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If this game is so great then why do so many people that love the game spend all their time in the forums?

I can only speak for myself, but I have a day job that involves working at a computer, and not so hard that I can't duck in and out of the forums regularly during the day, but its not like I can install and play an MMO at work.


I never understood why people thought that enjoying a game meant you played it all the time and couldn't even take time to talk about it. Even on weekends, when I might have the whole day to play video games, I generally play a couple hours and then do something else (like maybe post on the forums), and then come back to them later.

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There is a free trial now, how many people are using that?


Wont make that great a difference and it will probally push some of players that have been nothing but loyal to this game to unsub when more and more things are added to the store for purchase.


EA has shifted to tactics for max financial gain over game play or player loyalty.


Dont believe me? We have heard nothing in months about paid transfers, meanwhile we have toon stuck all over the place.


Take a flight out to ilium and find the open world pvp.


Watch this video about pvp and then ask yourself why this has not been addressed, This game has been out almost a year now.


If you SUbscribe, NOTHING WILL HAVE CHANGED, With the Simple addition of the Cash shop, and thats that

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In 7 days you'll still be here.

In fact, in two months from now you'll still be here, posting the same things about the terrible game Bioware made, which is dead, or almost, without endgame, with bad graphics and bugs,

and for some odd reasons, you'll still pay the subs.


I think I have seen him say he has a week left before actually. Addictions are a strange thing!


Can't....go...to another...mmo...without...story....GGAHHHH!!! DAMN YOU SWTORR!!!!! lol

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I think I have seen him say he has a week left before actually. Addictions are a strange thing!


Can't....go...to another...mmo...without...story....GGAHHHH!!! DAMN YOU SWTORR!!!!! lol


Yup. Emeda is this game's biggest fan. Even bigger than you and I!

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You are forgetting something. There was never a question of making profit. It is a question, however, of how this new F2P model is affecting us, as players.


So far, it`s withholding content since April.


Because, at the end of the day, 2 more Fleet instances and 2 more full servers won`t bring faster or better content. Not with a team that was cut 2 times, which failed to bring the already promised monthly patches as it was. And because the problems that made about 1 mil of the initial players leave are not fixed yet and nobody from Bioware says anything about fixing them.


Only time will tell.


Food for thought though: They failed to save their jobs with what little content we had post-launch, and we are, suddenly, to think they`ll up their game for free?

Edited by Styxx
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But that's completely different mentality Celebrus. Weekend stuff and all that, you could only play weekend. Free to play up to 15..you couldn't even get your ship or do anything fun. Just start planets. Now..it's a whole new mentality. Meaning you get to play ALL stories EVERY ONE of them 1-50 without losing your stuff or needing to pay when the trial is up or anything. Most people who want to play this game care about the story, Star Wars, and voice acting. Not raiding, warzones, or crap like that. Most who want to play care that it's adding a free to play option. It's just a different mentality now. A good one. I think it's a GREAT move.


You do realize that all you get is the STORY right ??


God help anyone that has to try and level based off the STORY alone.....Have you seen F2P models, you do not get planetary quest lines and other goodies in a F2P and its already been made clear you wont here...!!


F2P will do nothing in the long term to increase the amount of people playing the game, Ultimately, it will damage it, and for the record, I believe nobody else can point me to any MMO that went F2P that is now enjoying a substantial subscription increase over the long term.


I will simplify and equate to Movies as a comparison...


F2P = Straight to DVD.

Sub = Released at the Cinema.


F2P is nothing more than the better end of failure, huge losses, and a last gasp attempt to recoup lost profits and potential profits. If you think otherwise, you have been in front of a computer to long, and spent no real time in the REAL world...!!!


EA / Bioware are not your friends, they are run by Suits where the only desire is to make money.......If you actually and honestly, wholeheartedly believe they are here to make your time the best it can be with little to no cost.....


Then please send me a ticket to your world, because the Real one does not work like that, and the guy deciding how to get your money is not the Dev on the video saying how great the game is, and how much they love the fans.....

Edited by Nippon
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F2P will do nothing in the long term to increase the amount of people playing the game, Ultimately, it will damage it, and for the record, I believe nobody else can point me to any MMO that went F2P that is now enjoying a substantial subscription increase over the long term.



LoTRO, has a bigger player pop now then they did when it first started. LoTRO wasn't a bad game at all, however it in some ways got the same treatment that TOR got. Ya know that whole "omg they tried to make LoTRO, WoW but it doesn't have the (content, PvP, Players, whatever here)!" LoTRO has done so much better as a F2P title that they are now pushing out a new expansion Riders of Rohan.


Dungeons and Dragons Online, for the most part DDO was the walking dead. Again much like LoTRO it wasn't 'bad' however it's another post-WoW title that came out and got ignored. F2P turned the game around almost over night and they just had the first expansion for the game back in June, Menace of the Underdark.


