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Why do people hate SWTOR, really?


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Well, last night I had a very similar conversation with my guild. We have a bit of an impromptu meeting based on some concern on what this may mean for the guild. It was short ans sweet actually.


To sum it up: None of us hates the game; none of us plans to unsub; None give the General QQ on these forums any weight or credibility;


My point in telling you this is that while many haters are quite vocal, they are not the majority. But unfortunately, the perception is otherwise.

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This game had a lot of potential, and was enjoyable for the most part. However the enjoyment has quickly worn off as I have leveled most of my characters and they're now just sitting around doing dailies and running the occasional Hard Mode or Guild Raid, theres not enough frequent patches or content updates. Sure go head and call me impatient, I'm just saying it would be nice to actually have more to do then just dailies. I mean really, space combat is a joke, it's like playing Star Fox all over again, except that Star Fox was actually entertaining.


I was so excited to try this game out, I never got to play Galaxies but from what my friend told me about it, before the combat update is that it was fantastic and really fun. Having been bored with WoW i was ready for something new, however what i got was a bare-bones MMO with great individual stories and Voice acting. It's basically like they spent all their time and money creating the perfect single player experience and completely forgot that they where working on an MMO.


I may bash the game a lot, but it served its short lived purpose: To keep me semi-entertained till Guild Wars 2.

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So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


For me its not a matter of hate. Its more pity than anything else. TOR had everything going for it, developer with a great reputation, developers with prior MMORPG experience, just about a blank check from one of the biggest companies in the industry, and a "not till its done" attitude. Yet somehow despite, reportedly, six years, eight hundred people, and almost two hundred million dollars, this was the best they could do. A surprisingly short and linear game where ninety percent of the content is identical per faction. Lacking even such iconic parts of the game it was inspired by, as pazaak and swoop-racing.


I feel sorry for the developers, publisher, and even George himself. TOR could, and perhaps even should, have been a "sure thing." Instead, its design was so flawed and lacking that its actually confusing how the design team could have even thought that this is what the post-WoW marketplace would actually want from a triple "A," pay-to-play, Star Wars massively multiplayer online role playing game. They should have known better. I feel sorry for the possibly hundreds now jobless through no fault of their own. I would hope the devs, like Danny and company, learn the right lessons from this but its more likely that they'll just blame whatever is convenient and continue obliviously onward.

Edited by SirRobin
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I think you nailed it.


Nice to see someone on here with good sense.


I happen to agree with you also, and with Mitissa, about how impatient and whiney people are. I just lack the energy to fight this mob of haters here at the forums. I'd rather play, because I love the game, and I'm still discovering new things, and yes, I've been playing since launch. So, there are sensible people here who are capable of being patient, they just seem to be overshouted by the hoard.

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Lack of communication and most all of the requests made by the community have gotten no answer.


Server transfers? coming soon...no further info.


Forced transfers? nothing about what happens to toons that dont get moved since destination server is full


RP elements requested since before release? coming soon, 8 months later; forgotten about completly.


Whats up with illum? No answer, but Makeb is coming soon; nothing further on that either.


Names changes, characters slots? Nothing, Nothing, Nothing


The suggestion board is full of good ideas (not only good ideas, some silly ones) but its like a shouting rock in the middle of no place.


People are sick of waiting for this game to get better, people were sick of waiting months for server transfers, people are sick of waiting for information about forced transfers and people will be sick of waiting about information about F2P.


If you have been unaffected so far, your time will come.


(I enjoy the gameplay, i love the IP, I like this game and I DO want this game to succeed, but i feel its being mismanaged atm and think the focus is on the wrong stuff.)

Edited by kirorx
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You think the players killed this game? I gave them my money, they took it and your money too, and laughed all the way to the F2P bank. Look at EA and Bioware if you want to see who "killed" the game.


I don't know that I've read a more delusional post than this. You have zero concept of business. NEWSFLASH: it is not in the best of interest of any company to intentionally or otherwise screw over its customers. It's people like you that have absolutely zero perspective. I don't envy Bioware's or any game company for that matter when they have an audience like that has to have everything perfect right now and essentially forgets about things the second they come out.

