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Why do people hate SWTOR, really?


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I don't hate SWTOR.


Free 2 Play is good for SWTOR.


SWTOR should have been free to play from the start.


Sub based would have been fine if the game was actually worth $15/month

But it's not. It's just not good enough, sadly


PvE content is forgettable, too easy (even on the hardest difficulties)

PvP content is an afterthought, clearly they paid more attention to the PvE side of things (which makes the quality of the PvE content even funnier)


Instead of solving the PvP and PvE issues, they instead focus on Legacy s*** that should only be extra fluff but instead has become the core focus of the game

Edited by Beslley
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Which story? Republic or Imperial?


The class missions are what, only 15% of the missions? Prepare for a lot of the same conversations telling you to kill 10 womp rats.


I think that there is only one mission box quest to kill womp rats. Am I wrong?

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Im just bored. I can only play the same 4 warzones so many times. Ive got three toons at 50... So getting my daily wz requirement means i have to grind about 15 or more wzs a day. Its just not fun anymore and hasnt been for sometime.


My first toon was great. It was an awesome experience. Now not so much. After you have experienced all the story what is left to do? reroll the same classes on the pub side for their story?


There is just nothing to do once you hit 50. And the war hero grind is sooooooo lame. And the war hero gear isnt even that much better than the BM set... So why am i logging hours and hours getting collecting comms?


This game had so much potential. But after 8 months i am already tired of it. (I played wow for 4 years...)

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It is very hard to describe. 20-30 of my ex guild mates from LOTRO were playing swtor on US servers and convinced me to join when asia pac opened up.


They have all left for a variety of reasons; ( as stated by them )


Loading screens, 3 prime time maintenances in a 5 day window at same time as TSW opened, lack of bug free pve challenge, greener pastures, dislike of the choice of gear grinds etc


I love the stories, I enjoy the companions, I enjoy sub 50 and 50 pvp and I like the star wars environment, but the 40 mins on fleet between warzones is wearing me down. 4 hours of minecraft last night.


good luck, I would love to be still enjoying this game in a years time but for me (asia pac ), I likely need cross server functionality to arrive for me to stay that long.

Edited by Elkirin
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It is very hard to describe. 20-30 of my ex guild mates from LOTRO were playing swtor on US servers and convinced me to join when asia pac opened up.


They have all left for a variety of reasons; ( as stated by them )


Loading screens, 3 prime time maintenances in a 5 day window at same time as TSW opened, lack of bug free pve challenge, greener pastures, dislike of the choice of gear grinds etc


I love the stories, I enjoy the companions, I enjoy sub 50 and 50 pvp and I like the star wars environment, but the 40 mins on fleet between warzones is wearing me down. 4 hours of minecraft last night.


good luck, I would love to be still enjoying this game in a years time but for me (asia pac ), I likely need cross server functionality to arrive for me to stay that long.


I'm really enjoying TSW, but I can only play in short bursts. The atmosphere is great. I just wish Funcom was better at bugfixing (I can't decide which is worse: TSW at launch or SWTOR at launch)


I have no idea if the endgame of TSW is any good, though :/

Edited by Beslley
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LOL. I think quests are refreshing in this game. Majority of kill 10 stuff are bonus quests.


The only refreshing quests are the class quests.


Everything else is a collect quest. Not exactly kill 10 womp rats but instead Collect 10 of ______ that are being protected by mobs.

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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


I dont get it myself and the complaners are just destroying the game for me I mean sowhat let it go F2P I dident have the money to pay anyway anymore so I was ok with that. Trolls? Ignor them they got no life? True its from lvl 1 too 50 but that kan give u time to lvl all character to 50 and when that is done go endgame by paying or pay from tiem to time when fill like going a period of endgame and whn u do not fell like it just unsub and go lvl alts again atleast u are saving more money this way.


Im with you I don't get it really.

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The only refreshing quests are the class quests.


Everything else is a collect quest. Not exactly kill 10 womp rats but instead Collect 10 of ______ that are being protected by mobs.


Yep. It gets even worse when your class quests end up being collection quests (SI comes to mind).

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Stop. Stop blaming the customers. Stop blaming the people who played the game and didn't like it. This game has been a failure (so far) for a wide variety of reasons, none of which have been because of posts on a message board. Do you have any idea how ludicrous that sounds? Ninety percent of the people who have played the game have never read these forums. They've never read a negative comment or article. They've never seen or heard the doom and gloom on darthhater or Gamebreaker.tv or any other site. Nothing anyone said or did on these boards or anywhere else influenced their decision to buy, subscribe, or leave SWTOR. The vast majority of people who left the game did so either because they didn't like the game or as a direct result of decisions made by Bioware or EA.


