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Do Bioware want us all to be LS ?


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The more I play this game the more I feel that Bioware want us all to play LS. Sure we get options to be dark but there seems to me to be a distinct tendency to push us towards the light. This is most evident with the companions/LI, but can be found elsewhere:



SW - first companion and LI is anti imperial and at very best light grey. Second female LI can be light or dark. Possibly the easiest character to stay DS on, unless you get tempted into an early relationship with Vette.

SI - only female LI is definitely not DS. YourcCharcters whole background as an ex-slave gives the story an anti-empire slant unless the player makes a deliberate effort otherwise and if he does then his romance option makes zero sense.

BH - Both LI are again light grey at best - Mako would work best as a Han Solo sidekick, to me it feels like she is written as a deliberate attempt to stop you being an ouright assasin, it is just a pity that this is exactly what the story forces you to be.

IA - The whole story pushes a player anti-sith. Principal LI for both sexes are questionable for a DS - pro empire character. Ok you get Temple late on but she feels like an afterthought. The story is written for you to go rogue.



So is this a deliberate policy or just careless writing ?

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Can you actually paly the JK DS - don't all your companions hate you ?


Seargent Rusk doesn't. The last companion also doesn't.



And I find it incredibly hard form my SW to be LS. Not because of the companions, but because of the quests. You constantly feel guilty about the things your master wants you to do. Some sidequests are even worse.

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SI is not really well handled as LS imo. The stock responses and general feel of everything just make the character come off as though he has a split personality. The SW had the same problem to an extent on Korriban, but it sort of eased up because of how snarky you can play the SW at later points in the story. Really didn't notice any kind of anti-imperial slant in the SI storyline either.


With the SW, while Vette is not dark, the SW is given the ability to abuse her more than any other companion in the game.


I could go on, but I really think you are just reading some subtext that just isn't really there.

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As a sith warrior i would have to say yes, the reason is because my first companion, vette likes it when you go up the LS and when u do none of your other companions have problems with it. Some of the sith lords and Darths may threaten you and say theyll kill you if u go up the LS and they say its easier to go down the DS. Im not in it to be easy....im in it to get stronger. Edited by Drdeathskulll
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SW - first companion and LI is anti imperial and at very best light grey. Second female LI can be light or dark. Possibly the easiest character to stay DS on, unless you get tempted into an early relationship with Vette.

SI - only female LI is definitely not DS. YourcCharcters whole background as an ex-slave gives the story an anti-empire slant unless the player makes a deliberate effort otherwise and if he does then his romance option makes zero sense.

BH - Both LI are again light grey at best - Mako would work best as a Han Solo sidekick, to me it feels like she is written as a deliberate attempt to stop you being an ouright assasin, it is just a pity that this is exactly what the story forces you to be.

IA - The whole story pushes a player anti-sith. Principal LI for both sexes are questionable for a DS - pro empire character. Ok you get Temple late on but she feels like an afterthought. The story is written for you to go rogue.



So is this a deliberate policy or just careless writing ?


So... You think that because your companions are LS... your class must be too? That's really bad logic to run by. What your companions think/say doesn't matter, because they don't control anything about what happens in your story. If you're playing the game to please all your companions, you're playing it wrong.



Sw- Pure DS storyline. Simple as that.

SI- You're a slave, great. Doesn't make you Anti-Empire. You're also now a Sith, who is seeking infinite power. (The ENTIRE plot to the SI storyline.) How is that Light Side?

BH- First of all, you're a Bounty Hunter. Not sure what's hard to understand about that. You either take a target dead or alive. So yes, you are an "Assassin" because that's entirely what the class is about. Have you heard of a Bounty Hunter who isn't an Assassin? And Mako doesn't want you to NOT be an Assassin, she wants you to be humane and fair. Infact, on more than one occasion she was perfectly happy letting me kill somebody.

IA- You're a patriot to the Empire. You're the highest rank an Imperial Citizen can reach, ever. Yes, you CAN be Anti-Sith, or you can join them. The story doesn't force you to the LS. You either play a Ruthless Assassin of the Empire or an Agent who questions his superiors but still plays by the rules.



Seriously, nobody is forcing you to play any way. Remotely. You just chose to play the game that makes it seem "Light Side". Where in-fact, all of my Empire characters are Dark Side, and the story makes perfect sense.

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Well, all the Star Wars games I have played up until now had set the Light Side path as canon, afterwards. So no wonder it feels like we are "forced" to choose LS: Maybe they have done the same here. And, honestly, in most of the other games it does feel really wrong to succumb to the Dark Side.


On the other hand, Companion affection is really not a marker for choosing Light or Dark. Sure, if you roleplay your character it becomes an issue, especially with the Romance Interests. But, as stated before: A real darksider doesn't care about things like that.


