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community after server merges- better or worse ?


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So i am on red eclipse server. Always was been.


Before server merges there was like 50 people on corrusant and it was easy to find a group.


Now after server merges there is like 120 people on corrusant and it is 3 time harder to find the group.


So my question is that from what that attitude comes from, I mean there is a huge number of people on corrusant and finding people to do some quest is harder then it was, even finding for 2 man quest, i was like more then 10 minutes.


On patch 1.2 when i was last online, ( took a break ), it took like 10 minutes to find people for 4 man, i can understand since you need someone to heal and it is harder to find someone.


But come on there is nearly twice that many people as before but it is harder to find people to do group quests with.


Anyone have thoughts on this, why only small number of people are doing the group quests ?




Would like to hear you thought on this,



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I'm on Drooga's Pleasure Barge, from the start, and I've noticed a significant increase in bad behavior since the merge. My ignore list was zero before the merge and is now growing. I don't jump to ignore either. This is my first MMO so I didn't know about ignore before the merge brought the jerks to the barge.


More to your question about groups: I tend to join rather than initiate and lately I am leery of joining a group only to find someone who doesn't play well with others. This weekend I was in two groups with two different absolute *****es, if I had been the group leader I would've kicked them out. So now I tend to respond to a lfg request only if it's taking that player a while to get a group. I've not responded even when I had the heroic on my quest list.


Help requests I still answer as those folks are hardly ever douche bags.


I play solely for entertainment so when players badger each other my entertainment is greatly reduced lately to the point I've considered either taking a break or just going back to console games. I'd like to group with just my guild but that can be difficult. Too bad there's no way filter out jerks.


Also, too bad there isn't a troll server. They could all go there, troll each other and have a merry old time and leave us nice fun people to our merry time.

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Also, too bad there isn't a troll server. They could all go there, troll each other and have a merry old time and leave us nice fun people to our merry time.


This. Aside from that rare troll I've noticed, Corellian Run has been great since I transferred!

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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We are contacting you to notify you that we have found your Star Wars™:The Old Republic™ account, DevinDazzle, to be in violation of our Terms of Service.


After completing an investigation of your Account, we have identified the following violation:


Character: Rhago

Server: The Red Eclipse

Violation: Harassment - Generally inappropriate-"**** off and die"


As this is the second violation, we must advise you that should you continue to violate our Terms of Service we will suspend your account for a minimum of 24 hours, during which time you will have your access to the game removed.


It is our goal to make the Star Wars™:The Old Republic™ experience as safe, secure and enjoyable as possible for all of our players. As such, we take any violations of our Terms of Service very seriously. Please ensure that you are familiar with our Terms of Service as repeated violations will result in permanent suspension or closure.


Our Terms of Service can be found here:


We appreciate your understanding in this matter.


If you feel you have received this warning in error, please contact us at swtoraccountdisputes@bioware.com.

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I was given notice about using the following phrase in chat: '**** off and die'.

This phrase was uttered upon one player stealing objective from under my nose while I am fighting mob, afterwards taunting me with whispers and laughing at other ppl in chat.

From my experiences with my juggernaut, guardian and shadow characters, I have gotten the feeling that ppl making this game fully know what the meaning of taunt is, so I think a warning might be a bit harsh for a mechanic that is incorporated in the game itself, this being taunting and receiving dmg for it.

Furthermore this mail mentions a first warning which I must honestly say I have no recollection of whatsoever.

So dear customerservice or complaint department or whoever receiving this mail, game mechanics and school holidays have everyone complaining about objectivestealing and ninja'ing, please don't warn decent ppl trying to play this game like it's intended, but look after these players making up the good part of this community.




Devin dazzle

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For me it has become so very much better after the merge. There was a good feeling on the old Peragus Mining Facility-server but the new one has great people and there are always someone to play with. So for me personally it has been great =)

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Much worse. There is way more competition for mission objectives and a great rise in ninja looters and other bad behavior. Whether solo or grouped, we often have to run around for some time hoping to find a respawned objective.
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I was given notice about using the following phrase in chat: '**** off and die'.

This phrase was uttered upon one player stealing objective from under my nose while I am fighting mob, afterwards taunting me with whispers and laughing at other ppl in chat.


Devin dazzle


So what's your point? You behaved badly, someone called you on it, you got an infraction.


