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F2P >Facts< here (Sources provided)


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Why the F'in not?!?!?!! Were paying a fee for the ENTIRE game and ALL it's content, why should we have to pay for any item be it a fluff / cosmetic item?!? Most people find cosmetic items important and should be part of the game for paying subscribers...


Your just a lemming that does what he's told by the greedy Gaming Companies, they have you brainwashed into thinking you should pay extras for things that were once part of the game.... Fluff items / Cosmetics were part of the subscription, what do you think all that social gear is?!?! or the companion appearance mods you can get in game.... Now there going to charge extra for these types of items and your OK with this?


All I can think of is the old saying "A fool and his money is soon parted"


Well in retort I could say the stuff in the store would never have been introduced without f2p.

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Why the F'in not?!?!?!! Were paying a fee for the ENTIRE game and ALL it's content, why should we have to pay for any item be it a fluff / cosmetic item?!? Most people find cosmetic items important and should be part of the game for paying subscribers...


Your just a lemming that does what he's told by the greedy Gaming Companies, they have you brainwashed into thinking you should pay extras for things that were once part of the game.... Fluff items / Cosmetics were part of the subscription, what do you think all that social gear is?!?! or the companion appearance mods you can get in game.... Now there going to charge extra for these types of items and your OK with this?


All I can think of is the old saying "A fool and his money is soon parted"



Why not? lol. that is all.


lemming has nothing to do with it. I just don't qq and demand everything be given to me. if I want something in the cartel store as a subber, I will use the stipend, or buy it. If I don't want it? I won't.


Why not.... lol



this reasoning is the same reasoning behind 'i am a normal subber and i dont want to pay for the collectors edition, but because i pay my monthly fee everything that the ce players got for paying more money should be given to me for free'


you get everything f2p gets for free, you pay your sub to get the extra end game content, and if you want more beyond that? you pay for it, just like the f2p players.

Edited by yoshua
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Its fluff, who gives a damn?


And did you ever sit back and consider...this game is going F2P. If all players could get ALL the Cosmetics and Fluff and all the little crap that nobody needs for only $15....who on earth would actually play F2P?

Because Im pretty certain the prices of the Ops and the WZs and the GTN access and the access to all the Races etc + 200 cartel coins will likely be more than $15.


only brits will get this, but Boris says the riots are down t "Culture of Easy Gratification and Entitlement", and Lord Sugar agrees, and I do too.


Slightly offtopic, but the point being you do not deserve everything because you pay a sub. You deserve what you are given, access to all Ops and WZs and all the current ingame features. You do not deserve all the new OPTIONAL outfits that cost cartel coins for free. And you GET some free coins, to spend as you see fit, to buy what you buy.

Stop acting like your $15 is some kind of grand treasure. It's a pretty small amount of money, and when compared to other games, especially console games, it still very very cheap considering the entertainment it provides per month. Not to mention it is a service that youre buying. Treat it like the game has never gone F2P, and that youre just paying your sub for the same old access to play the game, to pay for servers, to pay for development etc etc.

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Its fluff, who gives a damn?


And did you ever sit back and consider...this game is going F2P. If all players could get ALL the Cosmetics and Fluff and all the little crap that nobody needs for only $15....who on earth would actually play F2P?

Because Im pretty certain the prices of the Ops and the WZs and the GTN access and the access to all the Races etc + 200 cartel coins will likely be more than $15.


only brits will get this, but Boris says the riots are down t "Culture of Easy Gratification and Entitlement", and Lord Sugar agrees, and I do too.


Slightly offtopic, but the point being you do not deserve everything because you pay a sub. You deserve what you are given, access to all Ops and WZs and all the current ingame features. You do not deserve all the new OPTIONAL outfits that cost cartel coins for free. And you GET some free coins, to spend as you see fit, to buy what you buy.

