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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing a Free-to-Play Option


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Bioware you are new in the MMO business. But let me tell you a few things.


Announcing a FP2 option will be a bullet in your head. First of all EA was not a good choice as a publisher.

You have announced an unfinished game on Christmas, but okay I thought you fixed it after lunch. This never happens. Have enough of this. Yeah i canceled my account 2 months ago.

The game was "unfinished" it has a lack of pvp and balance, and the "legacy" system is waste of resources. Story is cool but sorry how much I can see story when the game has lack of other things.

The game was unfinished you should working on it 6 more months and not just release an unfinshed game. A writer does not publish an unfinished book to say it clearly.


Moreover one of your biggest mistakes was to think that everything is working fine when you have 2 Mio. subscribers. Sorry to say that but thats fanatic to think thats enough. You have to work hard every day for it. Every day to finish the game that is unfinished in my perspective and add things that are missing. Support is one of the things that are missing too, I mean get to work and not sit down and think money will work for you. Where are the addons, where are the own interface (not your interface, just my). I don't like your interface, I like to change it myself with addons.

Sometimes I thing when you annouced the cool Interface with 1.2 is that your code is so bad, that you aware of showing it to the software community to made it working.

Not including addons is one of the biggest mistakes. See blizzard they are improving the game every day and working hard for it, and what they get? The biggest community. No I am not playing WoW and will never play again, it is just an example. Yeah I compare, why I do it, because everyone do it.

When you release an MMO you have to get everything that the others have (especially WoW), so the game has to have everything that WoW has at the beginning, when you lunch the game, but it hasn't.

Second you lack of information and ignorance to the community is one of the mistakes you have done in the past.

I think you searching for an financial model to keep the game and not for ideas to fix it, thats why you fail, because you ignore the community. Playing on the Mac and waiting still waiting for a native client, but I know this will never happen. Just playing on bootcamp and everything is fine, but will be nicer to get a native client.

So when playing on my PC the game crashes as well, with the newest hardware. I mean what the **** yeah you point it out.


One thing to say at last, they are fail decisions that have been made. And someone is responsible for that, when I would be a senior manager I would fire that person, because the fail decisions made the things complicated to now.

I would fire that person long time ago, because they are lack of information from the beginning and the management decisions that are made are terrible.

EA as a publisher have some knowledge of putting a MMO on the market, see WAR and a few other. I really thought that EA have learned to mange this, but when I see now what happened with SWTOR I can say "nope" they haven't learned. The person that is responsible for that at EA should be fired, but this not happen. The person will keep doing until he or she will be replaced by someone competent, that have his or her eyes open wide.

Thats what you need in that business today.




Look at the mess EA made of Warhammer. how quick did that go F2P

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Look at the mess EA made of Warhammer. how quick did that go F2P


its not free to play its only free unlimited for T1 RVR, its still a pay to play model


What are the restrictions on the Free Trial?


Free Trial accounts are restricted to Tier 1 of the Empire versus Chaos pairing. This includes Tier 1 scenarios but does not include access to the Capital Cities or the other racial pairings within the game.

Free Trial users are unable to send mail to other players, use the Auction House and Bank, or trade face-to-face with any player; however, they can receive mail.

Free Trial accounts are limited to designated servers. If you'd like to play with friends on other servers, you will need to purchase a retail copy of the game and transfer your character to their server (or create a new character on their server). All characters Rank 11 and under on purchased accounts have access to unlimited transfers, with a max of one transfer per day. Please note that you can only transfer characters to the same server type as the server you created your characters on (Core, Open RvR, and Roleplay). Please see the full server list here for details about each server, including server type. Alternatively, if you have a friend who is currently playing WAR, you can ask them for a Recruit-a-Friend code that will allow you to create a Recruit-a-Friend trial account which has access to all servers. Please see the Recruit-a-Friend section for more information.

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I hope you go bankrupt. I will not buy another Bioware product voluntarily again.


