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If PvP and Warzones were bad w/ sub moddel not even going to try F2P


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15+ years playing games,I have yet to see a truly good pvper spend more than a tiny fragment of their time on forums unless they were writing player guides.


If anyone actually cares about pvp, logoff the forums, login to the game, queue for pvp, encourage randoms.


Good luck.


You do realize there is this great thing called full screen windowed mode, and what better thing is there to do between q's then post on the forums.


Also I love when people bring up how many years they have been playing MMO's to make their opinion seem more valid. For all we know you have been playing those MMO's badly for 15 years........

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what's wrong with 7 buttons? Most classes in SWTOR require to use less most of the times. Besides, in GW2 you can switch weapons in combat so that basically gives you access to 8 or more (depending on class/combo skills) fighting skills. IMHO that requires more skill than fixed setup of skills in SWTOR. No game is perfect but the main reason I will try GW2 (already bought it anyway) is the open world PvP which I miss greately since I left Warhammer Online.


Let me derail a bit: As a juggernaut, I have a lot of skills and I use 25 of those skills in every WZ (well maybe except huttball). True, that some of them are on a long cooldown. But aside from the defensive ones (which have their own particular usage against particular opponents/combinations) I use almost each skill when it is off the cooldown, aside from the spammable ones. If it happens that everything is on cooldown and I am lacking the resources, then the autoattack. If you are telling me most people are using around 7 buttons, well those people don't play their class to its potential.


So, 7 skills is very -very- underwhelming to me. Switching weapons don't sound any reasonable. True, that I don't know the details of the class builds in GW2. But I will speak from intuition and you correct me if I am wrong: If I built my class and my character's skills around a certain weapon combo, switching weapons is only going to drop my class' potential, so it sounds very backward to me. Yes, if I am a melee built and it requires that I use a ranged weapon, I could use it for a few seconds for the situation. But again, I would do it only if I had to, and I would try to avoid it if it is against my good combination. Similar concept in D3: Yes, you can change the skills, or you can change the runes inside the skills depending on the map, but you are using 4-5 buttons and that is the extend of skill usage. That was very underwhelming and one of the reasons why I got bored of D3 very fast. With my juggernaut, I use all 25 of those skills (I have more, but I don't use the rest of them) because I have to, because each and everyone of those skills bring something on the table that is not substitute of anything else.


EDITED to add: While i say 25 skills, WZ adrenal + health stim are included in those as well, since they are also keybound.

Edited by Ghostuka
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Lol I only read about half this thread but ....


If all you self proclaimed "skilled" players would like to challenge yourselves a little more in WZs


It's super duper easy !!!


Just back your gear Down to your old recruit gear and add battle master pieces after each WZ until you get the desired challenge level you wish ... And stop QQing


It's really that simple take off your War hero pieces and back your gear Down until you find a challenge level you enjoy


Most of the baddies noobs I would assume your referring too are just not completely geared yet and thus cannot match your uber skills ... ( gear )


Quit QQing it's not becoming as most of you self proclaimed PvP gods would be just average in a WZ where only full stick recruit gear was allowed for all ... End of story

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What if BW were to make these leeches play in their own WZs?


They said they wouldn't be able to play certain content... why not have them locked out of Subscription PvP?

I mean don't get me wrong, I would love the free medals I'd get from farming people who don't have access to certain gear...

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This thread is full of so many fallacies it isn't even humorous.


I'm going to address just the one in the thread title:


There is no correlation between player skill and subscription model.


The belief that Warzones will get worse is not based in reality, but rather is derived from a false, elitist mentality that those who spend less are less skilled. This exact same belief is what leads to dictatorships, aristocracy, and wealth envy. The fact that these antique beliefs still fester in this modern age speaks volumes to the degree of human avarice.

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This thread is full of so many fallacies it isn't even humorous.


I'm going to address just the one in the thread title:


There is no correlation between player skill and subscription model.


