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Broken Promises or Unrealistic Expectations?


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Was re-reading an old thread today and a certain post made me chuckle out loud. Got me to thinking about how Bioware envisioned the game and how it ultimately ended up. I'll cite two examples that got me thinking about whether or not Bioware ended up tackling more than they could handle. What do you think?




I'll qoute the post here:


They said that endgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob. Umm... no check.


They said they knew the difference between sandbox and theme park and that they were going to find a happy medium between the two. NO CHECK. This is the most linear game ever.


They said the game wasn't overly instanced. Umm... other than Guild Wars this is the most instanced game ever.


They bragged about the billions of different customization options, totally obfuscating the fact that, in reality, your options are two genders, each with 4 human bodies with human faces, and different skin colors and hair styles.


They advertised how the consequences of your decisions were going to totally make this better than a SPRPG because there was no save button. Then they waffled and put in light-side / dark-side markers and the ability to escape-out and re-do any conversation if you don't like the outcome.


They said there were "huge open worlds that go on and on..." making it sound like the terrain was open rather than designed like a maze to hand-hold you from quest hub to quest hub.


They said being a "grey" player would be just as viable as being full light or full dark.


They said a lot of things that were either false or deceptive or got changed later.



I'll also include this zinger from a Gamastura interview with James Ohlen conducted after launch.



My favourite excerpts:


Current projections, he says, show enough success that BioWare is investing in the future and keeping the entire team of hundreds of people together.


"Unlike a lot of other game companies that, once they launch a game, downsize their teams radically, our plan is to keep the team together and continue to focus on building content."


Indeed, Ohlen says his experience has been that, once a game is finished, he always moved on to the next game right away, sometimes even before the game was done. But SWTOR will be different, he insists.


"There's no secret project currently being done in the Austin studio," reveals Ohlen. "We're very much focused on Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars for the foreseeable future."



Feel free to post similar examples and share your thoughts. Happy Hunting!

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I don't think it was ill intentioned. I think they were sequestered away making this so long as their sole focus that they lost all perspective on reality.


Their level of enthusiasm I think was genuine, but myopic. I think the old quote of "They just don't get it" to explain away issues that metasticized later only goes to show how out of touch with their customer base they actually were, in truth it seems that Bioware Devs were the ones who "just didn't get it".


Well they are getting it now in the form of pink slips and canceled subs.

Edited by Catsmeat
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A bit of both.


They certainly lied about some things. The whole thing about being heroic and that the game wouldn't be about all these players whacking on one boss is one that always stands out to me.


Then you have players that expected more from space game and we knew all along what it would be like and that it was a minor focus for them any ways.

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You people and your spamming 2 year old promo videos in multiple threads... Really having to reach now, and that's a good thing. You do realize that by scouring the bottom of a barrel that you're giving hope to the people you're trying to take it away from. Edited by GalacticKegger
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50-50% split. Dead on the middle.


Bioware lied through its teeth, while people expected this to be "The Second Coming".


Yeah pretty much, but I think "lied" is a strong word, I think a mature gamer would understand that the things you see (and hear) during development are always subject to change, however they did promise stuff very close to release that they really didn't deliver, open world pvp for example.

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A bit of both.


They certainly lied about some things. The whole thing about being heroic and that the game wouldn't be about all these players whacking on one boss is one that always stands out to me.


Then you have players that expected more from space game and we knew all along what it would be like and that it was a minor focus for them any ways.


Well to be fair I dont think they could think up alternatives that their focus groups liked. I remember hearing them talk about fighting waves of enemies in End game content, pitting 4 heroes against a big army or some such, way back in 08, and alot of the people flooded the forums with, We dont wanna fight trash mobs, SO LAME. Make it like WOW. WoW has heroic end game content!! etc etc.

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Yeah pretty much, but I think "lied" is a strong word, I think a mature gamer would understand that the things you see (and hear) during development are always subject to change, however they did promise stuff very close to release that they really didn't deliver, open world pvp for example.


Again to be the devil's advocate there IS open world pvp...it just sucks.

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Yeah pretty much, but I think "lied" is a strong word, I think a mature gamer would understand that the things you see (and hear) during development are always subject to change, however they did promise stuff very close to release that they really didn't deliver, open world pvp for example.


