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F2P >Facts< here (Sources provided)


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just a question for the op...


how many games have you subbed to, that then went f2p?


how long did you play these games?


why did you stop?


answer me those 3 questions and maybe well take what you say more seriously...


otherwise, there are a thousand and one threads explaining why f2p is not the land of sunshine and rainbows you think its going to be...


can i come back here and necro this thread a few months down the line when EA shows their true colors and pay2win items and lvl 50 classes are on the cash store?

Let's see,

Knight Online (maybe have since changed its name) - Play on and off for over 3 years

had a cash shop, it had quite a large community (although lots of russians). but generally it wasn't a game i played intensely so i got plenty of enjoyment out of the free content.


Runescape - employs the subscription/f2p model in terms of limited access model, played that too (Though its sc****** the barrel in terms of the word 'mmo') I could go in to more detail about the similarities, but i wouldn't want to give away that i wasted far too much time on that game when i was younger.


Lord of the rings online - played for about 3 months when it went free to play, to be honest i didn't enjoy it that much. Spent a little money in their shop though.


Need for speed online - Played it for about 2 weeks, it had a cash shop, it didn't do very well at all, and most likely died, i guess i'd have to google to find out. Never spent money on it.


Gunz:The Duel - Played this, its hugely successful for the quality of the game, pretty sure it also has a cash shop. Could be wrong about that though, its been about 4-5 years since i played it.


Heroes of Newerth - I have 3 accounts for this game, that i purchased before the game went free, so i have 3 'legacy' accounts or whatever they called them, (haven't played it since i started playing ToR), but they all have access to all the heroes. However now, the model works out so that you can either earn or pay for all the heroes (much like LoL) additionally the coins you earn per match can be used to buy aesthetic gear such as alt avatars, account icons, name colours, voice announcer packs etc etc. Additionally they have lots of limited time only content that disappears indefinetly after, making it so that what you have remains unique to the people lucky enough to get it. HoN was in fact my favoured game for 2 years, and i only quit because ToR came out. When the game went F2P its user base went from 20k-30k active users at peak times, to around 80-100k. So F2P worked out well for S2Games.



Anyway I answered the question to the best of my ability, as its 5:07am my time. Some weren't necessarily MMO's but are online multiplayer games nonetheless. Just not 'massive open worlds' as it were.

Edited by Nanglez
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"Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option".


^^^ What you can take that last one to mean is, IF YOU STAY SUBBED, NOTHING CHANGES.


- So no buying OP's access for subbers

- No buying warzone access

- The type of content we've recieved thus far we will still be entitled to access when cash shop comes out."


Nowhere have they defined "new higher-level game content" as OP's and Warzones. For all we know, they could give us 20 level 60 quests on a new planet, but still charge for OP's and warzones, for an example.


We don't know how it's going to Work out, and this is all your assumption...which you have a right to. It seems to me that if you were just trying to lay the info out there, you would have left this part off and let people draw their own conclusions.


You are out of your mind if you came to the conclusion they are charging new ops and wz to subscribers. It clearly says subs pay for nothing new

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You are out of your mind if you came to the conclusion they are charging new ops and wz to subscribers. It clearly says subs pay for nothing new


Yeh i don't know why i'm letting myself buy in to the posts. Its just annoying that the informations right there in the first post and they ignore it, instead choosing to post argumentative posts. Just accept that this is what Bioware has said for now. Let me reiterate again that I conceded in the first post, that this could be subject to change. Cant predict the future sadly.

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Let's see,



very well, you seem to have played your fair share of f2p games, not neccesarily mmos, but f2p nonetheless


however in all these games that you played i see one constant:


you neither kept playing them very long after f2p hit, nor you spent any cash on their respectives micro transaction stores...


wich just goes to illustrate that freemium numbers dont mean squat in terms of financial success...this is why i think we will just get mediocre stuff at first on tors cash shop, then when they realize people are skipping said fluff and staying f2p , they will begin selling more important items, mounts or questlines/plantes/spacemissions to try and get more of our money....


i hope it doesnt happen, and the quality of the content doesnt drop, i really dont, but its EA were talking about and thats the norm ive seen in other f2p games, mainly lotro, that while "Successfull" in terms of numbers and revenue, the "Quality " of content simply dropped lower, wich is something that im afraid might happen here as they try to push out more frequent updates

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very well, you seem to have played your fair share of f2p games, not neccesarily mmos, but f2p nonetheless


however in all these games that you played i see one constant:


you neither kept playing them very long after f2p hit, nor you spent any cash on their respectives micro transaction stores...


wich just goes to illustrate that freemium numbers dont mean squat in terms of financial success...this is why i think we will just get mediocre stuff at first on tors cash shop, then when they realize people are skipping said fluff and staying f2p , they will begin selling more important items, mounts or questlines/plantes/spacemissions to try and get more of our money....


i hope it doesnt happen, and the quality of the content doesnt drop, i really dont, but its EA were talking about and thats the norm ive seen in other f2p games, mainly lotro, that while "Successfull" in terms of numbers and revenue, the "Quality " of content simply dropped lower, wich is something that im afraid might happen here as they try to push out more frequent updates


I'd argue that thats because I couldn't afford it, not because i didn't want to. I still have HoN installed, and play it leisurely with mates from time to time. I did pay for a name change + a stat reset on my main account for HoN a while back. Also financially i am in a better position to spend money on that sort of thing now then i was then, hence why i am subbed to ToR hehe :).



