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Official F2P Announcement


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Sigh 72 pages and counting. As if any dev is going to read all of it. ..



Just throwing out there. F2P noobs probably need a place to post questions that may get answered by senior players. How about a segregated F2P section of the forums? AND, while I am dreaming... How about putting new F2P players on their own servers, with coming back players being able to use their own server or the F2P server? I would guess Bioware by then MIGHT have players choice server transfers that could be bought with bioware/ real life money so you could move your toon off that F2P server for a COST...

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I read the first 30 pages, did not even want to read that much but like a car wreck I just could not tear myself away. :o


Anyway, Not unexpected, but I am still a little disappointed. I, for one, have no intention of unsubbing at this point. Although I only have two characters I actively play, I want unfettered access to everything this game has to offer and $15/month is a small price to pay for that convenience.


Only time will tell how much value *A* cartel coin will have. We can all speculate all we want, but no one, I repeat no one, will KNOW until BioWare tells us. And if it really is just vanity type stuff, I have no problem with it; I'll buy what I want and forgo the rest.


If/when CCs turn this game into P2W, I WILL quit, but until then...

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Well, my thread got closed, and I was redirected here.........


It DIDN'T have to go F2P... did it .......


At the onset of this game, it was a known it was going to be a monthly sub. Early conjecture allowed us to believe it was going to be competitive with WoW's sub, so, most of us in Beta figured $15.00/month.....


So, anyone who shelled out $60 or more for the game, and is now whining for F2P, well, just go get lost, for lack of more terse directions......


The game didn't need to go F2P, at any time, until Bioware sold out to EA......


If the game had developers who knew MMO's, we'd not be here. The LEAD guy obviously has no clue, and can't even make his own forum posts.


If the game had delivered the features that were ripped out during Beta, had the game not been rushed out prematurely for the money grab, we'd not be here.


Had ranked warzones been delivered on time, we'd not be here. Had PVP balance been more tweaked from the onset, instead of massive imbalances brought about by their 'internal testing' (I wonder what body area this 'internal testing' occurred ) and Beta testers that no one listened to.


And, I'll wager their 'Internal Testing' happens on their local LAN connection, rather than from an outside connection.......to simulate ... well, outside connections, where the PAYING players would connect from? Anyone wanna guess how many bugs do NOT get caught due to testing over a LAN connection to the server?


Had the Customer Service been at least adequate, we'd not be here.


Had the designer of the latest fashions been fired on the spot, and his craptastic armor designs scrapped immediately, we'd not be here.


Had the dev team worked on fixing bugs in end game content sooner, we'd not be here. Master loot bugs, Soa's floor pieces missing, I can go on.......


Had augments not made crafting obsolete, we'd not be here.


Had the LFG tool been available MUCH earlier, if not at launch, not been riddled with bugs, especially with finding replacement players, we'd not be here.


Had the graphics been optimized initially, instead of still being sub par, we'd not be here. Who launches a game with no AA?


I can't even whisper a guild member from my guild tab.... I mean... REALLY? I have to type out a guildies name, or keep ALL guildies on my friends list ...??? REALLY ????


No, we're here because for no other reason, other than complete and total FAIL at MMO comprehension and production.


This game has/had so much potential, it makes me sick.


I will tell you one thing: I will not touch a game produced by BW, EA, or any former lead from this dev team, regardless of what company they're working for next year. The current lead hasn't touched code since 16 bit ......I'm sure the role of salesman is satisfactory.........this includes those who are bailing before F2P in order to appear 'clean' of this fiasco.........


I'm at this time still paying my sub, as I'm GM of a fairly progressive guild. I will watch and wait, and see...



But all of this crappola was unnecessary. Calling it an MMO now is insulting to the Genre.


The doctors should hang their head in shame, and BW/EA should NEVER be entrusted with another valuable IP ever again.


'Well, F2P is becoming the industry standard......'



WoW was the big boy on the block. Other players in the field wanted a piece of the action. Games were made, but didn't compare.... the F2P model was pursued more rigorously, in order to attempt another piece of the pie.... .

Free appeals to people, no doubt about it.


So, what we end up with, is WoW as P2P, mostly the rest using F2P in order to get YOU wanting that new fluffy pair of pink bedroom slippers that you'll wear while standing around town.

So, now we have 'industry experts' decrying how F2P is the future of gaming .. having the gall to mention Social Media Apps in the same sentence.......


WoW vs. Swtor vs. Farmville? REALLY ...???


It's the CURRENT trend, as long as the industry attempts to rip whatever they can from WoW, rather than create their own unique game. And they try to do so at any cost.........