Star Trek Online, STO was a game that came out way too early and was missing a huge chunk of content. Great space game with a somewhat sub par ground game. Went F2P last year and guess what? I'm seeing more players now in STO then I did when I started playing six months before it went F2P. It also helps that over the last year and a half STO had some good updates ranging from the Crossfire update that revamped the ground game and gave it an FPS like system that you could use. Revamping the end game content making it much more fun and putting new rewards in. And the last update put in Fleet (aka guild) Starbases.


APB, dead as dead can be however it came back as a F2P game and is doing much better for it's self now.


DC Universe, came out and bombed however going F2P has gotten a good chunk of players back in it. It's now healthy and getting some good updates in.


Let me also point out that we have a number of games looking at going F2P beside TOR. Word has it Tera will be going F2P in the next few months. The Secret World is already built for F2P and it wouldn't shock me if it go's F2P by the end of the year. Guild Wars 2? Already F2P. I've heard some talk about Rift going F2P as well. Also let me point out that a number of other games have come out as F2P like Tribes Ascend and Mechwarrior Online is going F2P. Planetside 2 is going to be F2P from the start as well and is looking very good.


Really the only game off the top of my head that has gone F2P and has just failed outright is Age of Conan. And that's due to some over priced items in the shop. Tons of grinding, tons of more grinding after you hit max level. Content that's just not working. No real way for a newbie or F2P player to really hang in PvP with an older Vet Player. Tell the truth? TOR is nowhere near the level of AoC bad.


I look at it like this, chances are going F2P is the best thing this game can do. Right now WoW is really the only P2P game doing well. EVE always had ways to make it F2P, and Rift isn't doing 'bad' but it's not really shaking up the world with it's numbers. Really best they go F2P with TOR now then later on down the road.

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This game isn't a bad game. Have you played any other MMO's? Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WAR, AoC etc? There are and have been many MMO's launched that were / are today in worse shape than SWTOR is.


So true, this game has alot to still come. I remember aoc from day one, was like beta testing it and paying to do it lol And a VERY old mmo Dungeons and Dragons was a great game that eventually went down hill due to speed of content being released, went f2p and it breathed a whole new life to it, the f2p as[pect actaully worked, by time i had done i had paid to unlock everything and was costing me zero a month but had what a paying sub had, i just removed the monthly strain. Thats a good f2p, now aoc f2p u could get raid packs that lasted a week for example and thats it, where as the ddo f2p once u paid to unlock a raid pack it was yours perminantly.


F2P could be a great thing, seen games with bad f2p models and also seen some with great f2p models.


As long as content comes quicker, and the f2p aspect dont make it pay to win then im on board with this all way.

Edited by mattycutts
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LoTRO, has a bigger player pop now then they did when it first started. LoTRO wasn't a bad game at all, however it in some ways got the same treatment that TOR got. Ya know that whole "omg they tried to make LoTRO, WoW but it doesn't have the (content, PvP, Players, whatever here)!" LoTRO has done so much better as a F2P title that they are now pushing out a new expansion Riders of Rohan.


Dungeons and Dragons Online, for the most part DDO was the walking dead. Again much like LoTRO it wasn't 'bad' however it's another post-WoW title that came out and got ignored. F2P turned the game around almost over night and they just had the first expansion for the game back in June, Menace of the Underdark.


Star Trek Online, STO was a game that came out way too early and was missing a huge chunk of content. Great space game with a somewhat sub par ground game. Went F2P last year and guess what? I'm seeing more players now in STO then I did when I started playing six months before it went F2P. It also helps that over the last year and a half STO had some good updates ranging from the Crossfire update that revamped the ground game and gave it an FPS like system that you could use. Revamping the end game content making it much more fun and putting new rewards in. And the last update put in Fleet (aka guild) Starbases.


APB, dead as dead can be however it came back as a F2P game and is doing much better for it's self now.


DC Universe, came out and bombed however going F2P has gotten a good chunk of players back in it. It's now healthy and getting some good updates in.


Let me also point out that we have a number of games looking at going F2P beside TOR. Word has it Tera will be going F2P in the next few months. The Secret World is already built for F2P and it wouldn't shock me if it go's F2P by the end of the year. Guild Wars 2? Already F2P. I've heard some talk about Rift going F2P as well. Also let me point out that a number of other games have come out as F2P like Tribes Ascend and Mechwarrior Online is going F2P. Planetside 2 is going to be F2P from the start as well and is looking very good.


Really the only game off the top of my head that has gone F2P and has just failed outright is Age of Conan. And that's due to some over priced items in the shop. Tons of grinding, tons of more grinding after you hit max level. Content that's just not working. No real way for a newbie or F2P player to really hang in PvP with an older Vet Player. Tell the truth? TOR is nowhere near the level of AoC bad.


