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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Battlefield Heroes and Battlefield Play4Free are totally major pay to win... what the hell games did you play?


Wrath of Heroes is indeed not pay to win... yet


I PLAY BFH and Battlefield Play4Free and there is not a single weapon i can't get for free.


Sorry to break it to you.

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I will unsub unless the features for subscribers become something much more impressive. I am not going to continue paying 15 dollars a month when all I get for it are lousy vanity items. I'm primarily a pvper so as long as they allow me to play warzones I don't really see anything worth staying subbed for.


Why doesn't Bioware introduce REAL features that people actually like not trying to milk people for cash in exchange for crappy vanity pets. Seriously I want my Togruta playable species not a stupid monkey lizard. Poor choices like these are why the game failed in the first place.

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Nobody. The model they are implementing doesn't take anything away from the current sub experience, only adds more players to the mix.


This. More players can only be a good thing. If the players enjoy it and convert, we all win.


I think the stats are correct in that most people do not like the Subscription model. I dont see this affecting anything at all.


The only thing i can see from this move are positives. Look forward to the cool new content!

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I'll continue subscribing at least until the F2P model starts. I still plan to play after that, but whether I buy a subscription or not will depend on how the F2P vs. subscription options turn out and what exactly can be purchased for cartel coins. I'm not much into endgame, mostly interested in the class stories, but I am very big on character appearance so I'll have to wait and see.
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Gonna play until we hit the Free to Play model, then unsub. The only true successful F2P transition was LOTRO and that is mostly because of the lore behind it. SWTOR may have that, but not from me.


Free to play model bring less content than sub-based models. Less developer time on content, more developer time on what they can put in the cash shop.

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LOL @ all the nubs who cry about unsubscribing because of F2P. They obviously haven't got a clue and are just assuming F2P somehow makes the game worse. Well it doesn't, IT MAKES THE GAME BETTER. All games have different F2P approaches, and when it is done right it saves the game and makes it way better than before. Just look at DCUO and LOTRO. And there are others that have done it right as well.


I am NOT unsubscribing! I will keep paying for my account. In fact, I just bought another account for a family member. And once it goes F2P, I know I will be bringing in a lot more people who will end up paying as well! Good job Bioware! You just saved this game! :D

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They will lose many subs over this. Just as many will stay though. Ive yet to see a sub game go f2p that doesn't hurt a large chunk of subs. As far as the f2p players they either make the server batter or turn it into that ally you should always avoid with in first few months. (like our forums) .

Its sad because many of us left had high hopes. This is only more failure. Im tired of people saying f2p is the normal now so whats the big deal. Its the sign of low players lol...they GO F2P to get them back...not because its the standard model now. For every good player and Q speed this brings us in the end; it will also bring 4xs as many bad players. F2P players dont have a sub to worry over so they NEVER leave unluss utterly bored.

They might as well adopt the path NCsoft has taken and give us an epic population... Not this Trion, SoE crap...


This team refuses to admit its mistakes; Ive never seen such an ego. We probably wont see to much more content added after the xpack. I wouldn't say that because Lotro continues to keep a steady flow of content; but this team takes light years to fix and update the game. Most new releases move like a bat out of hell to keep on top of this after release. These guys have just been a joke. No matter how much we try and like the game...

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Why would anyone leave over a FTP model that retains the subscription method and REWARDS subscribers?


People calling EA the devil for this. Is Turbine the devil too?


I'm here until the game shuts down (not for at least a decade :D)



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After reading this : How F2P will affect existing chars/ credits/ etc

I will not be renewing my sub too, used a pre paid card last time .. have about a month left.


I've pretty much only been playing this since launch and have enjoyed every minute of it, but free to play is not for me.


I'd gladly pay a monthly sub if i know that everyone in the game has exactly the same access as myself ( and i have been since launch ), but having a bunch of people ( the majority ) with restricted access will affect everything - from pvp/ pve queue times ( due to limited wz/ fps played per week ) to the economy ( due to limited amount of usable credits ) and that's not something I'd pay for.


Considering I won't be able to play all my chars or use most of my credits I also won't be able to really play with a f2p account.


either make it truly f2p with all content available and new content in the form of expansions 2-3 times / year or just make subs cheaper.

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I will unsub unless the features for subscribers become something much more impressive. I am not going to continue paying 15 dollars a month when all I get for it are lousy vanity items. I'm primarily a pvper so as long as they allow me to play warzones I don't really see anything worth staying subbed for.


Why doesn't Bioware introduce REAL features that people actually like not trying to milk people for cash in exchange for crappy vanity pets. Seriously I want my Togruta playable species not a stupid monkey lizard. Poor choices like these are why the game failed in the first place.


Actually its players with attitudes like your own that has shaped people opinions of the game. They come and look at the forums thinking they wouldn't mind trying it, see all the winging and raging, and the this game is dead, this game has failed. People read it, believe it and then quit.


All you do is fuel your own demise.

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They will lose many subs over this. Just as many will stay though. Ive yet to see a sub game go f2p that doesn't hurt a large chunk of subs. As far as the f2p players they either make the server batter or turn it into that ally you should always avoid with in first few months. (like our forums) .


As long as it turns out no worse the LoTRO, I'm fine with it. If it turns out better, that is gravy.

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After reading this : How F2P will affect existing chars/ credits/ etc

I will not be renewing my sub too, used a pre paid card last time .. have about a month left.


I've pretty much only been playing this since launch and have enjoyed every minute of it, but free to play is not for me.


I'd gladly pay a monthly sub if i know that everyone in the game has exactly the same access as myself ( and i have been since launch ), but having a bunch of people ( the majority ) with restricted access will affect everything - from pvp/ pve queue times ( due to limited wz/ fps played per week ) to the economy ( due to limited amount of usable credits ) and that's not something I'd pay for.


Considering I won't be able to play all my chars or use most of my credits I also won't be able to really play with a f2p account.


either make it truly f2p with all content available and new content in the form of expansions 2-3 times / year or just make subs cheaper.


Sooooo, dont unsub?

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I am out for sure. I just hate it how Bioware / EA have been screwing this game over and over again. Barely any new content, they don't listen to the community and now this! They have just given up on the game and trying to milk it for what it is worth.
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