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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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lots of good questions here, not seeing much in the way of information coming back at us. and as a subscriber who wants to continue subscribing I am getting nervous about 'announcement, then trickle out info' that I am seeing.
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I actually don't have any problems with the new F2P option that will be coming this fall, but I did have one question that concerns me. I noticed on the features link (http://www.swtor.com/free/features) at the bottom it mentions Game Login queues. What is this? Are you guys expecting such a flood of new players that we won't be able to log in to the servers? I realize that it states "Subscription members will always be in login queues ahead of free players" but my question is, why should there be a login queue in the first place? I will continue to subscribe but if I have to wait to get into a server (even with a subscription) then something is definitely wrong. I apologize if I am completely wrong on this so a little clarification would be great.
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I would like to second the question in regards to the "cartel coin" bonus for CE players.


After waiting for years....ponying up the cash to get a machine that would play this game...I could not justify getting the CE version...no matter how hard I tried to make it work because RL issues with the crappy economy. I did manage to get the Digital version....and like the others here have said...why are we not getting any sort of bonus for paying for the Digital upgrade?


As for your model you intend to use for the F2P set up...I would STRONGLY recommend you look at LOTROs....and DEFINITELY keep a tight reign on the free players in regards to buying stuff that would be called the "Pay-to-win" option. You should not allow people to equal or exceed a subscriber in gear, bonuses, etc. If your goal is to encourage the "F2P" player to subscribe...then you meed to have some sort of "Carrot" to offer them to make them want to subscribe..and I would think that not having access to high end powerful gear would go along way towards that.


I still have my doubts.....and REALLY do not want to see this game degenerate into the WOW style of game where Raid and Who has what gear means everything. The game rocks.... despite the various bugs....but to not reign in the F2P types...the game will come crashing down around your ears when those of us who love the genre and the style are driven away by the rampant proliferation of the "Frankenstein's Monster" P2W type players that could result from poor planning.

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  • 2 weeks later...
for a player like me who doesn't give a monkeys about your coins or other decorative items( 50 items on gtn, oh wow) the only differernce between ftp and sub is playing ops, not really good enough bioware, get a grip! there is a lot more i could say but i've had a few and can't be arsed Edited by slaineone
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  • 2 weeks later...
If I go to a free account will I lose my legacy. Meaning all of the buffs I got from completing companion stories and class stories, ship upgrades, species unlocks, or my family tree? If I lose this stuff then it will feel like I put in all that work fr nothing.


As far as we have been told, nothing is "lost". Your access is blocked for some things as long as you're a sub, like cargo hold space and credits, but its all still there. Paying a sub will get you access again.

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Q3: According to: this, we will need to choose which ITEMS to keep if we decide to switch to a f2p account. Would you please clarify that.


If this means that I have to get rid of my Rakata and War Hero gear that I spent so much time to get just so I can afford to level alts, then Bioware (or should I say EA) you have lost another customer, call me when you learn how to run a game efficiently with your customers interests in mind.

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If this means that I have to get rid of my Rakata and War Hero gear that I spent so much time to get just so I can afford to level alts, then Bioware (or should I say EA) you have lost another customer, call me when you learn how to run a game efficiently with your customers interests in mind.


Well if you were planning to go f2p they'd already lost you as a customer.

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Considering I'm going to continue paying anyways, this doesn't affect me whatsoever. BUT it DOES affect all my friends who unsubbed and want to come back.


So I ask this, not a matter of WHAT is going to happen but WHEN IS THIS GOING TO LAUNCH?! I'm tired of hearing all the cool **** that comes wth FTP, but WHEN IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I don't think anyone would be offended by that considering you've been promising **** since July...

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Considering I'm going to continue paying anyways, this doesn't affect me whatsoever. BUT it DOES affect all my friends who unsubbed and want to come back.


So I ask this, not a matter of WHAT is going to happen but WHEN IS THIS GOING TO LAUNCH?! I'm tired of hearing all the cool **** that comes wth FTP, but WHEN IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. I don't think anyone would be offended by that considering you've been promising **** since July...


November or fall. Fall was the later report. Unknown whether the interview was meant to broaden the timescale or refers to the same schedule, since November is in fall.

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November or fall. Fall was the later report. Unknown whether the interview was meant to broaden the timescale or refers to the same schedule, since November is in fall.


I'm going to assume the former as opposed to the latter. They're just like DCUO in their early days: Slow on updates. Now DC has a set schedule of material that comes out and why it's gotten awesome again. SWTOR... It's Star Wars?



Speaking of DCUO, which also got whacked hard with the F2P option, I ask/suggest this:


WHY NOT JUST DO DC UNIVERSE ONLINE AND SOE'S F2P MODEL?! They have 3 forms of accounts:


Legendary: 15 bucks a month. unlimited access, which means 16 character slots, unlimited escrow, largest inventory possible and unlimited access to the vaults plus every quartly DLC for free.


Premium: if you spent AT LEAST 5 bucks or more on the game, you get 6 character slots, larger escrow than free, larger inventory than free, and a bit more access to the vanity vault and you are stuck at premium for life and if you bought any of the DLCs you get to keep those. Those that paid and are coming back to the game already get Premium automatically because they subscribed at one point or another, thus spent their 5 dollar coin.


Free: 2 Character slots, limited escrow, limited inventory, access to the vanity vault only once a week and no access to the DLC content.


oh and btw they have unlimited access to their flashpoints and raids. The problem is beating them because of the repair bill every time you decide to be stupid and get yourself killed.


Their marketplace is automatic with microtransactions which contain vanity pieces, a couple of characters for use in PVP (long story), and you can buy the DLC for 5 bucks apiece as well to keep for free (automatically bumping you to premium) as well as repair bots, larger escrow limits of money or inventory, character slots, respec tokens of various kinds ranging from class to body type, to name, and a handful of trinkets that while are fun to use in game, aren't necessary at all to buy. In SWTOR's case, changing class would not mean changing the story, but rather the advanced class from Jedi Guardian to Jedi Sentinel.


Because of this and after going F2P their content flow has stabilized, DC Universe Online has flourished into a vital and strong community with over 1.4 million regular players, strong subscription rates, and the Premium concept allows older players to have a good reason to come back and thus don't always have to subscribe to get new content. SWTOR in its current state reminds me of DC in their early days, but they have since turned into something, well, super. If at all possible because a lot of your business models released resemble DCUO's, could you just carbon copy it? It will prevent the screaming mobs that have already started.


Also, will F2P mean STABILIZING A REGULAR FLOW OF CONTENT?! When a lot of newer MMOs have their minor content updates every month and a half and their MAJOR content updates every 3 months... It's kinda sad. Not every update has to be a major update... I mean we're only at 1.4. We're almost at the year mark and not even at update 2s yet... Shame.

Edited by Timarick
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Well if you were planning to go f2p they'd already lost you as a customer.


I would eventually sub again when my financial situation and play schedule were more stable but if I decide to take a little f2p break and have to lose my gear I'm just gonna say screw it and play some single player games.

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