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"We've been trained to handle Sith."...What?


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So you're telling me that common small-time street thugs have the same level of training against sith and jedi as Revan's personal assassin squads? Nice try.


No, but battle droids that stand still in rows, shooting straight had no problem murdering jedi by the dozens in the Clone Wars. Force users are good, but they aren't that good(with the exception of few individuals that are good because they are the main character and no one wants to read a book or watch a movie where the main character gets killed by some random no name storm trooper).

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So you're telling me that common small-time street thugs have the same level of training against sith and jedi as Revan's personal assassin squads? Nice try.


Do you even know what the Exchange is, or can bring to bear? It is a galaxy-spanning crime syndicate that's infiltrated all -- ALL -- aspects of galactic society.


This is not a juvie-gang we're talking about. Your run-of-the-mill Exchange thugs are not "small time street thugs." Even the Exchange's small-time street thugs are not "small time street thugs."


If anything, they're more akin to the El Rukyns of the '80s -- able to bring stinger missiles to bear in regular street turf wars -- at the very least: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1987-11-06/news/8703230582_1_el-rukn-jeff-fort-gang-leaders

That being, small-time street thugs are bringing bats and knives or even AK-47 drive-bys to the gang parties, while these guys were stocking up on anti-tank weaponry.


"Small-time street thugs?!?" Even the small-time street thugs are enterprising innovators when it comes to killing and keeping their kind of business afloat.


And yes, the Exchange has proven -- hundreds of years prior to this game -- that it's small franchise organizations can capture and kill Jedi. They're not afraid of Force users, and have a long, great legacy of at least attempting to take them out (as well as a not-so-great legacy of having hundreds, if not thousands, taken down by at least Revan, the Exile, and their companies).


When these thugs say they've been trained ot handle Sith, it's probably about right. The Exchange probably distributes a "how to" of best practices in taking down saber-wielders; that they are in a good position to have developed based on hundreds of years of first-hand experience.


Nice try, yourself.

Edited by Genghistwelve
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Huh? ! ?


This is common knowledge, really, the galaxy over.



For crying out loud, KotoR II, hundreds of years earlier goes into great detail about Revan's Jedi Hunters. Atton Rand clues us in -- to great detail -- about ticks and techniques people can use to confound Force-users.


And... It is also a Myth.


We don't know how good Revan's "Jedi Hunters" were actually. We know that Atton... A Force Sensitive... Was good. We can't trust anything he recounts because, like it or not, he was a Force User and didn't know it.

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A Rocket Aimed at the feet, or at the ground, is harder to deflect, If you shoot a rocket at the ground the blast is going to hit the Legs, and if your unnarmored your screwed


No... It isn't... And no you aren't.


"I am a Jedi, I am unarmed, you aim your rocket launcher and.... Your rocket hits a wall of Force as it is exiting the barrel, just enough of a nudge to set the rocket's detonator off... And it explodes in your face."




"I am a Jedi, I am unarmed, you aim your rocket launcher and... I yank the barrel to the right just as you pull the trigger, congratulations, you missed by a mile."

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Do you even know what the Exchange is, or can bring to bear? It is a galaxy-spanning crime syndicate that's infiltrated all -- ALL -- aspects of galactic society.


This is not a juvie-gang we're talking about. Your run-of-the-mill Exchange thugs are not "small time street thugs." Even the Exchange's small-time street thugs are not "small time street thugs."


If anything, they're more akin to the El Rukyns of the '80s -- able to bring stinger missiles to bear in regular street turf wars -- at the very least: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1987-11-06/news/8703230582_1_el-rukn-jeff-fort-gang-leaders

That being, small-time street thugs are bringing bats and knives or even AK-47 drive-bys to the gang parties, while these guys were stocking up on anti-tank weaponry.


"Small-time street thugs?!?" Even the small-time street thugs are enterprising innovators when it comes to killing and keeping their kind of business afloat.


And yes, the Exchange has proven -- hundreds of years prior to this game -- that it's small franchise organizations can capture and kill Jedi. They're not afraid of Force users, and have a long, great legacy of at least attempting to take them out (as well as a not-so-great legacy of having hundreds, if not thousands, taken down by at least Revan, the Exile, and their companies).


