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If PvP and Warzones were bad w/ sub moddel not even going to try F2P


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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite.


To add more Coherent Ideas to the thread since it seems to spawn a lot of hate since people seem to think I hate F2P players. I don't hate them, I'm merely stating that if in the same warzones with subscribers, they will be at a significant gear disadvantage in 50's due to their warzone limit each week, therefore it will lead to less enjoyable matches for both subscribers and F2P'ers.


2 Ways to fix this to add coherent thought and ideas:


1. Separate F2P and Subscriber Warzones, this is best for both parties concerned, at 50 the F2P'ers will have more enjoyment, and the Subscribers won't feel as though they are being held back which in turn could lead to problems in the warzone. Take it a step further and separate F2P and Subscriber Lowbie Warzones, this is needed because it's known that botters/cheaters/exploiters and the likes will be more common with F2P accounts, they simply have to change a gmail/yahoo/hotmail address to open a new account if they get banned for such offenses.


2. Ensure that PvP guilds have a healthy influx of new subscribers to recruit when they lose players the nature of the MMO beast, this means that they will have to have a high enough return rate on F2P to subscribers to help guilds replace members lost so that ranked 8 man q's are still popping on servers and guilds are still able to run as guilds and not have to PUG due to member loss. The fact is a F2P account especially with gear limitation and warzone limit per week won't be any use to a PvP guild trying to run ranked warzones.


The fact remains that the F2P announcement will affect the future of SWTOR PvP especially with the warzone limit, and if not many F2P players subscribe the pool for ranked players will be limited.


So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you.


Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......

Edited by Yinata
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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite.


So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you.


Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......


hey dum dum..


GW2 is free to play :(


I am sorry

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You're right, more bads are going to come because it is F2P, so lets go to another game that is F2P. YEA LOGIC!!


Not really just that, the fact is most of the good PvP'ers that are left are going to be gone once November hits, meaning if you think there is a lot of QQ about the ammount of baddies in warzones now just wait, and ranked warzones are going to be an utter joke, I for one would rather have basically unlimited options F2P in GW2 than have to pay a sub in SWTOR to face baddies all day long, likely see stupid crap in warzones I didn't think was possible. Yeah I'll take my F2P GW2 experience over that any day.


Paying a Sub to roflstomp endless baddies in SWTOR < F2P GW2 PvP......Just saying


PvP is already pretty terrible in this game, F2P is going to be the nail in the coffin imo.....

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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite.


So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you.


Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......


I was already looking forward to GW2, as their PvP looks awesome, and skill based, which means bads will autoquit after a few days, or rage about balance like they do here. I saw you're title, and I thought about all of the bugs. But since I've returned after a two month break, and looked around at all of the people I was in a WZ with... I quickly got irritated... I drove on and finished those WZ's, but dear god man... I always figured that maybe I would come back to TOR if GW2 ever bored me. But thanks for widening my eyes to this. Even another skilled PvPer I was talking to earlier said how he was gone for a week, and the skill cap of players he ended up with he came back declined even further...


hey dum dum..


GW2 is free to play :(


I am sorry


It's Buy2Play for one thing. And baddies will not have a gear crutch to cry about or use to their advantage. Who wins 1 vs 1 will be skill based. Who loses will be determined by what group has the best players, and the best strategies. Bads will try it, but when they come to the realization that it is all skill vs skill not gear vs gear... Well, they'll whine some more, and eventually quit.

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hey dum dum..


GW2 is free to play :(


I am sorry


Why are so many people on these forums so dumb?


Yes, we know both games are F2P or equivalent. Mach's point is that we happen to know many of our friends who are serious about PvP have publicly left this game for that one.

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Why are so many people on these forums so dumb?


Yes, we know both games are F2P or equivalent. Mach's point is that we happen to know many of our friends who are serious about PvP have publicly left this game for that one.


I know plenty of people that are serious about PvP that still play and plan on staying.

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Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite.


So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you.


Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......


Weak prediction. Still i meet really good players in the game but ofcourse their number is less than before. But who told you that new pvpers won't come in the game? Or only paying players can be good pvpers? Yes, lots of new players will come and it will be sheer fun to nuke them. It will be Diablo 4 with lots of mobs around :) Await this day greatly, really.

Edited by dejavy
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Weak prediction. Still i meet really good players in the game but ofcourse their number is less than before. But who told you that new pvpers won't come in the game? Or only paying players can be good pvpers? Yes, lots of new players will come and it will be sheer fun to nuke them. It will be Diablo 4 with lots of mobs around :) Await this day greatly, really.


