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Supposedly, they say 40% quit the game due to sub fees.


Hilareous that they even take this statistic into consideration for making the game f2p. When someone quits the game they get the option to select the reason.


Notice when they get here, they have already decided to quit the game for some reason, which most likely is not that they are thinking about paying a sub, rather that they have decided to quit the game due to some reason of not having fun anymore... So, basically they have decided it is no fun no more, i'm gonna quit my sub so i don't pay anymore for this game since i am not going to play it.


Now they get faced with the options to quit, a lot of these players are going to think "i don't want to pay anymore since i am quittin" and they will select the subscription fee as the reason. Now these players (probably most of us) are quitting the game. If it is going to be f2p doesn't matter. We would quit anyways.


I HIGHLY disbelieve the 40% to even be near accurate...

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Supposedly, they say 40% quit the game due to sub fees.


Hilareous that they even take this statistic into consideration for making the game f2p. When someone quits the game they get the option to select the reason.


Notice when they get here, they have already decided to quit the game for some reason, which most likely is not that they are thinking about paying a sub, rather that they have decided to quit the game due to some reason of not having fun anymore... So, basically they have decided it is no fun no more, i'm gonna quit my sub so i don't pay anymore for this game since i am not going to play it.


Now they get faced with the options to quit, a lot of these players are going to think "i don't want to pay anymore since i am quittin" and they will select the subscription fee as the reason. Now these players (probably most of us) are quitting the game. If it is going to be f2p doesn't matter. We would quit anyways.


I HIGHLY disbelieve the 40% to even be near accurate...


There's an open form field to place your reasons why you're quitting during the cancellation process. I know this because I cancelled at the end of January for about 6-7 days to reset the billing date back a week so that it was in line with all the other automated charges on my account.


So when people can write anything they want in those fields, your entire argument just evaporated.


But hey, how dare they use the metrics they collected from actual users! They should have just asked YOU why YOU thought the game was losing subscribers, and then sourced you in their investors meetings.


We all understand. (Wink Wink!)

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There's an open form field to place your reasons why you're quitting during the cancellation process. I know this because I cancelled at the end of January for about 6-7 days to reset the billing date back a week so that it was in line with all the other automated charges on my account.


So when people can write anything they want in those fields, your entire argument just evaporated.


But hey, how dare they use the metrics they collected from actual users! They should have just asked YOU why YOU thought the game was losing subscribers, and then sourced you in their investors meetings.


We all understand. (Wink Wink!)


He was just voicing HIS opinion on the issue (probably because he has some concerns over the model). No harm in stating his mind.

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No harm in trying. They already said subbed players will not be affected.


When poor quality content updates start becoming the norm EVERYONE is affected. When the quality of the community starts to wane because people paying don't want to put up with poor content updates and all that is left is the lowest common denominator EVERYONE is affected.

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40% quit the game not because of sub-fees ,but because of horrible customer service. I know 4 friends of mine who quit and said it was for sub-fee, but it was actually because their accounts were rendered inaccessable by biowares ****** excuse for customer service.
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He was just voicing HIS opinion on the issue (probably because he has some concerns over the model). No harm in stating his mind.


As long as he'she is aware of the inductive logic leaps they're making, and their unsupportable nature through anecdotal information, then as you said, no harm no foul.


But I'm also just stating my own educated opinion on the matter.

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When poor quality content updates start becoming the norm EVERYONE is affected. When the quality of the community starts to wane because people paying don't want to put up with poor content updates and all that is left is the lowest common denominator EVERYONE is affected.


Well, let's see how things turn out before becoming all pessimistic, shall we?


As long as he'she is aware of the inductive logic leaps they're making, and their unsupportable nature through anecdotal information, then as you said, no harm no foul.


But I'm also just stating my own educated opinion on the matter.


Sorry, my comment was on your last two paras.

Edited by Starleash
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When poor quality content updates start becoming the norm EVERYONE is affected. When the quality of the community starts to wane because people paying don't want to put up with poor content updates and all that is left is the lowest common denominator EVERYONE is affected.

Can't be much worse than it currently is, updates take them for ever, not really tested and with lots of bugs. What new content we got since release? One Event, one new warzone, one new operation and two flashpoints. When they really can deliever new stuff every 6 weeks after going free to play, then everybody will be affected in a positive way!

Edited by Drudenfusz
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I unsubbed the day before F2P was announced. I was not given the feedback option 'I don't like the subscription model but if the game was F2P I would stay.'


