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Satele abandoned her illegitimate child. Why is she my spiritual leader?


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Sex isn't the issue. Jedi don't have to be celibate. Emotional connection is the issue. That's what the jedi believe, but I personally think their reasoning is as flawed as the sith who think they have to depend on fear to power their use of the force.


And as stated prior, leaving your kid in a cardboard box on the street is abandonment, not finding it an adoptive family.


I did not get DS points for boning Nadia, and she was my Padawan lol.


There was a time when you would have--and should have, logically, if there was a romance, not just sex, but players whined and flailed to the point that it was removed, or so I've been told.

Edited by errant_knight
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I didn't get darkside points for romancing Kira either, even though she was also my padawan too. I felt icky about it like I was abusing my position of power over her, so I headcannoned it so that she wasn't actually my padawan. We were just partners, but I was the lead jedi on the case so her being a padawan to me was really just a little joke between us.
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I didn't get darkside points for romancing Kira either, even though she was also my padawan too. I felt icky about it like I was abusing my position of power over her, so I headcannoned it so that she wasn't actually my padawan. We were just partners, but I was the lead jedi on the case so her being a padawan to me was really just a little joke between us.


Actually, she isn't your padawan. She already has a master. You just call her padawan because it's her title.

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I think calling Kira your padawan is stretching the traditional definition a fair amount. They were almost at the same rank in the order and the Knight graduated from being a padawan slightly earlier. Personally I think The Knight and Kira are closer to partners than teacher and student. I guess she is technically your padawan but it's informal. Plus I'm pretty sure you can always wait until after she has become a Jedi Knight to start the romance. Edited by OldVengeance
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Actually, she isn't your padawan. She already has a master. You just call her padawan because it's her title.


When she "officially" joins you they say that she will be joining you as your padawan, you will be taking over for Master Kiwiiks. It's not uncommon for padawans to have more than one master.

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When she "officially" joins you they say that she will be joining you as your padawan, you will be taking over for Master Kiwiiks. It's not uncommon for padawans to have more than one master.


Oops, guess I missed that bit. Probably because my greyish jedi thought that was ridiculous, lol. He never thought of Kira as his Padawan.

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Jedi marrying and having kids is probably the craziest tangle of retcons in the EU. It was a fairly common backstory for characters in the earlier New Republic era stories (e.g. anything that was written before the AoTC) to say that a character had a Secret Jedi parent who tragically died during the "dark times." They actually preemptively retconed this in the book Rouge Planet, where they explained that it wasn't uncommon for Jedi of the pre-clone wars era to go into semi-retirement once they reached the rank of Master and go off to raise a family. I think the current canon they've settled on is that marriage was against the rules of the Jedi Order, but a lot of people did it anyway and the Council could grant exceptions to the rule for good reasons (like; I really want to) to people that they thought could be trusted (for example, someone who wouldn't do stupid things like have a quicky vegas style wedding and then lie about it).


It is little weird that there are rules about this in TOR. The main original source for this era is (the unreadable comic series) Tales of The Jedi, which was lousy with 10th generation Jedi Nobles off leading The Army of Light. I think it was added to KoTOR mostly to add a touch of "forbidden romance" to spice things up and add a connection to later canon.


On the topic at hand though, I liked the story about Satele having a kid. I thought It added a nice touch of tragedy to the character. I saw it less as abandonment, and more a choice she was forced to make between duty and family.

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I didn't get darkside points for romancing Kira either, even though she was also my padawan too. I felt icky about it like I was abusing my position of power over her, so I headcannoned it so that she wasn't actually my padawan. We were just partners, but I was the lead jedi on the case so her being a padawan to me was really just a little joke between us.


When exactly does this romance start to become more serious?


Firstly she is never truly your Padawan, but that of Master Kiwiiks, secondly, by the end of act I she's a fully fledged Jedi Knight as well and meets you on eye level. You're just the first of equals, not her master then. Thirdly Kira wouldn't let anyone abuse her.



To the topic: I believe she's grand master because she's best for the job, regardless of what she may have done in the past.


The way I see it attachment is not dark side on its own, it just has the danger of driving you to make dark choices. Luke almost fell to the dark side when he felt his sister threatened and faced an enemy he wasn't ready for when he felt his friends would be tortured. (Which wasn't dark side on its own either, imho, but it might easily have become that way.)

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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An off topic note: Some of the most interesting choices are ones where while the light side choice follows the letter of the code, the DS choice might well save more lives in the long run and prevent foreseeable harm. These are the choices that make my Republic characters grey.


It's easier to make a purely LS imperial, I find, as more of the DS choices are of the strangling kittens variety. Still, only one of my LS imperials is purely LS and that`s because he started on Korriban, not Hutta where there`s a DS choice that I always take, and my good guys feel just fine about it..

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When exactly does this romance start to become more serious?


Firstly she is never truly your Padawan, but that of Master Kiwiiks, secondly, by the end of act I she's a fully fledged Jedi Knight as well and meets you on eye level. You're just the first of equals, not her master then. Thirdly Kira wouldn't let anyone abuse her.



