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Downgrading to Free-to-Play Account


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I fail to see why this isn't common sense.. It was 3 months ago..

I see you failing. It's not about restricted service, it's about making life pointlessly harder. Understood? Great. No? Then no point talking to you.


Free players don't have legs, thay have to use wheelchair from birth. Subscribers have legs, but can't use them if they unsub. It's much harder to deal with it for person that lost his legs than for one that never had them. It's same with inventory/already acquired items. As a result, F2P option of game is less enjoable for people that used to subscribe than for those that never tried it.


You are Vip member of some club, main feature you get is access to vip area. As a bonus, you get free tshirt that you could buy at their shop. Some time later you are no longer vip, and are asked to return you tshirt, and buy it if you still want to use it. Reasonable? Maybe. Leaves good impression? Certainly not.

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I see you failing. It's not about restricted service, it's about making life pointlessly harder. Understood? Great. No? Then no point talking to you.


Free players don't have legs, thay have to use wheelchair from birth. Subscribers have legs, but can't use them if they unsub. It's much harder to deal with it for person that lost his legs than for one that never had them. It's same with inventory/already acquired items. As a result, F2P option of game is less enjoable for people that used to subscribe than for those that never tried it.


You are Vip member of some club, main feature you get is access to vip area. As a bonus, you get free tshirt that you could buy at their shop. Some time later you are no longer vip, and are asked to return you tshirt, and buy it if you still want to use it. Reasonable? Maybe. Leaves good impression? Certainly not.


See.. Here is the problem with your post.. From 1-50, there is little difference between a F2P player and a subs player.. F2P players will have access to all the quests and story lines.. You will be limited to what FP, Warzones, and space missions you can fly and that is pretty much it.. You can wear all the same gear..


Most people don't have the money for all their bag space, bank tabs, and even speeder training until they are 50 so it is of little point to QQ about that..


But leveling, F2P is pretty much the same as everyone else..


As for your Vip example.. It is actually quite flawed because nobody got a free tee shirt because nothing is free in this game.. Nothing is free dude.. You were paying a subscription.. That gave you access to the game servers.. No money no access.. You lost it all.. Including your tee shirt that never existed.. Another point you are missing is that you do not own anything.. You own the free tee shirt in your example.. You own nothing in the game.. Nothing was given to you.. There is no tee shirt.. You own nothing.. You were paying a subscription for a service.. You own nothing.. The company is now offering the service with restrictions for free.. To get the full service you still must pay.. Get it?? I am not the one failing here...


Now you can play with few limits to 50, and then once 50 you are restricted on end game content.. I see nothing wrong with that.. Before it was nothing and no access.. Now it is something and you are whining about it..


I am not the one failing here.. I am not the one whining over something, when it used to be nothing..

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You are Vip member of some club, main feature you get is access to vip area. As a bonus, you get free tshirt that you could buy at their shop. Some time later you are no longer vip, and are asked to return you tshirt, and buy it if you still want to use it. Reasonable? Maybe. Leaves good impression? Certainly not.
I see what you are saying, which is why I don't like gear restriction as part of F2P, but it's not like they take the T-Shirt away forever and the main thing is that if the club has a VIP program and then opens up some sort of open membership, it isn't for the purpose of getting the VIPs to hand in their T-Shirts. It is for the people who don't want the T-Shirt but something else instead. For the people who had the T-Shirt and still hand in their membership card, maybe they just want to come in from time to time and say hi and check out something new. It is all about options and the option to sub and keep your gear (if there is even a restriction) is still there. It is just people complaining about something that is not taking away what they have now. Though, it is a fair criticism for a potential 'subscriber' to make who hasn't tried the game and is weighing their options, but those people have not 'invested' anything.
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I still have the shake my head at people who are threatening to quit because they want to stop paying + keep everything. Do you really think Bioware gives a flip what you think if you stop paying them? How crazy is it to say I refuse to pay you but I want everything I used to pay for free. I know I agreed to pay per month or lose access to everything. That doesnt matter I didnt even read the agreement I just clicked "i agree" because I have a short attention span.


(last part is sarcasm)

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It isn't irrelevant. I put in the time and paid them the money to gain access to those things. This F2P option is a way to try to recoup money via cash shop purchases from people who don't believe the game is worth paying $15 bucks a month for. If you take away the option for people who go free to play to use things they already have grinded out, like gear, then why bother playing at all? By that token, the F2P option does NOTHING to stop the bleeding of subs and increase the money that BW/EA are trying so hard to recoup.


