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The solution to the Quitter epidemic


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Not only are people leaving but some are just staying in the WZ doing nothing but turtling. That is just as annoying. Why PvP at all if you are just going to give up and not do anything?


Well the reason they do this one's pretty obvious-- comms (and daily credit). Which is why I find it so funny when people are extremely quick trigger finger on leaving a WZ

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How about this plan.


1. If you don't have the time to be bothered with getting the free pvp gear at least then you can't queue for pvp.


2. If your in a match and haven't attacked a healing class then good bye your kicked out.




Those are the 2 things that make me quit. I'm not wasting my time with lazy people who can't gear up or with stupid people who can't think.

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Don't care if they put in punishment for quitting as long as they let me que for the game I want to play. I know its a crazy idea to let me do what I find fun in the MMO that I pay $14.99 a month for...


If they put in punishment and I am forced to play huttball, then I will personally make it my quest to defeat the fire hazard, and I don't care how many deaths it takes me or how many losses I am responsible for I will run into the fire until it is defeated!!!!! :D

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Bioware doesn't care about people leaving a warzone. Do you know how I know? Queue with the group finder and if it takes forever, queue for a warzone too. If you get a prompt for doing something with the group finder they remove you from the warzone immediately if you take it. PvE priorities > PvP.
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I know your angry, and I feel the same way sometimes!!


Two Solutions;

BW should have anti-hacking. I don't care if it takes up more resources and privacy.

This way people won't quit, because they won't think the other team is winning unfairly (cheating).


Trying to be positive with this one....losing just happens, if your losing very badly anyway who cares if people quit? Stay for the money if you would like, and move on. Also you could use this as a chance to experiment with new plays, or test out new hiding spots/shortcuts on the map. Every team has bad days. But again your losing badly anyway, if the "quitters" would have stayed it might not have made a big difference in the outcome of the game. But don't get me wrong It makes me mad too, especially when it's a good player.



Now one point I have to bring up is the kind of cheating BW can't fix. They have even talked about this publicly. It comes to mind when a player logs out right at the beg, or right at the end..well the middle too. Especially at the end. Who wouldn't stay for the money? If you leave in the beg, who wouldn't at least give it a shot first? Point is, it could be cheaters logging off with one character from the impl/repub side, while having one character already in game on repub/imp side (or vice versa). They would have to have 2-3 accounts. BW did mention that this happens and that there is nothing they can do. Why would they? They are getting triple the money. ** btw players might leave mid game once they see the opposite team is losing horribly, they have done their job, so now it's time to go.

Edited by NoaFlux
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The solution:


You put them in their own queue & force them to play only with other quitters.


All of them.

  • The one who quits because his team is bads
  • The one who quits vs overgeared opposition
  • The one who quits vs premades
  • The one who quits when people don't go after objectives
  • The one who quits because someone didn't call "incoming"
  • The one who quits because someone on his team had no expertise
  • The quitters who quit because huttball is forceball
  • The quitters who quit NC because it is a bad game
  • The quitters who quit VS because it is zergstar
  • The quitters who quit Civil War because is is a bad game
  • The quitter who quits because he PAYS to have fun and losing with noobs isnt fun
  • The quitter who quits because fail Bioware doesn't allow you pick your WZ
  • The quitter who quits because it's inefficient to lose when you can quit and get a good team
  • The one who usually sticks it out except when......
  • The one who quits because his guildies logged in
  • The one who quit because the group finder popped
  • The one who quits vs a team of too many Sent/Marauder
  • The one who quits vs a team of too many Pyro/Vanguards
  • etc


Once you lump them all together, PvP for the quitter, who has his "valid" reasons, will quickly become unplayable. Soon the quitter will get mad at other quitters.


And then they will unsub from the game. You can say that it's better if they do, but that's never true. MMOs don't work when no one wants to play. We all saw how true this was (or at least most of us did) just before the server transfers hit... Long WZ queues, nothing on the market, no one on the world you're on, hard to get a team for much of anything...


