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Chapter 4 idea, well received so far! - Spoilers


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Hey guys :) Just FYI, Spoilers iminent. Everything here will be spoilers, so im not even using tags...


Generally I haven't got into these chapter 4 ideas, because I never thought they could succeed, but i had this one idea while talking about the mask of Darth Nihilus.


Inquisitor Chapter 4 - The Next Lord Of Hunger IDEAS


Here's the Back Basis to it, and why I think it would work. The Inquisitor is the head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge, and your task is to hunt down ancient Sith Artifacts, and what better than the Mask of Darth Nihilus? Not just this, but after Absorbing Ghosts, your Inquisitor would want more power, and if you let them go at the end of your story, there is a hole of power that needs to be filled, or if you kept them, your obsessed with getting even more power. So you hear about the mask of Nihilus and decide to hunt it down, and once you do, you get obsessed with how much power he really had, and all you can think about is gaining it for yourself.


Ill be expanding on this later, but i want to see how you guys react before i do...

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I like the general idea. I think it would be better that when we do get the mask we use it to perform a coup de grace on the council members like Kreia did to the remaining Jedi council in KOTOR 2. Using manipulation and subterfuge to elude our plot from the coucil to consolidate power would be pretty awesome.
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I like the general idea. I think it would be better that when we do get the mask we use it to perform a coup de grace on the council members like Kreia did to the remaining Jedi council in KOTOR 2. Using manipulation and subterfuge to elude our plot from the coucil to consolidate power would be pretty awesome.


Yeh, that would be sweet :D


I also think the idea of going to coruscant would be cool. Not the real republic coruscant, but an instance like the Jedi Knight and Dromund Kaas..... Going into the jedi temple, and Visas Marrs secret meditation chamber where we find Nihilus' mask as she had kept it...

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Awesome idea!

I "fear" BioWare has already Chapter 4 planned and perhaps even recorded so this could become a Chapter 5 suggestion (or maybe BioWare had your same idea and "their" Chapter 4 is like yours). What I am trying to say is: don't be sad if you don't see these events happening in Chapter 4, they may happen later on =)

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Awesome idea!

I "fear" BioWare has already Chapter 4 planned and perhaps even recorded so this could become a Chapter 5 suggestion (or maybe BioWare had your same idea and "their" Chapter 4 is like yours). What I am trying to say is: don't be sad if you don't see these events happening in Chapter 4, they may happen later on =)


Yeh, i get what you mean, but a girl can dream ;)


One of my friends got accused of Data Mining by a bioware employee when talking about an idea for an operation, (Which ended up being very similar to the new operation to the one they are releasing) So im hoping they accuse me of data mining on this, because that could mean they are making it as a chapter 4 :p

I doubt it though with the release of the mask for Cartel Coins or what ever theyre called.

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Hey guys :) Just FYI, Spoilers iminent. Everything here will be spoilers, so im not even using tags...


Generally I haven't got into these chapter 4 ideas, because I never thought they could succeed, but i had this one idea while talking about the mask of Darth Nihilus.


Inquisitor Chapter 4 - The Next Lord Of Hunger IDEAS


Here's the Back Basis to it, and why I think it would work. The Inquisitor is the head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge, and your task is to hunt down ancient Sith Artifacts, and what better than the Mask of Darth Nihilus? Not just this, but after Absorbing Ghosts, your Inquisitor would want more power, and if you let them go at the end of your story, there is a hole of power that needs to be filled, or if you kept them, your obsessed with getting even more power. So you hear about the mask of Nihilus and decide to hunt it down, and once you do, you get obsessed with how much power he really had, and all you can think about is gaining it for yourself.


Ill be expanding on this later, but i want to see how you guys react before i do...


As much as i like this idea. the fact that the mask is obtainable for all as far as i know (god i sure hope not, they should make it a limited option) it would sure be fun for a role play idea.

but like you said i girls needs to dream right. sure they do something special tho instead of just buying it from the market..


like you buy it for example then a chain quest starts... humina humina,...... anyway to make it even more exiting is your now force huger you and Khem val are now on the same level

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  • 2 months later...