Look at it this way - if you stop paying your sub now, you'd lose access to everything. Can't get in the game if you don't pay. If you drop to f2p then, you do get to keep some stuff.

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At least this clears up the one worry I had, even still I most likely wont be resubbing or even playing f2p once my sub ends or f2p comes.


Thing is, can we trust Bioware to get this done right given the buggy as hell track record of them breaking things every time they fix something (and they wont be fixing anything this time but sticking in a new system into an old one)... I foresee many angry forum posts (oh wait f2p players cant post) about having items go missing due to the wonderful coding of Biowares programmers.

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Here is the problem with your post.. From 1-50, there is little difference between a F2P player and a subs player...


You don't know that really.


They have already given strong hints that the freeples will be denied access to quality of life features (like enhanced travel, which if you've been here since launch you know how big a freaking deal it has been about people going bat***** about travel times). We also know they are going to have caps on things, like credits, and probably mats, and maybe even restrictions on which equipement vendors they can use (you know for early cheap access to moddable gear and such). They probably won't earn rested XP either, and a host of other little nuances that are going to make it noticably more difficult in time and effort to hit level cap on that 1-50 hamster wheel. Some will tolerate this and play free anyway. But given the general level if impatience in today's MMO players, they will probably pony up for coins so they can shop themselves out of these limitations. The one thing we know for certain, they won't be in general forum carp and crapping about it, because they will be limited to their own forums.

Edited by Andryah
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The issue people need to understand is that when you start playing this game you agree to the terms of the 'TOS' which stand for Terms of SERVICE..


There is nothing in this game that anyone owns.. There are no tee shirts in this game.. You do not own your gear, your characters, your speeder mounts, nothing.. You own nothing..


You are simply paying for access to the game server which allows you to play the game.. Nothing more..


When you stop paying your subscription you no longer have access to the game sever, hence no access to your characters or anything else..


All F2P does is allow you to maintain limited access to some of your characers and things.. I would think that people would be thankful for that instead of whining about it..


If you don't believe me then here is what you do.. Make a list of all the things you think you own and go to court.. When you are brow beat by the TOS and laughed out of court you will findly understand why.. Hopefully..


You don't own anything and are not entitled to anything.. If you pay nothing then you are entitled to nothing.. That is just how it is in the real world..

Edited by MajikMyst
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You don't know that really.


I do know that really.. Read the FAQ and the info on the website about the F2P program.. I have read it.. Repeatedly..


F2P peeps will have limited access to space missions, FP, and Warzones while leveling.. Which I stated.. Which also posted on this website.

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The issue people need to understand is that when you start playing this game you agree to the terms of the 'TOS' which stand for Terms of SERVICE..


There is nothing in this game that anyone owns.. There are no tee shirts in this game.. You do not own your gear, your characters, your speeder mounts, nothing.. You own nothing..


You are simply paying for access to the game server which allows you to play the game.. Nothing more..


When you stop paying your subscription you no longer have access to the game sever, hence no access to your characters or anything else..


All F2P does is allow you to maintain limited access to some of your characers and things.. I would think that people would be thankful for that instead of whining about it..


If you don't believe me then here is what you do.. Make a list of all the things you think you own and go to court.. When you are brow beat by the TOS and laughed out of court you will findly understand why.. Hopefully..


You don't own anything and are not entitled to anything.. If you pay nothing then you are entitled to nothing.. That is just how it is in the real world..


Wait a min...I own the DVD and case the game came in..I can use that disc for anything I want to...coaster...small friesbie..etc. I can take the inside wrapper of TOR and throw it away and make my own. So I do own something. ;)


Lol! I get your point and you are correct. BioWare does not "owe" the prevous or present subbers anything. But for the sake of future trust in them and good customer relations, they should'nt dismiss them with a brush off ether. And until I see what the cartel coins will buy and how many are needed..that is exaclty what I feel they are doing. :rolleyes:

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I do know that really.. Read the FAQ and the info on the website about the F2P program.. I have read it.. Repeatedly..


F2P peeps will have limited access to space missions, FP, and Warzones while leveling.. Which I stated.. Which also posted on this website.


NO... you read only what you wanted to read, and ignored all the points I offered you that they are on the record as having said since the announcement.


ALSO.... you should research the word "limited" so that you have a better understanding that it directly goes to a meaning of constraint and restriction.

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Wait a min...I own the DVD and case the game came in..I can use that disc for anything I want to...coaster...small friesbie..etc. I can take the inside wrapper of TOR and throw it away and make my own. So I do own something. ;)


Just a small interjection here: If software companies have their way, you won't be able to resell it. That might adjust your definition of "own." Me personally, if I don't have the rights to resell, I don't consider it owning.