Yes, I hate the game. I will admit it. Hate. And I will use every opportunity to bash it here and elsewhere. I hate the game because I invested four years of hope, faith, and anticipation waiting for this game. I read articles, newsletters, and message boards. I watched cutscenes, promos, interviews, and playthroughs. Having never played an MMO, I picked up WoW in 2009 just to familiarize myself with the genre. I moved on to try LotRO, DCUO, and STO. My aging 10-year-old computer could barely play most of those games, so I bought a new computer and, at the same time, pre-ordered the game and bought a game card - almost $700. All in anticipation of SWTOR. All because I loved KotOR, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect. And I had faith that Bioware would do SWTOR right. They would take all of what those games did right and leave behind everything they did wrong. Without DA2 or ME3 yet to taint their resume, it seemed Bioware would pay off my faith and anticipation with a game worthy of years of my time and money.


I lasted two weeks.


I never made it past level 20.


Four years of faith and anticipation plus a $700 investment . . . For what? A lazy, on-rails MMO straight out of 2005. A game built out of Elmer's Glue, balsa wood, a smoke-and-mirrors graphics engine, and a metric ton of false promises. If that doesn't give me the right to rail against this game . . . Welcome to the Internet! Where people express opinions different than yours!

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Stop. Stop blaming the customers. Stop blaming the people who played the game and didn't like it. This game has been a failure (so far) for a wide variety of reasons, none of which have been because of posts on a message board. Do you have any idea how ludicrous that sounds? Ninety percent of the people who have played the game have never read these forums. They've never read a negative comment or article. They've never seen or heard the doom and gloom on darthhater or Gamebreaker.tv or any other site. Nothing anyone said or did on these boards or anywhere else influenced their decision to buy, subscribe, or leave SWTOR. The vast majority of people who left the game did so either because they didn't like the game or as a direct result of decisions made by Bioware or EA.


Yes, I hate the game. I will admit it. Hate. And I will use every opportunity to bash it here and elsewhere. I hate the game because I invested four years of hope, faith, and anticipation waiting for this game. I read articles, newsletters, and message boards. I watched cutscenes, promos, interviews, and playthroughs. Having never played an MMO, I picked up WoW in 2009 just to familiarize myself with the genre. I moved on to try LotRO, DCUO, and STO. My aging 10-year-old computer could barely play most of those games, so I bought a new computer and, at the same time, pre-ordered the game and bought a game card - almost $700. All in anticipation of SWTOR. All because I loved KotOR, Jade Empire, and Mass Effect. And I had faith that Bioware would do SWTOR right. They would take all of what those games did right and leave behind everything they did wrong. Without DA2 or ME3 yet to taint their resume, it seemed Bioware would pay off my faith and anticipation with a game worthy of years of my time and money.


I lasted two weeks.


I never made it past level 20.


Four years of faith and anticipation plus a $700 investment . . . For what? A lazy, on-rails MMO straight out of 2005. A game built out of Elmer's Glue, balsa wood, a smoke-and-mirrors graphics engine, and a metric ton of false promises. If that doesn't give me the right to rail against this game . . . Welcome to the Internet! Where people express opinions different than yours!


Good...good...use it! Strike Bioware while they are down! Give in to your anger!

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How the eff did you manage to invest 700$ into this game?

My aging 10-year-old computer could barely play most of those games, so I bought a new computer and, at the same time, pre-ordered the game and bought a game card - almost $700.


I bought a new computer (~$600) + game ($60) + gamecard ($30) + tax = ~ $700.

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It's an MMO so it's a marathon not a sprint.


Aye, but there is more to that addage:


If it's a marathon, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Unless it's a sprint, then it's a sprint.


Making SWTOR F2P: turns the game into a sprint:



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loved the leveling but sadly there was no real endgame that wasnt already in wow.


bioware seems to forget that people want more than the awful grind just for armor so you can then, grind in HM FP for, yep more armor so you can then grind for, can u guess, yep more armor in HM ops.


bioware has admitied that they didnt expect people to get througth the lvling process so fast and in the few mounths they have focused on compleatly the wrong things.

If they had focused more on what people could do at the end and less on legacy stuff so they can say "hay just reroll" i think they would have done a lot better.

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Trust to do what??? Seriously????? Why the hell would I trust a company whose inherent purpose is to make money. Do you honestly think it's about the ART of gaming, blah, blah, blah for these guys?? Seriously???


The only thing to trust is that EA will make money one way or the other.


According to Bioware it IS about art-isn't the defense for the craptastic ending to Mass Effect 3?


As for making money, the stock price over the last year shows people shouldn't trust to do that either.

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To the OP, I'm not really sure why there's this seemingly deep rooted hate for the game. Personally, despite a few bugs here and there (none that I would classify as "game-breaking"), I think the game is excellent. I've played quite a few mmo's now, and I've found things to enjoy in quite a few of them.