Roflstomping n00bs may be fun for you, but many of us don't want to be roflstomping F2P'ers, and yes the F2P'ers will be bad because they will be limited on how many warzones they can enter therefore their gear will be far worse than the subscribers. This leads to subscribers roflstomping F2P'ers which isn't fun for most of us as we want something more competitive. Ranked warzones will be far less competitive, most PvP'ers that do them are going to GW2, don't believe me the top rated guilds on our server are mostly jumping ship come August 28. The one's that are left will jump ship once the game goes F2P due to the lack of good players. If people thought they were carrying people in regular warzones now just wait till perhaps 2 on your team are doing objectives, and the rest are mindlessly running in and dying like n00bs. Just wait, say everything I've said is false, but you will see the truth once F2P hits and swarms of baddies come to a galaxy near you in numbers that will far outweigh any skilled veterans still left.


The word of the day is.....




Next fanboi in line please step up to be shown that your faith in BioFail was wrongly placed........

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Who told you that GW2 will be skill vs skill? Of course if you play mage vs mage than yes. What about common disbalance? Do you REALLY think GW2 is SO flawlessly balanced that each class has a chance to win any other class? Don't make me laugh. Such game doesn't exist yet and will never be until they make fully identical classes or skills like: Mage fireball hits 100, Warrior's strike hits also 100, Ranger's arrow hits 100 as well. Then yes, it's gonna be balanced. But will you play a game with such stupid mirror system, i won't. Think about it. Oh, and WvWvW system in GW2 will not support players with equal gear, right? So, what's the difference then? I played beta GW2 and wasn't impressed, AT ALL. It's just an ordinary game with old graphics and LOTS of bluurrrrr so that my eyes started bleeding when i observed the local horizon. But i wish GW2 good luck anyway. But inner voice tells me it sux :)
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Who told you that GW2 will be skill vs skill? Of course if you play mage vs mage than yes. What about common disbalance? Do you REALLY think GW2 is SO flawlessly balanced that each class has a chance to win any other class? Don't make me laugh. Such game doesn't exist yet and will never be until they make fully identical classes or skills like: Mage fireball hits 100, Warrior's strike hits also 100, Ranger's arrow hits 100 as well. Then yes, it's gonna be balanced. But will you play a game with such stupid mirror system, i won't. Think about it. Oh, and WvWvW system in GW2 will not support players with equal gear, right? So, what's the difference then? I played beta GW2 and wasn't impressed, AT ALL. It's just an ordinary game with old graphics and LOTS of bluurrrrr so that my eyes started bleeding when i observed the local horizon. But i wish GW2 good luck anyway. But inner voice tells me it sux :)


I said nothing about balance, most of the good PvP'ers from this game are going to GW2, the level of competition in this game will be a joke, not all of us enjoy roflstomping n00bs because we lack the skill to kill players of same gear and skill. All I know from GW2 beta is the devs actually care about PvP much more than can be said for BioFail, PvP will be a focus of GW2, in SWTOR it's the ugly stepchild that BioFail was forced to implement and has no idea what to do with. Also in terms of your graphics comments, the graphics of GW2 are significantly better than this game that had a much larger budget, so that tells you what this team of devs at BioFail spent the majority of their time on, the one polished part of the game....Voice Over, yes BioFail spent more time on v/o than any meaningful content in this game, and that at it's basics is why this game failed so quickly.


Keep putting faith in BioFail, they will fail you as always. Enjoy beating F2P'ers who are at a gear disadvantage because they can't do as many warzones in a week. Keep hoping PvP will be competitive in this game, I and many others know differently as top ranked guilds leave for GW2 this month, and those left go in the following months.


I will be putting mine in NCSoft, at least they know a thing or two about fun somewhat balanced PvP that is actually enjoyable.

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Roflstomping n00bs may be fun for you, but many of us don't want to be roflstomping F2P'ers, and yes the F2P'ers will be bad because they will be limited on how many warzones they can enter therefore their gear will be far worse than the subscribers. This leads to subscribers roflstomping F2P'ers which isn't fun for most of us as we want something more competitive. Ranked warzones will be far less competitive, most PvP'ers that do them are going to GW2, don't believe me the top rated guilds on our server are mostly jumping ship come August 28. The one's that are left will jump ship once the game goes F2P due to the lack of good players. If people thought they were carrying people in regular warzones now just wait till perhaps 2 on your team are doing objectives, and the rest are mindlessly running in and dying like n00bs. Just wait, say everything I've said is false, but you will see the truth once F2P hits and swarms of baddies come to a galaxy near you in numbers that will far outweigh any skilled veterans still left.


The word of the day is.....