When these thugs say they've been trained ot handle Sith, it's probably about right. The Exchange probably distributes a "how to" of best practices in taking down saber-wielders; that they are in a good position to have developed based on hundreds of years of first-hand experience.


Nice try, yourself.


Okay it COULD be that The exchange just -happened- to send experienced jedi killers to rough up a slave trader whom they had no reason to suspect was a force user. But you know what I think it was? I think the writer was so lazy that yet again, to create tension of some sort they pulled out "The experienced force user killer" card.

Edited by Khraizin
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Its been a while since I played KotoR, but I seem to remember the game talking about how Jedi and Sith weren't so terribly uncommon (as they are in the original trilogy) and so soldiers would receive training to combat Jedi. I never took it as that the average trooper would be a Jedi slayer, but maybe no different than soldiers today receiving training in anti-armor or guerrilla tactics. A little knowledge can go a long way.


The problem with training to overcome Jedi is that it is stupid as a concept.


Jedi don't have a formal training regime for one. There is no standard training.


Look at it this way:

How do you train to beat a psychic Martial Artist?


Now... You don't know what form of martial arts this person knows by the way... There are 7 commonly known forms of combat they might know... You have no way to know which ones any given martial artist will know.


Some of them are adept in telekinesis as a psychic power, meaning that some of them may be able to easily counter missiles, rockets, or grenades... In fact they might be able to turn those against you... And you don't know which ones these are.


Some of them can turn invisible. Some of them can see the future, meaning sniping won't necessarily work. Some of them can render themselves immune to toxins and poisons and even stun bolts. Some of them can render themselves immune to heat and fire. Some of them can create bubbles of Force capable of shrugging off most modern armaments.


Any of them can do one or more of those things... You have no way to know... There is no form of training that will counter all of that. At the most you can learn how to fight a melee combatant but everything else is a toss up. No non-Sensitive can take trained Jedi regularly, Jango Fett was possibly the only anomaly and he was an anomaly until a Jedi Master stepped in.


Does this mean that normal people can't kill a Jedi? Of course not.

It does mean that there is no way to do this with any degree of repeatable success.


Generally you can pick 1 of the ways that might work and you have to hope that the Jedi you are going after isn't one of the ones that can counter that tactic because you likely won't get to sit back and try them all.



I have said it before and I will say it again:


The best way to kill a trained Jedi or Sith is to attack the SHIP that they are on when they are just a passenger. Wait until the Jedi or Sith is on a non-battleship space ship and all you have to do is destroy the ship. You can circumvent having to face the Jedi at all... Just hope they can't do the battlemind.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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The problem with training to overcome Jedi is that it is stupid as a concept.


Jedi don't have a formal training regime for one. There is no standard training.


Look at it this way:

How do you train to beat a psychic Martial Artist?


Now... You don't know what form of martial arts this person knows by the way... There are 7 commonly known forms of combat they might know... You have no way to know which ones any given martial artist will know.


Some of them are adept in telekinesis as a psychic power, meaning that some of them may be able to easily counter missiles, rockets, or grenades... In fact they might be able to turn those against you... And you don't know which ones these are.


Some of them can turn invisible. Some of them can see the future, meaning sniping won't necessarily work. Some of them can render themselves immune to toxins and poisons and even stun bolts. Some of them can render themselves immune to heat and fire. Some of them can create bubbles of Force capable of shrugging off most modern armaments.


Any of them can do one or more of those things... You have no way to know... There is no form of training that will counter all of that. At the most you can learn how to fight a melee combatant but everything else is a toss up. No non-Sensitive can take trained Jedi regularly, Jango Fett was possibly the only anomaly and he was an anomaly until a Jedi Master stepped in.


Does this mean that normal people can't kill a Jedi? Of course not.

It does mean that there is no way to do this with any degree of repeatable success.


Generally you can pick 1 of the ways that might work and you have to hope that the Jedi you are going after isn't one of the ones that can counter that tactic because you likely won't get to sit back and try them all.



