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Sorcs in PvP....


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As many know... I love this game. As many also know... I have 2 of the FOTM's so since it's about that time to roll a new class, I rolled a sorc. I was going to roll a sniper as I'm guessing they will be the FOTM, their damage is impressive right now, and I need some ranged DPS. I only roll DPS btw, I mean... my Legacy name IS Deepy'ess. :D So anyways... I went sorc. Just to see what all the complaints are about.


I'm SUPER squishy!!!! But as the class is designed it makes sense. I still feel like I can get out of bad situations and somewhat kite even though I'm low level and lacking A LOT of defensive abilities. Grouped with team work though I feel like a beast. Me and another sorc who rolled with me in guild have been melting faces all wkend. It's honestly the most fun I've ever had with the game. We time KB's, stuns etc and between the 2 of us we're owning it. I think we lost maybe 2 out of every 10 played which is pretty good for not rolling a premade on the Imp side of Bastion.


I feel like the class is working as intended so far. Hard to say considering I'm low level but seriously... sorcs are beast. Coupled with some team work and communication I feel godly.


Anyways, my point is.... alone, it's definitely a bit tougher. But I still manage to do well. With some team work... damn near unstoppable. It got to the point that people were marking us cuz they were so frustrated. We were DEFINITELY targeted in about half the matches we played. All it took was some team work...


So, not sure what all the complaints are about. Working as intended I feel and I'm sure it's only gonna get better with the more tools we have at hand. Remember people, this is a team game and not all classes are designed to face tank. But let me repeat... TEAM WORK!!! It does wonders...

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thanks for leaving my Gunslinger alone. :D


secondly you should already know why all the complaints.....


If someone dies to something else its 1 of 2 things.


a) other class is OP


b) class they are playing is UP


Either way, its never about the person posting just being really really really freaking bad.

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thanks for leaving my Gunslinger alone. :D


secondly you should already know why all the complaints.....


If someone dies to something else its 1 of 2 things.


a) other class is OP


b) class they are playing is UP


Either way, its never about the person posting just being really really really freaking bad.




You KNOW it's coming!


And I already know... I have no idea why I try to convince any of the nerf herders of anything. It's a losing battle. ;)

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this is why i'm making a scrapper. with all that they've gone through, i figured there's no possible nerfs going their way.


meanwhile, the good scrapper / concealment guys are still ruining people, just not as quickly.


my sorc is 36 now. kinda interesting, but not interesting enough for me to take to 50, i don't think. I just wanna finish act 2 so that my main can have more than 1 personal buff.. >_<

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Let me know when you hit 50 and tell me what that experience is like. It doesn't matter what AC you are (or if you even have one at all) to be good in lowbie tbh. Also, pray you never have a PT/VG find you with their dots that you can't cleanse and let me know how rail shot feels from the other end.
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You KNOW it's coming!


And I already know... I have no idea why I try to convince any of the nerf herders of anything. It's a losing battle. ;)


Ill have to reroll to trooper dps then and make people unsub by topping the dps charts if you steal my freaking pre-fotm-fotm class.

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I don't get what all the fuss is about, sure I'd be happy with my sorc having more survivability, but people make them out be unplayable, personally I love my sorc.. they're mobile and can DPS and just generally look pretty cool.



Let me know when you hit 50 and tell me what that experience is like. It doesn't matter what AC you are (or if you even have one at all) to be good in lowbie tbh. Also, pray you never have a PT/VG find you with their dots that you can't cleanse and let me know how rail shot feels from the other end.


I'll let you know right after I root, slow, DoT, bubble, force speed and burn them down with lightning. OK?


People forget just because you're dps specced, doesn't mean you can't use heals.

Melee classes (or close-combat classes) you bubble, slow them, DoT them, speed away behind something and heal up, continue to damage and repeat, not difficult.

Edited by Jayshames
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Let me know when you hit 50 and tell me what that experience is like. It doesn't matter what AC you are (or if you even have one at all) to be good in lowbie tbh. Also, pray you never have a PT/VG find you with their dots that you can't cleanse and let me know how rail shot feels from the other end.


PT/VG dots hurt on everyone, so does rail shot.


Not every class is supposed to facetank every other class... Sometimes its better to throw you're hands up, drop you're coins and run away.

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As many know... I love this game. As many also know... I have 2 of the FOTM's so since it's about that time to roll a new class, I rolled a sorc. I was going to roll a sniper as I'm guessing they will be the FOTM, their damage is impressive right now, and I need some ranged DPS. I only roll DPS btw, I mean... my Legacy name IS Deepy'ess. :D So anyways... I went sorc. Just to see what all the complaints are about.


