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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing a Free-to-Play Option


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The game was first officially announced in an October 30, 2007 press release. 5 years production and under one year game time. As far as waiting round to see what EA dose with F2P I am not holding my breath.
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Its such a shame for us to part There are many other ways to grow $$ bioware .. as an example . Payment options... you only have 3 thats bs , i mean LEARN FROM WoW at least .....:mad: .Youve killed swtor Gratz :D actually a huge number of players are unsubscribing. If that's your objective youre doing it AWSOME .You dont even see the sugestion box. also you take decisions without asking acutal players . Really?! this is a BIG FAIL Laid off the men that make this decision please.
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really we can pay for expansions with the cartel coin system i don't think that will happen we better not have to pay for updates and patches and crap if so that will kill this game for me


I completely agree ith you, with all teh messing aroudn BW/EA have done id expect expansions/future patches to be free expecially if you r a subbed player when the F2P option comes in. I men afterall our subs are paying for them to work on new material... so why should we have to pay for it when we already have been in teh first place

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I am absolutely floored! Has the subscriptions fallen so low that their only option is f2p? That is a game killer for any quality game. Damn, been looking for a mmo to play for years and I finally found one and it is over before it begins :(.
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It's sad to see such a great game go free-to-play after like 10 months. LOTRO went F2P after 3 years, which was something they had planned in from the start. Now, I feel that EA's standards (as far as money) isn't met, hence the move to F2P model. By the way, nothing is ever "free-to-play". It's more like "pay-to-play".


If I remember correctly, LOTRO quadrupled (4x) their profits going "free". The LOTRO Store though... advertising EVERYWHERE was a real pain. There was NO WAY to turn it off too, even to subscribers. And selling boosts is just plain stupid. I hated the fact that it was now only one big "upgrades" shop. I hate the fact that micro-transactions are now the way to go. I hate that this game, that I think is the best MMO out there since a long time is being made F2P after a half a year only. They built up they hype for this game for 2-3 years, and after only 6 months, they give up.


They gave up on this game and us the fan boys, only because of a slow start and a mess up with servers they haven't recovered from yet. I still had high fate in this game. Unfortunately, what counts is money, money, money...


More money.


It's too bad EA got involved in this game. I was gonna try out Secret World, another EA game, but I won't now. I know what's waiting, F2P in 6 months.


I really feel the pain for the guys down at Bioware. You guys really love your game, and cared about us. But I think someone else is pulling the strings now...


Just my thoughts before I cancel my sub for good.

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I like the idea of not having to worry about swtor if im running low on cash, but on the other hand im more worried about all the spam chat, and noobs in warzones/flasahpoints. Pretty much I'm afraid it will ruin the game for hard core swtor fans, by letting all the trolls in for free. Could there be a couple servers reserved only for subscribers? Even if I had to fork over some cartel coins, I'd do it. I'd still play my toons on Canderous Ordo, but I think it would be nice to roll a few toons with people actually dedicated to the game.
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I like the idea of not having to worry about swtor if im running low on cash, but on the other hand im more worried about all the spam chat, and noobs in warzones/flasahpoints. Pretty much I'm afraid it will ruin the game for hard core swtor fans, by letting all the trolls in for free. Could there be a couple servers reserved only for subscribers? Even if I had to fork over some cartel coins, I'd do it. I'd still play my toons on Canderous Ordo, but I think it would be nice to roll a few toons with people actually dedicated to the game.


Our server has enough of these people in chat still haha....I hope there is an increased ignore list in TOR's store...I'd pay my 1000 coins to double my list.. :p

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I think guild creation and ownership should also be limited to just players with a monthly subscription seeing that owning a guild would mean you're in for the long term. Guild leaders would generally help organize operations, warzones and flashpoints which free-to-play members would have limited or no access to at all. F2P players should however still be allowed to join a guild. Edited by Vitas
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Why is the Sub remaining $15 when 50% of the game is free?


If I buy a Big Mac and Fries and the Fries are F2P I'm only going to pay for the Big Mac right?