I assume you're not five years old, but I'll say this anyhow. I don't care what anyone else did; it doesn't give you the right to act badly. So, someone was a jerk - did you help the situation by being a jerk right back at them? Or did you just add to the sum total of jerkiness on the server, and expose the people on it to language they were perfectly within their rights to report you for?


If some one taunts you, stick them on your Ignore list. That's what it is there for. If they annoy enough people, no one will group with them, and it'll suck to be them; at the very least, you'll never have to deal with them again.

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Much worse. There is way more competition for mission objectives and a great rise in ninja looters and other bad behavior. Whether solo or grouped, we often have to run around for some time hoping to find a respawned objective.


I am wondering what is causint this sudenly raise of bad players rise and what can we do to stop it

Edited by Sewerus
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it is a lot better now even with the transfers. having played head start when everyone was at the planets around the same time it was just beyond terrible. you couldn't harvest nor click on a quest update that you were clearing mobs at without some tool running up and getting it. most of these people moved on and left the game after the free month was up or just got stuck on lower level content. what we have now is nothing compared to what december was like.


right now you will still see this behavior at level 50 mostly in black hole when people are doing their dailies. i put these people on ignore and write down their guild name as well. no need to do a hm with such people.


personally i skip all h2 and h4 content as the rewards are not that great and i can level faster solo. if with a guildy we will do them but will not look for others very often. if need be i can come back at higher levels and solo the content to see what i missed story wise. this is the rule more and more now rather than the exception with the older community members playing alts. sadly it hurts newbies who are just starting to play the game.

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I came from trask ulgo the community was fine hardly any hassle or haters and I didn't have any trouble getting groups and good ones to on both faction sides.

After the transfer to The Prog. I am finding the empire faction side full of rude,immature,and no respect for others players.Logged in the other day and the general chat was full of vulgar language ect that with in seconds had added 4 players onto ignore.There are some nice players on the empire side but they seem far and few between.The rep side is better not as much of the language but as for respecting other players it still leaves a lot to be desired.

Finding groups isn't a problem but having ninja looters is and for the first time in 13 odd years I actually voted to kick one out of the group who kept on doing it (empire side).


I am not saying the whole community is bad ect but I am going by the general chat on both sides.I have grouped on both sides with some very nice players but I wish there were more of these guys.

I rolled my characters onto a RP server due to always finding the RP community was more mature and easy going and respectful to every one,only the RP players show this,but am sorry to say the rest in my experience on my new home don't and yes I don't RP ,but then I don't in LOTRO and am on a EU RP server and the community as a whole ie RP and non RP players is fantastic,maybe I was spoiled there :rolleyes: .It could be that BW don't manage the RP servers like turbine do I donno but this really can't carry on.


So over all experience of the transfer 4/10 :(

Edited by Avorniel
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I would have to respond that the mergers made it worse and not better:


1. Server lag spikes ruining Operations and PVP.


2. Server lag spikes make Daily's less fun.


3. Server lag spikes make us reboot or relog over and over attempting to fix the lag.


4. Sever lag contributes to frustration and does not make the game more fun watching a top end machine perform this bad on a game when on other games run fine.


5. More people means 48 guys waiting for a respawn of one (1) box to get at Black Hole daily's.

(Adding more channels like 1 to 3 does not really improve the problem as the same box is in all 3)


6. Cross server LFG would be better as the lag could be reduced, but BioWare abandoned this idea.

Edited by Metalmac
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I came from trask ulgo the community was fine hardly any hassle or haters and I didn't have any trouble getting groups and good ones to on both faction sides.

After the transfer to The Prog. I am finding the empire faction side full of rude,immature,and no respect for others players.Logged in the other day and the general chat was full of vulgar language ect that with in seconds had added 4 players onto ignore.There are some nice players on the empire side but they seem far and few between.The rep side is better not as much of the language but as for respecting other players it still leaves a lot to be desired.


That is interesting to read. I am a native Progenitor player and I can say that the overall level of friendliness, politeness, intelligence and so on has heavily decreased since we have Trask Ulgo players on our rep side. Although it got better during the last weeks. But the first days and weeks with Trask players was nearly outragous. As for the imp side, I don't know but seeing their behaviour in PvP and how they enjoy facerolling poor rep pugs with always the same geared up premades in normal warzones (and not going into ranked instead), I can imagine that the general chat must be terrible on the imp side.