It is explicitly stated that you will be her new master taking over for Master Kiwiiks. She calls you master (not because you are a jedi master, which you aren't, but because she is your padawan), and you (and other npcs) call her your padawan. And romance can start as early as Nar Shaddaa, well before the end of act 1. If you don't believe me for whatever reason search "Kira Carsen Romance and Story Part 1" on youtube.

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It is little weird that there are rules about this in TOR. The main original source for this era is (the unreadable comic series) Tales of The Jedi, which was lousy with 10th generation Jedi Nobles off leading The Army of Light. I think it was added to KoTOR mostly to add a touch of "forbidden romance" to spice things up and add a connection to later canon.
I'm pretty sure that's not the Tales of the Jedi comics. TotJ took place almost 60 years before the original KOTOR games, and almost 400 years before the events of The Old Republic. The Jedi Nobles and the Army of Light are from the Battle of Ruusan, which doesn't happen for at least another 2000 years. That battle, though, led to the Ruusan Reformations, and therefore to the Republic and Jedi Order that you see in the prequels.


I agree, it IS more than a little strange that TOR objects to Jedi having romances and marriages, considering this is not so far removed from the Tales of the Jedi comics. (Andur and Nomi Sunrider, anyone?)

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The choice to

kill the czerka hunter who is hunting evoci for sport or to warn him off, when he makes it plain he`ll just go do the same thing somewhere else. Killing him is a DS choice.


Lol I loved making the

DS choice in killing him.....I mean c'mon who wouldn't do that choice? I was like "ughhhhh" when the evoci were surprised when I killed him haha.


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Yeah the "Jedi are forbidden to have romance thing" came with the PT I think. And the explanation for the Tales of The Jedi era having romance all the time was that the Jedi Order reformed after the Battle of Ruusan. But then the original Kotor game retconed that and now the EU basically has a plot hole regarding Jedi romance. Is Tales of the Jedi is non cannon now then?


Also I haven't read either comic but I think it's:


"Tales of the Jedi" covers The Great Hyperspace War and Great Sith War.


"Jedi vs Sith" covers the Army of Light and the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars.

Edited by OldVengeance
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It is explicitly stated that you will be her new master taking over for Master Kiwiiks. She calls you master (not because you are a jedi master, which you aren't, but because she is your padawan), and you (and other npcs) call her your padawan. And romance can start as early as Nar Shaddaa, well before the end of act 1. If you don't believe me for whatever reason search "Kira Carsen Romance and Story Part 1" on youtube.


I think Padawans call any Jedi beyond the rank of a Padawan "Master"... Just like people who are not Jedi at all. While Jedi refer to each other or to one with a lower rank more often with their first name. (Of course using the first name isn't an option in SW:TOR)

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Indeed. At least about that.


It seems the Force "forces" people to lie. The Jedi believe in telling the truth...except for when they don't. The Sith will lie their lips off, but they don't try to hide what they really are. For the most part.


For me, Jedi vs Sith is much like the choice of GDI vs. Nod. I very much dislike the Jedi and GDI, but they're less likely to kill you than the Sith or Nod is.

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Lord I hate the line "had no choice" Everyone has a choice in all things they do. It may not be the best of choices, but there is always a choice.


As for her choices, she could either leave the order, and raise her child, or remain in the order, and give up her child. Or furthermore, she could have made the choice to keep her legs together, and avoid the issue entirely.


Bottom line, she had a choice, to say otherwise is foolish at best.


She had a choice, and it was a very difficult one. She was young, and it was in the middle of the war, and she gave her toddler to Ngani Zho. Tharan was not an infant, you can see the exchange in the Lost Suns comics. Whether she was right or not doesn't matter. The point is that, when everything was said and done, she chose the order over her son, which is what a "true" jedi is supposed to do.


And look at how light side and dark side points are counted in game - even if you do a few darker things here and there, but overall your actions are light-sided, then you're ultimately light sided. Some who disregard the jedi code or follows it loosly is not a fully light sided jedi, and may even be closer to neutral (gray) ala Qui-gon Jinn or even Jolee Bindo.


What Satele did that was different was she went on, after giving custody of her son to her old master, was to embrace the jedi code fully. As evidenced by her and the peace delagates accepting the Treaty of Coruscant when Aryn Leneer left the order.



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Yeah the "Jedi are forbidden to have romance thing" came with the PT I think. And the explanation for the Tales of The Jedi era having romance all the time was that the Jedi Order reformed after the Battle of Ruusan. But then the original Kotor game retconed that and now the EU basically has a plot hole regarding Jedi romance. Is Tales of the Jedi is non cannon now then?


Also I haven't read either comic but I think it's:


"Tales of the Jedi" covers The Great Hyperspace War and Great Sith War.


"Jedi vs Sith" covers the Army of Light and the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars.


The Ruusan Reformation came about 2000 years after the KOTOR era so it wasn't retconned.



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