You're missing the point. I hate when people quit as much as you do (and I hate getting backfilled even more), but you have to understand that people quit because they aren't having fun. Punishing them for avoiding frustration is only going to make the problem worse. If you want to solve this problem, you need to address the reasons why people quit. LOOK AT YOUR LIST... About half of reasons are completely valid reasons to want to quit! Playing against an opponent by whom you're completely outmatched is nothing but frustrating... If you hate huttball, then when every other match is huttball (as it was for a while on my old server) you're either going to quit when you get it, or you're just going to stop queuing up in the first place. Punish the quitters, and the latter is the guaranteed result. And then we're back where we were before server transfers.


Instead, fix the things that make PvP unfun for people. It's mostly about getting fair matches, as far as I've seen. I've suggested a way to fix that in this thread.


I sympathize 100% with you, but your solution = fail.

Edited by Bladeprophet
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And then they will unsub from the game. .........I sympathize 100% with you, but your solution = fail.


So a "punishment" of having to play with quitters is such a harsh "punishment" it will cause people to quit?


Yet you leave them to ruin pvp for normal players?

I do not understand.


I think the quitters are all so elite that a seperate queue for them will become an elite pool of players.


Edited by richardya
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I think I found a solution to the quitter epidemic and it is not a ban. Not 5 minutes not 15 minutes or an hour. It is such a perfect solution it may be described as poetic. The best part is, the delusional quitters will be in favor of it and welcome it.


The solution:


The game should keep track of quitters behind the scenes. Every time you quit a losing match or match that has not yet started you get a point (shhh it's really a bad point) and every time you quit a winning match you lose a point. (The latter is just to prevent the DC'er from being lumped in with quitters.) This quitter point number is not displayed. If you play X number of matches without quitting you also remove a point. This is to allow reform to those who see the error of their ways. Once this metric is in-game for enough time to get solid numbers the solution begins.


You put them in their own queue & force them to play only with other quitters.


All of them.

  • The one who quits because his team is bads
  • The one who quits vs overgeared opposition
  • The one who quits vs premades
  • The one who quits when people don't go after objectives
  • The one who quits because someone didn't call "incoming"
  • The one who quits because someone on his team had no expertise
  • The quitters who quit because huttball is forceball
  • The quitters who quit NC because it is a bad game
  • The quitters who quit VS because it is zergstar
  • The quitters who quit Civil War because is is a bad game
  • The quitter who quits because he PAYS to have fun and losing with noobs isnt fun
  • The quitter who quits because fail Bioware doesn't allow you pick your WZ
  • The quitter who quits because it's inefficient to lose when you can quit and get a good team
  • The one who usually sticks it out except when......
  • The one who quits because his guildies logged in
  • The one who quit because the group finder popped
  • The one who quits vs a team of too many Sent/Marauder
  • The one who quits vs a team of too many Pyro/Vanguards
  • etc


Once you lump them all together, PvP for the quitter, who has his "valid" reasons, will quickly become unplayable. Soon the quitter will get mad at other quitters. They will argue about what is a justifiable reason to quit. They will all have their own delusional reason and not respect other reasons. Slowly it will sink in that if everyone quit for their own "justifiable" reason there would be no PvP. They will realize that they have been leaching off of the non-quitter all this time. They will realize that a random queue is a random queue and sometimes you get a bad deal. They will become decent players as they learn to play against better teams. They will have the rare comeback victory that is worth 10 regular victories. They may start sticking it out and join the normal population of players once their quitter score is lowered.


They will become decent members of the community


My solution is better.

Make ppl read manuals about their classes and wz tactics before they will start to play.

Cus if there no bad player-> no quitters.

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1. Let's start with a way to penalize people who are incompetent / trolling / hacking / afk / botting / otherwise wasting our time first.

2. You replied to your own post. Hard to say which is the least classy: your MO or your proposal.



Edited by Eggsalicious
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Being able to choose the war zones you want to play in would be really nice too. If I never saw Denova Coast again, I wouldn't miss it...


No no. I've thought about this. Not a fan. Here are some reasons;


1) I used to hate huttball now i love it, I use to love Novare Coast now I hate it. The point is your likes and dislikes change. I would have never realized I liked huttball if we could choose the map. I like randomness!


2) I like variety and it's that simple. Take away variety and I might go to another game..."variety is the spice of life" The more the better. You could say, "well you can still play different maps, while others choose specific ones". Wrong again, I would still leave the game. This would make the matches unfair as I would have to go against "specialtiy" players, who specialize in that map. Making it unfair.