Finding groups isn't a problem but having ninja looters is and for the first time in 13 odd years I actually voted to kick one out of the group who kept on doing it (empire side).


This I can confirm. I have had two or three cases of ninja looting since December. After the server merge, it happens to me daily (when I play alts or especially in the Black Hole area). As for queues: There are usually 150+ people on the fleet, however, the chat on rep side is full with people LFG because the group finder is not filled and PvP queues are still long. Better than before the merge, but if I compare how long it took with 50 people on the fleet and now with 150 people, I would really like to know what all the people do on the fleet.


I rolled my characters onto a RP server due to always finding the RP community was more mature and easy going and respectful to every one,only the RP players show this,but am sorry to say the rest in my experience on my new home don't


In this I strongly disagree again. The original Progenitor people have mostly proven to be quite mature compared to what I have seen and read elsewhere. It got worse when the Trask players came. On rep side again. The imps are very likely full of immature kids with self-confidence issues which would explain a lot.


To answer the thread starter's question: Overall, I think the situation is better now. I have also met really nice people from the other server and they make up for the douchebags we have to face in our warzones now. ;) Although, now when I think of it: Quite a bunch of Trask Ulgo PvPers think they know it all and have zero respect and when you play a bad warzone, they immediately flame you and tell you to read the forums for instructions, because you are a noob. No matter if you have valor 80, full WH gear etc. So, maybe the good and bad effects from the merge equal each other out at the end.

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I would have to respond that the mergers made it worse and not better:


1. Server lag spikes ruining Operations and PVP.


2. Server lag spikes make Daily's less fun.


3. Server lag spikes make us reboot or relog over and over attempting to fix the lag.


4. Sever lag contributes to frustration and does not make the game more fun watching a top end machine perform this bad on a game when on other games run fine.


5. More people means 48 guys waiting for a respawn of one (1) box to get at Black Hole daily's.

(Adding more channels like 1 to 3 does not really improve the problem as the same box is in all 3)


6. Cross server LFG would be better as the lag could be reduced, but BioWare abandoned this idea.


please explain to me how cross server lfg will help server lag.

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Much worse. There is way more competition for mission objectives and a great rise in ninja looters and other bad behavior. Whether solo or grouped, we often have to run around for some time hoping to find a respawned objective.


:^ this


And also

The other day a level 50 made it impossible for me to complete my objective because he kept killing the mobs i needed to kill.. i ran around for 30 mins to find a new mob and he followed me :rolleyes:

i was playing on my level 20 alt.

It didn't really bother me but come on... don't be an *** lol...

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Shien to Ebon Hawk.


Not sure the community is better, but at least there is a community!


I had the opportunity to randomly log during the middle of the day and there were some 300 people on fleet.


Come to think of it there was a gentleman on the chat spoiling the ending to each Class Story, but people were responding to him appropriately.


Much happier since the merger.


- Arcada

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As much as I understand that the server merges were necessary, they have not been very good for me.

I came to Drooga's from Darth Sion, which was actually a not-so-dead server.


But first the good things:


1. Warzone queues are moving fast - no more than 15 minute waits, even at 4 am in the morning.

2. It's easier to find people for heroic dailies and Torvix weekly

3. Open-world pvp exists again (sort of - some of it comes via AOE exploits of course)


Now the bad things:


1. Random disconnects to server screen

(Error 9000 and despite their best efforts, Bioware has no clue what causes it)

2. Lag spikes in warzones and ops

3. Fierce competition for dailies (kill and objective stealing are now standard procedure)

4. Groupfinder is horrible - I had one good experience and a string of bad ones, so I'm not using it anymore.

(afkers, underequipped people that want to be carried, trolls, quitters, loot-wh*res etc.)

5. Quality of warzones has gone downhill

(on Darth Sion, the same 30-40 pvp players were in the warzones everyday, but on Drooga's, warzones are now filled with undergeared PVE'ers farming the WH relic).

6. Due to mega-server anonymity, the exploiters have multiplied too.

7. General chat is now so appalling, I've turned it off completely.

(either political rants or homophobic/sexist/racist name calling - I used to have many friends and only 1 ignore but now I have few friends and 26 ignores).


So yes, the community after the merges has become much worse, but unfortunately that was to be expected. :(

Edited by Totaltrash
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