blaster, and after 15 levels I'm getting tired of my chest piece. Unfortunately there are none available on the AH.


If I am not allowed to roll on orange gear unless every single stat isn't dedicated to my class, how am I ever going to get different pieces?


Seems to me, that someone who thinks he should be able to roll on every single class specific piece, plus every single orange piece (just because it randomly has some mod in it), is the one being a little greedy.


Just go buy new mods on the AH

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Stat upgrades > cosmetic upgrades.


Whoever it is itemized for has priority, sorry.


To put it another way: in MMOs where you can't customize your appearance, do most people go with what looks nice or do they go with what gives them the best stats? Overwhelmingly the latter.


Stats matter more.


Edit: This certainly IS a cosmetic upgrade.


'higher base armor' is meaningless because the armor amount is based on the armoring mod, so if you have to replace the armoring mod anyway then it doesn't matter if the item is level 1 or level 50. it's going to have the armor of the mod you put into it. Mods and Armoring both always have base stats, so the only mod on there that could possibly be reused is the enhancement.

Edited by Sakes
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I don't come from WoW either, but I've played other MMO's with this same system (relatively). I have a very simplified rule:


If the general category is something I can use...I "Need" it.

Ex. I'm a Guardian, so I'll always "Need" Heavy Armor


If the object is orange, that's even better because I can just reslot it later if I actually need to. Hell, even some of the blues, I'll "Need" if their stat's are further along then what I can make at the time. I can alter and tweek the components to work for me if I have to eventually but yeah, I personally don't see a problem with that either. If there's other classes that can use what I can (Trooper vs. Jedi Knight for example), then I welcome them to "Need" it as well.


I DO have a problem when I see a person "Need" an item that they CAN'T use just because they'll get "mad money" for it or "their friend/guildy/Alt" needs it. Sorry...don't care.


So far though, I've really only ever used "Greed".

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This is not a complicated system here.


Need is for items that you NEED to have.

Greed is for items that you WANT to have.


If you want to need on an item that has almost the stats you need but can later change them to suit you, you better clear it with the rest of the group. Why, because someone else might need EVERY stat that the drop has. If that is the case, you should use the greed option, and come back another run to try and get it. I mean if the mods are random anyway, what does it matter to you? You're going to change the mods anyway.

Edited by McAvinue
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I don't come from WoW either, but I've played other MMO's with this same system (relatively). I have a very simplified rule:


If the general category is something I can use...I "Need" it.

Ex. I'm a Guardian, so I'll always "Need" Heavy Armor


If the object is orange, that's even better because I can just reslot it later if I actually need to. Hell, even some of the blues, I'll "Need" if their stat's are further along then what I can make at the time. I can alter and tweek the components to work for me if I have to eventually but yeah, I personally don't see a problem with that either. If there's other classes that can use what I can (Trooper vs. Jedi Knight for example), then I welcome them to "Need" it as well.


I DO have a problem when I see a person "Need" an item that they CAN'T use just because they'll get "mad money" for it or "their friend/guildy/Alt" needs it. Sorry...don't care.


So far though, I've really only ever used "Greed".


Of course, this is a very reasonable position.


The problem is that there are more than a few fanatical zealots that can not wrap there heads around the idea that Orange gear is not the old loot they remember from WoW. Its a new system that has a different dynamic in terms of who can claim they have "need".


Its not as if I am a BH and a "need" on a lightsaber drop. Orange loot is MODABLE and there fore isnt approached the same as hard stated items.


Obvious need for a new paradigm is obvious.

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My opinion exactly. I have a feeling this will be shared by all in time. I wonder though if the folks who are stuck in "it dosent have your stats!" may take some time to come around.


As a Raid leader for several different MMOs I will honestly say I am one of the Biggest Loot Nazis that you will ever meet.


However, in TOR....I actually care very much about how my character looks. and I do agree with the OP.......Orange gear is up for grabs.....(though a Jugg would look pretty stupid with a jetpack)


I am an Assassin, and I have 4 different sets of orange gear that I have been trading out depending on what the rest of my armor/lightsaber looks like.... I love this feature.....


by all means roll on it....and if they complain oh well, in 2 levels they will have better mods they can get from a Commendation Vendor, and there are so many Orange Armor pieces that it really is just based on looks.


Having said that late game, their may be mod'd items that drop that may have mods that are either very difficult to or cannot be crafted...in this case I would revert to my Loot Nazi Ideals.

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So I have decided to use orange chest, legs, and blaster. I am not 100% satisfied with my legs or blaster, and after 15 levels I'm getting tired of my chest piece. Unfortunately there are none available on the AH.


If I am not allowed to roll on orange gear unless every single stat isn't dedicated to my class, how am I ever going to get different pieces?


Seems to me, that someone who thinks he should be able to roll on every single class specific piece, plus every single orange piece (just because it randomly has some mod in it), is the one being a little greedy.


Yeah sure I mean, Bioware made that gear to drop on that mob and put in the exact mods needed by a certain class but you should still be able to take it because it looks good on you. I mean youre not 100% satisfied by what you have, so obviously thats reason enough to go and take a dump on someone else so that YOU can have full , 100% satisfaction. It is, after all, all about YOUR satisfaction. Who really gives a **** about other people that arent you.


/sigh ... Am I the only person here that thinks its people with this kind of attitude towards anyone who isnt them, which are at the root of the worlds problems?

Edited by MasterKayote
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