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Jugg & Cybertech


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They are not re-usable. they have a 3 min cooldown and you can use them all except the re-usable. Which are you looking for exactly? I use Seismic (lvl 1 vs 4 have the same effect, just different damage on blast) and rakata lvl 4. I use them for utility.


i have hundreds of them. my crew-skills on my Jugg are Biochem, Scavenging, Slicing:


Biochem for the great game bonuses of re-usable

Scavenging for the mats to send to my lowbie alt to make grenades

Slicings for money

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Gotta ask yourself what are you looking to do Endgame. If you want to be PVE oriented Biochem is the best choice. If it is pvp Biochem is still very useful you just have alot of other options to make it not the stand out choice. Warzone med packs will heal for approximately the same as reusable ones and are easily acquired, adrenals are not usable in warzones ( the offensive ones) But reusable stims are still very powerful. 1.3 with the addition of being able to augment every slot you can make decent money and provide useful items while leveling and endgame, as crafted augments are BIS for augments atm. Cybertech mods and armoring are semi useful but I find it just as easy to get the commendation versions while leveling. Though at endgame you can RE BH gear to get very desirable mods and armoring and have the neat factor of making cruisers and star ship parts. As pat said do no get cybertech for the grenades as the reusable versions just have an extra 600 dmg while the cc portion is no different and all versions share the same ICD of 3 minutes.
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No, My main is a lvl 50 JC Seer, and I lvled cyber to 50 and discovered quickly that iwas nearly useless.. Not only did the armorings and mods stop at lvl 22, they were the craptacular Lettered versions of them, which for my class sucked.
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After leveling multiple toons and being a serious crafter, here's what I think (personal opinion):


1) for leveling, cyber or artifice or synth. I probably go with artifice...being able to craft hilts with better stats is a big bonus. plus the crystals, and enhancements...and your own shields...artifice is custom made for a Jugg. then put aside your extra crystals for....

2) once you het 50 (or mid 40's) respec to synth to get the rakata bracers and belt. you'd be suprised how easy it is to level up a skill to 400 fast...I took my leftover crystals (I had enough to do it, you may need a bit of side leveling), and it took me about 2 hours total. do it, get the bracers made (did a few pairs, one DPS, one tanking, and some extras for jaesa as well). Some people may think its too much work (it isn't), but i have rakata level bracers within a few days of maxing synth, when many of my guildees are still running BT and hoping for their columi bracers to drop. then drop it for...

3) Bio. the amount of stims/buffs you use in raiding makes it worth it. plus the medpacks.


i really did not miss Bio at all when leveling. Cyber or artifice IMO is actually a better choice. but at level cap you'll notice a huge difference having access to the re-useable stims and buffs. It's embarrassing getting into a raid and having the healer ask you if you brought stims/enhancements this time :)


And no...the grenades in cyber aren't worth it. Jugg simply needs more AoE damage. a small AoE on a 3m timer doesn't cut it.

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