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So...the secret space project is...


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umm, maybe im just not reading right, but all that article said was daniel erickson is exicted for the upcoming space iteration. and that a poll had been taken with full 3d space combat as number 1. no where do they confirm that the upcoming space iteration is in fact full 3d space combat...


oh and btw i wasnt QQing i just didn't know about the article...

Edited by Night_Hawke
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Yeah, I'm in the same boat as you.

I have zero faith in EA/Bioware to make something other than more terrible on the rails space missions.


Look, Bioware, if I wanted to play a rail shooter, I'd go to the arcade or boot up my Wii.


At least I still have Star Wars Battlefront 2 :/


There was a quote earlier in the week where they were asked point blank "are these ten new space missions the super secret space surprise?"


And the devs flat out verbatim said "No. That is coming along soon."

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They literally JUST did an interview. It's 3D Space Flight & Combat.


That's from April so not exactly JUST did. It's old news and most likely totally irrelevant with F2P coming.

Edited by Cordelia
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Exactly. They're bragging about a new operation and warzone, as well as the new railshooter missions...you'd think anyone that took a marketing 101 course would think to mention "oh, BTW, we are going to be introducing a totally new space experience in the coming months!!".


They also don't mention raising the level cap anymore...


But you may be wrong... marketing 101 also teaches to shock people with bad, bad news, then in the next period, soften it.


It goes like this...


We're going f2p and going to f2p will fix aaaaaaaaall the problems you people see!

We HATE f2p.

No, seriously, all problems will be solved magically, there is NOTHING wrong with the game, you're all delusional, everything works great, except that the game requires a sub.

We HATE f2p!


We HATE f2p!!


We HATE f2p!!!

Also, we will add new levels later this year!

Euh... good, but we already knew that...

Also, we will add stuff to the CE shop later this year!

Euh... good, but we already knew that...

Also, we will fix some of the bugs later this year!

Euh... good...

Also, we will add good space combat!!

Euh... guess we'll stick around.

The f2p models works, see, we fixed some bugs and added stuff!!!




Whatever they say now, it will never make up the disapointement of players, players that now offically know that this game is a failure and that the underlying problems will not be fixed, because Bioware thinks f2p will fix everything. So, they might as well say nothing new other than ''we'll go f2p''.


It's basic strategy... they promised alot of stuff that they didn't deliver... so they make matters even worse and simply stop talking to their players... then they'll go f2p, deliver what they would deliver anyway and talk again to the players... and then they'll say ''look of how great f2p is''.

Edited by Yogol
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From E3 2012 (Daniel Erickson):


DH: In the future content trailer we saw the addition of a new space combat mission named “Space Station Assault.” Was this the secret space development you were talking about?


DE: No.


DH: Something different?


DE: Yeah. It’s a very exciting space mission; it really feels different from the other ones. The flavor of the feel is very different when you’re trying to race through the middle of a space station and all that stuff. But it is at the core an evolution above the space game as it is. What we’re talking about in the future is revolutionary. We’re talking about a completely different pixel space.


So, no, he wasn't referencing the upcoming missions.


Only time will tell to see if what they were planning is still in the oven.

Edited by Lazirus-
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Multiplayer X-Wing vs Tie figher (PvP and PvE), then I resub.


But if it's more of the same... nobody will care.


Am I one of the only ones here that has observed that all Star Wars movies have had all their space combat on rails? Lucasarts decided to make a game that pushed past that boundary and people think that is the only way space games should be. What we have now is more in line with Star Wars than X-wing ever was and I played it.

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Am I one of the only ones here that has observed that all Star Wars movies have had all their space combat on rails? Lucasarts decided to make a game that pushed past that boundary and people think that is the only way space games should be. What we have now is more in line with Star Wars than X-wing ever was and I played it.


Nope, it never appeared that way to me. Maybe because I could imagine that someone was behind the controls doing the flying, and we just followed them along. The camera may have been on rails, but that ship wasn't.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Am I one of the only ones here that has observed that all Star Wars movies have had all their space combat on rails? Lucasarts decided to make a game that pushed past that boundary and people think that is the only way space games should be. What we have now is more in line with Star Wars than X-wing ever was and I played it.


They were movies. Some of them late 70s/early 80s vintage. More like space on strings than rails.