It's a personal value judgement... but for me, if a game is not good enough for me to subscribe to, it STILL not good enough even if free. I would hazard a guess that this is true for most rational people.


As an aside, we know that two million people were (and probably still are) willing to pay for this game up front AND pay a subscription fee. Most likely, had the game delivered for these people, then the vast bulk of them wouldn't have left. One other thing we know... that these two million people did not need the game to be 'free' for them to decide to play... and pay.


There was (and is) nothing wrong with the subscription model but, as the studio originally said, a subscription-based game must be of a high quality and offer more content to justify the model.

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Supposedly, they say 40% quit the game due to sub fees.



I HIGHLY disbelieve the 40% to even be near accurate...


That could be due to you misrepresenting what they said. What they actually said was that of the people who quit and gave BW a reason for quitting 40% stated that it was due to the sub fee.

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I knew people that were supposed to be playing this game with me, they all left because they were bored and dissapointed with the game in general.


Out of 8 people that signed up the same time I did, I am the last one. Of course i am the only 1 that continued to play SWG, because I am here for the IP.


They are MMO fans, I am a starwars fan. If this was not starwars would i stay? Probally not.


I dont know why most people left, but i do know from my own perspective and it had nothing to do with paid subs.


What i dont understand is how if someone cant afford 15 a month for a sub, how they are going to "enjoy" the content here with out paying that sub or more with the online store and limiting the restrictions for free players.

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The fun part about "don't want to pay subscription", when the sub is a whopping 50 cents a day, is that it really means "the game isn't worth 50 cents a day".


Sadly managers, especially those with MBAs, don't understand how to do that simple translation and then implement the proper adjustment, which is to make the game worth 50 cents a day.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Sadly managers, especially those with MBAs, don't understand how to do that simple translation and then implement the proper adjustment, which is to make the game worth 50 cents a day.


Absolutely, totally, utterly... spot on.


The last couple of days have seen the suits out doing the rounds spinning their decision and missing this point... but for me, showing their true colours and true concerns. I've not heard or seen from a single LA/EA/BW employee expressing any love or passion for the game. Telling.

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The fun part about "don't want to pay subscription", when the sub is a whopping 50 cents a day, is that it really means "the game isn't worth 50 cents a day".


Sadly managers, especially those with MBAs, don't understand how to do that simple translation and then implement the proper adjustment, which is to make the game worth 50 cents a day.


Firstly there are people for which 50 cents a day is not an insignificant amount to spend on a luxury, for them and for others it may be worth 25 cents a day. Allowing them to spend 25 cents a day still means more revenue for almost no extra cost.


Some people will balk at the 50 cents a day because they are not sure that they will play long term, they may take a few months to make that decision.


Others are dissuaded by the current price of entry to the game, I was. I am a subscriber only because I was given a friend referral that allowed me to see that the game was worth the price of a box and a monthly sub over the long term.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Firstly there are people for which 50 cents a day is not an insignificant amount to spend on a luxury, for them and for others it may be worth 25 cents a day. Allowing them to spend 25 cents a day still means more revenue for almost no extra cost.


Seriously if they can't afford that extra 25 cents a day, how do they have a computer and internet connection capable of playing this game? That's such a weak argument.


The problem is the game is not worth paying for because it lacks the features and/or content that people who play MMOs want and/or expect. If it had those features and content, people would find a way to come up with that extra 25 or 50 cents a day. FFS make yourself a PBJ for lunch instead of poisoning yourself with fast food just once a week and you're way over the required budget!


To your edits, the free trial solves that. You can play for as long as you want but you're limited to level 15. Every MMO should offer a free trial after the launch activities have calmed down, and this one does.

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Ive had no issues with customer srvice. My Tickets are responded to in under an hour for the most part. and the telephonic customer service was good. Even made some small talk with the guys.


Same here, I have used the Cs service a couple of time and each time proble mwas fixed under an hour, better service than I have had in other games.


The 40% thing, we can't see the reports, So I have to take it at face value, Metris are ok, but they lack one thing the human element..

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Supposedly, they say 40% quit the game due to sub fees.


Hilareous that they even take this statistic into consideration for making the game f2p. When someone quits the game they get the option to select the reason.


Notice when they get here, they have already decided to quit the game for some reason, which most likely is not that they are thinking about paying a sub, rather that they have decided to quit the game due to some reason of not having fun anymore... So, basically they have decided it is no fun no more, i'm gonna quit my sub so i don't pay anymore for this game since i am not going to play it.