I think the F2P will be good for people who play SWTOR. For example if you are already subscribing to WOW or another MMO it will be a lot cheaper to have F2P then paying for both of them.

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Lets see what happens when this hits the 100 page max in the thread. I think all your going to see is a new thread start with absolutely no comment from our devs that are doing such a wonderful job of keeping this game alive... of course you know that is nothing but sarcastic. This game is complete salvageable but only if this free to play option is taken off the board and they stop these force server mergers.


I would place a bet here in Vegas that we don't see any kind of comment from our so called dev team this week. This is a bet I would be happy to loose.. but the odds are in my favor. I doubt this game will live to see the end of the year at this rate.

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So... when they do go F2P ... who's going to start supporting the "credit farmers"? (Of course I don't expect an answer to that). We all know that since people will be able to create mule accounts its going to happen and screw with the games economy... I wonder if there was any thought to this?


I'm still going to pay for my sub, and I will hold on until the bitter end like I did SWG. :cry:

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Max level 15 and 2 planets by class isn't the 50% of the game, with luck you're talking about 20% of it.


You know what's wrong with the people that leave?




Simple as that.


That's only the "trial" - the F2P will be up to lvl 50, and all the class stories. Some WZ, Some FP, no Ops. So... its pretty well %50.


I get the 6 month, its like 12 bucks a month, and as long as I can still lord over the F2Pers I'll be happy.

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Just unsubbed myself, do not feel unlimited pvp and a few ops is worth $15 a month. When more than half the game is free why would I want to pay a full sub? Maybe $5 a month or something but I refuse to pay $15 for very little difference in game play. Sending my money back to wow so I can play with my pokemans and kung fu pandas. I like swtor but do not support business decisions that trivialize players devotion and subs so will only play f2p on my account now. I paid long enough and paid too much for the initial box to pay more than f2p for very little more content. Maybe if there was actual space combat off rails or open world pvp or if Ilum worked but nope not worth it imo. You guys may like it and thats your business I wont argue it as I hope people also respect my own opinion you or your flaming wont change it. Gl all safe travels!
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F2P up to level 50, are you insane!!! Even the giant WoW is only free up to level 20. Mind you the current level cap in WoW is 85.


How about F2P up to the end of your factions capital world without access to the fleet (Add a shuttle at the spaceport just for the F2P people) The GTN and mail should be restricted as well as player to player trades.


The community could live with that but up to level 50 is just EPIC-FAIL.


Listen to us or you will regret it when you are out of business.

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I think the F2P will be good for people who play SWTOR. For example if you are already subscribing to WOW or another MMO it will be a lot cheaper to have F2P then paying for both of them.


Not really common... :jawa_tongue: Most people in the MMO world who have tried playing 2 MMOs at once stopped and just focused on one. This is because it made them feel like multi-tasking with too much to do... :jawa_frown: So I don't think that sort of thing is gonna happen. :jawa_wink:

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II think Bw/ Ea just sealed their fate so much for the single/multiplayer version. You should of started Ftp at the beginning now all of us paying subs just got slapped in the face like what we did for 8-9 months means nothing now. Once the store opens you can buy gear we had to grind for in 10 seconds.


A new droid companion non romanceable companions no same sex companions no more storyline. just exactly what do you want a 50th level to do sit here do dailys for 3-4 5 almost 6 months ??. Get rid of credits for everything let guilds work with guild status let legacy get itmes based on legacy levels not credits, geeze I thought warcraft guild system was bad yours takes the cake a guild should be given its own rewards not have to grind for every god damn thing in game.

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So- originally I thought this was a god awful idea.. but guess what? as it turns out- I don't know everything! I know right? big surprise ;)


Yeah, after doing some research, considering the market as it is, the competition, etc. I really think its a great idea, but time and circumstance will tell-because as it stands... I still don't know everything! wow what a concept-if only it were more well received by the masses.. oh well.