If applicable lets have BW give us the option to hunt the mask along side an NPC version of another character in our legacy who doesn't want you to have the mask (consular or knight) or maybe even a rivalry (warrior). They could work any of our other characters into it too. Agent could be covering up another conspiracy or a smuggler just looking for another cash cow.


And this shouldn't just stop with inquisitor either, give me the option to put my inquisitor in the position of the two sith who show up at the end of the agent story.

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While i kind of like the idea in general, i don't think that hunting yet another ancient Sith artifact should be the only goal of the new Chapter. It would look much better if we do this and struggle for power in behind the scenes Dark Council schemes. Making alliances with certain members, subjugating other ones, striping off power from rivals and so on.

Also, talking about Nihilus's mask... unfortunately, it now belongs to the Hutts, who are willing to make an unlimited number of copies and sell them to everyone who have enough Cartel coins in their possession. Considering this fact, i think it would be better to hunt Nihilus's mysterious holocron from Smuggler's storyline instead.

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Hey guys :) Just FYI, Spoilers iminent. Everything here will be spoilers, so im not even using tags...


Generally I haven't got into these chapter 4 ideas, because I never thought they could succeed, but i had this one idea while talking about the mask of Darth Nihilus.


Inquisitor Chapter 4 - The Next Lord Of Hunger IDEAS


Here's the Back Basis to it, and why I think it would work. The Inquisitor is the head of the pyramid of ancient knowledge, and your task is to hunt down ancient Sith Artifacts, and what better than the Mask of Darth Nihilus? Not just this, but after Absorbing Ghosts, your Inquisitor would want more power, and if you let them go at the end of your story, there is a hole of power that needs to be filled, or if you kept them, your obsessed with getting even more power. So you hear about the mask of Nihilus and decide to hunt it down, and once you do, you get obsessed with how much power he really had, and all you can think about is gaining it for yourself.


Ill be expanding on this later, but i want to see how you guys react before i do...


HELL NO! Look for anyone that reads or has played the game and knows the lore Nihilus was nothing but a mask and robes and his power basis was nothing but feeding off the force. He had no control over his power and it ended him. Honestly the only way your getting that power is a triggered Mass shadow generator and populated planet where people are fighting for their lives there surrounded by the dark side of the force and *********** immortality cheat.


Originality over recycled lore. I would love to see my sorcerer discover true immortality and become the emperors aide (No he ain't dead, that was his voice killed), where you give him the secret ritual to achieve it and help him annihilate a battle filled with jedi and republic soldiers along with imperials to help complete his full godhood with out him annihilating the galaxy. To the point where you earn the entire envy and respect of the dark council.


Add in a **** load of betrayal dark side choices and light side imperial soldier saving ones. Bam you have a unique story.

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Actually, it doesn't fit because of one thing : the story itself is a dark side one.


The pursuit of power for power is a very Sith theme, but associated with the dark side's association with power. The story must also fit the LS inquisitor out there.


Chapter 2, your inquisitor can choose to gain power for power itself, but also can get a contract with the ghost, as a mean to an end against the deathmark thanaton has put on your head, out of necessity. That is a story where your attitude count. Proof is the choice to release the ghost at the end. I believe inq story should head toward the inner struggles of the dark council, or chasing down powerful artifacts. Actually, I expect it will be chasing down powerful artifacts WHILE dealing with the manipulation of fellow Council members.


But you must always hold a LS and DS way to do it (ex. LS sith inq can have a true interest into the artifacts and not only for the power he can gain, which would fit the DS inq main focus)

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  • 9 months later...
YES! I love Darth Nihilus great idea! I'm actually writing my own story for how my character got the mask but if Bioware added Darth Nihilus to the inquisitor story in any way that would be cool! Perhaps for dark side option inquisitor could bring him back or keep the mask for his/her self and become the new lord of hunger and for light side inquisitor could see it as too dangerous and powerful and choose to store it in the Arcanum. Or perhaps while searching for the mask or holocron the inquisitor brings Darth Nihilus back. Lots of options for how the story could go. Also going to Coruscant like how Jedi go to Dromund Kaas would be cool too.
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