3.)I like playing with varied players too. If we choose the match we will always be against those with the same level of skill and knowledge of that "map". Map choice would make each warzone even tougher to enter for beginners and even for pros who like variety.Part of BW "playing god" as creators of the game, is that they have to make things fair and equal. This means that there have to be teams that lose too, or teams that have some bad, and some good players. If you are playing on a map and you aren't as good at as another player that just makes the game more interesting. We all have strengths and weaknesses.


I like warzones how they are. I play them non stop. I wouldn't play SWTOR if it wasn't for WZ and if they change them dramatically I would leave after all my hard work.




...would be to reward us with special tokens, in which after 5 or so matches we could indeed choose what map we want to play on!!!!! I would be down for this!

Edited by NoaFlux
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My solution is better.

Make ppl read manuals about their classes and wz tactics before they will start to play.

Cus if there no bad player-> no quitters.


Oh, your whole team is bad that is why you quit. I am o sorry I didn't realize this. This whole time I could not understand it and now I get it. The quitter is playing with bads and that is unfair so he quits. Got it.


Quitter = Elite

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It has gotten to be a bigger problem lately for some reason.


Got into several groups late after people quit. Got 2 in a row once and go in to the people still there yelling that no one came to help when they called and I wondered if they realized half the team there at that time had just shown up.


I kind of feel bad that I saw the match was lost already and just went and sat by a node and advised others to do the same to get their medals; but there comes a point when you need to cut your losses and try to at least get something out of the worthless match you got thrown into late.

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You left out:


Because he disconnected.

Because he got stuck / bugged in some way.


aka: my personal top 2 reasons.


Because someone on his team was hacking/exploiting and he didnt want to win that way

Because the memory leak thats been around since closed beta froze his computer up

Because its huttaball and he doesnt like huttaball so leaves before game starts

Because he ques in to a lost WZ because someone else quit

Because obnoxious kids refuse to defend the bases you own causeing you to get ganked 1 vrs 7 (and then get yelled at by the same obnoxious kids that you didnt yell sooner about those stealthers coming your way)


I suspect the final one is why the OP having so much trouble with quitters (just a hunch)


The Warzone quitting issues isnt always cut and dry and for every rage quitter there is someone who was forced into it or doesnt owe the team anything and leave because its not fun.


Personally I try to NOT quit Warzones but Id be lieing if the thought doesnt run through my mind everytime I play Void star and myself and 1 other are fighting 6 opponents (and stopping them from bombing door) only to see the other door with 6 defenders allow 2 oppenents to get past them and plant bomb.


Wish I could say that was a uncommon happening.


But that would be a lie!


No one should get upset over losing, it happens.

But bad play (usually ends up being the person saying the stuff like the OP did quite frankly) also shouldnt be acceptable.


Everyone has their limits after all.

Edited by Kalfear
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Is this really an epidemic any more? I hate to be a glass half full kinda guy but after they changed the daily to you get a point even for a loss I rarely see people leaving unless its just a slaughter these days. Are you guys really seeing that many people leave?
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Is this really an epidemic any more? I hate to be a glass half full kinda guy but after they changed the daily to you get a point even for a loss I rarely see people leaving unless its just a slaughter these days. Are you guys really seeing that many people leave?


Its all over the place and usually I see people cussing at each other leading up to it. Maybe its just Pot5 server.n I just shake my head when they are busy doing that while the match is going on; and often ************ at a level 15 or other low level toon to boot.

Edited by Technohic
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And then they will unsub from the game. .........I sympathize 100% with you, but your solution = fail.

So a "punishment" of having to play with quitters is such a harsh "punishment" it will cause people to quit?


Punishing people for avoiding frustration will encourage them to quit, yes.


Yet you leave them to ruin pvp for normal players?

I do not understand.


That's because you apparently did not read the rest of my post. The point is, punishing frustrated players is stupid. They're already frustrated, and you want to make that worse by punishing them. A much better solution -- the part of my post you apparently completely overlooked -- is instead you fix the reasons why people are quitting. Almost all of the legitimate reasons are fixable, and most of them boil down to having a better match maker in the game. If the fights are fair, people have fun, and they don't quit. Letting people choose the war zones they want to play in also helps -- and as a side benefit Bioware also can collect data about what war zones are the most popular, which tells them how TO and how NOT TO build future war zones.


