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Bring Back White Crystals


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You presume too much. I fully intended on saving up the credits to purchase the crystal, but not all of us are jobless kids who can spend every waking moment playing the game. Some of us have real life responsibilities. I could care less if I have to grind out dailies like you did so long as the crystal itself is available.


But your not fooling anyone, the grind for the crystals means nothing to you, this is all about you being a "unique snowflake". A WoW player concept that unfortunately seeped into this games player base. Go back to WoW.


I'm an adult with a job, and i managed to acquire 3.5 mil for my two crystals. Maybe if you spent less time whining you could have saved up and got one, instead of crying about it, You should take your own advise and grow up a little.

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Should they add the founder title to the cash shop too?


I missed the white crystal because i started playing later than most, wasn't 50 by then and didn't have enough credits but i think they should not bing it back.

Rare/unique items should always be just that, in my opinion.


Just a note on a previous post too that mentioned white being bland followed by fact>opinion, saying white is bland is opinion too :rolleyes: (even if i agree)

Edited by ScrabblePants
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Oh this thread again...


Thats a cute quote bc its not even what i said. Its fine that others have it now bc they EARNED it, just like I did. One of the main reasons I put in the time to get the white crystals was bc the devs said they would never return after 1.2. If they said after 1.2 they would return in a few months or even a year I would of only purchased one. MMOs need items like this to hold subs. Having two white crystals and it being very rare will keep me playing and paying. I dont want to give up my uniqueness and move to another MMO.


Yes I plan on subbing even into F2P. Thanks you BioWare for keeping white crystals out of the game at this point. I hope you continue this trend down the road.


Did you earn it? Or was it only around 200k along with the top speeders in the game? To me you have no room to speak because 5 million credit took 1 hr to get back when the game first came out. And don't tell me people didn't take advantage of those glitches! Do you understand that anyone that starts SWTOR today has to work 100x harder (than what you did to get a white crystal) just to get a cyan/purple light saber...?


My point is you are a selfish person whether you admit it or not. Have you ever thought about the people starting to play the game now and how they have to look at all these awesome light sabers/speeders that don't exist anymore? Don't you think you'd want one if you didn't have it? Don't you think they deserve one as much as you? Do you think it is fair? I honestly doubt you can comprehend any of that.


I am just saying this, bring back the white crystal and keep it rare so people can work hard to get one and all you hipsters can still be happy. Or make every person with a white color crystal in their inventory ineligible for the next rare color crystal/speeder. That would be a great idea in my opinion cause it would make everything fair for everyone. It's just not fair that players these days can't be unique as well. THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE PLAYS THE GAME FOR!

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If they do add in white crystals and make them easy to get, they should let those of us who bought them the first time around to vendor ours for the 2.5 million credits that we (or I, anyway) spent because we were assured that there were no plans to bring them back for the foreseeable future. Add in a white crystal with a black core, or a white blade with some kind of colored aura effect, but don't tell people that this color is not going to be put back in game and then put it back in the game a couple months later.


I would love something like that to be honest. To me personally I think it would look better than the straight white blade.

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I'm pretty sure it was in a Q&A that they said they didn't expect the White crystal to be available "in the foreseeable future".


They also said they didn't expect the game to be F2P in the foreseeable future either.


Can we just accept we're now in the unforeseen future?

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Hate to be a pill about this, but White isn't actually a color. Quite the contrary; white is the -ABSENCE- of color.


White *light* is the combination of all colors of visible light in the correct proportions. Think of how a prism splits white light into a rainbow.

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Dont worry... you will be able to buy anything you desire, on the cash store.. All that stuff we asked for and couldnt get will be on the cash store day one. Wonder why the VIP or CE vendor never got updated... now you know.


lol VIP & CE vendors = fail

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Did you earn it? Or was it only around 200k along with the top speeders in the game? To me you have no room to speak because 5 million credit took 1 hr to get back when the game first came out. And don't tell me people didn't take advantage of those glitches! Do you understand that anyone that starts SWTOR today has to work 100x harder (than what you did to get a white crystal) just to get a cyan/purple light saber...?


My point is you are a selfish person whether you admit it or not. Have you ever thought about the people starting to play the game now and how they have to look at all these awesome light sabers/speeders that don't exist anymore? Don't you think you'd want one if you didn't have it? Don't you think they deserve one as much as you? Do you think it is fair? I honestly doubt you can comprehend any of that.


I am just saying this, bring back the white crystal and keep it rare so people can work hard to get one and all you hipsters can still be happy. Or make every person with a white color crystal in their inventory ineligible for the next rare color crystal/speeder. That would be a great idea in my opinion cause it would make everything fair for everyone. It's just not fair that players these days can't be unique as well. THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE PLAYS THE GAME FOR!


You can call me what ever you want. Yes Im selfish, yes Im a Hipster. Your arguement is retarded.


