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F2P >Facts< here (Sources provided)


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What a pointless post Op.


The official threads are not very credible sources because they don't contain all the information so at the moment they are only the "facts" that they want you to know.


The omission of detail could simply be because not all the details have been confirmed or decided upon or it could be because some will be a tad unpopular.


In short until we know exactly how F2P will work, the costs of everything, the *specific* types of goods on offer, the complete breakdown of what F2P are restricted to and if they have options to unlock small thing / medium things / big things then this information is just as correctly intrepeted in a good light as a bad light.


And at the end of the day I can guarantte one thing. If you are a subsriber currently things will not be exactly the same. At the very minimum subsription money that players are paying currently paying is being used to develop F2P rather than content and the change to F2P will result in UI changes to incorporate the new features and there will have to be access to the Store via some means in-game.


there were plenty of these types of posts when Lotro went F2P and those "official" statements were exactly like these - very scant on actual specific details. It was very handy when a lot of what was assumed by those who took the F2P move as a positive turned out to be not true.


So at the end of the day just because you have interpretted the official statements in one manner does not make them so.

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What a pointless post Op.


The official threads are not very credible sources because they don't contain all the information so at the moment they are only the "facts" that they want you to know.


The omission of detail could simply be because not all the details have been confirmed or decided upon or it could be because some will be a tad unpopular.


In short until we know exactly how F2P will work, the costs of everything, the *specific* types of goods on offer, the complete breakdown of what F2P are restricted to and if they have options to unlock small thing / medium things / big things then this information is just as correctly intrepeted in a good light as a bad light.


And at the end of the day I can guarantte one thing. If you are a subsriber currently things will not be exactly the same. At the very minimum subsription money that players are paying currently paying is being used to develop F2P rather than content and the change to F2P will result in UI changes to incorporate the new features and there will have to be access to the Store via some means in-game.


there were plenty of these types of posts when Lotro went F2P and those "official" statements were exactly like these - very scant on actual specific details. It was very handy when a lot of what was assumed by those who took the F2P move as a positive turned out to be not true.


So at the end of the day just because you have interpretted the official statements in one manner does not make them so.


Yup, 100% correct. We keep getting called out for not knowing how its going to be and being ignorant when the fact is, a lot of us have all seen this before. In fact they seem to be doing the same as lotro at every step. So the only real ignorants are those who keep writing threads like this!

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I think you are missing the point of the thread. It is clarifying what has been said in one place and pointing it out to the people who have missed that it is an Option, just completely F2P at all. I think its a great post.
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Yup, 100% correct. We keep getting called out for not knowing how its going to be and being ignorant when the fact is, a lot of us have all seen this before. In fact they seem to be doing the same as lotro at every step. So the only real ignorants are those who keep writing threads like this!


What a pointless post Op.


The official threads are not very credible sources because they don't contain all the information so at the moment they are only the "facts" that they want you to know.


The omission of detail could simply be because not all the details have been confirmed or decided upon or it could be because some will be a tad unpopular.


In short until we know exactly how F2P will work, the costs of everything, the *specific* types of goods on offer, the complete breakdown of what F2P are restricted to and if they have options to unlock small thing / medium things / big things then this information is just as correctly intrepeted in a good light as a bad light.


And at the end of the day I can guarantte one thing. If you are a subsriber currently things will not be exactly the same. At the very minimum subsription money that players are paying currently paying is being used to develop F2P rather than content and the change to F2P will result in UI changes to incorporate the new features and there will have to be access to the Store via some means in-game.


there were plenty of these types of posts when Lotro went F2P and those "official" statements were exactly like these - very scant on actual specific details. It was very handy when a lot of what was assumed by those who took the F2P move as a positive turned out to be not true.


So at the end of the day just because you have interpretted the official statements in one manner does not make them so.


Lol I guess it's an 'agree to disagree' sorta thing. The thread isn't going to go away because you don't see the point in it. See the way i see it - I 'wasted' my time making that OP to help people, whereas you wasted your time criticizing a harmless post.


Stop taking your hate for the game out on the forums, people are tired of hearing it, and there is positive feedback on this thread to back up the fact that it in some way can help. Reiterating what i said only a page or two ago, it's not going to hurt to have some info in a thread. Why not go read other threads to see the amount of misinformation currently out there. And if you don't like whats being done with the game, luckily soon enough you won't have to sub to play, so you wont be able to claim your wasting your money. There is an option for people of your mindset now (:.

Edited by Nanglez
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Yup, 100% correct. We keep getting called out for not knowing how its going to be and being ignorant when the fact is, a lot of us have all seen this before. In fact they seem to be doing the same as lotro at every step. So the only real ignorants are those who keep writing threads like this!


The general consensus seems to be that, despite nobody wanting TOR to be pushed down the route of F2P hybrid, the same model actually worked out very well in LOTRO. Moreover some LOTRO players maintain that the F2P model saved that game and made it profitable.