If you still can't understand this, then you are a lost cause.

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No no. I've thought about this. Not a fan. Here are some reasons;


1) I used to hate huttball now i love it, I use to love Novare Coast now I hate it. The point is your likes and dislikes change. I would have never realized I liked huttball if we could choose the map. I like randomness!


So, when you queue, pick all the maps.


2) I like variety and it's that simple.


So do I, but I've played enough Denova Coast matches to know that I do not like, and will never like, that war zone.

I don't like quitting war zones, but frankly, I'm pretty inclined to start leaving this one before the match starts. If I don't get a way to do that in the reasonably near future, I'll probably do that, and plenty of players already do.


The more the better.




You could say, "well you can still play different maps, while others choose specific ones".


Indeed I did! And I did so despite you saying this, for emphasis.


Wrong again, I would still leave the game.


You can disagree, but nothing I've said in this thread is provably wrong... Telling someone they're wrong is a great way to put people on the defensive, make them argue with you, and make them angry. You should avoid doing that, if you want to keep things civil.


At any rate, if you want to quit, go right ahead! Players will come and go... seriously. You should only play the game as long as it's fun for you. If the change was made, and you tried it out and found that it made things significantly worse for you and wanted to quit, I certainly would not hold that against you. But I doubt that would happen, and I think for the vast majority of players, allowing the selection of war zones could only make things better.


This would make the matches unfair as I would have to go against "specialtiy" players, who specialize in that map. Making it unfair.


Two reasons I disagree: First, people who don't want to play that map already tend to quit, and those that don't quit seem to tend to node camp or just 1v1 against whoever is near them. So you (and your team) probably gain nothing by forcing them to play a war zone they don't like, and in fact probably lose. Second, from chatting with people about this, I don't think it's true that people would only play one zone and specialize in that one zone... It seems to be generally true that players want more and varied war zones. There might be a few who would do that, but I believe the overwhelming majority of players would not.


Plus, the war zones are not exactly complicated... people who are good at huttball tend to also be good at voidstar, and all the other war zones. The basic strategies are mostly the same, and the map-specific strategies are quickly discoverable. Control the middle / your bunkers, work together to cap, support your team. That's pretty much it. Most of the variation is in execution, which comes down to individual player skill and coordination. The maps are mostly not interesting from a competition standpoint -- only from a variety standpoint.


Part of BW "playing god" as creators of the game, is that they have to make things fair and equal.




This means that there have to be teams that lose too, or teams that have some bad, and some good players.




Obviously there can be only one winner, but it's not true that all teams need to have some good and some bad players. It's not that hard to rank the players -- plenty of games have been doing this for years -- and you can queue bad players with bad players, and good players with good players. The link I gave in my first post in this thread describes one idea of how to do that.


If you are playing on a map and you aren't as good at as another player that just makes the game more interesting.


That's only true to a point, and that point varies greatly for each individual. If you walk out of your base, are immediately stunned, and then 3-shot before the stun wears off, and this happens over and over again, there's absolutely nothing interesting about that. At least, not for me.

Edited by Bladeprophet
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You also left out: the person who quits because his queue popped and he joined an in-progress game.


- The 5-0 Huttball match

- The early double or triple capped Civil War

- The 100% vs 10% Novare Coast

- Half a Voidstar because their team just got smoked


Sorry, but I'm not going to stick around and clean up someone else's mess.


I have won all of your examples and nothing feels better than to come late and actually make a difference. I'm also glad when early quitters are replaced with ppl who love a challenge (usually the good pvp'ers) and try to win against the odds.


You peeps complain that loosing with "bads" takes up too much of your time and don't understand that playing against the odds developes your own skills. But then again, many people play to get gear advantage and ignore skill. I can see why loosing is hurting you.

Edited by Krystaf
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So the idea is to punish us, and eventually make us quit PVPing altogether, and quite possibly the game itself.




Just what the game needs. Fewer players. Just what Bioware/EA needs fewer subs.


Please think before you post lunacy like this.


He never mentioned that, don't start a fight on forum.

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