The belief that Warzones will get worse is not based in reality, but rather is derived from a false, elitist mentality that those who spend less are less skilled. This exact same belief is what leads to dictatorships, aristocracy, and wealth envy. The fact that these antique beliefs still fester in this modern age speaks volumes to the degree of human avarice.

To begin using big words and saying people who don't like F2P'ers are somehow elitists/discriminating against the lower class and wrong for their opinion usually based on actual gaming experience with these types of games/gamers makes you look like a fool sir. Now read below to see why you are wrong and the truly ignorant one.........


ROFL the reason these players will be bad is this is a gear centric game, they will have limited warzone access each week meaning they will get gear slower. Has nothing to do with skill in a gear based game. Also I love how everyone makes this argument about social class and money, has nothing to do with that, people who take the argument there are the true dullards. Now to get to the issue here, F2P will bring botters and exploiters to SWTOR warzones in numbers not seen before. Those that do partake in the max level warzones should be in their own so they don't weigh down and force people who have subbed for a long time to carry them in the limited warzones they do each week. The reason being they will be at a gear disadvantage, and at one longer than subscription players, saying this isn't fact just makes you look foolish.


Add to this that the F2P players due to gear limitations, and the gear gap will be of no use for PvP guilds to recruit for rated warzones or organized PvP for that matter. This means the guilds losing players due to this F2P move, and other games being released will not be replenished of their ranks by these new F2P players. Add to the fact they are losing subs over this F2P move make no mistake about it, and this will be compounded by the amount they lose to GW2. F2P isn't going to help guilds who do PvE Ops replace members either, so it affects both facets of the game in a negative way. In other words guilds losing members to GW2, or to this F2P announcement will have a harder time than ever replacing them.


In other words the death of SWTOR PvP has begun, wait till August 28 and see the drop in activity on PvP servers, make no mistake F2P will in no way help this game for subscribers.


Keep being a fanboi and sticking around, when there are P2W items in the cash shop by next year following EA's track record with such systems, you will see that I was right and you are wrong........


Also bringing up class or claiming people that are unhappy with the move to F2P are somehow discriminating against the lower class or people who can't afford a sub fee is just foolish. You act like you have to be wealthy to afford $15 a month, that's two meals at a fast food place, it's really not that much, and if they don't want to pay a sub fee really don't see them buying that much out of the cash shop.


Also when they are making more money from the cash shop than subscribers, who do you think they will be pumping the most content out to, and that's right it won't be the subscriber........

Edited by Yinata
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For one no one even knows if the F2P ppl are going to be able to even q after 50.


From what i've read they are limited in every aspect of the game limited credits, no cargo hold. Also sounds if they arent giving them access to all speeders or qt maybe even no fleet pass.


I find it funny this being the first MMO/pc game period i've ever played and after what is it 8 months now i can say I do better than about 80% or higher of the ppl that play this game. Most of you fools on the forums come here to QQ to BW because you can't handle something yourself aka mara's and PT's are OP(which they aren't they are both able to be beat 1v1 and even more so in a team setting). If this was RL you'd prob be crying to mommy and daddy.


I'm willing to bet for everyone one of you ppl on here QQing and saying your going to play GW2 there is going to be 2-3 F2P player that would smoke you. I personally know 8-10 rl friends that wanted to play this game but they just couldnt see paying 15 bucks a month, also all of which were top 2% in your beloved WoW. Also some of them don't have the time to play everyday or everyweek even so if f2p mean they can come in when ever they want lvl there toons to 50 and hit an option to get a sub for a few days a week or a month when they ding 50 they'd be open to it.


Last by the time these f2p ppl are dinging 50 you should be pretty damn close to full wh and be qing ranked wz's anyways..... hey at lest all the ppl that are QQing about expertise and ppl in wh gear will have some nubs to beat up on

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Not really just that, the fact is most of the good PvP'ers that are left are going to be gone once November hits, meaning if you think there is a lot of QQ about the ammount of baddies in warzones now just wait, and ranked warzones are going to be an utter joke, I for one would rather have basically unlimited options F2P in GW2 than have to pay a sub in SWTOR to face baddies all day long, likely see stupid crap in warzones I didn't think was possible. Yeah I'll take my F2P GW2 experience over that any day.