City of Heroes had me hooked for a couple years, and there's a game that (for a long time) had no crafting at all, and only one raid to speak of with absolutely zero PVP until Villains launched much later.


Played the devil that is WoW, had a lot of fun with it as well, but I don't really see it doing anything really any better then anyone else, I think some people just can't let go of years worth of work on their characters there to move on to anything else.


Guild Wars, excellent game, and one that I still go back to every now and again for fun...already pre-ordered GW2 and I'm expecting that I'll spend quite a few hours there after launch.


Played EQ1, EQ2. EVE Online, The Matrix Online, Auto Assault, Rift, Fallen Earth and a few others, but never to the point of maxing every option out.


All that said, I'll still maintain my sub in SWTOR for quite a long time yet. The funny thing about a lot of the negative posts, is they like to point at other games and say they have this, that or the other thing, the most ardent among them being fans of WoW, not a big surprise, it's one of the largest MMO's out there, and the largest P2P if I'm not mistaken.


Story Lines: Most people don't complain about it, but some have. I thought SWTOR did a great job of making me feel something (love or hate) for the characters I not only created, but that I'm saddled with on my ship, or stuck working for. Sure, the planet quests get tired after awhile, but what mmo doesn't when you play multiple characters. Using WoW as the benchmark, are they any different? I honestly can't remember the storyline because after going through it the first couple times, I never bothered to read the quests anymore since it was always the same thing.


Linear: It's a story based MMO, so no, you can't hop right to Corellia and go crazy. Unfortunately, just about every MMO I've played has been linear. CoH you started in Galaxy City or Atlas park, next stop was Steel Canyon, next stop Talos Islan or Independance Park...WoW was the same thing. When you finished one zone, you went to the next, and the next, and the next until you reach cap. Sure, the world gives the appearance that it isn't linear, but it's a facade. As far as linear in the sense of starting at this door, and the objective is at the end...well that's mostly do to their being indoor instances...which, if I'm not mistaken, most MMO's don't do, they leave you outside in the cold (so to speak) to quest.


Instances: Too many of them...take a look at Guild Wars, entirely instanced...but still fun.


End Game Content: Really...what does any major mmo make you do at the end game. Grind dailies to gear up so that you can do a harder dungeon to get more gear so that you can gear up to do raids. And then....? There's no magical gameplay at the end, you just have the best gear and...oh, max out crafting for the sake of maxing out crafting....yeah, fun lol Yes, we do that here as well, but it's not anything any other MMO doesn't already make you do, it's the status quo, and SWTOR does it pretty well. Sure, they could use more raids at the end, who couldn't, and they'll come, in time.


I could go on, but I think this is already long enough. TL;DR People will always find a reason to hate because it's missing a feature that's important to them...unfortunately you can't please everyone all at once. Bugs seems to be the biggest issue, but I'm on the camp about patience for that since it takes time to find, code, test and release. It's not an overnight process.


Don't worry about the hate, just play the game and have fun!

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To the OP, I'm not really sure why there's this seemingly deep rooted hate for the game. Personally, despite a few bugs here and there (none that I would classify as "game-breaking"), I think the game is excellent. I've played quite a few mmo's now, and I've found things to enjoy in quite a few of them.


City of Heroes had me hooked for a couple years, and there's a game that (for a long time) had no crafting at all, and only one raid to speak of with absolutely zero PVP until Villains launched much later.


Played the devil that is WoW, had a lot of fun with it as well, but I don't really see it doing anything really any better then anyone else, I think some people just can't let go of years worth of work on their characters there to move on to anything else.


Guild Wars, excellent game, and one that I still go back to every now and again for fun...already pre-ordered GW2 and I'm expecting that I'll spend quite a few hours there after launch.


Played EQ1, EQ2. EVE Online, The Matrix Online, Auto Assault, Rift, Fallen Earth and a few others, but never to the point of maxing every option out.


All that said, I'll still maintain my sub in SWTOR for quite a long time yet. The funny thing about a lot of the negative posts, is they like to point at other games and say they have this, that or the other thing, the most ardent among them being fans of WoW, not a big surprise, it's one of the largest MMO's out there, and the largest P2P if I'm not mistaken.


Story Lines: Most people don't complain about it, but some have. I thought SWTOR did a great job of making me feel something (love or hate) for the characters I not only created, but that I'm saddled with on my ship, or stuck working for. Sure, the planet quests get tired after awhile, but what mmo doesn't when you play multiple characters. Using WoW as the benchmark, are they any different? I honestly can't remember the storyline because after going through it the first couple times, I never bothered to read the quests anymore since it was always the same thing.