Stop acting like your $15 is some kind of grand treasure. It's a pretty small amount of money, and when compared to other games, especially console games, it still very very cheap considering the entertainment it provides per month. Not to mention it is a service that youre buying. Treat it like the game has never gone F2P, and that youre just paying your sub for the same old access to play the game, to pay for servers, to pay for development etc etc.


Your missing the point, or just wanting to ignore it.


The point being the only way to get some items is going to be from the cash shops. There will be no way in game to get those. So you as a paying sub will have to use the cash shop to have access to everything in the game for your sub.


It doesnt matter how long it takes to get anything but everything that is in the cash shops should have some way of getting them in game, be it OPS or wherever.


Bioware is basically forcing you to use the F2P option in the game to experience every thing in the game. Isnt that what you pay a sub for?

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Your missing the point, or just wanting to ignore it.


The point being the only way to get some items is going to be from the cash shops. There will be no way in game to get those. So you as a paying sub will have to use the cash shop to have access to everything in the game for your sub.


It doesnt matter how long it takes to get anything but everything that is in the cash shops should have some way of getting them in game, be it OPS or wherever.


Bioware is basically forcing you to use the F2P option in the game to experience every thing in the game. Isnt that what you pay a sub for?


You do not HAVE to have fluff I guess is everyone's point to you. Nevermind they give you points every month with your sub. I guess ya if you think you have to have every single speeder every single cosmetic item etc then you might be upset. I find that unreasonable.

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You do not HAVE to have fluff I guess is everyone's point to you. Nevermind they give you points every month with your sub. I guess ya if you think you have to have every single speeder every single cosmetic item etc then you might be upset. I find that unreasonable.


"With Cartel Coins you can purchase convenience items, boosts, visually unique gear, collectibles, and more."


That looks like more than just cosmetic stuff to me.


Go ahead and deny it but its going to be P2W and all your sub is going to get you is access to OPS and able to run more FP's and Warzones. Which wont be needed because boosts and more will be available at the cartel shops.

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"With Cartel Coins you can purchase convenience items, boosts, visually unique gear, collectibles, and more."


That looks like more than just cosmetic stuff to me.


Go ahead and deny it but its going to be P2W and all your sub is going to get you is access to OPS and able to run more FP's and Warzones. Which wont be needed because boosts and more will be available at the cartel shops.


You can get the stuff free just use the free points you get. You are earning them as we speak. Also we dont know what will be on the store so I am going to wait and see. It makes more sense than panicing without information.

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Why not? lol. that is all.


lemming has nothing to do with it. I just don't qq and demand everything be given to me. if I want something in the cartel store as a subber, I will use the stipend, or buy it. If I don't want it? I won't.


Why not.... lol



this reasoning is the same reasoning behind 'i am a normal subber and i dont want to pay for the collectors edition, but because i pay my monthly fee everything that the ce players got for paying more money should be given to me for free'


you get everything f2p gets for free, you pay your sub to get the extra end game content, and if you want more beyond that? you pay for it, just like the f2p players.


You sitll have not answered my question why it's not included in the monthly fee....


Thew few items you got in the CE you out leveled within a few hours of playing the game making them worthless at that point. The Cash shop will have end game items BIG difference....


Bottom line is if Bioware feels they need to be extra greedy, then less players will stay and pay the monthly fee... If you want even more empty game servers then keep defending their practices..... As of now this game is sinking fast and people are NOT going to pay a monthly fee PLUS extra money on top of that for the cash shop items that should be available in the game to begin with......


I'm willing to stay and pay my montly subscription but not if I have to pay extra money on top of that..... And right now thats what Bioware/EA wants you to do.... All future in game gear itmes are going to look like crap and all the cool stuff will be on the cash shop, thats how it works... If not then Bioware is more then welcome to respond to this and say otherwise, but they won't because it's the truth...


Right now Bioware has gone into "Milk the players for everything you can" mode.... It's to bad... I was more then happy to pay my monthly fee and wait for the game to get better, but obviously thats not the direction BIoware wants to go...


Estimates are around 700k subscribers right now, I bet next month "paying" subscribers will drop to around 300k... I really wanted this game to make it but it's becoming more and more obvious it's not....