I've played X-wing, still own it, tried to get it to run on Windows 7 recently....and failed.


The point being made, is that Jump to Lightspeed basically established you could do it. And it was as good, even better, than X-wing was. Plus it adds a dynamic new PvP option, and something many people and guilds could really sink time into.

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Am I one of the only ones here that has observed that all Star Wars movies have had all their space combat on rails? Lucasarts decided to make a game that pushed past that boundary and people think that is the only way space games should be. What we have now is more in line with Star Wars than X-wing ever was and I played it.


So no one in the movies was actually flying their ship? They had limited left to right movement? The space combat we have currently is nothing like the movies. On rails is the worst possible kind of space combat we could have ended up with. There is no excitement because you have no control over your ship. I accept some people might like the mini-game but don't ever try to claim this is the exciting space combat we see in the movies.

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I dont think F2P will affect the Secret Space Project. Take at look at LotRO. Since that game went F2P a few years back, they have increased revenue and released one ex-pac with another coming this year which includes mounted horseback combat. From the looks of things its actually an entirely new gaming system rather than something tacked on to the current combat system. Also the landmass they are adding (Rohan) is almost the size of the landmass that was at launch. If anything, I believe the SSP will be delayed but F2P will not kill the idea outright.


One thing I dont get is how "story", which is what SWTOR seems to be all about, will fit with a full 3D space flight and combat system. This kind of game system is associated with free roam or sandbox type of gameplay whereas SWTOR is theme park. I'm not saying space element should be story driven. I'd be happy if the ground game was story driven while space is free and open.


Will definitely be interesting to see how the 3d space game (which i believe is coming) integrates with the present ground game.


Also would full 3d space completely nullify the space minigame we have at the moment? The minigame has never really bothered me as it was always stated it was a minigame / side activity and nothing more.

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I can't understand why everything was designed so poorly to begin with.


Why it was designed the way it was and who "OK'd" it all.


It just feels like it was more of a plan to "sucker" people into buy junk.

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It does seem that who ever is making the decisions over at bioware needs to understand what the players want.


Talk of super secret projects is a massive fail straight off. You just get peoples hopes up with whatever people want in the game is going to be that project from guild ships, multiplayer space combat to full 3D space like JTL.


To then say Soon when you have no intention of it being soon is misleading and further likely to annoy people that may keep playing hoping next week we will hear something good.


And then to offer more of the same boring content that very very few people want or probably play. I am sure Bioware have statistics on how many people play the end content missions for space. I know I stopped long before seeing any of the end content, it was all the same and boring with less skill and more knowing where the enemy would appear from. So 80's style platform game instead of any true AI. Tie Fight showed what can be done and that must be 17 years old by now.

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I can't understand why everything was designed so poorly to begin with.


Why it was designed the way it was and who "OK'd" it all.


It just feels like it was more of a plan to "sucker" people into buy junk.



Well in fairness for current space combat it was apparently designed as a "fill in" thing, however the longer you look the less that really stands up because it applies to so much (i.e. RvR etc.).

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One thing I dont get is how "story", which is what SWTOR seems to be all about, will fit with a full 3D space flight and combat system. This kind of game system is associated with free roam or sandbox type of gameplay whereas SWTOR is theme park. I'm not saying space element should be story driven. I'd be happy if the ground game was story driven while space is free and open.


It is quite possible to add story to an open system, The Elder Scrolls has been doing this since since 1994 and other games since the 80's.


Look at Freelancer for a space example, perhaps not as open as the Elites, but still a fairly open system with a decent wack of story woven in.

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Am I one of the only ones here that has observed that all Star Wars movies have had all their space combat on rails? Lucasarts decided to make a game that pushed past that boundary and people think that is the only way space games should be. What we have now is more in line with Star Wars than X-wing ever was and I played it.


"We can't move closer to the Star Destroyers, we're not allowed to move any direction other than forward."


(Death Star blows up all the Rebellion's cruisers).


(Empire wins).

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Am I one of the only ones here that has observed that all Star Wars movies have had all their space combat on rails? Lucasarts decided to make a game that pushed past that boundary and people think that is the only way space games should be. What we have now is more in line with Star Wars than X-wing ever was and I played it.


No, I noticed it too. Also, did you notice that all the ground combat was a side scrolling shoot em up? Except for a few battles that took the form of text base rpg.

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