Linear: It's a story based MMO, so no, you can't hop right to Corellia and go crazy. Unfortunately, just about every MMO I've played has been linear. CoH you started in Galaxy City or Atlas park, next stop was Steel Canyon, next stop Talos Islan or Independance Park...WoW was the same thing. When you finished one zone, you went to the next, and the next, and the next until you reach cap. Sure, the world gives the appearance that it isn't linear, but it's a facade. As far as linear in the sense of starting at this door, and the objective is at the end...well that's mostly do to their being indoor instances...which, if I'm not mistaken, most MMO's don't do, they leave you outside in the cold (so to speak) to quest.


Instances: Too many of them...take a look at Guild Wars, entirely instanced...but still fun.


End Game Content: Really...what does any major mmo make you do at the end game. Grind dailies to gear up so that you can do a harder dungeon to get more gear so that you can gear up to do raids. And then....? There's no magical gameplay at the end, you just have the best gear and...oh, max out crafting for the sake of maxing out crafting....yeah, fun lol Yes, we do that here as well, but it's not anything any other MMO doesn't already make you do, it's the status quo, and SWTOR does it pretty well. Sure, they could use more raids at the end, who couldn't, and they'll come, in time.


I could go on, but I think this is already long enough. TL;DR People will always find a reason to hate because it's missing a feature that's important to them...unfortunately you can't please everyone all at once. Bugs seems to be the biggest issue, but I'm on the camp about patience for that since it takes time to find, code, test and release. It's not an overnight process.


Don't worry about the hate, just play the game and have fun!


I agree with this. Played a lot of the MMO's out there and to be honest, the big problem I see with why people "hate" it is one of 2 things:


1. New to MMO's, fans of KOTOR and similar titles, did not enjoy the MMO feel as they thought. Look back to some of the posts in this very thread. People are saying how they LOVED everything about KOTOR and then complain about linear play in the story and planet progression. Please, go replay KOTOR. Jog your memory, it should be awefully familiar to TOR... You know, start at a planet that serves as a tutorial and story beginner. Unlock a ship and companions, get a few options of planets to travel to that advance the story in different, yet the same linear way. You know the ACT system. Choices in the story that modify the outcome (although not as drastic as in KOTOR). Yea...they must be right....nothing similar about it to the game most all of us can agree we love. The turn off for strictly KOTOR fans should be just the MMO stuff...group content, the slow grind feel, the "go farm this" quests. Doing the same stuff at end game to get the best gear. PVP and ultimately the trinity system. All things familiar to MMO goers.


2. MMO players that simply have too much time invested into other MMO's that are a little bored with the old but can't help going back as in WoW for example they have all this leet stuff from the years played, are well geared and ranked from the years of mad skill progression and cannot ultimately handle starting all that over, regain all that "pristege" in a new MMO. It is prolly the most difficult thing for them to do. Was for me with SWG. As far as the banter between other MMO's and swtor...really? They are SO different?? Really?? I think people aren't honestly assessing, Especially as it relates to wow-tor comparisons. Now if we were to compare to EVE or STO, yes different. Those revolve around space and ships but even those can compare just not as much. Wow and TOR are pretty darn identical at the core. Combat system, progression, gear progression, dungeons, raids, pvp, etc etc. Maybe because I didn't invest a lot of time in wow I can see this? Dont know. For wow, loved the combat! Hated the story and grind. Could not get into it. Swtor, has that combat system with a great story and lvling experience, win win for me.


Anyway, just my opinion on this. I fully enjoy this game and wish I had more time to play it. My only concern is EA as I despise the company. But I did put up with SOD for years so I hope I can handle it lol

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The fundamental reason why SWTOR didn't work was because Bioware spent most of their time and resources creating content which is rendered obsolete whenever someone hits 50. The main body of the game has NO longevity in character development aside from a skeletal PvP grind.


SWTOR will go down in the MMO Hall of Fame as a lesson in poor game design, along with all the other major MMO blunders we have come to laugh about today.

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SWTOR is a prime example of the current gaming industry. People are into instant gratification these days, not saying that it is bad, but it means the industry has changed drastically.


The newer generation of gamers have been spoon fed that they can get to max level in less than a week and have uber leet gear BIS within 3 days. Anyone who breaks from that mold is open to all kinds of negative behavior. But when a company does exactly that, they are exposed to the same negativity, it's a lose lose situation.


Just look at how many games have been over hyped, especially when comparing them to WOW, then bashed to bits when it doesn't live up to expectations. Look no farther than SWTOR, if we are being honest with ourselves, we have to admit it was one of, if not the smoothest launch of a game ever, yet still the forums were filled with negative childish vitriol.


Wish i had a better answer, but it seems every game gets the same treatment today.

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