What benefits does a subscription give? Full WZ and Ops is not worth $15 a month. Even less so with the obvious slowing of patches due to focus on maintaining F2P players.


Well you also get coins to spend on a monthly basis, and remember you have none of the minor annoyances of f2p.

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I like the idea of not having to worry about swtor if im running low on cash, but on the other hand im more worried about all the spam chat, and noobs in warzones/flasahpoints. Pretty much I'm afraid it will ruin the game for hard core swtor fans, by letting all the trolls in for free. Could there be a couple servers reserved only for subscribers? Even if I had to fork over some cartel coins, I'd do it. I'd still play my toons on Canderous Ordo, but I think it would be nice to roll a few toons with people actually dedicated to the game.


Well about the newbs in warzones, it'll likely be just as many newbs on the enemy as yours.


And I think bioware/ea would do well to give us at least 1 server for subbers only, and add more as they fill up for those that want it. Personally Im not worried about f2pers chatting, just means I have more people talk to.


Im more worried about these "Boosts" but I'm willing to wait and see hopefully they'll just be something along the lines of Xp or Valor gain. If its boosts that affect combat they need to make it so it doesn't work in pvp warzones or eve open world pvp for that matter.

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really we can pay for expansions with the cartel coin system i don't think that will happen we better not have to pay for updates and patches and crap if so that will kill this game for me


According to the dev post it said "Subs will recieve future content for free". Im expecting a runescape style model. Monthly(ish) updates with members getting stuff and non-members getting not a damn thing. Which I totally support.


"Oh look your level 50 free to play, well I'm Level 55 p2p with level 55 gear so suck it freeloader" <---- What I plan to be saying in FALL™

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Why is the Sub remaining $15 when 50% of the game is free?


If I buy a Big Mac and Fries and the Fries are F2P I'm only going to pay for the Big Mac right?


What benefits does a subscription give? Full WZ and Ops is not worth $15 a month. Even less so with the obvious slowing of patches due to focus on maintaining F2P players.


when you buy a happy meal, you get a deal.


when you order single menu items, you pay more.




Wanna super size your account? only 15$/mo more!

Edited by nakoda
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Ok so i read 8 pages of replies and here is my take.


1. I saw this coming so no surprise. Only a bit of disappointment, seeing as how much I've invested (Cash and time) and no real idea what that investment is going to look like in a few months. By investment I mean two copies of the Special Digital edition, and monthly sub for both since day one.


2. What will this mean if I choose to go F2P do I lose all the invested time on all of my level 50's with the gear and bag slots and everything else? So what does a downgrade look like BW? What happens to those of us who will stay but go F2P? I'd like some more details.


I know everyone who loves this idea is unconcerned by the F2P economics but seriously have any of you played a F2P before? I don't mean a game that was F2P from the get go I mean one that had to downgrade. Yes I know STO is doing fine, but DC universe not so much. LOTRO is meh and so is DDO.


So back to the investment thing all in all I kinda feel ripped off, dropping the software price to $14.99 in the first year and going F2P makes me feel like I paid for beta, empty servers, crowded servers, forced migration, buggy software, and broken patchers. I've yet to feel like I have gotten my moneys worth and I honestly feel the F2P decision is the last kick in a desperate effort to bump up their server populations.


I've had my say, I'll be around but... not paying for it.

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Excellent decision Bioware, I applaud you and look forward to what you provide for the players.


I for one will continue to subscribe so that I can enjoy everything the game has to offer and get the perks that come with it. I have been a subscriber since Day 1 of Early Access with the Collector's Edition. I enjoy the game and the content you provide, despite what all the haters and trolls have to say (every day) about how "terrible" the game is.


I believe this new model is an acknowledgement of the changing business model of online gaming and reflects the best way to approach the market now.


I have also been playing since day 1, I am also owner of the CE, and had early access.


I like the thought of Free To Play with limited access.


I will continue to subscribe. I love this game and am loyal to BioWare. I just hope Free To Play doesn't come back to bite BioWare in the backside. I fear this news will also incite the haters.

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