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Vision of the Future


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I was flying around Hoth, when some wampas beat me up. While I was incapacitated, Orgus Din appeared to me in a vision and told me that I should suggest this:


I propose a set of flashpoints and pvp warzones, maybe even a mission hub, that takes place in a vision of the future.

Players could experience famous scenes and areas from established Star Wars canon, like the movies or the books, maybe even rub elbows with some famous personalities.

The only other MMO I have seen do this is that one with orcs and humans and big shoulderpads, but it was done to great effect there, and really helped to establish the world as having a vast history (as well as giving players a chance to be a part of it.)



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And they should put an item in the cash shop called "Orb of Farseeing" or some such that enables this new quest line and sell it to you for only $4.95 worth of Cartel Coins!


And on that quest line, you should be able to kidnap a baby Ewok and keep it as your very own pet! The Ewok trap would, of course, cost only $22,95 worth of Cartel Coins in the cash shop.


Or were you being serious?

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I thought this was going to be about the book written by Timothy Zahn. :)


But eh, I think this sounds a bit cheesy. You have to be careful about how you use time travel elements.

Hehe, I was going to respond with Specter of the Past.


OT: Yeah, I don't know about this idea, does seem fairly cheesy



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