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[No spoiler please] Jaesa Willsaam light or dark is more interesting ?


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So i wanted to point out in the begining i do not want any spoilers.


I just want information without spoilering much stuff.


Here is my question, it will be in spoiler since maybe someone doesn't want to know.





So i learned reading info about companions on sw tor wiki, that at the end of chapter one i will get Jaesa Willsaam to join my crew on sith warrior, here comes real problem at hand.


I have seen people on tor head pointing out that the dark Jaesa Willsaam is just typical sith but the light Jaesa Willsaam is not sith but thinking jedi have the wrong idea, so with that information i am wondering if that is true what they have said.

If really light Jaesa Willsaam more interesting then the dark side one, since dark one was suppose to be bad to the bone, i am go dark path overall, choosing light options when they are honorable mostly, i like being bad from time to time but mostly i am choosing honorable option in conversations.


So my question still stands is there no depth to dark side Jaesa Willsaam or was it just a misterunderstanding ?


Is it reall more fun to play with light side Jaesa Willsaam then with dark side.





Ok, anyone could give me any hints on this problem, it would be most helpfull.





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Dark Jaesa and Light Jaesa are basically two sides of the same coin, dark will love killing and sadistic things, Light is your regular goody two-shoes, she's also not a romance option whereas the Dark one is, her actual quest chain is basically the same regardless, you just do the total opposite to the other.
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Dark Jaesa and Light Jaesa are basically two sides of the same coin, dark will love killing and sadistic things, Light is your regular goody two-shoes, she's also not a romance option whereas the Dark one is, her actual quest chain is basically the same regardless, you just do the total opposite to the other.


This is pretty much true the options the light has the dark one has the polar oposite does

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Tried to keep as spoilerfree as possible, but I had to say a few things about LS Jaesa's goals.


I'd say both have no real depth. Dark Side Jaesa is no real character, but a product of a Sith's (wet) dreams. Light Side Jaesa is a stereotypical Jedi.

If you want a force using companion which is a real character, roll Inquisitor and get Ashara (Inquisitors will kill me now, I guess).


But really, for your character, neither seems to fit. You are a honorable dark sider, DS Jaesa isn't honorable and LS Jaesa isn't dark side. DS Jaesa joins you because you break her, which a honorable Sith wouldn't do. LS Jaesa joins you because you tell her you want to change the Empire towards the light, which a I guess your Warrior wouldn't do.


All in all I'd say take the one that fit's your allignment, so DS. But you will disagree with her on many things and maybe this will bring some sanity into her.

Edited by Maaruin
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I prefer Light Side as I find her fall to be ridiculous.


I blame the prequels and the utterly ridiculous and illogical "fall to the dark side" of Anakin Skywalker. To anyone who has read much of the EU, it's just so painfully, horribly written. Such a missed pitch.


The Legacy of the Force series handled how it should always be done.


And no... it doesn't have to happen over 9 books. I think Bioware could have straddled the divide here and made her fall to the Dark side to try and gain enough power to change the system, etc. There just aren't that many people who know how to De-Lucas their Star Wars.

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Personally, I can't stand either.



I find the story is lackluster and the voice acting is horrendous. Rachael Leigh Cook is a beautiful actress, but a bad voice actor (at least in SWTOR) with zero range and emotion is absent in pretty much everything. Of course, it could be that the script was just so bad she didn't feel like putting much effort in (even though its her job).


Lightside/Darkside really doesn't matter much. She's either a goody two shoes or a psychopath with no room in-between. You can "romance" her only as Darkside, if you can call a cat in heat "romance". Meanwhile Lightside is dull and boring. Not that it sounds any different. Whether talking about saving people or killing thousands, all tone and inflection are the same. Should have named her Jaesa Monotone.


After spending over half of my leveling experience chasing her down and finding out her lines and how she spoke, I was so disappointed I cringed every time I somehow manged to get any affection in fear that I would have to suffer a companion cutscene. I really loathe the character that much. I never use her and her affection is around 2k.



That's just my opinion though.

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Tried to keep as spoilerfree as possible, but I had to say a few things about LS Jaesa's goals.


I'd say both have no real depth. Dark Side Jaesa is no real character, but a product of a Sith's (wet) dreams. Light Side Jaesa is a stereotypical Jedi.

If you want a force using companion which is a real character, roll Inquisitor and get Ashara (Inquisitors will kill me now, I guess).


But really, for your character, neither seems to fit. You are a honorable dark sider, DS Jaesa isn't honorable and LS Jaesa isn't dark side. DS Jaesa joins you because you break her, which a honorable Sith wouldn't do. LS Jaesa joins you because you tell her you want to change the Empire towards the light, which a I guess your Warrior wouldn't do.


All in all I'd say take the one that fit's your allignment, so DS. But you will disagree with her on many things and maybe this will bring some sanity into her.


You spoiled some, but i think i get the picture, Thanks.


So i would have to stick with Malavai Quinn for the time being.

Edited by Sewerus
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Dark Jaesa and Light Jaesa are basically two sides of the same coin, dark will love killing and sadistic things, Light is your regular goody two-shoes, she's also not a romance option whereas the Dark one is, her actual quest chain is basically the same regardless, you just do the total opposite to the other.


Thanks for the insight too. Thanks for not spoilering too. I get more picture what Jaesa is.

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Go light because you do not want to see a dark sided sith give birth. You, the doctor, and all the nurses would be killed and the hospital would be destroyed.

The female SI, female SW, and DS Jaesa are the most dangerous force users ever when they give birth and could probably destroy the emperor.

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Go light because you do not want to see a dark sided sith give birth. You, the doctor, and all the nurses would be killed and the hospital would be destroyed.

The female SI, female SW, and DS Jaesa are the most dangerous force users ever when they give birth and could probably destroy the emperor.


lol :D

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Dark Jaesa and Light Jaesa are basically two sides of the same coin, dark will love killing and sadistic things, Light is your regular goody two-shoes, she's also not a romance option whereas the Dark one is, her actual quest chain is basically the same regardless, you just do the total opposite to the other.


Pretty much this.

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