-- But back on topic


If anyone else finds useful info, please post it! :)

Edited by Nanglez
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In these forums, this is quite often a self-inflicted phenomena. ;)



Yes, this thread should be stickied too.. Of course this thread being stickied doesn't mean people are actually going to read it.. They are't reading the ones that are stickied now..

Edited by MajikMyst
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So with those F2P restrictions, how do they expect an increase in playerbase activity?


AoC & Aion didn't get an increase after going F2P.


The entire point of the F2P option is to entice people to want to subscribe.. It is like those free magazines you get.. They give it to you free in hopes that you will subscribe.. It is a proven market strategy..

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So with those F2P restrictions, how do they expect an increase in playerbase activity?


AoC & Aion didn't get an increase after going F2P.


What? lol


I played Aion last year and it was basically dead. I stopped in a couples weeks after it went free to play and it felt so weird to see so many people. I don't know how many stayed, but to say it had no increase in activity is incredibly silly at the least.

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Alot of people need to draw their


attention to the following pages.



http://www.swtor.com/free/features - What subbers get vs what F2P gets. (It doesn't get much clearer then this imo)

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6449 - F2P FAQ's


http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6522 - Note where it mentions content, it says customize, NOT expand.


http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6476 - Helpful info


http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6546 - You won't lose your characters or anything ridiculous if you unsub.


The F2P Article

http://www.swtor.com/info/news/press-release/20120731 - "As the first step towards adding the new Free-to-Play option this fall, in August at retail Star Wars: The Old Republic will go on sale for $14.99 USD, including one-month of free subscription."


Not sure if this can be taken to mean that you will still have to purchase the game when it goes F2P, but as there are hundreds of game retailers who have copies of this game who cant exactly start handing them out for free, i'd imagine you'll just be able to pick ToR up for $15-20 at your local games store or online.


Other quotes for those of you who didn't bother to read it -


Starting this fall, there will be two different ways to play Star Wars: The Old Republic:


Subscription – A service designed for players who want unrestricted access to all the game features via ongoing subscription or by redeeming a Game Time Card. In addition to gaining access to all game content as our current subscribers do now, Subscribers will receive ongoing monthly grants of Cartel Coins*, the new virtual currency that will be introduced later this fall. Cartel Coins can be used to purchase valuable items including customizable gear and convenience features that will enhance the game play experience.

^^^^^ Please note the difference between the above and below. It's quite clearly stated that what subscribers will be spending their coins on include convinience features (so imagine more stuff like priority transports but cooler?, and visual customizations as it states. See how the below talks about buying access to various subscribed member features, but the subber part doesn't. Thats because subbers at this stage won't be paying for these features. :o Wow hard to figure out ay?


Free-to-Play –The first 50 levels will be free-to-play, with some restrictions on access to new content and advanced player features. Some restrictions can be “unlocked” with Cartel Coins.



"Current and former players will also find additional benefits as part of this program. BioWare will be increasing the frequency of game content updates, with the first of many new releases coming in August"




"Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option".


^^^ What you can take that last one to mean is, IF YOU STAY SUBBED, NOTHING CHANGES.


- So no buying OP's access for subbers

- No buying warzone access

- The type of content we've recieved thus far we will still be entitled to access when cash shop comes out.


So many of you out there need to start bothering to do your reading before you make audacious claims about the game of which you've read nothing about. It's very naive to just assume your opinion is correct. I'm not saying that the above isn't subject to change, but as these details were posted a week ago, that is what Bioware currently believes is possible. How about some optimism kids.



Quoted For Truth:rak_03:

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I just noticed something, do you think that F2P will have compete access to the Legacy System? That is such as being abe to buy a speeder at lvl 10 like everyone who is subbed. I assume no since the faq said limited travel for F2P players.
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I was just asking if anyone has heard if those who are going to be F2P will have limited access to the Legacy system. I would assume so if there is a limited travel for F2P players. Such as they won't be able to buy a speeder at lvl 10. Unless there is some fee that they have to pay to unlock legacy.
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I was just asking if anyone has heard if those who are going to be F2P will have limited access to the Legacy system. I would assume so if there is a limited travel for F2P players. Such as they won't be able to buy a speeder at lvl 10. Unless there is some fee that they have to pay to unlock legacy.


To answer your question no one knows as of yet how legacy will work with f2p.

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