Paying a Sub to roflstomp endless baddies in SWTOR < F2P GW2 PvP......Just saying


PvP is already pretty terrible in this game, F2P is going to be the nail in the coffin imo.....


So lets get this straight, most of the good players are leaving. Doesn't that up your odds up for winning?

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The problem isn't the F2P model. It's the fact that EA/Bioware seems more interested in doing anything besides supporting the PVP player base.


We've been screaming for fixes since inception and yet every patch we get stuff our community could care less about and absolutely no communication from the devs.


The rated system is exclusive and non-casual friendly.

The balance is borked.

Hell even the Hutball score thing is completely borked. (at least the last time I had the heart to log on it was)

Balance changes are made with a sledgehammer and no follow up.

There is no pvp or even pve end game.


On top of all this... we can beat our chests and cry all we want... not a single dev comment about pvp...


What I find really sad is that the actual combat mechanics and animations and feel... WERE AWESOME... however the metagame, the balance, the lack of content are too much to take... even if it's free... heck if they even had a plan or let us in on a plan to fix the pvp ... I'd stick around and keep paying... but as it is... all I hear about are the great new pve stuff and cool pets and legacy junk and how they have plans to milk us for more cash with their financial saving Free to play model... and honestly... I don't care. The game is no fun at max level... therefore, why stay?



Edited by VoidJustice
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For one no one even knows if the F2P ppl are going to be able to even q after 50.


From what i've read they are limited in every aspect of the game limited credits, no cargo hold. Also sounds if they arent giving them access to all speeders or qt maybe even no fleet pass.


I find it funny this being the first MMO/pc game period i've ever played and after what is it 8 months now i can say I do better than about 80% or higher of the ppl that play this game. Most of you fools on the forums come here to QQ to BW because you can't handle something yourself aka mara's and PT's are OP(which they aren't they are both able to be beat 1v1 and even more so in a team setting). If this was RL you'd prob be crying to mommy and daddy.


I'm willing to bet for everyone one of you ppl on here QQing and saying your going to play GW2 there is going to be 2-3 F2P player that would smoke you. I personally know 8-10 rl friends that wanted to play this game but they just couldnt see paying 15 bucks a month, also all of which were top 2% in your beloved WoW. Also some of them don't have the time to play everyday or everyweek even so if f2p mean they can come in when ever they want lvl there toons to 50 and hit an option to get a sub for a few days a week or a month when they ding 50 they'd be open to it.


Last by the time these f2p ppl are dinging 50 you should be pretty damn close to full wh and be qing ranked wz's anyways..... hey at lest all the ppl that are QQing about expertise and ppl in wh gear will have some nubs to beat up on


So how's your 8 F2P friends going to benefit SWTOR and it's guilds, they either won't be able to q at max level, or will be at such a gear disadvantage they will be useless unless placed in their own q's. Now how does that help the problems this game is having, and you will see it doesn't help at all, as a guild you will have to recruit subscription players to do Operations/Ranked 8 Mans. So in other words until F2P'ers sub they will not help the problems this game has at all. Also in terms of your ranked warzone comment, not every guild has 8 people on 24 hrs to do Ranked all the time, therefore if we want to PvP in this game outside of going and finding Imps to kill out in the Blackhole or other quest areas is regular warzones.


Regular warzones are still something that even people doing ranked warzones do, and if there are a bunch of F2P'ers ruining that experience for subscribers than the F2P movement is a failure.


Keep drinking the kool-aid, PvP in this game will not benefit from F2P it will get worse. Also go talk to the top rated guilds on your server or a lot of PvP'ers and see how many of them are leaving for GW2 come August 28. The answer might surprise you, there are tons of people leaving for that game, and with this F2P announcement for SWTOR many have no reason to come back.


Go look at EA's track record w/ F2P systems, it will have P2W items in the cash shop sooner rather than later.....