In a year, maybe two, the saturation of F2P crap games will allow a new window for P2P.......where a company, and their DEV team, set out to make something full featured, optimized, unique, and where the DEV team actually is in charge, rather than SIM playing CEO's who have no real clue about the gaming industry........and MMO's in particular........

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It comes down to value for dollars.


Compare this game to others with profitable subscription models. What do I get for my $15/month? If I play WoW today I have access to three continents full of lovingly-crafted content, 30+ raids, 60+ unique instances, all kinds of unique vanity items, and an active population of experienced players. Sure, it took 7 years to get there, but that's what I get for my money today.


There's plenty of high-value voiced story content in SWTOR, but for people not into alts, a lot of the value of that has been lost--this was perhaps the greatest miscalculation on Bioware's end. This game has needed to give us more for our money since launch, and I see F2P as being a fair approach, and one that should really spur the devs to create updates, as that will become a primary revenue source.

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He murdered the franchise, alienated all the fans.


Lucasarts should have aborted their brainchild before 1997...


Yeah, he murdered it sooooo bad that each movie in the prequel became one of the highest grossing films of all time! If that doesn't say "slaughtered franchise", I don't know what does! :rolleyes:

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It comes down to value for dollars.


Compare this game to others with profitable subscription models. What do I get for my $15/month? If I play WoW today I have access to three continents full of lovingly-crafted content, 30+ raids, 60+ unique instances, all kinds of unique vanity items, and an active population of experienced players. Sure, it took 7 years to get there, but that's what I get for my money today.


There's plenty of high-value voiced story content in SWTOR, but for people not into alts, a lot of the value of that has been lost--this was perhaps the greatest miscalculation on Bioware's end. This game has needed to give us more for our money since launch, and I see F2P as being a fair approach, and one that should really spur the devs to create items they will sell in the cash shop, as that will become a primary revenue source.


Fixed that for ya.

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Yeah, he murdered it sooooo bad that each movie in the prequel became one of the highest grossing films of all time! If that doesn't say "slaughtered franchise", I don't know what does! :rolleyes:


going back and puting mr wooden i mean hyden whats his name in place of the real death vader in return as well as replacing alex guinness with mcgregor class right there :rolleyes: not

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I loved the game .. oh well. I will never buy another EA/BW game and unsubbed. No you can't have my stuff it is going to rot!


To me this shows that EA will change the core of the game at anytime to make more money and that isn't worth sticking around for.


To all the idiots that think it won't cost more money or the items won't be P2W you are fooling yourself. Why would they give subscibers any tokens at all if you didn't need them? What happens when you run out? Every F2P game starts like this and they all end up costing more in the end.,


Next month SWTOR launches as a facebook game.

Edited by kitsinni
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I loved the game .. oh well. I will never buy another EA/BW game and unsubbed. No you can't have my stuff it is going to rot!


To me this shows that EA will change the core of the game at anytime to make more money and that isn't worth sticking around for.


To all the idiots that think it won't cost more money or the items won't be P2W you are fooling yourself. Why would they give subscibers any tokens at all if you didn't need them? What happens when you run out? Every F2P game starts like this and they all end up costing more in the end.,


Next month SWTOR launches as a facebook game.


Tell it like it is brotha. :rolleyes:

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<broken record>

If you enjoy the features you get from a SWTOR subscription today, then stay subbed. If you don't enjoy playing today, unsub.


Anyone who subs to a game they currently don't enjoy because they have hopes about the future is a sucker (IMO). Likewise, anyone who enjoys the game today but unsubs because of their perception as to how the future will be is also a sucker.


Maybe the game will go to hell and a handbasket because of F2P. Maybe it will become P2W. When you stop enjoying the game as it is in the present, that is the time to unsub.

</broken record>


Myself, I expect to be around for at least a couple more months. In any event, you can be sure I will unsub when I no longer enjoy the game.

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i gave up on STO a month ago, why? because it went into the toilet since it went P2W. ever since it went F2P until its P2W, the community was dreadful and before that, it was good because it was sub only. im not going to get into that debate over if its good or bad since there will be people who will agree to disagree and leave it at that, so make of it as you will.


there have been a few bad apples in a generally good natured community with the odd trolling attempt on swtor so far, but any game can have this issue. with this new model coming out though, bioware will have to deal with gold spammers, probably from china and russia or a regular basis and how they deal with this is another matter that needs to be looked at. because of my jaded experience with how awful cryptic and PWE were, with their customer experience, im just concerned this game could turn into another p***ing match and split the community down the middle instead of dealing with the issues and keeping the peace while avoiding driving more players out of the box. i dont mean to be rude about it, it's just i dont want lightening to strike twice and see another good game become one of the worst things since the black death in europe hundreds of years ago because of a terrible business choice.


but as far as the F2P model goes, i would like more info on how 'extremely limited access' applies to the GTN. besides that, the game is pretty good and i have a very strong presense on the server i am on as it is with its legacy, not about to giving that up anyway and combine it with regular content and bugs fixes, especially the hard ones and i would happily sub for as long as the game is in operation.