I have said it before and I will say it again:


The best way to kill a trained Jedi or Sith is to attack the SHIP that they are on when they are just a passenger. Wait until the Jedi or Sith is on a non-battleship space ship and all you have to do is destroy the ship. You can circumvent having to face the Jedi at all... Just hope they can't do the battlemind.


2 words to this biased wall of nonsense: order 66.

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2 words to this biased wall of nonsense: order 66.


So the Clone Army that numbered in the millions caught off-guard an extremely stretched-thin Jedi Order of 15,000 and shot them overwhelming, simultaneously, with no fore-warning at all because the MOST POWERFUL SITH LORD OF ALL TIME had blocked out much of their connection to the force, the same Sith who planned the entire thing and made sure that the Jedi Order was as vulnerable as it could possibly be and then took the Order's most powerful being, the Chosen One as his own apprentice.


Also don't leave out that without Vader, the assault on the Jedi Temple would've failed as according to the novel, Vader took out all of the proper Masters and powerful Knights.

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Actually, in agent it's mentioned that both imperial agents and agents from the Star Cabal are trained to handle Force sensitives by learning to shield their thoughts. I'm not quite sure how it works (as it's really the training that's mentioned - you're never shown how you were supposedly taught to do it), but...the idea is that if a Jedi/Sith doesn't know what's coming, they can't defend against it so are vulnerable.


Voss was mentioned as a possible training ground...

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No... It isn't... And no you aren't.


"I am a Jedi, I am unarmed, you aim your rocket launcher and.... Your rocket hits a wall of Force as it is exiting the barrel, just enough of a nudge to set the rocket's detonator off... And it explodes in your face."




"I am a Jedi, I am unarmed, you aim your rocket launcher and... I yank the barrel to the right just as you pull the trigger, congratulations, you missed by a mile."


And you assume EVERY JEDI is capable of sencing EXACTLY what im about to do, EXACTLY what im trying to do, and knows EXACTLY what to do about it, Trust me your view on Jedi is about as Narrow minded as Karen Traviss view on Mandalorians

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So the Clone Army that numbered in the millions caught off-guard an extremely stretched-thin Jedi Order of 15,000 and shot them overwhelming, simultaneously, with no fore-warning at all because the MOST POWERFUL SITH LORD OF ALL TIME had blocked out much of their connection to the force, the same Sith who planned the entire thing and made sure that the Jedi Order was as vulnerable as it could possibly be and then took the Order's most powerful being, the Chosen One as his own apprentice.


Also don't leave out that without Vader, the assault on the Jedi Temple would've failed as according to the novel, Vader took out all of the proper Masters and powerful Knights.


Thats not the point. The clone troopers showed that their can be standardized strategy in fighting jedi.

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Thats not the point. The clone troopers showed that their can be standardized strategy in fighting jedi.


Yeah, attack them when they don't expect it with superior numbers. That's a strategy that works good against every opponent.

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Yeah, attack them when they don't expect it with superior numbers. That's a strategy that works good against every opponent.


Indeed! so do it often. But the real reason was that the jedi could not sense the danger because they didn't sense any betrayal from the clone troopers and it usually only took half a dozen clones or even less to kill a jedi at this point. So yes their are ways to kill jedi if you are properly trained.

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Actually, in agent it's mentioned that both imperial agents and agents from the Star Cabal are trained to handle Force sensitives by learning to shield their thoughts. I'm not quite sure how it works (as it's really the training that's mentioned - you're never shown how you were supposedly taught to do it), but...the idea is that if a Jedi/Sith doesn't know what's coming, they can't defend against it so are vulnerable.


Voss was mentioned as a possible training ground...


That theory actually doesn't work.


Canonically Jedi can sense droids and even things like mines before they go off. Shielding your thoughts wouldn't make a whole lot of difference because Jedi routinely predict the actions and behaviors of things that have no minds at all.

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Indeed! so do it often. But the real reason was that the jedi could not sense the danger because they didn't sense any betrayal from the clone troopers and it usually only took half a dozen clones or even less to kill a jedi at this point. So yes their are ways to kill jedi if you are properly trained.