I for myself have played all classes on the Light Side. It works, even in the context of the SW or IA class stories. At least to a certain degree. Being LS does not mean you have to be anti-imperial. Being pro-imperial does not mean you have to be DS. I can imagine a loyal Imperial officer who simply does not want to kill innocent children. The same way I can imagine a Sith to have a heart. That does not mean they won't try to rise to power, but not at any cost.


At least that's the reasoning I incorporated in my characters' backgrounds.

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the light sided sw works very well and it can be done easily,the opposite is with the si,I JUST CAN'T GO LIGHT,you are a sith seeking for revenge and unlimited power with dark side rituals and dark side artifacts constantly saying how powerful is the dark side,my char picks light side decisions only when it's to help the empire or to preserve lore,that's why i'm only dark 3 even if i'm lvl 49,on my sith warrior i achieved light 5 at lvl 48,i only picked 2 dark side decision on korriban to pass the test of the prisoners correctly. Edited by _biddan_
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Being LS does not mean you have to be anti-imperial. Being pro-imperial does not mean you have to be DS. I can imagine a loyal Imperial officer who simply does not want to kill innocent children. The same way I can imagine a Sith to have a heart. That does not mean they won't try to rise to power, but not at any cost.


In addition there's the point made earlier - the Imperial LS choices are often good for the Empire in some way while the DS are about indulging your own bloodlust or greed.



Like the Republic leader on Balmorra... You can promise to spare him and his soldiers, taking them as prisoners of war. Light Side and you gain major propaganda material for the Empire. "There's rioting in the streets on Coruscant after the news broke". Or kill him and slaughter all his troops, gaining Dark Side and making it that much harder to use the Republic involvement as propaganda.


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I have actually found it very tough to be LS as an imperial character. Most of the major side quests are petty and childish in nature (for example we don't like you republic, so we are going spit on your face). I can not stand making a DS character at all. It makes me feel like a bully and a jerk. I find doing the bad thing in a game makes me feel really depressed. Why would I want to be a villain when the world is full of them? It is much more enjoyable for me to be the hero and save the day than try to ruin the day. People who hate playing the LS and love being DS remind of bullies and the moron who once said in another games forums "I always cheer for the bad guys in the movies." (Really I can think of some movies that if you like the bad guys it would make you evil, Diary of Anne Frank among many others)

So it is good to play LS because that is how you actually should be in real life. Although even on my LS knight I still romanced and married my companion because the Jedi Code has many flaws, but is still better than the SIth Code which would put you in prison in real life.

I wish the republic had a character voiced by the voice actress of mission vao because she was one of my favorite characters from KOTOR.

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I think the lean towards LS is because game designers in general, are very poor at writing antiheroes. 90% of the time, the bad side option of your character is 1) a greedy ******e 2) a monster who commits random atrocities for no reason


Darkside isn't anti-hero darkside means your character is evil.

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True theSI background gives it an anti-imperial feel but this is better.

The best persona for SI imo is a person who doesn,t serve the Empire but uses it as a tool.

My character didn't care about the Empire, he was just a greedy, narcissistic, blood thirsty jerk, and the story was phenomenol.

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I agree with this to a point.

My SI only cares about himself.

Not his companions, not his master, not the Empire.

He wants power, pure and simple.

Somewhere along the way, I didn't have "show alignment" turned on for the convo choices and mistakenly choose LS on something because he has 100 LS points.

This still bugs me, as he is 100% DS through and through.


My BH on the other hand has his own code, and makes whichever choice benefits him the most in the end.

The problem I have is that they are setting Mako up as a LI, where in my RP my character is in his mid thirties or so.

(That's one of the reasons he was such an odd choice for the hunt, coming into the BH game late and all).

This makes it extremely uncomfortable when Mako starts flirting with him, as he tends to view her as more of a "kid sister" type than any kind of LI.


But I agree that in the end everything seems skewed towards DS bad, LS good.

Be a good guy!

Redeem yourself!

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It really doesn't help that a lot of the dark side choices are so monumentally stupid in the long-term, "good of the empire" kind of way. I mean, the example given above with the pubs on Balmorra is one, and the choice for empire toons in Battle for Ilum (flashpoint) is another.


Let's see, spare these people and the planet joins the empire, or INSANERAGEKILLTHEMALL and the planet is lost. Stupidest DS choice ever.


I must say, im finding the LS sith warrior very interesting. But I also found DS sith inquisitor to be fun too. helps that the female SI voice actress probably has the best evilly-snarky voice i've ever heard.


MY BH and IA both ended up light, but i just made the choices that made the most sense.

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