Look, WOW all bs aside, is a pretty cool game-but guess what? It had nothing compared to what it is now when it launched- I know it was a different time period blah blah blah- moral of the story is- it takes time to build on a great mmo, which I fully find swtor to be. Enabling a F2p option will keep people coming in to check on the games evolution, most likely get many more subscribers as time goes on (just like whats happened with almost every other decent to great mmo that went f2p), etc. Considering the evolution of other mmos -the potential with this game is nearly limitless(- at least in my opinion :) wouldn't want to offend the trolls now would I?)

Not to mention, people greatly satisfied about a product typically won't rant on about it in a forum. Since they are satisfied, they typically leave well enough alone. People unsatisfied however, and unfortunately, leave the most predominant excess of outcries (although completely understandable)- When combined with the excess of TROLLS however (who as we all know have only the intention to piss and moan/**** on everything because they are worthless little *****) it adds to an absurd excess of, and occasionally belligerent, negativity that is by far unnecessary and undesirable leaving a large percentage of positive feedback mostly unspoken-at least in my experience :)


Great game Bioware/ea please keep up the great work and content! I love it and so do many more :)


"We're like fleas on an elephant. The ones on its foot say "hey this planet looks like a foot", those on its head say "no no no, this planet looks like a head." get it? We're all standing on different vantage points and most of us are about as useful as fleas-"


-Artemis Baratheon Whore-strong 1636

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So- originally I thought this was a god awful idea.. but guess what? as it turns out- I don't know everything! I know right? big surprise ;)


Yeah, after doing some research, considering the market as it is, the competition, etc. I really think its a great idea, but time and circumstance will tell-because as it stands... I still don't know everything! wow what a concept-if only it were more well received by the masses.. oh well.


Look, WOW all bs aside, is a pretty cool game-but guess what? It had nothing compared to what it is now when it launched- I know it was a different time period blah blah blah- moral of the story is- it takes time to build on a great mmo, which I fully find swtor to be. Enabling a F2p option will keep people coming in to check on the games evolution, most likely get many more subscribers as time goes on (just like whats happened with almost every other decent to great mmo that went f2p), etc. Considering the evolution of other mmos -the potential with this game is nearly limitless(- at least in my opinion :) wouldn't want to offend the trolls now would I?)

Not to mention, people greatly satisfied about a product typically won't rant on about it in a forum. Since they are satisfied, they typically leave well enough alone. People unsatisfied however, and unfortunately, leave the most predominant excess of outcries (although completely understandable)- When combined with the excess of TROLLS however (who as we all know have only the intention to piss and moan/**** on everything because they are worthless little *****) it adds to an absurd excess of, and occasionally belligerent, negativity that is by far unnecessary and undesirable leaving a large percentage of positive feedback mostly unspoken-at least in my experience :)


Great game Bioware/ea please keep up the great work and content! I love it and so do many more :)


"We're like fleas on an elephant. The ones on its foot say "hey this planet looks like a foot", those on its head say "no no no, this planet looks like a head." get it? We're all standing on different vantage points and most of us are about as useful as fleas-"


-Artemis Baratheon Whore-strong 1636


Well said.

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I used to play a game that began as regular pay and later added a F2P option.

This caused problems with the paying people. I was a payer, and often had to wait for a quest objective to spawn because an F2Per had taken it.

This got very frustrating.

Now, that game is all F2P and you have to pay money to use certain features or buy advantages. It isn't nearly as good as it was originally.

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Just unsubbed myself, do not feel unlimited pvp and a few ops is worth $15 a month. When more than half the game is free why would I want to pay a full sub? Maybe $5 a month or something but I refuse to pay $15 for very little difference in game play. Sending my money back to wow so I can play with my pokemans and kung fu pandas. I like swtor but do not support business decisions that trivialize players devotion and subs so will only play f2p on my account now. I paid long enough and paid too much for the initial box to pay more than f2p for very little more content. Maybe if there was actual space combat off rails or open world pvp or if Ilum worked but nope not worth it imo. You guys may like it and thats your business I wont argue it as I hope people also respect my own opinion you or your flaming wont change it. Gl all safe travels!