Not only that but a number of people have replied to this thread stating that they have found the consolidation of F2P information by the OP very useful. Certainly more posts stating the thread is helpful and should be stickied, than posters moaning about the OP.


Minority is minority I guess :)



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The general consensus seems to be that, despite nobody wanting TOR to be pushed down the route of F2P hybrid, the same model actually worked out very well for Turbine in LOTRO. Moreover some LOTRO players maintain that the F2P model saved that game and made it profitable.


The general consensus seems to be that, despite nobody wanting TOR to be pushed down the route of F2P hybrid, the same model actually worked out very well for the players in LOTRO. Moreover some LOTRO players maintain that the F2P model saved that game and made it more fun to play.


One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong...

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One of these things is not like the other... one of these things just doesn't belong...


Errrr....they both belong.


Game not fun = dead game.

Game not profitable = dead game.


Looking at your sig btw...is there ANY game in recent years that in your esteemed opinion has not been a dismal failure? Just wondered :)



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I donot think so. With the CC coins, a FTP player can get " some " of the stuff the subber allready has. But the FTP player with no sub , cannot earn CC coins. He has to buy them with real money. And you as a subber will earn so many each month without paying any extra.


it was not so much the FTP player but me a subber(not useing any CC) vs another subber(that do use CC) will he get any kind adv ingame over me ?

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The general consensus seems to be that, despite nobody wanting TOR to be pushed down the route of F2P hybrid, the same model actually worked out very well in LOTRO. Moreover some LOTRO players maintain that the F2P model saved that game and made it profitable.


Not only that but a number of people have replied to this thread stating that they have found the consolidation of F2P information by the OP very useful. Certainly more posts stating the thread is helpful and should be stickied, than posters moaning about the OP.


Minority is minority I guess :)




It seems to be about what people choose to do with their time.. apparently anyway. I mean it seems to me that as far as a lot of these people are concerned, Bioware is wrong, we're wrong, everybody who is remotely positive or helpful is wrong or /wasting their time, and they're unequivocally right with no real evidence other then a rant post with some big words :\.


Even if Bioware has broken promises in the past, i'm still going to take their word over the typical pessimistic forum user who's tone usually indicates that regardless of whats being done, they're going to complain about it in anyway. There just is no pleasing some people, and I think its often forgotten that this is just a game, and if your playing it, you should want it to do well, regardless of what direction the developers are taking with their business model.




Just to get in to a bit of a side note about the class quests of this game -


In the wake of the recent F2P announcement, I actually started watching the cutscenes. Now I have 1x Level 50 Gunslinger, 1x Level 50 Sentinel and currently leveling my third character, a level 36 Sage, on the Dalborra Oceanic server. I was one of those people who space barred everything, tbh i simply enjoyed the gameplay enough to skim through alot of that sort of content without paying it much attention.


Anyway I've since started paying attention to my sages storyline, and whilst I must say it doesn't seem to be as exciting as my other two classes (Which i'm considering replaying on another server just because I get what I've been missing now)It is still quite enjoyable to watch :). So i guess what i'm trying to say is, from a F2P point of view, the class quests are the one thing your going to pay attention too, and lets face it, they're all varying levels of decent to awesome. I did pay attention to the end of my first two characters stories, and they were quite exciting/fun towards the end.


Getting your hopes up mightn't be the best idea for this whole situation, but that doesn't mean we cant remain optimistic! :)

Edited by Nanglez
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Errrr....they both belong.


Game not fun = dead game.

Game not profitable = dead game.


Looking at your sig btw...is there ANY game in recent years that in your esteemed opinion has not been a dismal failure? Just wondered :)




Rift seems to be trucking along nicely. WoW too.


F2P isn't happening because it's the "best" subscriber model. It happens because game developers release games that aren't worth 50 cents a day. Instead of making the games worth 50 cents a day, the same fail developers load up a cash shop with trinkets and toys at first then pay-to-win items later... and never release content that would make the game worth 50 cents a day.


So... yah... successful MMOs? The ones whose content is worth subscribing to and keep releasing content at a reasonable clip and therefore support a subscription model.

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Lol I guess it's an 'agree to disagree' sorta thing. The thread isn't going to go away because you don't see the point in it. See the way i see it - I 'wasted' my time making that OP to help people, whereas you wasted your time criticizing a harmless post.


Stop taking your hate for the game out on the forums, people are tired of hearing it, and there is positive feedback on this thread to back up the fact that it in some way can help. Reiterating what i said only a page or two ago, it's not going to hurt to have some info in a thread. Why not go read other threads to see the amount of misinformation currently out there. And if you don't like whats being done with the game, luckily soon enough you won't have to sub to play, so you wont be able to claim your wasting your money. There is an option for people of your mindset now (:.