I look at it like this, chances are going F2P is the best thing this game can do. Right now WoW is really the only P2P game doing well. EVE always had ways to make it F2P, and Rift isn't doing 'bad' but it's not really shaking up the world with it's numbers. Really best they go F2P with TOR now then later on down the road.


I don't know anything about the majority of the games you mentioned but i did play AoC from launch and for about a year and a half after. AoC was dead long before it went F2P. Prior to launch the game was hyped as PvP centric, where gear would not matter and combat would be skill based, What we got at launch was a half finished game where the best part of the game was the starter island, Bugs everywhere, The minimum spec's for you computer were complete BS ( my comp at the time had the recomened spec's and i was getting between 14-24 FPS), memory leak out the backside. i could go on all day with that, lets just say loads of people quit Thats round 1)


Round 2- Game leadership changed approx. 4 months in, combat got dummied down, the game became gear oriented, more people quit. Funcom began to close servers. To make a long story shorter ( as i wanna go play TOR while i have time) I quit before F2P started, before the X-pac came out and AoC was down to 4 servers when i left.

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I think I have seen him say he has a week left before actually. Addictions are a strange thing!


Can't....go...to another...mmo...without...story....GGAHHHH!!! DAMN YOU SWTORR!!!!! lol


Sarfux......you do know there are a lot of players with 6 month subs which will not expire until sometime this month? So they can still post. And some resubbed when 1.3 came out, to check it out. Does not mean they are going to stay.

Mine runs out Aug 16th. I may be back when FTP is launched, depends on how they do it. But I can garantee you if it is basically like it is now, no way I will resub.

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I don't know anything about the majority of the games you mentioned but i did play AoC from launch and for about a year and a half after. AoC was dead long before it went F2P. Prior to launch the game was hyped as PvP centric, where gear would not matter and combat would be skill based, What we got at launch was a half finished game where the best part of the game was the starter island, Bugs everywhere, The minimum spec's for you computer were complete BS ( my comp at the time had the recomened spec's and i was getting between 14-24 FPS), memory leak out the backside. i could go on all day with that, lets just say loads of people quit Thats round 1)


Round 2- Game leadership changed approx. 4 months in, combat got dummied down, the game became gear oriented, more people quit. Funcom began to close servers. To make a long story shorter ( as i wanna go play TOR while i have time) I quit before F2P started, before the X-pac came out and AoC was down to 4 servers when i left.

It picked up right after Rise of the Godslayer came out, now that tends to be normal as MMO's do pick up with the expansion pack. Rise of the Godslayer however had a number of bugs, was way, way, way too much of an insane grind. I will give Funcom some credit it looked like they started to get some type of long term plan going with AoC and I felt the move to F2P was a good idea for the game. And the F2P did bring in a lot more players, it just didn't last as well a F2P Player didn't get a whole lot with the game. The cost of items or unlocking areas was too high, it was just over all a bad F2P system.


Oh and they just did another server merge.

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I must keep up hope and optimism instead of being negative all the time! :D


I'm just going to quote this right here and laugh cynically to myself.


HOPE, n. Desire and expectation rolled into one.


Delicious Hope! when naught to man it left —

Of fortune destitute, of friends bereft;

When even his dog deserts him, and his goat

With tranquil disaffection chews his coat

While yet it hangs upon his back; then thou,

The star far-flaming on thine angel brow,

Descendest, radiant, from the skies to hint

The promise of a clerkship in the Mint.

—Fogarty Weffing

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Quote: People who dont like the game can leave.


Correct, love the story, hate the mechanics/gameplay, poor character balancing, lack of effective LFG option, and have paid religiously since start. Now free to play? Ok everyone who has seen F2P, has seen the following......

1. Decreased customer service- ie shifting of assets to new content

2. Strong surge in spammers, credit miners, trolls, and other issues that can be fixed by banning accounts.

3. Loss of focus..its free to play why are they complaining, they dont pay for it....mentality....


So for those who are confident I say this...good luck....based on EA/Bioware's history and track record, you are about to be sorely dissappointed .....again.

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It picked up right after Rise of the Godslayer came out, now that tends to be normal as MMO's do pick up with the expansion pack. Rise of the Godslayer however had a number of bugs, was way, way, way too much of an insane grind. I will give Funcom some credit it looked like they started to get some type of long term plan going with AoC and I felt the move to F2P was a good idea for the game. And the F2P did bring in a lot more players, it just didn't last as well a F2P Player didn't get a whole lot with the game. The cost of items or unlocking areas was too high, it was just over all a bad F2P system.


Yeah, well, that looks to be the f2p system they're bringing here. Two tiers of membership/lose everything if you downgrade. Ick.

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