Edited by LordHartigan
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I don't know that I've read a more delusional post than this. You have zero concept of business. NEWSFLASH: it is not in the best of interest of any company to intentionally or otherwise screw over its customers. It's people like you that have absolutely zero perspective. I don't envy Bioware's or any game company for that matter when they have an audience like that has to have everything perfect right now and essentially forgets about things the second they come out.


Hollywood Accounting begs to differ-they routinely screw over authors, screenwriters, actors-anyone else that isn't well versed in entertainment legalese.




As for Bioware-apparently you didn't play Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age 2. I would call those screwing over their customers.

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For me its not a matter of hate. Its more pity than anything else. TOR had everything going for it, developer with a great reputation, developers with prior MMORPG experience, just about a blank check from one of the biggest companies in the industry, and a "not till its done" attitude. Yet somehow despite, reportedly, six years, eight hundred people, and almost two hundred million dollars, this was the best they could do. A surprisingly short and linear game where ninety percent of the content is identical per faction. Lacking even such iconic parts of the game it was inspired by, as pazaak and swoop-racing.


I feel sorry for the developers, publisher, and even George himself. TOR could, and perhaps even should, have been a "sure thing." Instead, its design was so flawed and lacking that its actually confusing how the design team could have even thought that this is what the post-WoW marketplace would actually want from a triple "A," pay-to-play, Star Wars massively multiplayer online role playing game. They should have known better. I feel sorry for the possibly hundreds now jobless through no fault of their own. I would hope the devs, like Danny and company, learn the right lessons from this but its more likely that they'll just blame whatever is convenient and continue obliviously onward.


I agree to a certain extent. There was/is potential for a lot more here. The only minor disagreement I would have as that anyone should be surprised at the overall format of the game. For as long as I've been gaming and BioWare has been around there games have always been pretty much the same, whether it's the orignal KOTOR, Dragon Age or Mass Effect, they're all pretty much the same format. It shouldn't be a huge surprise that SWTOR doesn't deviate much from the format they've used in these other titles.

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Arrogant, selfish, self-serving, impaitent playerbase who thought SWTOR would have 20 times the content of any MMO when it launched.


I didn't, i thought it would be like most MMO's, but with better questing and combat. I was right, i didn't expect it to be anything overly amazing.

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So this is something I've been turning over in my head lately, and yesterday's F2P announcement has driven me to ask this out loud (so to speak). Why do people hate SWTOR so much?


I love this game. It has great immersion, really awesome class stories, it runs well on my computer (which I wouldn't consider high-end", and BW managed to balance things out so Jedi didn't steam-roll everyone.


There are a few things I wish would change (daily quest system, world pvp, and other minor issues), but nothing is really a big enough deal to un-sub for me.


So what is the problem? Maybe one of you can enlighten me.


Most hate this game for either being...


A) Too much of a WoW clone.

B) Not enough of a WoW clone.


C) They are serial complainers who move from game to game and will never be satisfied with anything.


Take your pick.


Personally, I don't hate the game but what I like to rant about is...

- It's essentially a solo game pretending to be an MMO.

- It's waaaaaay too easy.


So put me down as an A. Twice, just to be sure.

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Hollywood Accounting begs to differ-they routinely screw over authors, screenwriters, actors-anyone else that isn't well versed in entertainment legalese.




As for Bioware-apparently you didn't play Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age 2. I would call those screwing over their customers.


That would be the exception, not the rule, for any truly succesful company. Obviously they've done something right because both KOTOR and ME were hugely successful franchises. While their formula for games is pretty much always the same, it is apparently a formula a lot of people seem to like.


Haven't played ME3 yet, but if you're referring to the ending I wouldn't call a story not ending the way you want it to screwing you. Played Dragon Age 2, thought it was kind of boring and lacking graphically

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Most hate this game for either being...


A) Too much of a WoW clone.

B) Not enough of a WoW clone.


C) They are serial complainers who move from game to game and will never be satisfied with anything.


