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What about the 60%?


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Anyone who plays mmos knows there is a fee per month. I dont see ppl leaving because of the 15.00 a month. People still played SWG after they gutted it and still paid for it. they didnt leave becuase of the cost it was because they changed it.


please are leaving this game because of a lot of reasons i dont see them wanted to admit so just say they leave because of the cost.


Hhmm, hey EA lower they monthly price.. that would be nice


Yes all 2-3k of us by the end.

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Pretty sure that 40% said that the game wasn't worth 15 bucks a month.


Which isn't the same as wanting it to go F2P...


^ this , but meh, ive moved past anger into sheer disappointment , but ill wait and keep my sub to see how it goes, IF i get the choice to move my character to a sub only server, ill probably stay , otherwise ill probably cancel the recurring sub because ill probably not play very much ,


everything from fleeting (or temporary) server community to the amount of gold/credit farmers and their spam that will come with it, and the undesirable people that will innevitably troll this game to death, the borked server ques (i know ill get thrown in front of q but well see how that goes) plus even MORE lag on fleet (trust me there will be a thousand and one lvl 10 alts there spamming unnecesary stuff) ....and a lot of other things that im not going to list , is what has turned me and will turn me away from the f2p model in other games and will continue to do so, thats why i stick with sub based games, after six months , the people that stay are the ones i wanna play with, cuz i know they are here cuz they like the game , not because they got nothing better to do and are waiting for their wow raid time/finder and care little for what happens to this game....


i love the brilliant logic of EA here, the "40% " that left because of FIFTY CENTS A DAY arent really going to spend more than 15 dollars a month on fluff items (and we all know they WILL sell pay2win eventually, or fully leveled characters later on if they cant sell the fluff to make up more than 15 dollars per player, if they dont spend at least 10 bucks a month on fluff , they are just consuming bandwith and nor really giving any profit to bw) , im going to stay , and see how it goes, if it works , then i wll come back and eat all this that im typing , otherwise ill just go and bid farewell to yet another sold out gaming company ...

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And yet you pay this 'evil' company to access the game that you apparently hate so much.


no the 40% wanted KOTOR and didnt get it so they didnt want to pay a sub. The rest of us wanted something different but got WoW. We pleaded and got patch 1.2. We pleaded again and got WoW Arena's. Well now its F2P, I guess I dont have to pay a sub anymore.

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That is 141 pages of posts by players who liked the game enough to buy and play it about why the game wasn't for them and/or how it was broken. They cared enough about the game to let us know their thoughts. There are countless hundreds of other singular posts as well.


What many take for hate is not hate, it is disapointment and a desire for the game to be great.


Read these two threads with an open mind and it speaks volumes.

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Pretty sure that 40% said that the game wasn't worth 15 bucks a month.


Which isn't the same as wanting it to go F2P...


My guess exactly, 40% of people said that the game in it's current state wasn't worth the 14.99 subscription.


EA spun that to mean that 40% of players that left want SWToR to be F2P and would return if it was.


I'm glad that less than half of the players THAT HAVE ALREADY QUIT are going to get something they want out of this. But what does that leave for the other 60% who have quit? Or for the 100% that are still here and paying? It seems like a bad move to base a change this big on a survey that says only what less than 50% of the players that don't even play the game anymore want from it.


What is more mind boggling, is that the players they are targeting with this are people who desire a f2P model, meaning that those 40% of players will not even be subscribers again, so they are catering to the 40% who wont even give them a dime beyond the box price. *********** pathetic.

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That is 141 pages of posts by players who liked the game enough to buy and play it about why the game wasn't for them and/or how it was broken. They cared enough about the game to let us know their thoughts. there are countless hundreds of other singular posts as well.


What many take for hate is not hate, it is disapointment and a desire for the game to be great.


Read these two threads with an open mind and it speaks volumes.


Thats the problem with people who are just fanboys or to ignorant to understand whats wrong with a game. The majority of us who left or will be leaving tried to help save this game. The same features were listed over and over again and yet went ingnored. These two posts are just a small amout of feed back EA has recieved in terms of this game. Matter a fact there are over 1million total replies just in general discussion. That would say the community was pretty involved in the game as a whole. Anyway this game is done and you can thank Jeff Hickman once again. I have no idea how a guy can kill two multimillion dollar MMO projects and still have a job

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They take their feedback the wrong way. They think 40% left because they dont want to pay for the game. In reality 40% left because the game wasnt worth playing to them. Theres a big difference between wanting F2P and not wanting to play a game, in its current state, unless it was free.


Same arrogance and PR spin we have seen since day 1.

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I'd say 40% of the initial players were non-mmo gamers looking for a new KOTOR game, they played through the story they wanted and quit afterwards.