The real reason was:

1. The Jedi's senses were dulled by Darth Sidious, something only Sidious could do.

2. The Jedi were all in warzones at the time and facing enemies when their allies turned on them.

3. The Jedi were under attack from the front and from behind.


Your argument fails as we never saw any clones take Jedi straight up, because yeah, overwhelming numbers from an ambush position while the person is in combat against enemy targets will work on anything Jedi or not.


You guys really need to accept that Jedi and Sith are superhuman in Star Wars.

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The real reason was:

1. The Jedi's senses were dulled by Darth Sidious, something only Sidious could do.

2. The Jedi were all in warzones at the time and facing enemies when their allies turned on them.

3. The Jedi were under attack from the front and from behind.


Your argument fails as we never saw any clones take Jedi straight up, because yeah, overwhelming numbers from an ambush position while the person is in combat against enemy targets will work on anything Jedi or not.


You guys really need to accept that Jedi and Sith are superhuman in Star Wars.


Yup, the 501st Clone Troopers that blocked off Senator Bail Organa just barely took down the Padawan that attempted an escape during the Assault on the Jedi Temple.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Yup, the 501st Clone Troopers that blocked off Senator Bail Organa just barely took down the Padawan that attempted an escape during the Assault on the Jedi Temple.




The best of the best of the Clones could barely stop one 12 year old boy. The reason? That boy wasn't in the middle of a war zone being attacked from all directions. He also killed quite a few of the 501st on his way out.


Honestly BioWare trying to make it so that Force Users in this game were "just normal people" is one of the reasons I think the game is floundering. It doesn't feel like Star Wars to me.

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Problem with some jedi they tend to think themselves better than anyone else and go around ordering people to do what they want. When a jedi learns to respect others than that is when others will start respecting a jedi.


Going around flaunting the fact I'm better than you is not creating unity it is creating division and that is a major flaw of a lot of jedi.


If you are patting yourself on the back because of something then I would expect that is all the praise you will ever receive. The ones that don't go around claiming they are better than someone are usually the ones that get the respect and praise of others.



There is also a tenet that speaks on this particular subject:




"The acceptance of others is not a guarantee. Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored."



Jedi were required to learn that, although they were able to use the Force, they were no better than those who could not. Jedi were taught that they were only Jedi because some had taken the trouble to teach them, not because they were superior to others, and that a Jedi Master was only a Jedi Master because he had disregarded his own sense of self-importance and embraced the will of the Force

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And that has nothing to do with this conversation. Nobody in this thread is "ordering" people around. This is about the actual capabilities of Jedi on the whole being constantly ignored by BioWare through the course of this game and that being followed by PLAYERS doing the same thing when trying to discuss canon.


BioWare has never understood Jedi. From the moment they had HK-47 open his audible projector with his bantha poodoo methods to kill Jedi to the constant statements by every Tom, Richard, and Harry in this game about how they were trained to handle Jedi. They don't get it and it is likely that they never will.


When I can think of DOZENS of ways to counter all of the ways to kill Jedi that don't even require anywhere near Leia Solo or Luke Skywalker levels of Force prowess there is a problem. Especially when all have been shown in canon.


All I ask is that players admit the following things:


1. There is no way anyone who isn't a Jedi or a Sith has ever actually been trained to "Handle Jedi" realistically and most likely those who think they have are operating with a false sense of security.


2. Force Users are not "average people" by any stretch and constantly disrespecting the lore and canon simply because they don't like the idea of Jedi or Sith being more powerful than non-Jedi or Sith is simply silly in spades.




Here are a few choice things:


1. "I can shield my thoughts! This gives me an advantage over Jedi!"


... Droids don't even HAVE thoughts and it doesn't help them. That defense doesn't work.


2. Atton Rand was a Jedi Hunter!


... And Atton was also a freaking Force User who was subconsciously using the Force.


3. Rockets!


... Can be deflected or detonated mid flight with the Force, very easily, this isn't an advanced skill even.


4. Mines!


... Can be hurled through the air and away from the Jedi, not to mention detected by the Jedi.