Take your pick.


Personally, I don't hate the game but what I like to rant about is...

- It's essentially a solo game pretending to be an MMO.

- It's waaaaaay too easy.


So put me down as an A. Twice, just to be sure.


Story mode for the most part is quite easy. I think they put too many missions on each planet where if you're completeist like I am you wind up being far overleveled for where you are in the game. Even most HM Flashpoints are pretty easy. HM OPs are often challenging and take some strategy. I agree a bit with last but would tweak by saying it's a typical BioWare game trying to be an MMO.

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Story mode for the most part is quite easy. I think they put too many missions on each planet where if you're completeist like I am you wind up being far overleveled for where you are in the game. Even most HM Flashpoints are pretty easy. HM OPs are often challenging and take some strategy. I agree a bit with last but would tweak by saying it's a typical BioWare game trying to be an MMO.


Huh and some players complained that its way to hard. But yeah some people had completely unrealistic expectations of the game. But i do not doubt that this game still become the wow killer. WoW didnt take of from the start only when BC hit it really became good. But right now WoW is dying it seems that blizzard lost all their originality SC2 and D3 are major disappointments for me and i dont doubt that MOP will feature the same boring stuff as Cata and wotlk.


But yeah Bio really needs to pump out more endgame content. I wonder however why so many people complain about boring dailies. Most MMO's have them and they all aggravating

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For me its not a matter of hate. Its more pity than anything else. TOR had everything going for it, developer with a great reputation, developers with prior MMORPG experience, just about a blank check from one of the biggest companies in the industry, and a "not till its done" attitude. Yet somehow despite, reportedly, six years, eight hundred people, and almost two hundred million dollars, this was the best they could do. A surprisingly short and linear game where ninety percent of the content is identical per faction. Lacking even such iconic parts of the game it was inspired by, as pazaak and swoop-racing.


I feel sorry for the developers, publisher, and even George himself. TOR could, and perhaps even should, have been a "sure thing." Instead, its design was so flawed and lacking that its actually confusing how the design team could have even thought that this is what the post-WoW marketplace would actually want from a triple "A," pay-to-play, Star Wars massively multiplayer online role playing game. They should have known better. I feel sorry for the possibly hundreds now jobless through no fault of their own. I would hope the devs, like Danny and company, learn the right lessons from this but its more likely that they'll just blame whatever is convenient and continue obliviously onward.


I tend to blame the games lack of content on the decision to require so much voice acting. They incorporated some really interesting concepts. Decisions affect outcomes, yet had absolutely no decision affecting outcomes.


So the lose of the sandbox was suppose to be made up by having a unique story, which content and access to follow decision trees you make, but they where unable to effectively create that layer.


They have conversation trees and absolutely zero outcome effects that really are unique to you.


Kill, save, taunt. Hero, villian, gray, etc. all had no noticable impact on the story either.


You went to the same planets. Had the same conversations. Very little is done. Hell what if I want to be on Malgus team? What about changing teams through decisions?


I literally felt dissappointed the most in that aspect. That would have made the road mapped game different.


Hate is a strong word. I think the game has a good frame. It needs developers who are strong enough to implement a quest based game with consquences for quest decisions.


I fear its to late to see real development since they burned so much cash on voice acting that after seeing it 1 time you spacebar though. It's sad they did that to the aspect of the game they invested so heavily in.

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Its because so many people are coming from different MMO's that they all want something, but Bioware couldn't give them everything they wanted when they wanted it. Yeah there are a few things that should have been there since launch, but from what I've read about WoW is that in the very EARLY stages of its construction has the same problem. Now people are complaining that SWTOR doesn't have this or that when WoW didn't have it when it first started. Bugs the crap out of me and because of these people, about 85% of general discussion is filled with negative feedback. Anyone can say this game blows or this game is bad etc, but none of them can provide a legitimate solution to the problem theyre complaining about. Should have, could have, would have, whatever they say, I'd like to see them come up with content with the least amount of bugs, and something that satisfies everyone in the time period theyre asking for...


What he said.

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Most hate this game for either being...