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Just opened a new thread to cover a specific perspective on the F2P announcement and it got closed in 1 min. :(

Confirms all worries I had.


Really did not want to quit this game, really like it but I am very concerned about what the game will become

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What lots of people seem to be missing is how soon this change occurred. And at what subscription level. I find it very odd that we are moving to a free to play model not 8 months after the game released, and with well over 500k subs. Even by a low estimate we are at around 700k, well above the magic 500k mark they put out. It is also very odd because server transfers seem to have stabilized the subscriptions somewhat.


The move to free to play has come far far to soon. I suspect executive meddling.

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Both articles prove my point thanks. This quote in particular says EXACTLY what I said.




They figured it was not worth it to renew the license. It says nothing about Lucasarts. In fact the article's title says "SOE decides to pull the plug".


Except no where did I say LA was the sole force behind shutting SWG down. It was a mutal decision backed by several reasons. You have been trying to tell me SOE made them shut down SWG and that they wanted to keep it going. That is not true.

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What lots of people seem to be missing is how soon this change occurred. And at what subscription level. I find it very odd that we are moving to a free to play model not 8 months after the game released, and with well over 500k subs. Even by a low estimate we are at around 700k, well above the magic 500k mark they put out. It is also very odd because server transfers seem to have stabilized the subscriptions somewhat.


The move to free to play has come far far to soon. I suspect executive meddling.


I agree. I can honestly safe that EA is behind the decision imho. The tone of their conference call seemed to be nothing but "How do we make da most monies now that TOR is a miss"

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My two cents on the whole thing (contains spoilers).


Super fanboy or not, you have to at least recognize trends when you see them. The quality of Bioware's products has gone down steadily sense aquisition by EA (that can't be denied). EA continues to be near the bottom of consumer confidence (that is a fact). Given both of those, can either be trusted to deliver a decent F2P game? After all, they have managed to screw up what could have been a decent subscription based game.


IMHO, the main problems can't be fixed with subs or F2P.


The game is incredibly shallow. Once you get pass the voice overs, there is not much there. The Sith Assassin was fun, but if I want to try the Sorcerer, that means I have to play the same exact quests. In and of itself not a bad thing if it weren't for the fact that all the class quests are basically the same (start as a lowly guy, get betrayed or wronged in some way, seek revenge, take over/save the galaxy).


The Republic Soldier line was decent, but early on the concequencies were kind of stupid. I have my character say in a very nice way to a little kid "I really think you should go back to your parents" and I get dark side points. ***? Did any of the writers proof read to see if that made sense? (I'm not listing all of the classes but you get the idea).


The game comes off as being a single player game with multiplayer tacked on. There really is not much of a reason to form a community if you can do the bulk of the game by yourself, really only needing to be in a guild to run ops and flashpoints or to go into a warzone together (which aren't that fun to begin with). And when it comes down to it, ops just boil down to "beat the enrage timer."


Classes have been nerf to the point where it's nothing but "flavor of the month" DPS builds, which wouldn't be all that bad if everyone didn't look the same. And what is with the armor? It's like the devs said "screw KOTOR" and went with something that looks at home in the Elder Scrolls universe.


Ultimately for me, the game just got boring. This revelation came to me as I was finishing up my daily Illum quest of just riding around in a circle for 30 minutes to collect some canisters and maybe help kill the occasional Republic guy that came along. That's really all I had to look foward to, since there was never enough lvl 50 players to get a decent warzone match going. Sure, I could make an alt, but the game as designed isn't really conducive for taking your time. You can breeze through some of the story content then hit wall because some of the bosses seem to not have been playtested/designed with both advanced classess in mind (ala colicoid broodmother), which forces you to grind side quests to point where you are practically over leveled for the next planet, let alone that one boss on your current planet. Rinse and repeat.


There are far too many issues in this game for a simple switch to F2P to do any good, and the F2P people will realize this and leave. And if you alienate them by not letting them onto the forums with the subscription players, they aren't going to stay around and pay for their micro transaction.


F2P cannot save bad game design, bad gameplay, and bad developer decisions.

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