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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Free-to-Play Q&A Thread

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After receiving the Kurtob Alliance Speeder on all of my characters I was wondering If you could purchase a cosmetic item for your whole account instead of a single character. This option will be great for those of us that enjoy playing many alts.
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Could the downgarding for subscribers who become Free-to-Play members explained. I mean some subscribers do not subscribe to the game all the time, but drop the sub from time to time. So, would they lose much, and why do you guys think they would return then back to a sub again?
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will we ever be able to buy something in the shop which lets you change your characters face,and possibly hair(like long hair for females please?) in minute detail...like bone structure,position of face parts(within reason) and everything?otherwise well just have clones running around everywhere
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SWTOR has been pretty slow as far as adding content etc go, you now claim to add something every 6 weeks, with you failed to accomplish when you had a lot more employees around, can you elaborate how the game going F2P makes it miraculously possible to deliver quality content? Or did you guys mean fluff.
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It seems that, based on what I've heard from a lot of others, as of right now once you hit level 50 pretty much the only content you can find is group content- which would be fine, except some of us aren't hardcore MMO gamers, are still getting used to the differences between a console RPG and an MMO, find it hard to find groups within the time we can actually be ingame, and things like that.


Are we going to be seeing any new soloable content to keep people like us busy while we wait around for groups to actually participate in all of that endgame content, or is that a pipe dream now that the game's going free to play?


I'm definitely concerned about this, given I'm loving the story and lore of this game and I don't want to have to give up my character just to start another one to continue to enjoy this as my only soloable-content option. As one of several options, yes, but I'd hate to abandon my Shadow once I hit level 50 due to the difficulty of finding a group that'll put up with lesser-skilled players.

Edited by dewback_rancher
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I request clarification on the restrictions on the F2P account and what happens when you downgrade from a sub to said F2P account.


Specifically: What's the limit for how many character slots a F2P account can have? If it is lower than the current allowance, would I lose access to character slots I already have characters in? Can I buy access to more slots with the Coins?

If any of the existing races become restricted (which isn't clearly specified in the FAQ) does that mean if I go F2P I would lose access to character of those races that I've already played as well? That would be really upsetting!


On the whole, I think more specific information on this F2P switch and restrictions would allow those of us who have subbed since Early Access to make a more informed opinion and not jump to conclusions.



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The viability of your f2p model seems to lack reasons to actually sub.

My question is, why are you NOT limiting them more so they actually subscribe?

How about you only give them 30 skill points as a start? 30 is a magic #, it's one less than you need to get to the top of a single skill tree. yw in advance.

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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1.What is the general cost of an item bought in the cartel coins shop? I feel as if the coins I receive for subscribing will be just short of anything cool so that you can squeeze more money out of all of us.


2. Will we receive X amounts of cartel coins to each of our characters or does it all pool into one account?


3. Will there be pay to win items to buy?

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I have stated before. I will be upset that a F2P player will get equal or better gear than me by buying it with real cash. I bought the CE and was playing a week before it was opened to the general public. F2P should only offer the minimum. If you want to play, pay the sub.


A question I have is...Will I have to spend real money to buy gear just to stay competitive? Will there be separate servers for the free to play people?

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It's nice to see that those who purchased the CE are being rewarded with 1000 cartel coins. What about those of us who bought the DD? I pay $20 more than the standard edition, and I get nothing? Why not give those who purchased the DD 500 cartel coins?
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I've read a lot of the post and there are a lot of great questions. I think Bioware really needs to let us know more details of the P2P and F2P models. I mean if they were to state right now that they were soon increasing the level to 55 (or above) and that F2P is limited to the first 50, I think they will be less folks even thinking of unsubscribing.


I also think that there were a lot of valid points for subscribers. The biggest being that they want to have "better gear" without having to pay for it. I agree if you are letting F2P buy "top end" gear and buffs, that those should be available to P2P players without having to pay real cash for them. (Maybe sell them in the CC store at a reasonable cost?)


In balance I know Bioware is looking to do two things right now. Maintain a base of subscription folks (it's a given $12.99 a month they can count on) and add more players via a F2P model. And I think in the beginning the P2P players won't have much to worry about. It will only be if/when the P2P numbers drop to a really low level (compared to F2P) that they will pay more attention to that side. (It's also smarter too. If you make the F2P side more attractive, a lot of subscribers may just unsubscribe and never play again.)


If Bioware can balance it right, I really don't see a problem. And for us players, it presents us with more options to play. But please Bioware, give us a lot more info so present subscribers know what you are planning.


The devil is in the details!

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Yeah I'm not going to try to read this entire thread and sory if it's been mentioned, but if we decide to play for free will we be able to purchase with cartel coins the content we want to be able to customize our game such as specific war zones and flash points? I like the free to play idea if we can totally customize the features we want and decide what we don't. Also will we be able to earn cartel coins in game from say codex entry's or questing?
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Q2: I read that subscribers will get monthly unspecified amount cartel credit. Will be that amount sufficient to cover month supply of convenience items (i understand that will be for example time limited xp boosts) and buy some customization items? or it will that be just enough to test some items and pay more to buy monthly supply and be competitive in convenience of play and good look of character? (i believe that there will be no p2w items) That information is at the moment crucial for me to make decision if its worth to invest more time (and money) in your game. I don't want to be worst/ look worst in virtual world then players that are prepared to pay more.


Sorry for my English.

Edited by Zuhok
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q1. My first and most important question: Oh, God, WHY?


q2. Seriously, do you think P2W will save your game (it's F2P now, but i doubt it'll became P2W in no time)?!

Don't you think, it's better raise the player experience than ruin it. Every f2p game is a piece of sith. No, no question. EVERY!


q3. i don't want to play with p2w (yes, i'm deliberately use this term, and from now on every time) players.

Do i have an option to play on Premium server only? And will there be free character transfer to those premium servers?


q4. Subscribers from '11.12.23 will get some reward? (what i understand, you only get extra 150 cartel coins for max 3 month june-july-august) That's 450, and what about the other 5 month?


q5. Will there be an option box to check "I dont want degrade my account to p2w, when game time expire, instead i want to keep it premium with no game-time" And keep every item, gained legacy perk, everything else in it's place.


q6. If subbed players doesn't like your new "fantastic" p2w game, can we expect refund (no of course not, but what if there's a petition with 1000+ signature :rolleyes:)


and go on to q7-q999...


Ps.: I'm very sorry about my rant, but I'm very-very-very pissed off (never pissed off because "a" game, but this is what i was waited for 3+ years, and BW-EA ruin it in little more than 6 months)

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Are you willing to have an EA VP (aside from the BioWare docs because you treat them worse than Vince McMahon treats Jim Ross) state unequivocally that there will never be a Pay-to-Win feature in this game? If so, when can we expect to see that statement?
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It says paying players will have priority in que to log into servers. Does this mean as a monthly subscriber I may have to wait to get into the game if a bunch of FTP players have my server full, or will they get kicked to grant me access to the game? Im fine with FTP for others, but I do NOT want to pay for something only to have my use restricted by someone who isnt paying!
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