I disagree. Most of the non-MMO gamers who want another KOTOR that I know (including myself, though I am really a hybrid) are not done with this game. There are 8 base classes, 16 advanced classes, 3 skill trees per, two genders, different races, light/dark etc etc. So many different combos to try. We are far from done with this game. Play through once and call it quits? Inconceivable.

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Pretty sure that 40% said that the game wasn't worth 15 bucks a month.


Which isn't the same as wanting it to go F2P...


This and the remaining 60% stated reasons to explain the other 40% reasons for quiting over the sub rate. :rolleyes:

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I disagree. Most of the non-MMO gamers who want another KOTOR that I know (including myself, though I am really a hybrid) are not done with this game. There are 8 base classes, 16 advanced classes, 3 skill trees per, two genders, different races, light/dark etc etc. So many different combos to try. We are far from done with this game. Play through once and call it quits? Inconceivable.


All of that sounds good, but there really is very little reason to replay after you have done all 8 class quests. Well, if you are interested in the story driven MMO part of the game, which is what I think of when talking about players who want another KoTOR.


I mean, as much as I loved KoTOR and KoTOR 2, I had a hard time driving myself to try another class in them. Just explore the other side of the force.

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What is more mind boggling, is that the players they are targeting with this are people who desire a f2P model, meaning that those 40% of players will not even be subscribers again, so they are catering to the 40% who wont even give them a dime beyond the box price.

I think you're wrong here. Yes, I agree that the 40% will (mostly) not re-subscribe. However, that does *not* mean they won't give dimes. In fact, the very success of the F2P model is based on the fact that those people *do* pay money. Significant amounts of money. But not through the subscription model, which they don't like. But they will pay through purchaseable points. This is undeniable. If there wasn't a significant segment of people who will do this, then all the F2P games we've seen in past years would have fallen flat.

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I think you're wrong here. Yes, I agree that the 40% will (mostly) not re-subscribe. However, that does *not* mean they won't give dimes. In fact, the very success of the F2P model is based on the fact that those people *do* pay money. Significant amounts of money. But not through the subscription model, which they don't like. But they will pay through purchaseable points. This is undeniable. If there wasn't a significant segment of people who will do this, then all the F2P games we've seen in past years would have fallen flat.


Exactly. It gives the players more flexibilty to spend thier money on the game when they want to and how much. Some months...they may have money issues, so they would not spend any..then the next month maybe they have a extra 10 bucks they feel they can spend on the game....this builds up fast with a lot of players playing. But during the whole time the player can keep playing and thus keep his attraction for the game.

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i love how the pro f2p crowd keeps avoiding the fact that if these people didnt deem fifty cents a day a worthy investment on the game,...why exactly are they going to come back and spend more than 15 dollars (after all this model is supposed to be more profitable right?) a month of FLUFF ITEMS? you really think they will just keep fluff items that DONT SELL as an incentive to get money out of freemiums?


no , it wont happen, just like diablo 3 and its real money auction house died a miserable quick death, the same will happen in this game, and diablo is one of the most succesfull game ips ever....if that crap didnt pass over there, what makes you think its going to pass here?

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i love how the pro f2p crowd keeps avoiding the fact that if these people didnt deem fifty cents a day a worthy investment on the game,...why exactly are they going to come back and spend more than 15 dollars
We're not avoiding it, we've explained this over and over again. Some people prefer the points model because when they buy things, they have them in perpetuity. When you buy a character slot, you'll always have it. In comparison, when you stop paying a subscription, you lose access to everything you've paid for. It's basically the difference between pay to own and pay to rent. Some people don't like paying to rent the game, but they are okay with paying to permanently buy things.
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We're not avoiding it, we've explained this over and over again. Some people prefer the points model because when they buy things, they have them in perpetuity. When you buy a character slot, you'll always have it. In comparison, when you stop paying a subscription, you lose access to everything you've paid for. It's basically the difference between pay to own and pay to rent. Some people don't like paying to rent the game, but they are okay with paying to permanently buy things.


So you mean you are willing to pay for a shack in the middle of a ghetto instead of renting a nice apartment in the suburbs? I am still trying to wrap my mind around that type of thinking. If the game was worth paying a sub that means the company would have a steady cash flow which in turn means they can pay for development and such. F2P is buying Fuff items as the previous poster mentioned so in terms of cash flow its almost nill. To bad all you pro F2P people dont get it. I bet you were part of the group that wanted KOTOR or a exact WoW clone. Well you got it so enjoy doing the same content from the next year.

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Nobody I know quit this game because they didn't want to pay the 15$ a month. They quit because the model of the game was to similar to wow, because Bioware doesn't push out what they deem real content fast enough, or because they just didn't like the setting and era of the game.