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You do not HAVE to have fluff I guess is everyone's point to you. Nevermind they give you points every month with your sub. I guess ya if you think you have to have every single speeder every single cosmetic item etc then you might be upset. I find that unreasonable.


Just watch down the road when there about to release new content like OP's and Class stories Bioware will say "Oh btw, the $15 a month only covers the existing content, for the new content you have to pay extra like the F2P people" You know thats coming.....

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Estimates are around 700k subscribers right now, I bet next month "paying" subscribers will drop to around 300k... I really wanted this game to make it but it's becoming more and more obvious it's not....


If anything I have noticed server numbers climbing over the last few weeks. F2P is going to bring in a flood of new players. Even if only a portion of those players decide to sub, that's still a massive boost.

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If anything I have noticed server numbers climbing over the last few weeks. F2P is going to bring in a flood of new players. Even if only a portion of those players decide to sub, that's still a massive boost.


Let me guess.


Your noticing them ingame while a site that tracks that kind of stuff every 5 mins is showing less people in game.


Let me also guess that that site has something againsts SWTOR as being the reason. Even though they removed all the destination servers to make the graph look bigger while forgetting to remove the origin servers from the over population stats wher it has every origin server as having an increase in .02.

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Just watch down the road when there about to release new content like OP's and Class stories Bioware will say "Oh btw, the $15 a month only covers the existing content, for the new content you have to pay extra like the F2P people" You know thats coming.....


I hope you don't mean like an expansion? Every subscriber would pay for an expansion whilst the F2P guys can cherry pick (opinion, might not be the case). I would be surprised to see any expansion of the class story within 'content patches'. Content patches like some FP's/OP's will be free, but not those linked to an expansion.

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Let me guess.


Your noticing them ingame while a site that tracks that kind of stuff every 5 mins is showing less people in game.


Let me also guess that that site has something againsts SWTOR as being the reason. Even though they removed all the destination servers to make the graph look bigger while forgetting to remove the origin servers from the over population stats wher it has every origin server as having an increase in .02.


That's all I need to look at tbh. If the population of my server is increasing that's aces in my book. I'm not particularly interested in doing analysis on the sub number fluctuations. The overall sub fluctuations is Bioware's problem, I'm not going to make it my own. Unless they want to pay me :p

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That's all I need to look at tbh. If the population of my server is increasing that's aces in my book. I'm not particularly interested in doing analysis on the sub number fluctuations. The overall sub fluctuations is Bioware's problem, I'm not going to make it my own. Unless they want to pay me :p



Same, If my server pop is good and I can still play with everything I get for subbing and staying subbed. I'm happy!

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Just watch down the road when there about to release new content like OP's and Class stories Bioware will say "Oh btw, the $15 a month only covers the existing content, for the new content you have to pay extra like the F2P people" You know thats coming.....


WoW is sub based and the expansions cost money there also. Most games have expansions that cost money.

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I hope you don't mean like an expansion? Every subscriber would pay for an expansion whilst the F2P guys can cherry pick (opinion, might not be the case). I would be surprised to see any expansion of the class story within 'content patches'. Content patches like some FP's/OP's will be free, but not those linked to an expansion.


I have no issues paying for a full blown expansion, thats been par for course since MMO's came out.... What i'm talking about is smaller updates, sure Bioware says now that we get them free but history has shown us that MMO's that switch the F2P and/or Cash Shops usually change there minds and start nickel and diming you for everything...


For example: Age of Conan, Aion, Champions Online, etc.....


If Bioware wants to keep things right they need to make it so people with subscriptions don't ever have to pay for anything outside a full blown expansion.... Even cash shop items should be obtainable in game to subscribers... To do otherwise is just screwing over your subscriber..


I'll wait and see how they do it, but if they make it so I have to pay extra money on top of my subscription even for fluff items then i'm out of here... And im sure i'm not the only one who feels that way... The only thing that should cost subscribers money on top of their subscription fee is a full expansion..