Way to go being obnoxious;) If you wanted this to be an information post you wouldn't have put your own "comments" between every link which tarnish what you claim to do. If you want to make this an information post just leave it at that and don't "interpret" things for others which have no bases in fact.


On and just for the record I love SW:ToR. I actually think it is a brilliant game and DOES NOT need to go F2P but should instead have persevered with improving the game and delivering content that builds upon its strength - you know like Trion Worlds did with Rift. Rift had exactly the same problems as SW:ToR in its very early days but rather than panic they stuck to their philosophy and have created a very well respected MMO which has a solid place in the market place by providing a substantial amount of content and quality of life upgrades. Funnily enough Turbine had the same philosophy in the first years of Lotros life and received huge accolades for their commitment to free content for their subsribers. Funny how that dried up after it went F2P.


F2P is BW/EA seeing the numbers, listening to a lot of negative publicity and, in my opinion, hitting the panic button by going F2P. They should have simply focused on fixing the things that were wrong and creating a buzz around upcoming content. F2P will change the game. Some won't mind, some will. I am one that will because I hate being nickle and dimed so I am voicing my concern and trying to point out that the "everythings going to my fine" view may be misplaced. Doubt it will make a difference but it might, or at least if BW are reading may stop them doing some of the more heinous things that F2P can bring.

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Way to go being obnoxious;) If you wanted this to be an information most you wouldn't have put your own "comments" between every link which tarnish what you claim to do. If you want to make this an information post just leave it at that and don't "interpret" things for others which have no bases in fact.


On and just for the record I love SW:ToR. I actually think it is a brilliant game and DOES NOT need to go F2P but should instead have persevered with improving the game and delivering content that builds upon its strength - you know like Trion Worlds did with Rift. Rift had exactly the same problems as SW:ToR in its very early days but rather than panic they stuck to their philosophy and have created a very well respected MMO which has a solid place in the market place by providing a substantial amount of content and quality of life upgrades. Funnily enough Turbine had the same philosophy in the first years of Lotros life and received huge accolades for their commitment to free content for their subsribers. Funny how that dried up after it went F2P.


F2P is BW/EA seeing the numbers, listening to a lot of negative publicity and, in my opinion, hitting the panic button by going F2P. They should have simply focused on fixing the things that were wrong and creating a buzz around upcoming content. F2P will change the game. Some won't mind, some will. I am one that will because I hate being nickle and dimed so I am voicing my concern and trying to point out that the "everythings going to my fine" view may be misplaced. Doubt it will make a difference but it might, or at least if BW are reading may stop them doing some of the more heinous things that F2P can bring.


Luckily Bioware doesn't make their business decisions based on what you think.


Secondly If i didn't write anything next to the links i posted, what context would they have - you'd have no reason to click them to find out more about what they're about. Also if your comment actually refers to me putting a comment between every quote, thats actually untrue also. Again just because you love the game, doesn't mean you're not making it evident that you hate what they're doing with it. And i'll reiterate from the post you quoted - don't take your hate out on the forums.

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Luckily Bioware doesn't make their business decisions based on what you think.


Secondly If i write anything next to the links i posted, what context would they have - you'd have no reason to click them to find out more about what they're about. Also if your comment actually refers to me putting a comment between every quote, thats actually untrue also. Again just because you love the game, doesn't mean you're not making it evident that you hate what they're doing with it. And i'll reiterate from the post you quoted - don't take your hate out on the forums.


Perhaps if they had have listened to more people, espeically the beta testers, then the game wouldn't have bled so many subs. :eek:


Oh and I just re-read your Op - you really have put your own spin on the vast majority of your links you posted. Maybe re-read your Op and stick with just the facts rather than an editorial if thats's what your intentions are?

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Rift seems to be trucking along nicely. WoW too.


F2P isn't happening because it's the "best" subscriber model. It happens because game developers release games that aren't worth 50 cents a day. Instead of making the games worth 50 cents a day, the same fail developers load up a cash shop with trinkets and toys at first then pay-to-win items later... and never release content that would make the game worth 50 cents a day.


So... yah... successful MMOs? The ones whose content is worth subscribing to and keep releasing content at a reasonable clip and therefore support a subscription model.


Subjective...Clearly most would rather have a traditional sub model for TOR with solid content for the next few years, that being said I pay around 33p a day for my TOR sub...even with all of it's problems I still enjoy playing and that's easily the most enjoyment for the price of any leisure time expense I will make in any given month. Therefore, to me, it is worthy of a sub and unless it actually does go P2W I will happily keep my sub running.


Never tried Rift, perhaps I might if/when it goes F2P. Tried WoW back in vanilla on a two week free trial...found it to be very Fisher Price back then and would never try it now because kung fu panda and pokemon just isnt my thing.