Now they get faced with the options to quit, a lot of these players are going to think "i don't want to pay anymore since i am quittin" and they will select the subscription fee as the reason. Now these players (probably most of us) are quitting the game. If it is going to be f2p doesn't matter. We would quit anyways.


I HIGHLY disbelieve the 40% to even be near accurate...


  1. Worst Company of 2012
  2. Worst Customer Service out of any MMO
  3. Endgame is a Copy of WoW
  4. Swtor's Unique Space Battle Feature sucks, the VAST majority of people hate it.
  5. This game is only amusing for its class missions, and only because they are voiceacted.


Honestly I'm surprised its not 80%

Thats why they are jumping the gun and going f2p, because if they don't they will be looking at 80% sub loss after gw2 & mop.


Don't hate me cuz i tell the the blunt truth.

F2P is Not going to fix the lack of content in this game, it does not change my mind, im still quitting untill they add a endgame, my suggestion list is still primed and ready bioware.

Edited by Daethorz
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There's an open form field to place your reasons why you're quitting during the cancellation process. I know this because I cancelled at the end of January for about 6-7 days to reset the billing date back a week so that it was in line with all the other automated charges on my account.


So when people can write anything they want in those fields, your entire argument just evaporated.


But hey, how dare they use the metrics they collected from actual users! They should have just asked YOU why YOU thought the game was losing subscribers, and then sourced you in their investors meetings.


We all understand. (Wink Wink!)


Think logically there Kube. People signed up and bought the game KNOWING there was a sub fee.


They quit because the game did not make them feel like they were appropriate value for the sub fee.


They did not leave because of the fee itself but the lack of a product they felt they wanted to pay to play.


Its akin to any company saying, "They did not buy our crappy product because were charging them money. We lost customers because we want them to pay for our product."


If they were happy with the game they would have kept on playing and paying. Making a bad product free will not make people who do not like the product now want the product.


The OP is correct regardless of BW claims.

Edited by Saurakk
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Firstly there are people for which 50 cents a day is not an insignificant amount to spend on a luxury, for them and for others it may be worth 25 cents a day. Allowing them to spend 25 cents a day still means more revenue for almost no extra cost.

Some people will balk at the 50 cents a day because they are not sure that they will play long term, they may take a few months to make that decision.

Others are dissuaded by the current price of entry to the game, I was. I am a subscriber only because I was given a friend referral that allowed me to see that the game was worth the price of a box and a monthly sub over the long term.


The point is the game isn't worth 50 cents a day whether you can afford it or not.


Surely, if you can't afford a game, you don't buy it and then baulk at the subscription cost. If you're unsure, you play the trial and then make a decision whether to economise elsewhere in your life in order to continue your sub.


If the game was of sufficient quality to attract and keep those that could afford it... and attract and keep those who couldn't afford it... we'd have a viable game, whatever the payment model.

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When I quit I'll complain about the customer service and the non-functional billing system. I let my sub run out a few months after the launch but came back and found that the billing system just wouldn't agree to take my credit card or PayPal account as payment. Which is strange seeing how I use both for paying online with and never had a problem with a payment before - not even the first SWToR sub! Blizzard has nothing against my CC and I've used PayPal with them too when I happened to have money on it (collected funds for me organizing a gift to a guildie). Customer service didn't wish to look into it when I messaged them, they insisted I call. The operator who handled my issue was both polite and nice but her dialect was really horrible. And they never managed to solve it even if they said they did. I don't think they have enough people or people with the actual skills to make those billing databases work correctly.


Using time cards for now.

Edited by Spetulhu
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Supposedly, they say 40% quit the game due to sub fees.


Hilareous that they even take this statistic into consideration for making the game f2p. When someone quits the game they get the option to select the reason.


Notice when they get here, they have already decided to quit the game for some reason, which most likely is not that they are thinking about paying a sub, rather that they have decided to quit the game due to some reason of not having fun anymore... So, basically they have decided it is no fun no more, i'm gonna quit my sub so i don't pay anymore for this game since i am not going to play it.


Now they get faced with the options to quit, a lot of these players are going to think "i don't want to pay anymore since i am quittin" and they will select the subscription fee as the reason. Now these players (probably most of us) are quitting the game. If it is going to be f2p doesn't matter. We would quit anyways.


I HIGHLY disbelieve the 40% to even be near accurate...


F2P had absolutely ZERO to do with my cancellation. $15 isn't even enough to take the old lady to the movies.

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