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Features we want to see on the Cartel Market


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Companion Customization (Greater Degree)

Ship Add-Ons (Pimp it out with pink carpet and a....err....dancer pole)


Cool, interesting and generally amusing Emotes.

More character slots.


Just please don't add stat boosts or things that will change combat in favor of real money.


Or I'll eat your cat. :D

Edited by lmidnight
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Well my suggestions are not so much for the market but the game itself.I didn't want to start a new post so I decided to post them here.My apologies in advance.

1. Infinite player ignore from chat please. The gold farmers are coming, count on that. I want the ability to keep ignoring said gold spammers without having to clean my list every 3 or so days.This includes mail spam.

2. I heard that you might even have to buy this game after it goes free to play..please keep it that way,because of said reason above.Gold spammers love f2p games because they do not invest any money into it aside from their side(i.e. internet service fee).Keep the fee small and get your ban hammers ready.

3. No gold or item trading allowed between f2p players.Let them use the GTN or npc..should help with RMT'rs.

4. Active G.M's...believe me ,this helps alot.

Just some suggestions and i'm sure more will come out.

Now as to what I would like to see on Cartel Market: Cosmetic stuff,both for players and your SHIP.How kool would it be to have a Star Wars type art work poster inside you personal space or complete repaint of your interior?? Barber style items, you know hair redos and such. Well...I know some might hate this but bag and bank space CS items for f2p players only. Maybe add a costume slot on our character tabs and implement costumes. I know that's what adaptive gear is for, still just a thought.Some pets and maybe even mounts that are not quite as good as in game mounts (85% speed or something like that), but they looks nice..OR mount skins..that would be cool also. I can think of all kind of stuff,but please no insta-heal items or insta-buff potions.. Please!!!


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Lots of good looking new PvP armors (with combo bonuses, which you lose when you take your upgrades out of current War Hero gear)


Weird (yet still 'Star Warsy') character customisations - lots of them, to further customise your characters


Ship customisation




- As long as you can buy a few cool and useful things with the allocated Cartel Coins per month that you get for subscribing (I am not going to be paying more ON TOP of still subscribing once it's F2P) - then i'll be a happy camper :)

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My expectations for the Market are:


Most, if not all, of the things currently in Legacy as an additional way to achieve them

Character Slots

Banks space

Inventory space

Character Cosmetic Customization

Ship Cosmetic Customization

Gear Cosmetic Customization

New species, hopefully also included in the Legacy system

Server Transfer


Not sure what else, so long as it is not stuff you must have in order to play the game.

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What I really want:

  • Race change
  • Name change.
  • Legacy name change.
  • Character transfer.
  • Unluck new races (since I can't afford the 1,5M credits).


What I really really would hate if it was added:

  • Any items that are essential.
  • Any items that are good. Like PvP items, since then the game starts to feel like pay2win.


Thats about it for me.

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So now that this is a thing let's try to make the best of it and actually get some things we actually want.


I would personally like:


Character re-customizations

Character transfers

Nice looking Guardian armor that does NOT have a bubble butt for Body Type 2's.


What else do we want?


Character re-customizations

Character transfers


for sure!

and i back to play :)

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* armor dye would be nice

* more character slots. I keep lvl:ing my alt's faster than hubby. And I still want to stay on this server with my guild.

* things that would be fun to have in the ship, a little pet that lives on the ship perhaps? An aquarium?

* More fun orange gear, it is nice to try to find a different look for your character.

* Legacy-vault. A bank-tab that all your chars can have access to. Mats for crafting and such things, it would be great not to have to mail metal back and forth between them.

Edited by SilentKitty
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Lots of good ideas in here, cant believe this one below hasn't been mentioned though.


Faction change. Let me gather my characters on one side.


Other than that?