I'm SUPER squishy!!!! But as the class is designed it makes sense. I still feel like I can get out of bad situations and somewhat kite even though I'm low level and lacking A LOT of defensive abilities. Grouped with team work though I feel like a beast. Me and another sorc who rolled with me in guild have been melting faces all wkend. It's honestly the most fun I've ever had with the game. We time KB's, stuns etc and between the 2 of us we're owning it. I think we lost maybe 2 out of every 10 played which is pretty good for not rolling a premade on the Imp side of Bastion.


I feel like the class is working as intended so far. Hard to say considering I'm low level but seriously... sorcs are beast. Coupled with some team work and communication I feel godly.


Anyways, my point is.... alone, it's definitely a bit tougher. But I still manage to do well. With some team work... damn near unstoppable. It got to the point that people were marking us cuz they were so frustrated. We were DEFINITELY targeted in about half the matches we played. All it took was some team work...


So, not sure what all the complaints are about. Working as intended I feel and I'm sure it's only gonna get better with the more tools we have at hand. Remember people, this is a team game and not all classes are designed to face tank. But let me repeat... TEAM WORK!!! It does wonders...


Sounds like you're under 50 where are sorcs are gods. Try 50 pvp in rookie gear and come back.

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Sounds like you're under 50 where are sorcs are gods. Try 50 pvp in rookie gear and come back.


right because every other class that hits 50, throws on the rookie gear just dominates.......... More like hit 50, put on BM gear and then make a judgement.... Which I personally have. They are squishy, as casters typically are in almost all decent mmo/rpg settings, but they can and do dish out some pretty heafty damage, and very nice mobility.

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I've found a similar experience in that my Sorceror (corruption) is about as useful as a drunk squirrel on his own, but can work wonders when near even one teammate.


Seriously... most of the wkend is what just me and a guildie who rolled a sorc with me and we melted faces ALL DAY! It was insane how quick we dropped people. Huttball quickly became our favorite map... me and him could dominate mid with only 2 of us. Timing KB's and stuns... no one could get close enough to touch us. :D


Late last night we had a healer and a DPS jug from guild grouped up with us and it was simply ridiculous. It wasn't even fair... I mean, it's sub 50 PvP so big deal... but the extent of ownage is a sign of good things to come. :D We started going for 3 caps on NC and CW just cuz we were bored.


I hope people recognize the point of this thread though... it's not brag but to point out that even though they may not be an ideal 1v1 class. That's not what the game is about... it's about using what you have to your advantage and that team work outweighs all.

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As many know... I love this game. As many also know... I have 2 of the FOTM's so since it's about that time to roll a new class, I rolled a sorc. I was going to roll a sniper as I'm guessing they will be the FOTM, their damage is impressive right now, and I need some ranged DPS. I only roll DPS btw, I mean... my Legacy name IS Deepy'ess. :D So anyways... I went sorc. Just to see what all the complaints are about.


I'm SUPER squishy!!!! But as the class is designed it makes sense. I still feel like I can get out of bad situations and somewhat kite even though I'm low level and lacking A LOT of defensive abilities. Grouped with team work though I feel like a beast. Me and another sorc who rolled with me in guild have been melting faces all wkend. It's honestly the most fun I've ever had with the game. We time KB's, stuns etc and between the 2 of us we're owning it. I think we lost maybe 2 out of every 10 played which is pretty good for not rolling a premade on the Imp side of Bastion.


I feel like the class is working as intended so far. Hard to say considering I'm low level but seriously... sorcs are beast. Coupled with some team work and communication I feel godly.


Anyways, my point is.... alone, it's definitely a bit tougher. But I still manage to do well. With some team work... damn near unstoppable. It got to the point that people were marking us cuz they were so frustrated. We were DEFINITELY targeted in about half the matches we played. All it took was some team work...


So, not sure what all the complaints are about. Working as intended I feel and I'm sure it's only gonna get better with the more tools we have at hand. Remember people, this is a team game and not all classes are designed to face tank. But let me repeat... TEAM WORK!!! It does wonders...


The issues with Sorc come end-game, really. DoT damage is horrible when everyone has ~19k HP (the ability modifiers for them are AWFUL). MANY sorc dps abilities have bad modifiers as well (thus, their most consistantly damaging abilities in lowbie pvp -which work great then- get outshined by other DPS classes late-game). And then... well, yeah, the whole squishiness issue - also becomes far and away more and more apparent late-game. Basically, in end-game pvp as a DPS sorc, you have to be VERY SKILLED at kiting and timing your utility (seriously, if you let some classes get more than 1 consecutively powerful hit off on you, you'll be going down soon after).