Good tidings to you kind sir! Hopefully ... things will improve here, but it might take many years.

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So- originally I thought this was a god awful idea.. but guess what? as it turns out- I don't know everything! I know right? big surprise ;)


Yeah, after doing some research, considering the market as it is, the competition, etc. I really think its a great idea, but time and circumstance will tell-because as it stands... I still don't know everything! wow what a concept-if only it were more well received by the masses.. oh well.


Look, WOW all bs aside, is a pretty cool game-but guess what? It had nothing compared to what it is now when it launched- I know it was a different time period blah blah blah- moral of the story is- it takes time to build on a great mmo, which I fully find swtor to be. Enabling a F2p option will keep people coming in to check on the games evolution, most likely get many more subscribers as time goes on (just like whats happened with almost every other decent to great mmo that went f2p), etc. Considering the evolution of other mmos -the potential with this game is nearly limitless(- at least in my opinion :) wouldn't want to offend the trolls now would I?)

Not to mention, people greatly satisfied about a product typically won't rant on about it in a forum. Since they are satisfied, they typically leave well enough alone. People unsatisfied however, and unfortunately, leave the most predominant excess of outcries (although completely understandable)- When combined with the excess of TROLLS however (who as we all know have only the intention to piss and moan/**** on everything because they are worthless little *****) it adds to an absurd excess of, and occasionally belligerent, negativity that is by far unnecessary and undesirable leaving a large percentage of positive feedback mostly unspoken-at least in my experience :)


Great game Bioware/ea please keep up the great work and content! I love it and so do many more :)


"We're like fleas on an elephant. The ones on its foot say "hey this planet looks like a foot", those on its head say "no no no, this planet looks like a head." get it? We're all standing on different vantage points and most of us are about as useful as fleas-"


-Artemis Baratheon Whore-strong 1636


Can't argue this logic... time will tell. I've said it before... I'm going to stick with it as a paid sub.

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I used to play a game that began as regular pay and later added a F2P option.

This caused problems with the paying people. I was a payer, and often had to wait for a quest objective to spawn because an F2Per had taken it.

This got very frustrating.

Now, that game is all F2P and you have to pay money to use certain features or buy advantages. It isn't nearly as good as it was originally.


I definitely don't want to see this in SWTOR... Paying customers should lord over F2P leechers.

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I have four level 50's, one 16 and one 12. Used to play the hell out of this game until 1.3 When they didn't release rated warzones with a solo-queue option I stopped playing. Not only had my guild virtually disappeared because of all the early flaws, they expected me to find seven others to queue with? Yeah right dude LOL. So my sub ends in like 10 days and needless to say I won't be resubbing, Last time I will ever purchase a 6-month sub - BioWare didn't meet expectations for this game - they didn't even hit close. Too many "rails" - theme park MMO's are so dumb, especially when open-world PvP is NON-EXISTENT.


And now that F2P is here, it's an absolute joke. Way to destroy your own game LOL.

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i think F2P will kill SWTOR. You will add one wz, one operation, space missions...this is a joke? Where really content??? Siege, open/world pvp, guild ships???Tournaments / Events?? For what we paid?? You promised but nothing has been done. EA/Bioware you destroy your own game. Your game SHAME of the YEAR:mad:
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Personally, this is going to work for me. I'll continue to pay, but if I run into a bind where the funds may be needed elsewhere, I can afford to make the switch temporarily and not lose my ability to play, just lose some of the access points to the game, and that's cool too, I can deal with that.


This is a win/win situation. Keeps people in the game, keeps some people paying to get all the perks and allows those that can't pay or don't want to, with the ability to access the game. Hopefully this will all work out.


Can we get a definitive and absolute difference between the Pay to Play and the Free to Play versions out there? What are we giving up when we play for free and what are we gaining that makes 15 dollars a month worth while?

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