So its ok to take away my uniqueness so a newer player can feel unique? Do you see the flaw in your arguement? The people asking to bring back the white crystal are just as selfish if not more. If they wanted a white crystal or the founders title they should have subbed earlier. THAT IS YOUR FAULT!!!!


I dont know about this glitch your talking about but I got most of my credits from daily grinding.

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You can call me what ever you want. Yes Im selfish, yes Im a Hipster. Your arguement is retarded.


So its ok to take away my uniqueness so a newer player can feel unique? Do you see the flaw in your arguement? The people asking to bring back the white crystal are just as selfish if not more. If they wanted a white crystal or the founders title they should have subbed earlier. THAT IS YOUR FAULT!!!!


I dont know about this glitch your talking about but I got most of my credits from daily grinding.



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Oh this thread again...


Thats a cute quote bc its not even what i said. Its fine that others have it now bc they EARNED it, just like I did. One of the main reasons I put in the time to get the white crystals was bc the devs said they would never return after 1.2. If they said after 1.2 they would return in a few months or even a year I would of only purchased one. MMOs need items like this to hold subs. Having two white crystals and it being very rare will keep me playing and paying. I dont want to give up my uniqueness and move to another MMO.


Yes I plan on subbing even into F2P. Thanks you BioWare for keeping white crystals out of the game at this point. I hope you continue this trend down the road.


Not sure what's sadder... the fact that a white glowing stick that no one else has is what's keeping you subbed, or the fact that these crystals will either be obsolete as time goes by, or they will be re-released at higher levels such as 55,60,etc......

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Did you earn it? Or was it only around 200k along with the top speeders in the game? To me you have no room to speak because 5 million credit took 1 hr to get back when the game first came out. And don't tell me people didn't take advantage of those glitches! Do you understand that anyone that starts SWTOR today has to work 100x harder (than what you did to get a white crystal) just to get a cyan/purple light saber...?


My point is you are a selfish person whether you admit it or not. Have you ever thought about the people starting to play the game now and how they have to look at all these awesome light sabers/speeders that don't exist anymore? Don't you think you'd want one if you didn't have it? Don't you think they deserve one as much as you? Do you think it is fair? I honestly doubt you can comprehend any of that.


I am just saying this, bring back the white crystal and keep it rare so people can work hard to get one and all you hipsters can still be happy. Or make every person with a white color crystal in their inventory ineligible for the next rare color crystal/speeder. That would be a great idea in my opinion cause it would make everything fair for everyone. It's just not fair that players these days can't be unique as well. THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE PLAYS THE GAME FOR!


Think of them like antiques, or classic cars.

Sure, back in the day they cost a pittance to what new cars cost now, but they aren't manufactured anymore.

There is a prestige in owning a classic car, there will only ever be a certain amount of those cars in existence and they give a wow factor due to their rarity.

What you are suggesting is like demanding the manufacturers begin building these cars again because you want one but they aren't available to buy any more.

It's not selfishness to own one. Some people can, some people can't. It's something we all live with, we can't always have what we want and often it's for the best.


As i previously stated, i do not have one and wholeheartedly believe i should never be able to have one.

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You can call me what ever you want. Yes Im selfish, yes Im a Hipster. Your arguement is retarded.


So its ok to take away my uniqueness so a newer player can feel unique? Do you see the flaw in your arguement? The people asking to bring back the white crystal are just as selfish if not more. If they wanted a white crystal or the founders title they should have subbed earlier. THAT IS YOUR FAULT!!!!


I dont know about this glitch your talking about but I got most of my credits from daily grinding.


This is what happens when you have a generation of kids who all get trophies at little league and are all told they are a winner, then they grow up and think they deserve everything, just by virtue of showing up or wanting it, when they didnt put in the time and effort others did.


I have a white crystal, and i am very proud of mine and the work i put in for it.


For BW to turn around and hand them out like candy or for sale undermines and trivializes the effort mine took me to get.


I firmly agree with the quote above.

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Thanks for encouraging EA to continue spreading this cancer to the game industry. Soon it will be a standard for offline games and required to progress.


Why don't you say that face to face with someone who actually has cancer and see how ridiculous your whining about a video game sounds

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This is what happens when you have a generation of kids who all get trophies at little league and are all told they are a winner, then they grow up and think they deserve everything, just by virtue of showing up or wanting it, when they didnt put in the time and effort others did.


I have a white crystal, and i am very proud of mine and the work i put in for it.


For BW to turn around and hand them out like candy or for sale undermines and trivializes the effort mine took me to get.


I firmly agree with the quote above.


EA doesn't care about your effort. They care about their money.

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EA doesn't care about your effort. They care about their money.


Well that doesn't make any sense. What sort of a company expects to retain customers if they do not demonstrate a committment to keep their word to those customers to look out for their interests.

Edited by Alexi_son
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