A) Too much of a WoW clone.

B) Not enough of a WoW clone.


C) They are serial complainers who move from game to game and will never be satisfied with anything.


Take your pick.


Personally, I don't hate the game but what I like to rant about is...

- It's essentially a solo game pretending to be an MMO.

- It's waaaaaay too easy.


So put me down as an A. Twice, just to be sure.

You made the game a solo game every character I have has leveled with someone enjoyed plenty of content with 8mans and still do. Is the gamers who rush thru content that say they never have anything to do.

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I agree to a certain extent. There was/is potential for a lot more here. The only minor disagreement I would have as that anyone should be surprised at the overall format of the game. For as long as I've been gaming and BioWare has been around there games have always been pretty much the same, whether it's the orignal KOTOR, Dragon Age or Mass Effect, they're all pretty much the same format. It shouldn't be a huge surprise that SWTOR doesn't deviate much from the format they've used in these other titles.


When I first heard about TOR back in 2008 (?) I was concerned about this but then I found out who was hired to run BioWare Austin. Both Gordon Walton and Rich Vogel had previous MMORPG experience including SWG and JTL. I was hoping that they had learned from their previous mistakes and would find a good balance between sandbox and themepark. I was wrong.

Edited by SirRobin
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I love the game and still think its got pure potentional... But Bioware's lack of support (Sometime it took them close to a week to answer which is unacceptable) and the tremendous amounts of bugs which have been present since launch simply leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


You cannot continue adding new content and simply ignore the bugs now can they? Even worse... they leave old bugs and continue adding new ones.


I do my part and report any bug I encounter, but lately this seems futile since evena bug i reported back in febuary still persists today... were if a mob breaks his attack on you and stops chasing you, he bugs out and remains 'attacking' you.

Edited by Tako
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My point in telling you this is that while many haters are quite vocal, they are not the majority. But unfortunately, the perception is otherwise.


Yeah, it's kind of like open mike night at the local comedy club IMO. If that's all you see... you get a very skewed idea of what comedy is.

Edited by Andryah
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MMO newbies who don't realize MMOs have to grow and evolve. Impatience. Stupidity. TOR's naysayers are ungrateful, spoiled babies basically. And they are largely the reason the F2P option was added. They filled the Internet with so many negative comments that new players stopped coming. They killed TOR before a year. They killed it before it had a chance to evolve and grow. 8 months.


Something like this is pretty accurate. Now you have a bunch of people freaking out about free to play, so the haters and trolls are feeding into this fear and further instigating more to leave. Where you have a bunch that don't understand free to play or how the subscription model will work means they will also leave. Honestly I'm glad those will leave though because they're the ones that probably screw up my pick up group runs. My hope is that the free to play model will encourage people to try the game and subscribe if they enjoy it to further increase population. Morons will be morons. Sorry Bioware, your community isn't all that respectful or supportive of your goals.

Edited by SithIntraining
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MMO newbies who don't realize MMOs have to grow and evolve. Impatience. Stupidity. TOR's naysayers are ungrateful, spoiled babies basically. And they are largely the reason the F2P option was added. They filled the Internet with so many negative comments that new players stopped coming. They killed TOR before a year. They killed it before it had a chance to evolve and grow. 8 months.


Well any good company should know from the start how ppl will react why would u want to go to a game thats less then what u have been playing. If u cant be equal to or greater then the other mmo's that are out there then why make one?

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Huh and some players complained that its way to hard. But yeah some people had completely unrealistic expectations of the game. But i do not doubt that this game still become the wow killer. WoW didnt take of from the start only when BC hit it really became good. But right now WoW is dying it seems that blizzard lost all their originality SC2 and D3 are major disappointments for me and i dont doubt that MOP will feature the same boring stuff as Cata and wotlk.


But yeah Bio really needs to pump out more endgame content. I wonder however why so many people complain about boring dailies. Most MMO's have them and they all aggravating


I'm just hoping more endgame is not cranking out more and more ops and flashpoins and warzones. I want an actual continuation of the story and level cap increase.

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