5. Flamethrowers!


... Resist elements.


6. Poison!


... Immunity to poison.


7. Boba Fett!


... Couldn't take Luke Skywalker not-even-a-Jedi-Knight in a fight after multiple encounters.


8. Sniper!


... Precognition.


9. Shotgun blasts!


Force wave, dodging, yanking the weapon to the side.


10. Death Star?


... Yeah... That one usually works.



And yes... As I said... Not every Jedi can do everything I mentioned... I'd say most Jedi can do half of the things that I mentioned. The problem is that you have no way to know what half they can do.


Some are vulnerable to poison... Some aren't.

Some are vulnerable to snipers... Some aren't.

Some are vulnerable to mind blocks... Though I don't know of any...

Some are vulnerable to rockets, grenades, and mines... Some aren't.


The problem is you have to pick your method and you have a, from the gate, 50% - 75% chance of being wrong. Which means in canon... Yes... You could kill a Jedi or a Sith as a non-Jedi or a Sith. To do this however requires you to get lucky and pick a method that that particular Jedi isn't equipped to deal with and that is really hard to do. Not saying it couldn't be done, but I am saying that it isn't something anyone can be trained to do.


Usually killing a Jedi as a non-Sensitive involves studying the Jedi, learning his or her habits, then planning a method of attack that they have shown not to have a defense against. For example if you are facing a Jedi who is adept at twisting minds but is weak in the areas of telekinesis then you probably want to use a droid with an explosive projectile launcher to have the greatest degree of success.

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That theory actually doesn't work.


Canonically Jedi can sense droids and even things like mines before they go off. Shielding your thoughts wouldn't make a whole lot of difference because Jedi routinely predict the actions and behaviors of things that have no minds at all.


The trick workes more like letting the Jedi sense false thoughts. Put a layer of thoughts and emotions on the surface that's different to your thoughts deeper down. I think Jedi use this as well, my consular seemed to mention something like that.

Of course the person doing this is gambling that the Jedi doesn't dig deeper.


Honestly BioWare trying to make it so that Force Users in this game were "just normal people" is one of the reasons I think the game is floundering. It doesn't feel like Star Wars to me.


Well, Jedi and Sith are normally "elites", or at least "strong". The only normal mobs I have seen using the Force are acolytes who don't even have lightsabers.


From what I've heard different storylines do a different job in showing realistic Jedi. For the agent for example the



Fight against Jadus is a huge deal. It takes lots of preparation, is described as very difficult and I think the Agent doesn't even really win.

The Bounty Hunter on the other hand... well, he gives the impression that he thinks he's better than the Jedi he encounteres. Maybe he's just an idiot with lot's of luck, like the smuggler.



For me this game feels more like Star Wars than the old "Clone Wars" cartoon. Jedi are superhuman, but on an Captain America level, not on a Hulk level.


Usually killing a Jedi as a non-Sensitive involves studying the Jedi, learning his or her habits, then planning a method of attack that they have shown not to have a defense against. For example if you are facing a Jedi who is adept at twisting minds but is weak in the areas of telekinesis then you probably want to use a droid with an explosive projectile launcher to have the greatest degree of success.


I think that's the way Revan's assassins normally worked. (The others, not Atton of course.) Especially HK, because he can send unit after unit after the Jedi until he has enough data to perform the right attack.

Edited by Maaruin
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Is it possible that although some cannot sense or control the Force, the Force is nonetheless "with" them enhancing their actions, increasing their luck? In TOR this would explain how the non-sensitive classes can do what they do vs force users. I remember the smuggler says something like "I'm nothing special, just a girl who's quick on the draw" and the jedi master replies "well maybe there's something more to you".


Not saying it's a good explanation and definitely not canon but it could be rationalized.

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You may defend BioWare, but let me point to the end of the Bounty Hunter storyline,(SPOILERS) he kills, what? six Jedi Knights? all at the same time, in-fact IIRC one or two of them are Jedi Masters.


Obsidian got it right, when Atton stated that Darth Revan knew the soldiers didn't matter, they were just cannon fodder, the war would be won by whoever had the most Jedi/Dark Jedi, because they were the only ones who even mattered.