It was mostly the first 2. This isn't rocket science. The f2p model will only help with this game IF they push out content faster and fix what many feel are broken parts in the game. Space, world pvp, and cosmetics would fall into that category.


Like someone else has already said, they are giving 1-50 for free, so people who just want to see the stories can do so now without paying now.


Like others have said, Bioware either didn't listen to the right beta testers to fix issues, or they listened to the bioware fans and not MMO fans with many of the areas in this game. This is all my opinion, but I honestly don't think the f2p model will do for this game what that model has done for others.


In the end, I cancelled my subscription because I am not an alter, so there isn't enough content for me.

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i love how the pro f2p crowd keeps avoiding the fact that if these people didnt deem fifty cents a day a worthy investment on the game,...why exactly are they going to come back and spend more than 15 dollars (after all this model is supposed to be more profitable right?) a month of FLUFF ITEMS? you really think they will just keep fluff items that DONT SELL as an incentive to get money out of freemiums?


no , it wont happen, just like diablo 3 and its real money auction house died a miserable quick death, the same will happen in this game, and diablo is one of the most succesfull game ips ever....if that crap didnt pass over there, what makes you think its going to pass here?


They donot have to spend 15 dollars a month. You are forgetting one thing....lets say for example purposes only, 100,000 players go the FTP route and they never would have came back at all without the FTP option... and each of them only pay on average 5 bucks a month in the cash shop..that is half a million dollars each month just from them, that otherwise BioWare would never get. It is all a matter of weighing the losts and gains in total results. And yes this model works well in MMO's such as LOTRO, as Turbine has made more profits sence going with a FTP option than they ever did as a sub only MMO. :cool:

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So you mean you are willing to pay for a shack in the middle of a ghetto instead of renting a nice apartment in the suburbs? I am still trying to wrap my mind around that type of thinking.


No wonder you're having trouble with that kind of thinking, because it's a straw man and very few people would take the first option in your scenario.


More analogous to F2P MMO situation is receiving a bare frame of a house as an inheritance/gift, and proceeding to decide what type of flooring, what type of walls, what type of furniture you want, and paying for each of the aspects you want to splurge on in your house, as opposed to just renting a nice apartment whose outfitting is predetermined.


Because the key aspect of F2P is that you get to choose what you want to pay for. Don't like warzones or operations? Leave them out and don't pay for them. Crazy about alts? Buy more character slots. Find the latest released planet interesting? Buy access to it. You get to build your own experience a la carte, deciding exactly how you want your game.


None of it is of worse quality than a subscription. It's the exact same quality of game, you just decide which aspects you want to pay for and which ones you're happy to do without.

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No wonder you're having trouble with that kind of thinking, because it's a straw man and very few people would take the first option in your scenario.


More analogous to F2P MMO situation is receiving a bare frame of a house as an inheritance/gift, and proceeding to decide what type of flooring, what type of walls, what type of furniture you want, and paying for each of the aspects you want to splurge on in your house, as opposed to just renting a nice apartment whose outfitting is predetermined.


Because the key aspect of F2P is that you get to choose what you want to pay for. Don't like warzones or operations? Leave them out and don't pay for them. Crazy about alts? Buy more character slots. Find the latest released planet interesting? Buy access to it. You get to build your own experience a la carte, deciding exactly how you want your game.


None of it is of worse quality than a subscription. It's the exact same quality of game, you just decide which aspects you want to pay for and which ones you're happy to do without.


I love people who just dont get it. This is the end of the game as you know it. The rest will be fluff that you dim wits will be shelling out cash for. Man the general public is just down right ****** stupid

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I love people who just dont get it. This is the end of the game as you know it. The rest will be fluff that you dim wits will be shelling out cash for. Man the general public is just down right ****** stupid


the "general public" of free to play gamers will never be a issue with this game. BW's version of the hero engine is to hardware intensive for the "general public". this is why FTP will not save this game. all they are doing is driving people who would have stayed with the game long term away.


just look at the CS section of these forums or any thread that discuses lag or building a pc. people will not build a pc for a free to play game and with how bad this game plays on lower end machines that will kill any chance of hitting big numbers of new people coming in from FTP.


for FTP to help a game it needs to be accessible to lower end machines SWTOR is not. sure you can log in on one but you will lag, freezes and stutter so bad it will be almost unplayable.

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As a PVE'er, i only plan on paying a sub when they release new PVE/PVP content. Since they included fluff content like space missions, live events, and other such nonsense in their announcement that content would be coming faster, i dont really see Operations or Flashpoints coming any quicker.


Its either gonna be pay for a sub when new ops come out or only paying for the new operations/flashpoints.

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Just a guess, but most of the rest probably said it's WoW with lightsabers, not enough content, missing features, or some combination of all the above.


dont forget ABILITY DELAY


oh god

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