No class has a bigger level/gear gap discrepancy compared to a DPS sorc, and even when you're fully geared end-game, it's really quite disappointing to see its lackluster performance compared to other classes for the time invested to acquire that gear. Not saying it's USELESS altogether (in fact, it can be one of the most annoying classes to face in the proper hands), but you really don't stand a chance against quite a few classes (no matter what you do, it'll only prolong the inevitable) if they're in the hands of a good player. That said, I find that madness sorc. DOES counter all maras/sents with ease - very popular class, so odds are if you're on a server that has crazy numbers of these, you might do quite well - if you know how/when to handle/counter them.

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PT/VG dots hurt on everyone, so does rail shot.


Not every class is supposed to facetank every other class... Sometimes its better to throw you're hands up, drop you're coins and run away.


Except this is the answer in every situation. I get attacked by <insert class here>, use KB, slow, stun, and force speed in some combination to run away to some location where I can't do anything to help my team.

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The issues with Sorc come end-game, really. DoT damage is horrible when everyone has ~19k HP (the ability modifiers for them are AWFUL). MANY sorc dps abilities have bad modifiers as well (thus, their most consistantly damaging abilities in lowbie pvp -which work great then- get outshined by other DPS classes late-game). And then... well, yeah, the whole squishiness issue - also becomes far and away more and more apparent late-game. Basically, in end-game pvp as a DPS sorc, you have to be VERY SKILLED at kiting and timing your utility (seriously, if you let some classes get more than 1 consecutively powerful hit off on you, you'll be going down soon after).


No class has a bigger level/gear gap discrepancy compared to a DPS sorc, and even when you're fully geared end-game, it's really quite disappointing to see its lackluster performance compared to other classes for the time invested to acquire that gear. Not saying it's USELESS altogether (in fact, it can be one of the most annoying classes to face in the proper hands), but you really don't stand a chance against quite a few classes (no matter what you do, it'll only prolong the inevitable) if they're in the hands of a good player. That said, I find that madness sorc. DOES counter all maras/sents with ease - very popular class, so odds are if you're on a server that has crazy numbers of these, you might do quite well - if you know how/when to handle/counter them.


very nice response and pretty spot on. I view them as a high risk high reward class. Most people complain because they dont have the patience or the talent level to learn the in's and out's of the class, thus they cry on the forums and reroll into a class that only has about 6 buttons to press.


Like he said tho, If you take the time to learn the in's and out's and dont think you're a combination of a tank / dps / and healer they can be very rewarding to those that like a decent challenge.

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The issues with Sorc come end-game, really. DoT damage is horrible when everyone has ~19k HP (the ability modifiers for them are AWFUL). MANY sorc dps abilities have bad modifiers as well (thus, their most consistantly damaging abilities in lowbie pvp -which work great then- get outshined by other DPS classes late-game). And then... well, yeah, the whole squishiness issue - also becomes far and away more and more apparent late-game. Basically, in end-game pvp as a DPS sorc, you have to be VERY SKILLED at kiting and timing your utility (seriously, if you let some classes get more than 1 consecutively powerful hit off on you, you'll be going down soon after).


No class has a bigger level/gear gap discrepancy compared to a DPS sorc, and even when you're fully geared end-game, it's really quite disappointing to see its lackluster performance compared to other classes for the time invested to acquire that gear. Not saying it's USELESS altogether (in fact, it can be one of the most annoying classes to face in the proper hands), but you really don't stand a chance against quite a few classes (no matter what you do, it'll only prolong the inevitable) if they're in the hands of a good player. That said, I find that madness sorc. DOES counter all maras/sents with ease - very popular class, so odds are if you're on a server that has crazy numbers of these, you might do quite well - if you know how/when to handle/counter them.


I see a lot of sorcs on Bastion doing quite well... one of them is someone I play with on a regular basis. He's def not the only one... I can see it being more "work" (which is what I like about it) to do well compared to my PT but the potential is definitely there and team with another sorc, timing our stuns and KB's etc... I can't see how this can not just get better and better.


Again though of course... it's still early and sub 50... but damn this is fun. I will def be updating for the doubters of how we perform in post 50, rated etc. As fun as this is I doubt it will take long before we hit 50. :D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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You are going to find out 2 things.


That DPS Sorcs/Sages dominate in the 10-49 bracket.


and that once you hit 50 Combat Sentinals and Kinetic Shadows (both late blooming classes) will melt you and for the most part laugh at your damage/cc/escape tricks.