I think things are getting a bit ridicuous is the "ndgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob" like from 2008, are you kidding me?

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They lied just like they lied about transfers being optional, I am not suprised. Oh, and in before thread is locked or deleted to cover this all up.


DId they say Transfers were optional. Im sorry I was way too caught up in my server being filled with people to notice. XD

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Again to be the devil's advocate there IS open world pvp...it just sucks.


no offense but thats like saying, "you still have a grandma, she's just in the grave"


I don't know if it was on the side of the engine or the netcode, but this game cannot support a large ammount of player so world pvp on Ilum was pretty much shut down, now you can play devils advocate all you want and dont forget to send my regards to grandma

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DId they say Transfers were optional. Im sorry I was way too caught up in my server being filled with people to notice. XD


Yes, but I don't remember where they posted it and I am not really in the mood to find. :t_redface:

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You people and your spamming 2 year old promo videos in multiple threads... Really having to reach now, and that's a good thing. You do realize that by sc****** the bottom of a drying barrel that you're giving hope to the people you're trying to take it away from.


Its you, who is reaching. Sorry that you cannot stand the truth. Thousands of threads all saying the same thing. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers cancelling every quarter... Maybe BW didnt lie... you dont get it.

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I don't think it was ill intentioned. I think they were sequestered away making this so long as their sole focus that they lost all perspective on reality.


Their level of enthusiasm I think was genuine, but myopic. I think the old quote of "They just don't get it" to explain away issues that metasticized later only goes to show how out of touch with their customer base they actually were, in truth it seems that Bioware Devs were the ones who "just didn't get it".


Well they are getting it now in the form of pink slips and canceled subs.

I understand where you're coming from, but points like

"They said they knew the difference between sandbox and theme park and that they were going to find a happy medium between the two. NO CHECK. This is the most linear game ever."

shows outright lying.

This game makes WoW look 100% sandbox.

You have to understand that EA bought out Bioware, gutted the company, and replaced them with EA drones.

If this was the real Bioware, I'd say they were being over enthusiastic about their own game......

instead you have greedy EA employees....who will do anything for a buck.

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I think things are getting a bit ridicuous is the "ndgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob" like from 2008, are you kidding me?


To be fair, in EC, we beat on 2 giant mobs :D

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Its you, who is reaching. Sorry that you cannot stand the truth. Thousands of threads all saying the same thing. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers cancelling every quarter... Maybe BW didnt lie... you dont get it.
By the same 50 or so posters. Not quite the voice of the community. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Yes they did. They went out of their way to explain how this wasn't server merges too. lol


Awesome for someone like me who can't get all 16 characters on one destination server. On one of my original servers (on which my guild was placed pre-launch) I'm usually the only one on the server now lol. I can't transfer off either as my destination server is full. :(


Awesome and Briliant transfer scheme Bioware!


I am glad the forced move (where are my chars going btw?) and closure of my server somehow are not server merges too in some amazing Bioware scripted version of reality. Very disingenuous of them. Shame on you Bioware for lying to me and creating a situation where I have zero control of my characters and playing them is like being exiled to the north pole.

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DId they say Transfers were optional. Im sorry I was way too caught up in my server being filled with people to notice. XD


Yes, they did. They stated outright that they would not force people to transfer. I guess thats not really a lie though. They aren't truely forcing transfers... its just if you refuse to then they will move you themselves.:rolleyes:

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I think things are getting a bit ridicuous is the "ndgame combat wasn't going to revolve around a bunch of players beating on one giant mob" like from 2008, are you kidding me?


Perhaps. But when you keep repeating over the years how heroic is this and how heroic is that... and how some things aren`t possible because of Lore... only to come year 2011 and say "We got some good news and some bad news about Raids.. the good news is that they`re called Operations! The bad news is that you need 8 and 16 heroic people to beat down on a single Boss, because it isn`t heroic for 8 or 16 people to beat on one Boss" ; or making Pureblood or Miraluka available for sides that they aren`t normally available in the Lore... then it`s lying.


Why? Because their tune never changed since then. It was the same crap about feeling heroic and how they`ll bring MMO to a new level.

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