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If I as a subscriber with 6 characters, 1 of them a level 50 with full BH and some campaign, were to decide to become a Free-to-play player, please tell me that I don't lose items like the FAQ suggests! I don't know of any other MMO that makes you lose items when you unsubscribe, this would be the first and it's an awful idea.


You don't lose items when you unsubscribe.


You may lose items when you go f2p.


Not the same thing.

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Interesting discussion. Its a shame that they are differentiating between unsubscribing and make your account a free-to-play account. I thought they were the same thing.


Okay I bring another question then, would be nice to hear some opinions. In September I will start my second year of A-levels and don't feel comfortable to doing operations every evening like I normally do. Limited Flashpoints and Warzones will probably be helpful given the situation as I might get more work done. It seems perfect as I'm kind of getting to the point that I feel like I'm exhausting the end-game content as it is anyway and would like to instead focus on creating new characters and playing their storylines and learning more about the Star Wars galaxy at a leisurely pace. Should I make my account a free-to-play account? I don't feel at all comfortable with losing any items, credits or characters but at the same time the £8 a month would be nice to have as I'm not doing Operations.


It would be nice to hear your opinions but really I have to see the details of the switchover and what Cartel Coins have to offer. Its possible that I might be able to spend the Cartel Coins that I've earned over the time that I've been playing on keeping all my credits and stuff, and if that is the case then is it worth doing that or should I just keep subscribing?


P.S. It would be really nice to get a developer response on this topic, surely you're tired of responding to complaints all the time!

Edited by omNOMNOMinator
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It would be nice to hear your opinions but really I have to see the details of the switchover and what Cartel Coins have to offer. Its possible that I might be able to spend the Cartel Coins that I've earned over the time that I've been playing on keeping all my credits and stuff, and if that is the case then is it worth doing that or should I just keep subscribing?


We know next to nothing about what you will 'lose' or just how limited anything is. The only thing we know is the Ops are off limits but we don't know if they will sell Ops passes or something.


As far as free-to-pay vs subscription, well once they make the switch there will only be the two types. Unsubscribing is technically going free-to-play but if you don't log in you won't notice. If you do log in, you will not lose any items, just some things might be 'locked'. If you subscribe again (or maybe spend coins) they will unlock as if you never unsubbed.

Edited by ripster
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There is more know than that.


F2P gets no operations

F2P gets limited flash points per week

F2P gets limited character slots (you might lose characters if you go f2p)

F2P gets less storage space

F2P gets less inventory space

F2P gets fewer travel options

F2P gets fewer races to choose from in character creation

F2P gets level 1-50 content but any new content updates are at a cost


Subs do not get these limitations and get a number of cartel coins each month that you can spend in the cash shop.


Hope that helps...not saying this list is complete but it's what I've read so far from the blog and faq and a couple of interviews.

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NO... you read only what you wanted to read, and ignored all the points I offered you that they are on the record as having said since the announcement.


ALSO.... you should research the word "limited" so that you have a better understanding that it directly goes to a meaning of constraint and restriction.


Yes.. But you made no points.. I don't know what your talking about..


All you have done so far is say that I am wrong but you never say how or where you are getting your information..


The post above spells it out for you.. It is almost a direct quote from the features page.. You know.. One of the ones you have yet to look at..


See for yourself..


Like many others.. I have researched this and have quoted Bioware almost verbatim and yet you say I am wrong..


Ok.. You are welcome to think that.. If it makes you feel better.. Be my guest..


I am just not sure what you are right about because you have yet to make any points that I have seen.. Feel free to offer your points and what you are basing your points on.. I look forward to reading your info.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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Interesting discussion. Its a shame that they are differentiating between unsubscribing and make your account a free-to-play account. I thought they were the same thing.


Okay I bring another question then, would be nice to hear some opinions. In September I will start my second year of A-levels and don't feel comfortable to doing operations every evening like I normally do. Limited Flashpoints and Warzones will probably be helpful given the situation as I might get more work done. It seems perfect as I'm kind of getting to the point that I feel like I'm exhausting the end-game content as it is anyway and would like to instead focus on creating new characters and playing their storylines and learning more about the Star Wars galaxy at a leisurely pace. Should I make my account a free-to-play account? I don't feel at all comfortable with losing any items, credits or characters but at the same time the £8 a month would be nice to have as I'm not doing Operations.


