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Everything posted by Nereves

  1. Not having HD textures. Oh wait... That's still a problem. 😉
  2. Don't get me wrong, I'll use and probably find some enjoyment in strongholds, and you're right, not everyone wants to socialize in a social game, but the world feels dead, and that is not something that has changed since beta. There is a huge cantina on bar shadda that gets a few quests through it and no more. The devs wanted to artificially create Orgrimar (sp?) from wow. The station is an interesting idea, but Org naturally became the hangout, it wasn't forced as far as I know. I think creating fun and peaceful locations for players to go would have developed the environment better than the stations
  3. Feel free to not reply. I think we've had a pretty decent discussion so far. Let's hope everyone doesn't feel obliged to post in threads they don't care about. I'm enjoying the game, and I'm not asking for a handout or demanding they meet my demands, I just thought I'd like to hear others thoughts on the subject of player housing.
  4. True enough, I was more or less trying to hear what others think about this particular topic though. More of a rhetorical question.
  5. I cannot remember the last time I watched a ship intro scene, beta perhaps lol. Also, did you mean fore shadowing? I don't pick up on anything evil said by the Droid. Also, I don't take him literally when he speaks of home away from home. It implies your character does have a home, but... A trooper's home are his barracks, a sith on korriban gets a room in sure... Is that home? A smuggler really does have a home, his ship. Sense a pattern? ��
  6. Mannequins would actually be a good idea for the gear I don't want to vendor...
  7. Who doesn't care for strongholds? The guild ship is cool, but I always assumed our ships were our homes. We still don't have a cantina with actual gambling/ pazaak/ swoop racing. I don't mind the personalization of our own place, but again, I always hoped the ships would be used for that.
  8. I am saddened by this turn of events. I shall be cancelling my sub before the next pay period. o7
  9. I and several other beta testers that I spoke with mentioned this last year, unfortunately it's a "feature" that they decided to put in the game. They wanted to set a mood on planets that fit the tone of the story... etc. Unfortunately, this is the worst mistake as far as "fluff" that I personally think they could make. Day/ Night cycles need to be in games to CHANGE the mood of the planet, if there are any former EQ players, just think of Kithicor Forest at night in years past, it was a completely different (and far mor brutal) zone. Sadly, I don't believe they will ever bring day/ night in, possibly though we might see more weather effects...
  10. Here's the problem with TOR. I literally just spliced these together, no settings were changed, just the zone. (I went from fleet to fleet departures, not sure why it changed, but it did...) The image on the right still has some issues with it's visuals... but it's far more detailed, the visor is awesome! Sadly, the left image is what we play with 90% of the time. For the longest time I did not know that my visor actually looked as good as it does on the right. http://i1152.photobucket.com/albums/p487/Rogue_Orracle/mash.jpg
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