This is possibly repeated by the Exile herself in the tomb of Ludo Kressh,

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Is it possible that although some cannot sense or control the Force, the Force is nonetheless "with" them enhancing their actions, increasing their luck? In TOR this would explain how the non-sensitive classes can do what they do vs force users. I remember the smuggler says something like "I'm nothing special, just a girl who's quick on the draw" and the jedi master replies "well maybe there's something more to you".


Not saying it's a good explanation and definitely not canon but it could be rationalized.


Well BioWare with this Legacy system has suggested themselves that each class is at least a little force sensitive, which is why you can get Force Choked by a Smuggler, etc...


So may be that is an excuse, but on the ridiculous side IMO.

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The problem with training to overcome Jedi is that it is stupid as a concept.


Jedi don't have a formal training regime for one. There is no standard training.


Look at it this way:

How do you train to beat a psychic Martial Artist?


Now... You don't know what form of martial arts this person knows by the way... There are 7 commonly known forms of combat they might know... You have no way to know which ones any given martial artist will know.


Some of them are adept in telekinesis as a psychic power, meaning that some of them may be able to easily counter missiles, rockets, or grenades... In fact they might be able to turn those against you... And you don't know which ones these are.


Some of them can turn invisible. Some of them can see the future, meaning sniping won't necessarily work. Some of them can render themselves immune to toxins and poisons and even stun bolts. Some of them can render themselves immune to heat and fire. Some of them can create bubbles of Force capable of shrugging off most modern armaments.


Any of them can do one or more of those things... You have no way to know... There is no form of training that will counter all of that. At the most you can learn how to fight a melee combatant but everything else is a toss up. No non-Sensitive can take trained Jedi regularly, Jango Fett was possibly the only anomaly and he was an anomaly until a Jedi Master stepped in.


Does this mean that normal people can't kill a Jedi? Of course not.

It does mean that there is no way to do this with any degree of repeatable success.


Generally you can pick 1 of the ways that might work and you have to hope that the Jedi you are going after isn't one of the ones that can counter that tactic because you likely won't get to sit back and try them all.



I have said it before and I will say it again:


The best way to kill a trained Jedi or Sith is to attack the SHIP that they are on when they are just a passenger. Wait until the Jedi or Sith is on a non-battleship space ship and all you have to do is destroy the ship. You can circumvent having to face the Jedi at all... Just hope they can't do the battlemind.


You can, infact, train soldiers for all known variables, and then train them to adapt to unknown variables, and this is done successfully with modern soldiers every single day. The Jedi are not gods, as much as the EU has attempted to do so in the past (a trope that, thankfully, BW has tried to avoid since Kotor, with the exception of Revan and even he was humbled).


Jedi have 7 forms of lightsaber combat, that's not a high number and can be trained against, they have known telekinetic abilities which can be trained against, and only the more powerful jedi have more unique abilities. There's a common strategy known as "Focus fire" where you pick one target and focus on it while your supressive soldiers keep the rest distracted, so you have 3 heavy machine guns firing at all targets while 20 troopers shoot at a single jedi. It doesnt matter how fast he is, as RotS shows he will die unless he's in the higher tier of Jedi.


There's a reason Jedi dont just spam force pushes and lightning until everyone is dead, there is a limit to what and how often they can use their powers and this can be trained for as well. Not all Jedi are Mace Windu's and Luke Skywalkers. They are mortal. They have special abilities, but also shortcomings, they fear the darkside, they have to follow a strict code to maintain inner peace, they are still their respective species with all the biological functions thereof.


Jedi are not gods.


As far as the OP, the exchange is not your run of the mill organization, but its also an organization notorious for boasting like crazy, look at the guys from kotor. They lie like its second nature to try and intimidate you(and to keep their own confidence up in the face of overwhelming odds. They'd rather die from your lightsaber than from exchange torture for failure).

Edited by Zyrious
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Well if your platoon of 20 troopers all focus fire and shoots at a single jedi...then your platoon killed him, not you.....you can't go around boasting on "how I killed this jedi" :D Edited by Erudain
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