Next fanboi in line please step up to be shown that your faith in BioFail was wrongly placed........



Oh, cmon, i'm really tired of this jumping ship shi*. Want me to remind you smth? I will. I was hearing the same words all around about TOR before release and about these jumping lol guilds. That time they jumped from WoW and called wow casual bullshi* but TOR a holy pvp cow. So...where are these guild now, right jumping to another ship? But you know what? I don't care, jump whereever you want.

The only thing i know, those who are looking for PVP will find it. Play for republic with a group of friends and you'll always find decent imperial foes. My ex republic guild mates after our server died went to Tomb of freedon nadd for the imps and they told me that yes, it's much easier to play with imps coz more players know what to do etc. As for me i moved to the the same server as well but created the same name guild for the republic and gonna beat the shi* out of my friends to let them realize that the real challenge is to play against strong foes for the weaker side not vice versa. If you don't think the same jump your GW ship and bb.

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I said nothing about balance, most of the good PvP'ers from this game are going to GW2, the level of competition in this game will be a joke, not all of us enjoy roflstomping n00bs because we lack the skill to kill players of same gear and skill. All I know from GW2 beta is the devs actually care about PvP much more than can be said for BioFail, PvP will be a focus of GW2, in SWTOR it's the ugly stepchild that BioFail was forced to implement and has no idea what to do with. Also in terms of your graphics comments, the graphics of GW2 are significantly better than this game that had a much larger budget, so that tells you what this team of devs at BioFail spent the majority of their time on, the one polished part of the game....Voice Over, yes BioFail spent more time on v/o than any meaningful content in this game, and that at it's basics is why this game failed so quickly.


Keep putting faith in BioFail, they will fail you as always. Enjoy beating F2P'ers who are at a gear disadvantage because they can't do as many warzones in a week. Keep hoping PvP will be competitive in this game, I and many others know differently as top ranked guilds leave for GW2 this month, and those left go in the following months.


I will be putting mine in NCSoft, at least they know a thing or two about fun somewhat balanced PvP that is actually enjoyable.


So many times you used Biofail word :) You are right in some aspects bro, and BW could make things MUCH better and graphics and pvp mechanisms etc. But when i play TOR version of PVP i feel the fight and i like what i feel. After TOR i can't pvp in WoW and i deleted the wow client. In GW lots of things will be around mass battles or equal right BGs, ok but what i saw in beta i didn't like. I'm not a hater or smth, i just estimate things as they are.

As for f2pers, well, i don't think it will be a problem. I'm sure playing for republic my team will have challenge coz there are much more imps on the server still.

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Oh, cmon, i'm really tired of this jumping ship shi*. Want me to remind you smth? I will. I was hearing the same words all around about TOR before release and about these jumping lol guilds. That time they jumped from WoW and called wow casual bullshi* but TOR a holy pvp cow. So...where are these guild now, right jumping to another ship? But you know what? I don't care, jump whereever you want.

The only thing i know, those who are looking for PVP will find it. Play for republic with a group of friends and you'll always find decent imperial foes. My ex republic guild mates after our server died went to Tomb of freedon nadd for the imps and they told me that yes, it's much easier to play with imps coz more players know what to do etc. As for me i moved to the the same server as well but created the same name guild for the republic and gonna beat the shi* out of my friends to let them realize that the real challenge is to play against strong foes for the weaker side not vice versa. If you don't think the same jump your GW ship and bb.


See that's the problem, the guild I started the game w/ had over 200 members and 50 active until 1.2 hit, now there are 5-10 of us left, and over half of us are going to GW2, great to tell people to play w/ their friends etc, but honestly me and the friends I play with would have as much fun roflstomping F2P'ers in warzones that are at a huge gear disadvantage as watching paint dry. Honestly only baddies enjoy roflstomping baddies over and over, only difference is the baddies roflstomping got shiny gear and can hit recruit geared people hard. Ranked Warzones will be a joke once GW2 comes out, and even more of a joke once November hits. Regular warzones will be such a pain to do due to the huge influx of baddies that they will no longer be fun.


Don't believe me wait till F2P hits and see how much fun PvP really is.


Keep up the fanboi your so good at it keep stepping up to get dunked back in the sewage that is BIOFAIL!


Also never use WoW and this game in the same sentence, the only game SWTOR should be compared to at all is STO, they are both based on huge franchises and were destroyed by terrible teams of developers that know nothing about creating an MMO.


The word of the day is ......