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The addition of a Free-to-Play option will not change your current subscription unless you choose to change your account. Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy. Subscribers also receive rewards in the form of monthly Cartel Coin grants, which can be spent at the Cartel Market on new gear styles, consumables, and specialty items.


The Free-to-Play option is designed with restrictions that will limit content for free players. For more information on these limitations please visit http://www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com/FREE/features. If you are a player that wants unrestricted access, it is unlikely the Free-to-Play option will be appealing


The part that has me baffled is this Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy.


My question is what specificly is this type of content? Lets say i switch to F2P and then Makeb releases. I understand that subbers pay nothing BUT... Will it cost F2Pers like 40 Bucks to get it like a typical xpac and they have it permenitly? Will it be 40 bucks worth of content? ( I remember Runes of Kunark for EQ1 costing like 20 bucks) Or will it cost them like 5 bucks for a weeks access to that content and they have to keep renewing that content on a weekly basis?

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Luckily Bioware doesn't make their business decisions based on what you think.


Secondly If i didn't write anything next to the links i posted, what context would they have - you'd have no reason to click them to find out more about what they're about. Also if your comment actually refers to me putting a comment between every quote, thats actually untrue also. Again just because you love the game, doesn't mean you're not making it evident that you hate what they're doing with it. And i'll reiterate from the post you quoted - don't take your hate out on the forums.


Yes... they make bad decisions instead, lol.

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The part that has me baffled is this Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy.


My question is what specificly is this type of content? Lets say i switch to F2P and then Makeb releases. I understand that subbers pay nothing BUT... Will it cost F2Pers like 40 Bucks to get it like a typical xpac and they have it permenitly? Will it be 40 bucks worth of content? ( I remember Runes of Kunark for EQ1 costing like 20 bucks) Or will it cost them like 5 bucks for a weeks access to that content and they have to keep renewing that content on a weekly basis?


Based on the info we have right now, F2P is only to level 50. Makeb is level 55, implying that you might have to sub to get Makeb.

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Is that even possible. pretty sure only Mod's/dev's get their posts stickied xD.


But in the meantime, if you appreciated the effort, then help me try keep it bumped so that people stop posting those pointless rant threads about things that aren't necessarily true.


Here's a fact for you, stuff in the cash shop will require "Paid Subscribers" to pay extra for said content... Which basically already shows that EA/Bioware has lied in saying that "Paid Subscribers" would get "Everything" free, otherwise they wouldn't be giving "Paid Subscribers" Cartel Coin allowances each month, these allowances are given because the content in the cash shop is NOT free to Paid Subscribers and the amount of coins paid subscribers get will not cover all the content in the cash shop... To think otherwise makes you very naive...


Eventually Pay to Win items will be put on the cash shop.... EA is notorious for being greedy..... Hell at one time EA was playing with the idea of charging Battlefield players PER Bullet.... shows their mentality....

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Perhaps if they had have listened to more people, espeically the beta testers, then the game wouldn't have bled so many subs. :eek:


Oh and I just re-read your Op - you really have put your own spin on the vast majority of your links you posted. Maybe re-read your Op and stick with just the facts rather than an editorial if thats's what your intentions are?


Lol man, just relax and accept that the thread isn't going anywhere because you personally don't like it :) lighten up eh?



Here's a fact for you, stuff in the cash shop will require "Paid Subscribers" to pay extra for said content... Which basically already shows that EA/Bioware has lied in saying that "Paid Subscribers" would get "Everything" free, otherwise they wouldn't be giving "Paid Subscribers" Cartel Coin allowances each month, these allowances are given because the content in the cash shop is NOT free to Paid Subscribers and the amount of coins paid subscribers get will not cover all the content in the cash shop... To think otherwise makes you very naive...


Eventually Pay to Win items will be put on the cash shop.... EA is notorious for being greedy..... Hell at one time EA was playing with the idea of charging Battlefield players PER Bullet.... shows their mentality....


Thanks but this thread isn't for conjecture about things that haven't happened yet.

Edited by Nanglez
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Excellent Post.


It is sad to see so many ignorant whining posts in these forums from kiddies who can't take the time to both READ and COMPREHEND. Add to that the usual trolls and I feel like I'm back in *that other mmo's* forums.


This is a good post worth stickying.


Sadly though, the folks who need to read it, won't. :(

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Thanks but this thread isn't for conjecture about things that haven't happened yet.


Stuff that hasn't happened where? This is the exact system LOTRO uses. STO does it. Any system that gives a cash shop allowance to their premium subs will contain cash shop exclusive items, and depending on how many there are, even that allowance won't cover them all.

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Thanks but this thread isn't for conjecture about things that haven't happened yet.


Everything you listed in your OP is conjecture..... How many times has Bioware said there going to do this or that and it didn't turn out that way.... History has proven everything Bioware says is conjecture... History has also proven that EA is a greedy SOB, that has no problem milking their player base....

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