  • Particle effects customisation saber (something like the plasma effect from Guardians plasma brand)
  • Customisations
  • More orange gear
  • Mounts
  • Character recustomisation (change a characters race, name, appearance) - tiered so that you don't have to pay as much if you for example just want to change your hairstyle.
  • Item dyes
  • Character slots
  • Weapon proficiency, Powertechs with blaster rifle, Marauders with double bladed sabers etc.
  • Server transfers
  • No cooldown fleet pass
  • Change "spell" effects. Let me make my Lightning effects on my sorc yellow (Zeus inspired) - obviously far fetched but definitely an amazing feature. Could absolutely be applied to all classes.

Edited by AdamLKvist
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I would LOVE to see armor dyes in the cash shop. The devs seem to think that character customization/gear customization is important. I'd like my consular to be less brown. Possibly some companion character customizations as well. I would also love to see options for ship customization. (I'd also like the jedi ship to not look like a dong but I'm not counting on that.)
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Can't find the article that showed how much more money F2P games + cash shop make over P2P subs games, basically exploiting ppl addiction to the game.


So my worries are:


- Cash shop? what do you consider "not-game breaking"? I'm cool with cash shops as long as all you sell are vanity items, or exp/drops buffs, speeders similar to those in-game, renames, change gender, payed server transfers, whatever.

The moment I see p2w items i'm gone (paying a sub or not) don't want to even see items like 200% speeder with no chance to dismount, costumes/clothing with +XX to all attributes, + expertice items, HP or atk speed/power buffs/scrolls, etc......been there before, is not fun.


- In game economy, you let ppl trade items from the cash shop or be BoP? what happens to gather and sell in the GTN if you sell crafting mats in the cash shop?....again seen it before, again not fun.


- Game updates, personal expertise, after a couple months devs/managers get a big $ in their eyes and realise that adding more cash shop items/offers generates more incomes than releasing new content or fixing bugs, exploits, chasing hackers (who also sometime don't get banned 'cause they spend lots of USD at the cash shop)


The big issue, it's that I've seen all this before, cash shop starts with vanity items only but sooner or later they start to sell p2w items forcing both subs and F2P guys to use $$$ to be able to compite at top end pvp/e.

That's why I stopped playing F2P games and started playing P2P ones, I can name you 10 f2p mmos where you need to spend USD 50+ just to be able to compite.


The better freemium games have any cash shop items bound - either to account, or character. Heck, in DDO, I couldn't even sell my lowbie weapon that I got from the cash shop to a vendor! But yes, preferably, anything attainable in the cash shop is bound.

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Well, I doubt well initially see game changing options (like player housing...that's more then a simply additon to the store, that's a major mechanics process). but here's a few I want:


1) the character skins, barbers, races, etc. especially racial options. color dyes yes. moddable gear SET's.


2) crafting materials. If you do it LotRO's way, you can't sell what you make with the store mats on the GMT, but you can use them yourself, or vendor them. that prevents peeps from buying mats and selling on the GMT (like a reverse gold farmer). But the mats are in every other way and shape the same as normal mats. it would cut back a bit on having to grind in lower areas for mats simply because they're not on the AH.


3) Legacy on the market. everything (or almost everything) in our legacy unlocks should be buy-able at the store. perhaps they can keep their legacy level requirements (I'd prefer that), but simply add a "Cartel Coin" option in addition to the creds option. so that way if i want to unlock speeder 3, but I don't have the creds, i can use my points. same with racial unlocks.... ship droid unlocks...basically everything on the legacy screen that isn't free already. the ones that are legacy level only should still be that way (such as completing act2 to unlock that class' buff ability).


4) I want to be able to unlock armor STYLES. as an example, i love how the armor looks on my jugg. but im not a fan of the "robe" that they force you into as a JK. I want to be able to wear jugg like armor on my JK.

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Character renames - after the transfer fiasco that will be necessary. They probably did that on purpose so they could sell a character rename in the cash shop.


Yes. Because no other game out there charges for renames. This was obviously a conspiracy by bioware that's been long in the works.

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