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So many times you used Biofail word :) You are right in some aspects bro, and BW could make things MUCH better and graphics and pvp mechanisms etc. But when i play TOR version of PVP i feel the fight and i like what i feel. After TOR i can't pvp in WoW and i deleted the wow client. In GW lots of things will be around mass battles or equal right BGs, ok but what i saw in beta i didn't like. I'm not a hater or smth, i just estimate things as they are.

As for f2pers, well, i don't think it will be a problem. I'm sure playing for republic my team will have challenge coz there are much more imps on the server still.






That's why I use it so much, tomorrow I will have a new word to describe how terrible Bioware is as a company and developing team.

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RWZs will have a ranking system and all these baddies will play other baddies, the only reason a ranking system doesn't work is when you have no PvP population because then the system is forced to match up low ranked teams with high ranked ones because there aren't enough teams Queing. Edited by Azareal
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See that's the problem, the guild I started the game w/ had over 200 members and 50 active until 1.2 hit, now there are 5-10 of us left, and over half of us are going to GW2, great to tell people to play w/ their friends etc, but honestly me and the friends I play with would have as much fun roflstomping F2P'ers in warzones that are at a huge gear disadvantage as watching paint dry. Honestly only baddies enjoy roflstomping baddies over and over, only difference is the baddies roflstomping got shiny gear and can hit recruit geared people hard. Ranked Warzones will be a joke once GW2 comes out, and even more of a joke once November hits. Regular warzones will be such a pain to do due to the huge influx of baddies that they will no longer be fun.


Don't believe me wait till F2P hits and see how much fun PvP really is.


Keep up the fanboi your so good at it keep stepping up to get dunked back in the sewage that is BIOFAIL!


Also never use WoW and this game in the same sentence, the only game SWTOR should be compared to at all is STO, they are both based on huge franchises and were destroyed by terrible teams of developers that know nothing about creating an MMO.


The word of the day is ......




Well, the same happened to my guild and i don't blame them. Most expected more but were disappointed. Now they don't play anything serious. And the most strange thing is that they don't wait for GW2 :) Only one of them. We played different games for the last months but still none of us is satisfied. I retruned to swtor after 3 months break and find it fun. Some of my friends learnt that i'm back resubed as well and now we are planning to get a decent team to kick some imp ases. The most curious thing that when i mentioned TOR and my return all of them were filled with joy and some kind of hope. And i know that some more men will comeback when it's f2p coz they didn't want to pay BW for the broken feelings. :) So, we don't care about f2p noobs etc, we'll just play our game and have fun just as those who'll play GW2.


I would play GW2 as well but i'm a bit tired of this fantasy shi*. Maybe in a month or two when people start leaving from GW, i'll play from one of my friends accounts :) But i don't think i will. I didn't find anything new there. Just new package, bright, shining but...with old theme.


Oh, and i wouldn't hope that f2p noobs will be beaten because all of us have wh full sets. 1.4 is coming with lvl up till 55 if i'm not mistaken. So, we'll be all equal, again :)

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both games are free to play both games will have tons of baddies in them. The key difference for me right now is that in GW2 I won't have to pay to do over a certain amount of warzones per day, which is what will happen with swtor. I normally play about 3 hours a night when I do play. All of that is spent in warzones, so you could say I might do about 15 odd warzones a night.


I'm quite certain the free to play pvp limit will be way under that, and i'm not going to pay extra when I can get it for free in GW2 while also having more pvp variety.

Edited by AllanGand
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I'm quite certain the free to play pvp limit will be way under that, and i'm not going to pay extra when I can get it for free in GW2 while also having more pvp variety.
I like the word variety concerning GW2 with 7 buttons. It's cool it's Diablo style yo!
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Have any of you guys preaching doom and gloom actually played a MMO that has gone F2P after being a subscription model?


I played Lotro for 5 years and it went F2P 2 years ago. There was much the same mass hysteria and manic panic and guess what? Nothing really changed. More players was the only difference.


I did not see masses of children running around, no more than now, who's mothers are currently paying their subs for them.


I am not suggesting that F2P does not bring potential problems, it really depends on which model they choose to adopt and whether they allow gameplay enhancing purchases from the cash shop. I am inclined to think most of what you might buy will be cosmetic and convenience based. Barbers, name changes, legacy wide storage etc etc. None of those things will make the game worse. The moment they put "the stim of ultimate PVPness" in the shop, things will start to look a little dodgy, but it might never come to that. Lotro had no gamebreakers and to my knowledge, though I have not logged other than to pay my housing. (lifetime accound holder) still maintains a cosmetic/convenience only store.


Buying into the hysteria, I would add, i am not sure how much worse the standard of some pvp play can get. I also don't think the volume of ingame whining will increase massively, my ignore list is already full of morons from my server.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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