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Sorcs are awesome in 1-49, even from lvl 10 since the only defensive ability you will get after that is bubble. It's IMO also the most fun class to play. The problems arise when you ding 50:


* Everyone is aware of the "sorc is a free kill" label. Even if this isnt necessarily true it still means that you will get chased around the map in every game. I usually average around 900 objective points on VS due not never being able to be close to the doors.

*Less class diversity. While you will see a wide range of classes in 1-49 it's quickly narrowed down to a few in the 50 bracket. This means that you in many cases will be the only one in the game with the "sorc is a free kill" label. People will literally move away from the guy with 10 % health and chase you instead.

*Damage mitigation is seemingly stuck at lvl 49 for sorcs/sages. The good thing about this is that you won't be as affected by expertise, it simply doesnt help much. The bad thing is ofcourse that even in 1250 expertise you'll take +6K hits from other classes.

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Except this is the answer in every situation. I get attacked by <insert class here>, use KB, slow, stun, and force speed in some combination to run away to some location where I can't do anything to help my team.


sometimes survival is the best way to help you're team :D

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You are going to find out 2 things.


That DPS Sorcs/Sages dominate in the 10-49 bracket.


and that once you hit 50 Combat Sentinals and Kinetic Shadows (both late blooming classes) will melt you and for the most part laugh at your damage/cc/escape tricks.


rock said paper was overpowered, even tho scissors was claiming it was rock that was over powered.

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I don't get what all the fuss is about, sure I'd be happy with my sorc having more survivability, but people make them out be unplayable, personally I love my sorc.. they're mobile and can DPS and just generally look pretty cool.


I'll let you know right after I root, slow, DoT, bubble, force speed and burn them down with lightning. OK?


People forget just because you're dps specced, doesn't mean you can't use heals.

Melee classes (or close-combat classes) you bubble, slow them, DoT them, speed away behind something and heal up, continue to damage and repeat, not difficult.


On my old server Daragon Trail, I as a madness specd sorc, would fight one of my really good PT friends in WZ's all the time. (Go look up Exphryl on youtube and tell me you've seen a better player at PT..) I was the best sorc I knew of there and he was the best PT I've seen anywhere, I've beat him once ever straight up, and "tied' him two other times, meaning my dots killed him after he killed me. The other 100 times, he won without anything I could do to stop it. The sorc class is fun, of course, but it literally is incapable of beating some of the other classes because there aren't enough tools to counter the damage that they put out. Yes, we can bubble, yes we can heal, yes we can los, yes we can cc, yes we can run away, but that doesnt win a fight. I've recently retired my sorc in pvp, and donated my fully optimized willpower gear to a shadow I've leveled up, /cry. Still hope balances come soon but don't see them anywhere near on the horizon....

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Sorcerers are great if you have a teammate to keep you alive (heals, guards, taunts, peels, etc.).


Sorcerers fold like wet tissues if they are on their own.


I tabled mine since all of my real life friends quit the game so I no longer have teammates who care if I live or not.

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I'll let you know right after I root, slow, DoT, bubble, force speed and burn them down with lightning. OK?


People forget just because you're dps specced, doesn't mean you can't use heals.

Melee classes (or close-combat classes) you bubble, slow them, DoT them, speed away behind something and heal up, continue to damage and repeat, not difficult.


I'm 21/18/2 heal hybrid, not DPS, so i use my heals all the time. The problem is that dark infusion is the only worthwhile heal (innervate at times), so if interrupted, healing is worthless. Bubble will get you 3-3.5k extra damage to take, so a very strong ability or mediocre crit kills it. Force speed gets countered by any root, stun, leap, or pull and then you have to survive until it comes off CD again. There is a reason that there are very few DPS sorcs on rated teams and that is because the most skilled players that rolled sorc can make the class look good (just like some mercs), but they would be significantly more effective if they had rolled a different class at the start.


I'm not saying that the class is worthless, great players can make sorcs look good. But there still isn't a reason to take a sorc healer over an operative or a sorc DPS over sniper/mara/jugg/pt DPS with skill being equal. The only reason to have one on the team at all (most likely a hybrid) is for huttball. I feel that classes should be desired for more than one ability and the fact that they make a good distraction for the other team to focus down in 3 seconds.

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The reason your "melting faces" is bc lightning is elemental & resistance is lowest of all dmg types, unlike sage/shadows "mirror" attack that's kinetic and mitigated by armor. I really don't understand why BW would have "mirror" classes and choose to give one a huge advantage. I wonder if it has anything to do w/BW's Legacy gimmick aka re-roll to keep subs?


and btw I have 50 sorc & sage-anyone who says you cant be viable in pvp doesn't know what they're talking about.

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