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It's F2P beyond the initial purchase of the game. So, it's technically not a "F2P" game, but it also kind of is. For all intents and purposes I think we should all agree that it's a F2P game.


It's like Diablo 3. Just look at how great that community is. That's what you'll see here, coming this winter.

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So how's your 8 F2P friends going to benefit SWTOR and it's guilds, they either won't be able to q at max level, or will be at such a gear disadvantage they will be useless unless placed in their own q's. Now how does that help the problems this game is having, and you will see it doesn't help at all, as a guild you will have to recruit subscription players to do Operations/Ranked 8 Mans. So in other words until F2P'ers sub they will not help the problems this game has at all. Also in terms of your ranked warzone comment, not every guild has 8 people on 24 hrs to do Ranked all the time, therefore if we want to PvP in this game outside of going and finding Imps to kill out in the Blackhole or other quest areas is regular warzones.


Regular warzones are still something that even people doing ranked warzones do, and if there are a bunch of F2P'ers ruining that experience for subscribers than the F2P movement is a failure.


Keep drinking the kool-aid, PvP in this game will not benefit from F2P it will get worse. Also go talk to the top rated guilds on your server or a lot of PvP'ers and see how many of them are leaving for GW2 come August 28. The answer might surprise you, there are tons of people leaving for that game, and with this F2P announcement for SWTOR many have no reason to come back.


Go look at EA's track record w/ F2P systems, it will have P2W items in the cash shop sooner rather than later.....


above is a single minded fool and there is no changing his mind.


The part i made bold... this happens now so there is no difference only that you'll be able to beat up on these fools for longer. Also if you can't get enough people for a premade in a regular wz you have the problem. i get whispers after most matches asking if a wanna q w/ ppl. So either you are one of these bads whining about expertise now or your just someone that like to hear themselves talk QQQQQQQQQ. its not getting you anywhere


And as far as my buddy's if you read what i posted/ You'd see that i said many of them are very busy and paying 15 bucks a month for maybe 5 hours playtime isn't a good idea in there eyes. So if BW give an option when u ding 50 to maybe get a sub for a weekend, week, or even a day. It would open this game up for them seeing as time is not on there side.


If you havnt noticed there is a ton of bads in this game already and they are in every game for that matter. My favorite ones are the MW players that come to BF and stand there and shoot at my chopper with an m-60 over and over not understanding why it doesnt do anything, hey thanks for showing me where you and your team is spawning.


And until i see it truly go P2W i'll continue playing, but if you read what little info they've put out on it you'd see they are putting a gold medal sprinter in a wheel chair so ppl with subs and have been subbed since launch still have the upper hand here. When/if that changes is when i'll put down this game, but highly doubt it will be for GW2 since anyone i've talked to about this game and has played beta said its laughable

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above is a single minded fool and there is no changing his mind.


The part i made bold... this happens now so there is no difference only that you'll be able to beat up on these fools for longer. Also if you can't get enough people for a premade in a regular wz you have the problem. i get whispers after most matches asking if a wanna q w/ ppl. So either you are one of these bads whining about expertise now or your just someone that like to hear themselves talk QQQQQQQQQ. its not getting you anywhere


And as far as my buddy's if you read what i posted/ You'd see that i said many of them are very busy and paying 15 bucks a month for maybe 5 hours playtime isn't a good idea in there eyes. So if BW give an option when u ding 50 to maybe get a sub for a weekend, week, or even a day. It would open this game up for them seeing as time is not on there side.


If you havnt noticed there is a ton of bads in this game already and they are in every game for that matter. My favorite ones are the MW players that come to BF and stand there and shoot at my chopper with an m-60 over and over not understanding why it doesnt do anything, hey thanks for showing me where you and your team is spawning.


And until i see it truly go P2W i'll continue playing, but if you read what little info they've put out on it you'd see they are putting a gold medal sprinter in a wheel chair so ppl with subs and have been subbed since launch still have the upper hand here. When/if that changes is when i'll put down this game, but highly doubt it will be for GW2 since anyone i've talked to about this game and has played beta said its laughable


Thank you. Could not say it better.