Edited by Monoth
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I have no issues paying for a full blown expansion, thats been par for course since MMO's came out.... What i'm talking about is smaller updates, sure Bioware says now that we get them free but history has shown us that MMO's that switch the F2P and/or Cash Shops usually change there minds and start nickel and diming you for everything...


For example: Age of Conan, Aion, Champions Online, etc.....


If Bioware wants to keep things right they need to make it so people with subscriptions don't ever have to pay for anything outside a full blown expansion.... Even cash shop items should be obtainable in game to subscribers... To do otherwise is just screwing over your subscriber..


I'll wait and see how they do it, but if they make it so I have to pay extra money on top of my subscription even for fluff items then i'm out of here... And im sure i'm not the only one who feels that way... The only thing that should cost subscribers money on top of their subscription fee is a full expansion..


I've only played WoW so I can only come from that point of view but there is loads of pay fluff, for subscribers, in that game. I'd be surprised if it's any different here.

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I've only played WoW so I can only come from that point of view but there is loads of pay fluff, for subscribers, in that game. I'd be surprised if it's any different here.


Given there is not a lot of carrots in this game to keep you playing, if they remove the fluff stuff which is what most people chase after to keep playing and sale it only on the Cash Shop, there really is no reason to be a paying subscriber...

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Given there is not a lot of carrots in this game to keep you playing, if they remove the fluff stuff which is what most people chase after to keep playing and sale it only on the Cash Shop, there really is no reason to be a paying subscriber...

In your opnion :). Frankly $15 a month isn't a huge blow to wallet of many. Apologies in advance to anyone of which it is, but if you're struggling to come up with $15 a month to pay for a game, should you really be paying money for it anyway?


Anyway the F2P option is there for anyone in a situation like that now anyway.

Edited by Nanglez
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In your opnion :). Frankly $15 a month isn't a huge blow to wallet of many. Apologies in advance to anyone of which it is, but if you're struggling to come up with $15 a month to pay for a game, should you really be paying money for it anyway?


Anyway the F2P option is there for anyone in a situation like that now anyway.

$15 a month is an insignificant blow to my and most people's wallets. That doesn't mean they're going to get it if they're not providing a service that people deem to be worth it.


At present, the overwhelming majority of people who have tried the game have deemed it not to be worth $15 a month.

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What a pointless post Op.


The official threads are not very credible sources because they don't contain all the information so at the moment they are only the "facts" that they want you to know.


The omission of detail could simply be because not all the details have been confirmed or decided upon or it could be because some will be a tad unpopular.


In short until we know exactly how F2P will work, the costs of everything, the *specific* types of goods on offer, the complete breakdown of what F2P are restricted to and if they have options to unlock small thing / medium things / big things then this information is just as correctly intrepeted in a good light as a bad light.


And at the end of the day I can guarantte one thing. If you are a subsriber currently things will not be exactly the same. At the very minimum subsription money that players are paying currently paying is being used to develop F2P rather than content and the change to F2P will result in UI changes to incorporate the new features and there will have to be access to the Store via some means in-game.


there were plenty of these types of posts when Lotro went F2P and those "official" statements were exactly like these - very scant on actual specific details. It was very handy when a lot of what was assumed by those who took the F2P move as a positive turned out to be not true.


So at the end of the day just because you have interpretted the official statements in one manner does not make them so.


So you are arguing that the absolute notes from the developers are not valid enough to accept as truthful and factual, but your conjecture, based on your personal projections, is?


Ok, I've been scratching my head reading these boards the last six months, but I'm starting to understand now. LOL

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Given there is not a lot of carrots in this game to keep you playing, if they remove the fluff stuff which is what most people chase after to keep playing and sale it only on the Cash Shop, there really is no reason to be a paying subscriber...


Not even a thought to me. I'm paying the price of 1/3 the cost of my morning coffee for a full subscription. Anyone worrying about that would serve themselves well to fill their play time with study or a second job.

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