It would be nice to hear your opinions but really I have to see the details of the switchover and what Cartel Coins have to offer. Its possible that I might be able to spend the Cartel Coins that I've earned over the time that I've been playing on keeping all my credits and stuff, and if that is the case then is it worth doing that or should I just keep subscribing?


P.S. It would be really nice to get a developer response on this topic, surely you're tired of responding to complaints all the time!


It actually isn't a difference. If you are unsubbed, you will automatically be recategorized as free to play, just as inactive.

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I guess the cool part for EA is that they will have a completely new user base. After playing GW2 Betas and it's a fully open world MMO for box price only and no sub ever and ONLY convenience and cosmetic items in the cash shop...it's like a breath of fresh air people.
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If I as a subscriber with 6 characters, 1 of them a level 50 with full BH and some campaign, were to decide to become a Free-to-play player, please tell me that I don't lose items like the FAQ suggests! I don't know of any other MMO that makes you lose items when you unsubscribe, this would be the first and it's an awful idea.


The FAQ doesn't suggest that anyone will lose an item.. Feel free to post a direct quote of any portion of the FAQ that says you will lose your items..


What is said and this is almost a direct quote.. 'You will still be able to see your items, just not be able to use them.'


There is a difference.. Nothing is going to be deleted.. You just won't have access to it all as a F2P player..

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I guess the cool part for EA is that they will have a completely new user base. After playing GW2 Betas and it's a fully open world MMO for box price only and no sub ever and ONLY convenience and cosmetic items in the cash shop...it's like a breath of fresh air people.


And the bridge you are selling is where?? It is really hard to say what the terms of a game will be when it isn't released yet..


I am guessing it will be like GW when you almost have to pay for everything.. Every expansion was in many ways it's own game and didn't allow you access to all the others.. So seriously.. At least get your facts straight..


Feel free to post the source of your fresh air..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Wait a min...I own the DVD and case the game came in..I can use that disc for anything I want to...coaster...small friesbie..etc. I can take the inside wrapper of TOR and throw it away and make my own. So I do own something. ;)


Lol! I get your point and you are correct. BioWare does not "owe" the prevous or present subbers anything. But for the sake of future trust in them and good customer relations, they should'nt dismiss them with a brush off ether. And until I see what the cartel coins will buy and how many are needed..that is exaclty what I feel they are doing. :rolleyes:


The point I was making, was for the people that seem to feel they are entitled to all the same perks and benifits that a subscription player gets, just for free..


That is totally not the case.. As it is now, if you unsub the game you lose access to the game totally and no access to posting in the forums.. Now all of the sudden, with the announcement of F2P, people think they get to keep it all if they unsub??


The issue is that they feel that they paid a subsciption for how ever many months and put forth the effort to build the characters they play, that they own them.. That is not correct.. We do not own our characters..


Nobody is being thrown away.. If some folks do not wish to pay Bioware/EA any money, that is their choice.. But they have no business expecting anything for free.. They should be thankful for whatever Bioware/EA gives them and live with whatever restrictions that are imposed on the F2P accounts..


I simply fail to see any reason why anyone is entitled to anything for free?? If you unsub now you get nothing.. Why is getting something worse than getting nothing.. That is what I need some people to explain.. How and why they are entitled to anything for free..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Just a small interjection here: If software companies have their way, you won't be able to resell it. That might adjust your definition of "own." Me personally, if I don't have the rights to resell, I don't consider it owning.


Pfft. You think that stops anyone from reselling thier physical copies of games? I look at games the same way I do a DVD movie. I can sell it to whomever I want...which the pawn shops have tons of them. But what I cannot do is copy that movie or game and sell those copies. That is illegal. But selling the original one you bought is not. You should visit Amazon.com and you will see a lot of games there which are used for sale. :cool:

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I can see they have to protect themselves from exploitation, but they need to find a way not to screw people who've been subbed and paying all this time. If the day come that people's main characters are taken away from them, then there is a going to be crapstorm of hatemail and forum anger. "Either pay monthly or you can't play that character you've been playing since launch." And I have zero doubt many people will quit playing on the spot due to principal.
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Pfft. You think that stops anyone from reselling thier physical copies of games? I look at games the same way I do a DVD movie. I can sell it to whomever I want...which the pawn shops have tons of them. But what I cannot do is copy that movie or game and sell those copies. That is illegal. But selling the original one you bought is not. You should visit Amazon.com and you will see a lot of games there which are used for sale. :cool:


I am not saying it isn't done... Just that it is very likely illegal (at least in the US) at this time.

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