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You know you sound ten, correct?


You know that your writing doesn't make sounds, so you sir give me the impression from your words that you are not very old or intelligent. The thought that something I wrote on a forum could even make a sound makes you seem like a fool........That or your hearing seriously needs to be checked out or your having hallucinations about hearing sounds from what people write on the forums.


Also on a side note learn to write a proper sentence please, and keep drinking the Kool-aid fanboi your going to need it, because it's a hot and dry dead desert where this game is going........

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Sorry we covered that a few pages earlier, GW2 is B2P, you buy the physical copy of the game and get access to all parts, completely different from F2P.


On a side note the amount of fanboi tears in this thread has brought me joy and happiness far greater than SWTOR ever has so keep it coming.


Let the hate flow through you, by November 2013 you will see I am right when this F2P system you are all so excited about is P2W and you have all qq'ed and left.

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You know that your writing doesn't make sounds, so you sir give me the impression from your words that you are not very old or intelligent. The thought that something I wrote on a forum could even make a sound makes you seem like a fool........


Let the hate flow through you, by November 2013 you will see I am right when this F2P system you are all so excited about is P2W and you have all qq'ed and left.




we got trolled...


and it is 8 pages..


9/10 - valiant effort

Edited by Ghostuka
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above is a single minded fool and there is no changing his mind.


The part i made bold... this happens now so there is no difference only that you'll be able to beat up on these fools for longer. Also if you can't get enough people for a premade in a regular wz you have the problem. i get whispers after most matches asking if a wanna q w/ ppl. So either you are one of these bads whining about expertise now or your just someone that like to hear themselves talk QQQQQQQQQ. its not getting you anywhere


And as far as my buddy's if you read what i posted/ You'd see that i said many of them are very busy and paying 15 bucks a month for maybe 5 hours playtime isn't a good idea in there eyes. So if BW give an option when u ding 50 to maybe get a sub for a weekend, week, or even a day. It would open this game up for them seeing as time is not on there side.


If you havnt noticed there is a ton of bads in this game already and they are in every game for that matter. My favorite ones are the MW players that come to BF and stand there and shoot at my chopper with an m-60 over and over not understanding why it doesnt do anything, hey thanks for showing me where you and your team is spawning.


And until i see it truly go P2W i'll continue playing, but if you read what little info they've put out on it you'd see they are putting a gold medal sprinter in a wheel chair so ppl with subs and have been subbed since launch still have the upper hand here. When/if that changes is when i'll put down this game, but highly doubt it will be for GW2 since anyone i've talked to about this game and has played beta said its laughable


Drink the Kool-aid fanboi, go look at Age of Conan's F2P transition(another EA MMO) and every other game they've done this with, it will be P2W, and your fanboi tears will fill these forums.


I have the right to say what I want you, and was a supporter of this game until the F2P announcement.


You know why I don't support this game anymore, they knew they were going F2P since earlier this year, and used your subscriber money to develop this F2P system while delivering very little meaningful content, PvP balance fixes, and changes that would have made the game better.


Many of us that are leaving due to the F2P announcement were supporters of the game, but we are not naive enough to think that with EA involved in a F2P system that it won't be P2W before long, their track record proves otherwise.

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we got trolled...


and it is 8 pages..


9/10 - valiant effort


None of this is what you are calling it, simply defense to fanbois coming up in arms to defend their beloved BioFail......I will never understand such loyalty to a company that hasn't made a good game since KOTOR/ME/DAO. I think I have a valid point with what I posted, they haven't said anything about keeping F2P'ers out of subscriber warzones which needs to be done to make PvP fun for subscribers and keeping the F2P'ers from rage quitting. This valid point turned into endless fanbois coming in and claiming that people that don't like F2P'ers are baddies, all the way to that we are discriminatory or hateful of lower class people who can't pay a subscription fee. All of these claims by fanbois are false. The truth remains that F2P'ers will have access to warzones and something should be done to separate them from subscribers in order to increase each groups enjoyment of the game.

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